TRANSMISSION SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSTRUCTION OF THE 765 / 400 kV KAPPA SUBSTATION AND LOOP-IN AND LOOP-OUT 400kV TRANSMISSION LINES Prepared By: July 2009 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 i TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 2 3 4 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 1 LEGAL CONTEXT .................................................................................... 1 PROJECT SCOPE .................................................................................... 3 PURPOSE OF THE EMP .......................................................................... 4 4.1 4.2 5 Substation Specifications ................................................................... 9 Loop-in and Loop-out power line Specifications ............................... 10 Major Activities of the Project ........................................................... 11 ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITIES....................................................... 13 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEASURES ................................ 14 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10 11 12 13 Responsibility Matrix .......................................................................... 7 Responsibilities .................................................................................. 7 ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION .................................................... 9 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................. 9 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 9 Objectives of the EMP ....................................................................... 5 Eskom and Contractor Commitment .................................................. 6 REPORTING STRUCTURE ...................................................................... 6 5.1 5.2 6 7 PAGE Objectives of the Specific Environmental Measures ......................... 15 Pre-construction / Planning Phase ................................................... 19 Construction Phase ......................................................................... 31 Operational Phase ........................................................................... 57 Decommissioning and Rehabilitation Phase .................................... 60 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ................... 70 SCHEDULING OF MANAGEMENT MEASURES ................................. 70 SITE DOCUMENTATION / MONITORING / REPORTING .................... 71 CONTACT DETAILS ............................................................................... 75 13.1 13.2 13.3 Environmental Contact Persons....................................................... 75 Emergency Numbers ....................................................................... 75 Oil Spill Contact Numbers ................................................................ 75 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 ii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Environmental Authorisation from the DEAT Appendix B: Eskom Pro Forma Appendix C: Substation layout Appendix D: Preliminary Profiles Appendix E: Transmission Environmental Policy (TPL41-435) Appendix F: Transmission Vegetation Management Guideline (TGL41-334) Appendix G: Transmission Line Towers and Line Construction (TRMSCAAC1) Appendix H: Transmission Bird Collision Prevention Guideline Appendix I: Transmission Waste Handling and Disposal Standard Appendix J: Transmission Bio-Remediation Register Appendix K: Transmission EMP Procedure Requirement Appendix L: Transmission Guideline on Operating and Maintenance of Containment Structures, Oil Traps and Dams Appendix M: Transmission Soil Erosion Assessment Table ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 1 1 INTRODUCTION The construction of substations can have a major impact on the environment and is regulated by legislation under the Environmental Conservation Act (ECA), 73 of 1989 and more recently under the amendments to the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), 107 of 1998. Numerous risks require consideration and management intervention during the construction phase of a development project. The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) serves to highlight and pre-empt those risks by introducing imperatives for implementation by construction personnel to protect, conserve and sustain the environment, associated with the construction phase of the project. The Construction, Operation and Rehabilitation EMP shall be included as part of the construction contractor’s contract and supplemented to Eskom’s specifications for the contract. Its contents are enforceable under the general conditions of contract and the contractor must ensure that the tender price submitted covers all the costs of compliance with it. It is a working document. It will be implemented throughout the duration of the project and necessarily amended as the responsibility for environmental management is fulfilled, adapted and amended again. This EMP has been compiled for the construction of the Kappa Substation as well as the loop in and loop out transmission power lines between the substation and the existing Droërrivier-Muldersvlei and Bucchus-Droerrivier lines. This EMP is compiled in accordance with the Integrated Environmental Management (IEM) philosophy [Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), 2004a]. This philosophy aims to achieve desirable balance between conservation and development (DEAT, 1992). 2 LEGAL CONTEXT The following must be provided before construction commences: An EMP for the construction, operational and decommissioning phases of the proposed Kappa Substation and the loop-in loop-out lines at the Platfontein site; A signed lease agreement for the area proposed to construct a substation at Platfontein. Site layout plan indicating the existing infrastructure and services on site; Potable water supply point; Electrical supply point; Sewerage connection point. A growing awareness of the environment and an increase in the number of environmental laws and regulations, present company management with a daunting task of monitoring, interpreting and implementing systems to produce a workable plan to comply with legal requirements. