Computing and Its Developments CS 160: Computer Science Orientation

Computing and Its
CS 160: Computer Science Orientation
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
Charles Babbage
• “father of modern computer”
• 1800s London
• Developed Analytic Engine (1837)
• Calculations based on instructions fed to it
• Could be “programmed” to solve any math problem
July 24, 2016
Ada Lovelace
• First “computer programmer”
• Worked with Babbage on AE
• Predicted modern computers
Not just math
Other scientific use
• ADA language named in her honor
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
George Boole
• Developed Boolean algebra
• Logical AND, OR, NOT
• Mathematically prove true/false
• Foundation of digital logic circuits
July 24, 2016
Thomas Edison
• Among other things, invented the vacuum tube
• Basically an electronic switch
• Critical component of first electronic computers
July 24, 2016
Nikola Tesla
• Developed electronic logic gates
• Composed of small number of vacuum tubes
• Could execute logical operators AND, OR, NOT
• Key component to modern computer
July 24, 2016
Eccles and Jordan
• Developed flip-flop switching circuit
• Able to “flip flop” between stable states
• Always in one of two states
• Provides form of electronic storage (memory)
July 24, 2016
George Stibitz
• Developed combinational circuits
• Circuits built of combinations of logic gates
• Can be designed to execute logic and arithmetic
• E.g., full binary adder circuit
July 24, 2016
Claude Shannon
• “father of information theory”
• Showed that Boolean algebra could
be simulated electronically
• Fundamental concept of digital
• Also developed Fundamental
Theorem of Information Science
• all information can be represented using
only two symbols, 0 and 1
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
1st Generation Computers (1940s – mid 1950s)
• Electromechanical, programmable computers
• Z3
• Mark I
– developed by Zuse in Germany
– first computer project in USA
were very
July 24, 2016
1st Generation Computers (1940s – mid 1950s)
• Fully electronic computing devices
• ABC – “Atanasoff-Berry Computer” (1942)
First binary computer
First to use vacuum tubes for calculations and memory storage
Not general purpose, could only solve particular math problems
Size of a desk
July 24, 2016
1st Generation Computers (1940s – mid 1950s)
• Fully electronic computing devices
• Bombe and Colossus
Used to break German encryption in WWII
Fully electronic binary computer
Alan Turing involved w/ both
Helped win the WWII
July 24, 2016
1st Generation Computers (1940s – mid 1950s)
“Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer”
First fully electronic programmable computer
Developed to calculate ballistic trajectories
Had to be physically reprogrammed
• Move wires and change switches
• 18,000 vacuum tubes => unreliable
July 24, 2016
1st Generation Computers (1940s – mid 1950s)
• First store program computer
• Program stored in memory
• Based on von Neumann model of computer
• Still used today
July 24, 2016
1st Generation Computers (1940s – mid 1950s)
• Whirlwind
• First real-time computer (1951)
• Developed by Forrester
• Revolutionized memory storage
• Used magnetically charged,
doughnut-shaped ceramic ferrite
• Electronically magnetized in
clockwise or counter-clockwise
• Any bit (or core) of memory
could be written / read in same
amount of time (Random Access
July 24, 2016
1st Generation Computers (1940s – mid 1950s)
• Regarding commercialization:
“I think there is a market for maybe five
computer in the world”
- Watson, president of IBM
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
2nd Generation Computers (mid 1950s – mid 1960s)
• Transistor developed by Shockley, Bardeen, and Brattain
• Solid-state semiconductor device
• Replaced vacuum tubes
• Much more reliable, smaller
• Developed at Bell Labs
July 24, 2016
2nd Generation Computers (mid 1950s – mid 1960s)
• solid-state – composed of solid material
• Unlike vacuum tube (filled with air)
• semiconductor – electrical conductivity lies between insulators
and conductors
• Degree of conductivity can be electronically altered
July 24, 2016