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 2 The table below was compiled to ensure that the party responsible for construction of the proposed substation and associated loop-in and loop-out transmission power lines is aware of their legal responsibilities and liabilities. Complying with these laws and regulations will minimise the risks in terms of legal, financial (claims) and rehabilitation costs. Non compliance to environmental law is a criminal offence and if prosecuted, Eskom will be liable for any environmental damage incurred. ACT NAME ACT NO NOTES/REMARKS National Environmental 107 of 1998 Management Act (NEMA) List of activities and competent authorities identified in terms of Sections 24 and 24D. Conservation of Agricultural 43 of 1983 Resources Act (CARA) Control of utilisation and protection of wetlands; soil conservation; control and prevention of veld fires; control of weeds and invader plants. Environment (ECA) Controls for the effective protection and utilisation of the environment, littering, waste disposal, noise and various other activities, which may have a detrimental effect on the environment: Conservation Act 73 of 1989 Waste management Application of waste disposal permit Fencing Act 31 of 1963 Prohibition of damage to a property owner’s gates and fences: Climbing or crawling over or through fences without permission Closing gates Veld and Forest Fires Act 101 of 1998 Prevention of unauthorised veld and forest fires Western Cape Nature Conservation 3 of 2000 Laws Amendment Act Endangered plants and wild animals. Protected fauna and flora. Occupational Health and Safety 85 of 1993 Act (OHSA) Prescribes health and safety measures necessary to adhere to for all construction workers. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 3 ACT NAME National Water Act (NWA) National Management: (NEMWA) 3 ACT NO NOTES/REMARKS 36 of 1998 All aspects relating to pollution of surface and ground water. Environmental 59 of 2009 Waste Act Management of waste during construction, operation and decommissioning of the project to protect the health and the environment by providing reasonable measures for the prevention of pollution and ecological degradation and for securing ecologically sustainable developments. PROJECT SCOPE Eskom propose to construct the 765 / 400 kV Kappa Substation to meet both foreseeable and future electricity demands. The footprint of the substation site is planned to be 1000m x 500m (150 ha) (as per the EIA). This includes the contractor’s yard and stockpile areas which will be temporary areas. The proposed site layout is provided in Figure 1 (Appendix C). Figure 1: Substation layout. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 4 The local environment is imprinted with features of ecological significance such as drainage lines in close proximity to the construction site and the site soils, geology and seismic activity have been given careful consideration. Mitigation measures and buffer zones to prevent and limit environmental damage are discussed in under the heading ecological sensitivities (Section 8 of this EMP). Similarly, the construction site itself may hold some archaeological significance and this will require special care particularly during the excavations of foundations. More detail on this aspect will be discussed under the heading Archaeology (Section 9). Site fauna is particularly diverse with game farms in the general vicinity and with riverine habitats, nearby site personnel will have to be educated on the importance of preserving this resource. In addition to the requirement of the NEMA and conditions of the DEAT’s Environmental Authorisation (EA), this document will also be used as a supplementary document to Eskom’s various guidelines and policies which will eventually form part of the agreement for construction. Transmission Environmental Policy (TPL41-435) ( Appendix E); Transmission Vegetation Management Guideline (TGL41-334) ( Appendix F); Transmission Line Towers and Line Construction (TRMSCAAC1) ( Appendix G); Transmission Bird Collision Prevention Guideline ( Appendix H); Transmission Waste Handling and Disposal Standard( Appendix I); Transmission Bio-Remediation Register( Appendix J); Transmission EMP Procedure Requirement( Appendix K); Transmission Guideline on Operating and Maintenance of Containment Structures, Oil Traps and Dams( Appendix L);; and Transmission Soil Erosion Assessment Table ( Appendix M). 4 PURPOSE OF THE EMP This EMP provides the management actions required to reduce environmental impacts generated during the construction, operation and decommissioning activities of the above mentioned project. This document serves as the environmental specification to Eskom personnel and outside contractors with regard to addressing environmental issues identified prior to construction. It is the responsibility of the Project Manager and Contractor to ensure compliance with all the environmental specifications in the document as well as the relevant legislation. This EMP should also ensure the sustainable management (to avoid and/or minimise environmental damage) of the environment whilst the construction is being undertaken. This EMP must be viewed as a contract document to which all Eskom employees and outside contractors involved in the proposed construction must be committed to. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 5 The primary objectives of the EMP are to: Describe actions that when implemented will achieve mitigation of environmental impacts, or result in improved management of activities thereby reducing the probability of impacts occurring; Define organisational and administrative arrangements for environmental management and monitoring of the work contract, including defining the responsibilities of staff and co-ordination, liaison and reporting procedures; Ensure that discussions are held with site supervision staff, regarding pro-active environmental management, such that potential problems can be identified and mitigation measures adopted prior to rehabilitation work being carried out; and Define procedures for environmental control, in the event of pollution (spillage) or similar events requiring action. Thus the aim of this EMP is to: Ensure that the team are familiar with the environmental procedures to be followed and comply with all the recommendations made within it; Ensure that a list of environmental representatives involved in the project are given to the construction team; Ensure that an environmental incident register is implemented and maintained to address environmental impacts; Ensure that the mitigatory measures are implemented to avoid and/or minimise the identified negative environmental impacts and to enhance the positive impact of the project on the environment; and Ensure that a monitoring programme is in place that tracks the effectiveness of the implemented mitigatory measures. 4.1 Objectives of the EMP The EMP has a long-term objective to ensure that: Appropriate environmental management measures and requirements are implemented from the start of the project; Precautions against damage and claims arising from damage are taken timeously; and The completion date of the contract is not delayed due to problems with landowners arising during the course of construction. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 6 4.2 Eskom and Contractor Commitment Eskom requires a commitment from the Eskom Project Manager and the Contractor on the following issues: To underwrite Eskom Transmission’s Environmental Policy (TPL41-435) at all times (refer to Appendix E). Ensure that environmental conditions that are stipulated in the EA are implemented; Resolve problems and claims arising from damage immediately to ensure a smooth flow of operations; To implement this EMP for the benefit of all involved; and To preserve the natural environment by limiting destructive actions on site. 5 REPORTING STRUCTURE ECO CM PM EA EM DEAT CECO ECO: Environmental Control Officer (Independent Appointment as per Environmental Authorisation) CM: Contract Manager (Eskom) CECO: Contractor person) PM: Project Manager (Eskom) EA: Environmental Advisor (Eskom) EM: Environmental Manager (Eskom) RA Relevant Authority (e.g. DEAT) Environmental ZITHOLELE CONSULTING Control Officer (Dedicated July 2009 10636 7 5.1 Responsibility Matrix FUNCTION NAME / CELL NUMBER RESPONSIBILITY Project Manager (PM) Eskom Name: Kentridge Makhanya Overall management of project and EMP implementation Cell: 0828799133 Site Supervisor/ Contract Manager (CM) Eskom Name: Environmental Control Officer (ECO) Name: liaison with Cell: Cell: Contractor (C) Oversees site works, Contractor, PM and ECO Name: Cell: Contractor Environmental Control Officer (CECO) Name: Tx Services Environmental Advisor (Eskom) Name: Cell: Implementation of EMP and liaison between Eskom, Contractor and Landowners/stakeholders Implementation and compliance with recommendations and conditions of the EMP, Appoints dedicated person (CECO) to work with ECO Implementation of EMP, landowner interaction, environmental control of site actions, re-mediation and rehabilitation work. Environmental advice and auditing Cell: 5.2 Responsibilities 5.2.1 Project Manager The primary responsibility of the Project Manager is to ensure that the Contractor complies with the environmental specifications in this document. In addition the Project Manager shall: Assume overall responsibility for the effective implementation and administration of the EMP; Ensure that the EMP is included in the Contractor’s contract; Ensure that the EMP is given to the applicable Construction Supervisor and the contractors; In conjunction with the Construction Supervisor; undertake regular inspections of the Contractor’s site as well as the installation works in order to check for compliance with the EMP in terms of ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 8 the specifications outlined in this document. Inspections shall take place at least once a week and copies of the monitoring checklist contained in the file (see Appendix B for copy of the audit inspection proforma); Keep a register of all incidents (spills, injuries, complaints, legal transgressions, etc) and other documentation related to the EMP; Report to the Senior Environmental Advisor (Kentridge Makhanya) any problems (or complaints) which cannot first be resolved in co-operation with the Contractor(s); Implement recommendations of possible audits; and Ensure that construction staff is trained in accordance with requirements of the EMP. 5.2.2 Construction Contractor The Contractor shall: Ensure that the environmental specifications of this document (including any revisions, additions or amendments) are effectively implemented. This includes the on-site implementation of steps to mitigate environmental impacts; Discuss implementation of and compliance with this document with staff at routine site meetings; Preserve the natural environment by limiting any destructive actions on site; Monitor environmental performance and conformance with the specifications contained in this document during site inspections; Report progress towards implementation of and non-conformances with this document at site meetings with the Project Manager; Ensure that suitable records are kept and that the appropriate documentation is available to the Project Manager; Advise the Project Manager of any incidents or emergencies on site, together with a record of action taken; Report and record all accidents and incidents resulting in injury or death; Take into consideration the legal rights of the individual Landowner, Communities and Eskom Regional staff; Ensure quality in all work done, technical and environmental; Resolve problems and claims arising from damage immediately to ensure a smooth flow of operations; Underwrite Eskom's Environmental Policy at all times, and Use this EMP for the benefit of all involved. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 9 6 ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION The construction of a substation and its associated loop-in and loop-out power lines can have a major impact on the environment. It is thus imperative that precautions be taken to ensure that environmental damage is minimised. This will take a concerted effort from the Contractor and proper planning is of the utmost importance. The Environmental Control Officer (ECO) shall convey the contents of this document and the conditions of the EA (RoD) from the DEAT and discuss the contents in detail with the Eskom Project Manager and Contractor at a pre-construction meeting. This formal induction training is a requirement of ISO 14001 and shall be done with all main and sub-contractors. Record of the training dates, people who attended and discussion points shall be kept by the ECO. Most landowners / adjacent landowners will see the construction period as interference with their daily activities. Good relations with adjacent landowners need to be established and sustained. Landowners shall therefore be informed timeously of the construction programme, duration and all interference with their daily activities. This will help in the solving of problems and the prevention thereof. Lines of communication should always be open to ensure proper and timeous reaction to complaints. The contact numbers of the ECO and CECO shall be made available to adjacent landowners. The reputation of both the Contractor and Eskom Transmission is at stake and should be the drive for everybody involved to perform in excellence. The Contractor (TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 section .4.1.2) shall take all the necessary precautions against damage. The Contractor shall ensure that the correct equipment for construction purposes is available at all times to ensure construction proceeds without unnecessary damage to the environment. Should alternative methods be used, it requires approval from site staff and the ECO must be informed to ensure environmental issues are addressed. The number of environmental audits required during the construction period shall be decided by the DEAT and attached as a condition in the and shall be in compliance with the recommendations of the EIA, RoD / EA and EMP (This Document). These will include internal audits and external by the DEAT or the ISO14001 auditors or combined audits. 7 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 7.1 Substation Specifications Substation Construction Area The proposed substation area is 150 ha. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 10 Associated Infrastructure The associated infrastructure to be constructed as part of the 765/400 kV Substation will comprise the following: 1 x 765/400kV 2000 MVA transformer; 765kV Bus Bar and a 400kV bus bar; The following feeders: 7.2 - 765kV feeder with line 400MVA line reactor bay to Gamma; - 765 kV feeder bay to Omega; - 400kV feeder bay to Droërrivier No1; - 400kV feeder bay to Droërrivier No2; - 400kV feeder bay to Bacchus No1; and - 400kV feeder bay to Muldersvlei. The following reactors: - 400kV 100MVAr bus bar reactor; - 765kV 400MVAr bus bar reactor; and - 765kV 400MVAr line reactor for the Gamma feeder. Loop-in and Loop-out power line Specifications Loop-in and Loop-out Power Line Length The length of the 400 kV loop-in and loop-out lines will be as follows: Droerrivier/Muldersvlei 400 kV loop-in and loop-out lines to be constructed (approximately 15 depending on the site); and Bacchus/Droerrivier 400 kV loop-in and loop-out lines to be constructed (approximately 15 km depending on the site). Construction of these loop-in and loop-out lines is limited to the width of the servitude in which the line will be constructed. The width of a 400kV power line is 55 metres. Tower Parameters Tower spacing : 350m. (Average) Tower height : 30m. (Average) ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 11 Conductor attachment height : 25m (Average) Conductor type : Triple dinosaur conductor. (Self-supporting suspension/strain tower) ` Tower Design The following types of towers will be used on this project: Self-supporting suspension tower. Self-supporting strain tower. 7.3 Major Activities of the Project The project involves 21 major activities of which 5 are completed already. These are: 1. Environmental Impact Study – Copy of an EA appended to this document; 2. Negotiations for the site –the preferred site belongs to Public Works 3. Land survey to determine the exact positioning of the substation and loop-in and loop-out lines and tower placement; 4. Profiling work to produce the profiles for construction; and ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 12 5. Pegging of site for substation and bend tower by a Transmission surveyor. The following activities are still to be performed: Substation: 1. Construction of access roads to the substation; 2. Removal of vegetation within the substation footprint; 3. Terracing and levelling of the site; 4. Erection of camp sites for the Contractors’ workforce; 5. Installation of foundations for infrastructure such as transformers, control building and radio tower; 6. Construction of bunds, oil holding dams (for emergency holding in the event of a oil spill) and fire safety walls; 7. Compaction and filling with gravel of the areas between foundations; 8. Creation of formal drainage and stormwater control measures; 9. Delivery and installation of transformers, towers, busbars and associated infrastructure; 10. Construction of control rooms and administrative infrastructure; 11. Construction of the loop-in and loop-out transmission lines to enter and leave the new substation; 12. Connection of the new infrastructure to the existing 400kV network; and 13. Construction of the perimeter fence and lighting. Loop-in and Loop out lines: 1. Servitude gate installation to facilitate access to the construction site; 2. Vegetation clearing to facilitate access, construction and the safe operation of the substation and the loop-in and loop-out lines; 3. Pegging of tower