2nd Generation Computers (mid 1950s – mid 1960s)
• First transistor based computer built at Univ. of Manchester
• Contained 0 vacuum tubes
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
High-Level Programming Languages
• Computers used to be extremely tedious to program
• Programmer had to write machine code (e.g., 1001 = add)
• Early 1950s, assembly language introduced
• Based on mnemonics (e.g., “add” instead of 1001)
• Still very tedious
• Each instruction performs simple task
• E.g., A = B + C requires several assembly language instructions
July 24, 2016
High-Level Programming Languages
• Grace Hopper conceived new type
of programming language
• Help “automate” task of programming
• Came up with idea of high-level
language and compiler
• Programmers could write
instructions more naturally
• High-level language translated into
machine code
• E.g., “A = B + C” as single instruction
July 24, 2016
High-Level Programming Languages
• IBM created FORTRAN in 1957
• “FORmula TRANslation”
• Other high-level languages developed around same time:
July 24, 2016
High-Level Programming Languages
• First programming “bug” was literally a bug
• A moth found inside the Mark II computer
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
3rd Generation Computers (mid 1960s - early 1970s)
• Development of integrated circuit (IC)
• Addressed problem of wiring all
transistors together
• IC
• Replace method of wiring together components
to printing “wiring” on a thin wafer of
semiconductor material
• => transistors and circuits were “integrated”
• Made circuits smaller and cheaper
July 24, 2016
3rd Generation Computers (mid 1960s - early 1970s)
• Space race sparked progress and innovation
• ICs needed for space travel
• Smaller, lighter, more reliable
• MIT engineers developed Apollo Guidance Computer on the
Saturn V rocket
• Weighed 70 lbs
• Only 2’ x 1’ x 6”
• Contained 4000 ICs
July 24, 2016
3rd Generation Computers (mid 1960s - early 1970s)
• Each IC was special purpose
• Needed to be used together in “chip set”
• Different chip set needed for each particular computing device
• Intel engineer Ted Hoff designed microprocessor
General purpose chip
Can be programmed to perform any task
Put all necessary circuits on single IC
First was Intel 4004 (1971)
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
Mainframe Computers
• Large
• Multiple cabinets
• Store CPUs, memory, tape drives, etc.
• Took up an entire room
July 24, 2016
• Seymour Cray is “father of supercomputing”
• Today’s PCs would be considered supercomputers in not so
distant past
July 24, 2016
• Stepping stone to personal computer
• E.g., Digital Equipment Corp (DEC)
• PDP-8
• PDP-11
• VAX-11
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
4th Generation Computers (early 1970s – Present)
• Microprocessor allowed hobbyists to build their own computer
• Before microprocessors, CPUs were too technically sophisticated
• Intel 8080 allowed people to build a PC around it
• 2 MHz speed
• 6,000 transistors
July 24, 2016
4th Generation Computers (early 1970s – Present)
• Altair 8800
• First commercially available microcomputer kit
• Box of levers and lights
• Very crude
July 24, 2016
Today’s Schedule
Programmable Computer
Electronic Computing
1st Generation
2nd Generation
High-Level Languages
3rd Generation
Mainframes, Supercomputers, Minicomputers
4th Generation
Personal Computers
July 24, 2016
Personal Computers (Microsoft)
• Gates and Allen created BASIC for new Altair system
• Mid 1980s, Microsoft produced MS-DOS
• Operating system for PCs
• 100% text-based
• Graphical user interface (GUI) did not come until 1990s
July 24, 2016
Personal Computers (Apple)
• Steve Jobs and Wozniak created Apple II
• Color graphics came standard
• Plugged into television
July 24, 2016
Personal Computers (IBM)
• IBM introduced IBM-PC in 1980s
• Sold over 65,000,000 PCs by mid 1980s!
July 24, 2016
Personal Computers (Apple)
• Apple Macintosh
• First successful computer with GUI interface and mouse
• Very famous television commercial during 1984 super bowl
July 24, 2016
• Computers are everywhere!!
• Great time to learn computer science!
July 24, 2016