positions for construction by the contractor; 4. Transportation of equipment, materials and personnel to site and stores; 5. Terracing of site; 6. Installation of foundations for the towers; 7. Tower assembly and erection; 8. Conductor stringing and regulation; 9. Taking over the line from the contractor for commissioning; 10. Final inspection of the line, commissioning and hand over to the Grid Line and Servitude Manager for operation; 11. Rehabilitation of disturbed areas and sign; ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 13 12. Signing off. 13. Handing over of the transmission power line asset by all Landowners upon completion of the construction and rehabilitation; 14. Handing over and taking over of the servitude by the Grid Environmental Manager; and 15. Commissioning and Operation and maintenance of the line by the Grid. The final inspection for the release of the Contractors’ guarantee takes place one year after completion of the project. The substation and power lines will be in operation immediately after completion of the project and will stay operational for the lifetime of the plant. Subsequent maintenance and refurbishment can extend the operational lifetime of the plant substantially. 8 ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITIES As aforementioned there are various environmental sensitivities within the construction area (Figure 2 and Figure 3). Care must be taken during construction to avoid such areas demarcated. Figure 2: Rocky outcrops of the farm Platfontein. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 14 Figure 3: Platfontein Sensitivities and Exclusion Zones. 9 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MEASURES The management measures documented in each of the sections below have been compiled using the following information: 1.) Impact Assessment and mitigation measures documented in the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) which appends this EMP for the Kappa substation. 2.) The standard EMP utilised by Eskom: Transmission for the construction of substations and power lines. Each section is divided into the following sub-divisions: Pre-Construction Phase; Construction Phase; Operation Phase; and Rehabilitation Phase. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 15 9.1 Objectives of the Specific Environmental Measures The objectives of the specific environmental measures are summarised and stipulated in the following table. ACTIVITY OBJECTIVE Construction Initiation Site Establishment Demarcation and Ensure that all necessary legal obligations and contractual conditions have been met prior to the commencement with construction; To ensure that all role players and stakeholders are aware of the pending construction activities and have received timeous notice; and To ensure that power outages are avoided wherever possible during the construction phase. Project Area Ensure proper demarcation of the project area prior to construction; Ensure timely notice and negotiation with stakeholders in the event that access is required for construction purposes; and Ensure that all areas impacted during construction are rehabilitated to suitable levels. Gate Installation Properly installed gates to allow access to the servitude; Minimise damage to fences; and Limit access to Eskom and Contractor personnel with gate keys. Servicing Vehicles Prevention of pollution of the environment; and Minimise chances of transgression of the acts controlling pollution. Batching Plants To ensure all agreements with Landowners are adhered to; Prevention of complaints from stakeholders; and Successful rehabilitation of disturbed areas. Wet Areas Avoid impact to wet areas. Sanitation Ensure that proper sanitation is received. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 16 Water Management (including Storm water, Water Sources, Wet Areas) Hazardous Substance Spills Delivery of Materials Building, Civil’s and Structural Steel Work Circuit Breakers and Current Transformers Storm-water Management Effectively control storm water runoff to ensure that impacts to surface water resources are controlled, and erosion is not present on site; and The Contractor will compile a storm water management plan to ensure that clean water is safely diverted around the site and that dirty water is contained and correctly handled. River Crossings Minimise damage to river and stream embankments; No access roads through river and stream banks; Existing drifts and bridges may be used if the Landowner gives his consent; Such structures shall then be thoroughly examined for strength and durability before they are used; New drifts and bridges shall only be constructed with the approval of ESKOM and the Landowner and the direction of the ECO; All structures constructed for access purposes shall be properly designed and drawings of such structures shall be available for record purposes; “NO ENTRY” signs, in consultation with the ECO and landowner, must be strategically placed along rivers, streams and other natural or man made drainage lines which are in close proximity access routes, the servitude and pylons where contractors may take short cuts across/through them; The ECO must strictly monitor this aspect as well as the maintenance of these signs for which the Contractor is responsible; No visible erosion scars on embankments once construction is completed; and Minimise erosion of embankments and subsequent siltation of rivers, streams and dams. Wetlands No construction activities within designated wetland areas; All wetland areas shall be marked as no-go areas; and No pollution or effluent is to come in contact with wetland areas. To ensure that spills occurring during the construction phase are suitably managed to reduce potential impacts on the environment. To ensure that all sub-contractors responsible for delivering materials to site operate in an environmentally friendly manner whilst on site; and To ensure that the activities related to material deliveries do not create an unnecessary impact on the environment. To ensure that all construction related activities including civils, building erection, and structural steel work is undertaken in such a manner that it reduces unnecessary impact to the environment. See deliveries, site establishment, and civils and structural steel work; ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 17 Access Roads Waste Management Fire Prevention Designated Storage Areas Tower Positions Claims from Damages Erosion, Donga and River Crossings Flora Management (including Vegetation Clearing, General, and Herbicides) Minimise damage to existing access roads; Minimise damage to environment due to construction and rehabilitation of new access roads; and Minimise loss of topsoil and enhancement of erosion. To keep the construction site and servitude neat and clean; Disposal of rubble and refuse in an appropriate manner; Minimise litigation; Minimise neighbour complaints; and No visible concrete spillage on the servitude. No veld fires started by the Contractor’s work force; No claims from Landowners for damages due to veld fires; and No litigation. To ensure that cognisance is taken of proper storage of dangerous goods and hazardous materials so as to avoid accidents, spillage, and impacts to the environment. Minimise damage to topsoil and environment at tower positions; Successful rehabilitation of all damaged areas; and Prevention of erosion and no visible erosion scars three months after completion of the contract. Minimise complaints from Landowners; Prevent litigation due to outstanding claims by ensuring that claims are settled within one (1) month; and Successful completion of the contract and all Landowners signing release forms within 6 months of completion of the project. Minimise erosion damage on donga crossings and embankments. There should be no visible damage caused by construction activities; Minimise impeding the natural flow of water; and Minimise initiation of erosion through donga embankments. Minimise damage to vegetation by only clearing 8m or 6m vegetation along the centre of the servitude / site for access purposes. Keep servitude as natural looking as possible; No vegetation interfering with structures and statutory safety requirements upon completion of the contract; Minimise possibility of erosion due to removal of vegetation by not de-stumping vegetation on river and stream embankments; Minimise removal of plant material on river and stream embankments; Eradication of alien invader and densifier species that cause a fire hazard; No visible herbicide damage to the vegetation along the servitude one year after completion of the contract due to incorrect herbicide use; and No litigation due to unauthorised removal of vegetation. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 18 Fauna Management Interaction with adjacent landowners Noise / Working Hours Infrastructure Archaeology Residential Property Minimise disruption of farming activities (No stock losses where construction is underway); Minimise disturbance of animals; Minimise interruption of breeding patterns of birds; and No litigation concerning stock losses and animal deaths. Maintain good relations with Landowners; No delays in the project due to Landowner interference; and Landowner signs final release form. To ensure that noise is managed in such a manner that no complaints are received. Ensure that existing infrastructure is taken into account during planning and project execution to eliminate impacts to existing infrastructure; and To avoid claims and litigation. Protection of archaeological sites and land considered to be of cultural value; Protection of known sites against vandalism, destruction and theft; and The preservation and appropriate management of new archaeological finds should they be discovered during construction. Control actions and activities in close proximity to inhabited areas; No complaints from Landowners; and No damage to private property. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 19 9.2 Pre-construction / Planning Phase No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed LABOUR ISSUES Eskom must appoint a suitably qualified ECO, prior to the commencement of construction, to act on their behalf, on a daily basis, monitor project compliance with the conditions of EA, environmental legislation and the recommendations of the revised EMP. Eskom to notify the authorities of the appointment. Throughout Project Once off PM EA EM C 2 The ECO / CECO shall remain employed until all rehabilitation measures are completed and the site is handed over to Eskom by the contractor for operation. Throughout Project Daily PM EA EM C 3 The ECO shall maintain the following on site: A daily site diary; A non-conformance register; and A public complaint registers. Throughout Project Daily CECO ECO EA SM EM PM EM EA ECO EM EA ECO RA C EA EM ECO RA 1 CONSTRUCTION INITIATION The authorised activity / activities may not commence within thirty (30) days of the date of signature of the authorisation. Prior to authorisation Once off PM PM SM 2 Should Eskom be notified by the minister of a suspension of the authorisation pending appeal procedures, Eskom may not commence with the activities unless authorised by the minister in writing. Throughout Project PM PM SM 3 Fourteen (14) days written notice must be given to the Department prior to construction and prior to operation commencing. Commencement for the purposes of this condition includes site preparation. The notice must include the anticipated date on which the activity will commence. 14 days Throughout Project / as and when necessary Prior to CECO PM SM 1 construction and prior to operations ZITHOLELE CONSULTING RA C July 2009 10636 20 Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 4 No A copy of the authorisation must be kept at the property where the activity will be undertaken. The authorisation must be produced to any authorised official of the Department who requests to see it and must be made available for inspection by any employee or agent of the holder of the authorisation who works or undertake work at the property. Throughout Monthly Inspection CECO SM EA EM PM 5 No work shall commence until permission is granted from the Environmental Advisor from Transmission Services and acceptance of this EMP from DEAT has been obtained. Prior to commencem ent Once-off SM C PM ECO EA EM 6 A signed agreement statement must be obtained from the contractor indicating their willingness to comply to the EMP. Prior to commencem ent Once - off CECO C SM ECO PM EA EM CECO SM C ECO CECO C WASTE PREPARATIONS An independent waste contractor must be appointed to manage the removal and disposal of solid waste – both domestic and hazardous waste during the construction phase. 1 Prior to commencem ent Weekly HEALTH AND SAFETY PREPARATIONS 1 2 A Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) must be undertaken prior to the construction in order to addresses all aspects around Health and Safety Superintendent. This aspect must be undertaken in close liaison with the Health and Safety Officer. Prior to commencem ent Once-off C C C C A medical and safety induction must be prepared and must be undertaken prior to entering the site. Prior to entering the site Once-off C C C C ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 21 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed SITE ESTABLISHMENT AND DEMARCATION: CONSTRUCTION SITE PLANNING / LAYOUT The ECO must induct all contractors and personnel working on the project on the contents of this EMP and any penalties arising from noncompliance. Prior to commencem ent Once-off ECO ECO C ECO C ECO 2 The Contractor must provide Eskom with the intended actions and programme for site establishment including the site layout, demarcation for hazardous materials storage, soil stockpiles, stormwater management infrastructure, access points for deliveries and services, and the position of site offices and ablutions. Prior to commencem ent Once-off C C SM C SM C 3 All site establishment components must be positioned to Throughout Throughout C ECO CECO CM CECO SM CM SM CM ECO CECO 1 a) limit visual intrusion on neighbours and b) minimise the area disturbed. SITE ESTABLISHMENT AND DEMARCATION: GATE INSTALLATION, FENCING AND CONTROL PREPARATIONS The Contractor must erect and maintain permanent and/or temporary fences, type and location as directed by Eskom, prior to starting of other activities. Throughout Throughout C ECO CECO C ECO CECO CM CM 2 New gates will have to be constructed and the contractor must refer to the Fencing Act, Act no 31 of 1963. The ECO shall approve gate positions. Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 Gate installation shall be according to TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 section 4.5 as stated in the specifications. All gates installed in electrified fencing shall be re-electrified. Prior to construction Once -off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 1 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 22 Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 4 No All gate positions shall be three (3) metres off centre to allow for continued access when stringing takes place of the loop-in and loop-out lines. Prior to construction Once -off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 The Contractor will ensure that gates are always closed and locked after anyone has driven through it. Throughout Throughout C CECO C CECO CM CECO ECO PM SM C SITE ESTABLISHMENT AND DEMARCATION: BATCHING PLANT PREPARATION 1 2 The siting, if necessary, of batching plants shall be done in conjunction with the Eskom PM and the ECO. Refer to TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 section 4.8 for specifications regarding batching plants. Throughout construction Once -off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Suitable screening and containment must be in place to prevent windblown contamination from cement storage, mixing, loading and batching operations. PreConstruction Once-off C SM C SM ECO CECO CM SM SANITATION 1 2 The Contractor shall install mobile chemical toilets on site (TRMSCAAC1 REV 3). The Contractor camp shall have the necessary ablution facilities with chemical toilets where such facilities are not available at commencement of construction. Prior to the establishment of the ablution facilities, the Site Manager must approve an appropriate location. Throughout Weekly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM The Contractor will be responsible for the proper utilisation, maintenance and management of toilet, wash and waste facilities. Toilet facilities supplied by the contractor for the workers shall occur at a maximum ratio of 1 toilet per 15 workers. All temporary / portable toilets shall be secured to the ground to prevent them from toppling due to wind or any other cause. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 23 No 3 Mitigation Measures Duration The entrances to the ablution facilities shall be adequately screened from public view. The toilets must not be located within or near storm water channels, no-go areas and drainage lines. PreConstruction Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM CONTRACTORS CAMP PREPARATIONS The contractor’s camp shall be sited so as to cause the least amount of disturbance to adjacent landowners and fenced. PreConstruction Once-off C CECO SM ECO 2 Site establishment shall take place in an orderly manner and all amenities shall be installed at Camp sites before the main workforce move onto site. Preconstruction Monthly C CECO SM ECO 3 The Contractor shall supply a wastewater management system that will comply with legal requirements and be acceptable to Eskom. A septic tank system is recommended to ensure the best practice environmental solution (See Sanitation). PreConstruction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 Where Eskom facilities are available the Contractor shall make use of such facilities where it is viable. PreConstruction Once-off C CECO SM ECO 5 Should shower facilities be provided for the use by staff staying on site, the following controls must be imposed: Throughout Construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 1 Positioning of the shower, and specifically its discharge point, will be carried out to ensure that erosion and build up detergents does not occur; All discharge from the shower and other washing facilities must pass through a suitable filter to reduce the load of detergents to the environment; Filtered water discharge may thereafter be released to the environment, but mechanisms will be investigated to ensure that the water is evenly dispersed so as to lead to “greening up” and / or swampy conditions in one limited area; Use of the shower facilities must be limited to staff or authorised persons only. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 24 Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 6 No The cooking area will be positioned such that no vegetation is in close proximity thereto, including overhanging trees. An area around the cooking area will be cleared such that any escaping embers will not start an uncontrolled fire. PreConstruction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 7 Eating areas shall be designated and demarcated. Sufficient bins shall be present in this area for all waste material. Dish washing facilities shall be provided. These may be very basic, but a process must be put in place to ensure that wastewater is disposed of appropriately. PreConstruction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM WATER MANAGEMENT (INCLUDING STORM WATER, WATER SOURCES, WET AREAS) 1 2 3 C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Monthly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Should water be required from sources other than Eskom supply, a written agreement shall be reached between the Contractor and the stakeholder involved. Throughout When Project necessary Should the Contractor be required to use water from a natural source, the Contractor shall supply a method statement to that effect and obtain the required permits. No construction shall take place in the wetland, streams and other river courses without the necessary water license form the DWAF. Throughout Develop a clean and dirty water separation plan prior to construction. PreConstruction Project ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 25 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SPILLS 1 Ensure that suitable spill kits and absorption materials are purchased prior to commencement with construction, and stored suitably in places where there is a high risk of hazardous spills occurring. Throughout Project Buy new absorption materials when needed C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 A notice board with the contact details of the responsible party shall be displayed at the gate to the storage area. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 Workers are to be made aware of the health risks associated with any hazardous substances used, and shall be provided with appropriate PPE in case of spillages or accident. Prior to commencem ent and during construction Prior to commencem ent and during construction Prior to commenceme nt and during construction C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Prior to commenceme nt and during construction C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 5 Storage areas must display the required safety signs depicting “No smoking”, “No naked lights” and “Danger”. Containers must be clearly marked to indicate contents as well as safety requirements. A method statement for the storage of hazardous materials must be supplied at tender stage. DELIVERY OF MATERIALS 1 All drivers and operators of any vehicles must be appropriately licensed. Throughout construction Daily ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 26 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed EA EM PM EA EM PM ACCESS ROADS PREPARATION 1 2 3 The condition of existing access / private roads to be used shall be documented with photographs. Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO The Contractor shall properly mark all access roads. Markers shall show the direction of travel. Roads not to be used shall be marked with a “NO ENTRY “sign (refer also TRMSCAAC1 REV 3). Where required, speed limits shall be indicated and speed control measures applied on the roads. Water diversion berms shall be installed from the start of the contract in accordance with TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 Section 4.6. Where berms are installed on severe slopes the outflow shall be suitably stone pitched to prevent erosion from starting at the base of the berm. All structures shall be properly designed and drawings shall be available for reference purposes. Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO Prior to construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM WASTE MANAGEMENT PREPARATION A method statement is required from the Contractor that includes the layout of the camp, management of ablution facilities and waste management. The Contractor camp shall have the necessary ablution facilities with chemical toilets where such facilities are not available at commencement of construction (See Sanitation Section). Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 The Contractor shall provide a wastewater management system that will comply with legal requirements and be acceptable to Eskom (See Water Management Section). Prior to construction Weekly inspection C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 The Contractor will supply waste collection bins where such is not available and all solid waste collected shall be disposed of at a registered waste disposal facility. Throughout Project Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 1 2 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 27 No 5 Mitigation Measures Duration In the case where a registered waste site is not available close to the construction site, the Contractor will be responsible to provide a method statement with regard to waste management. Prior to construction Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM FIRE PREVENTION The Contractor must document a fire reduction management plan. The plan will identify sources of fire hazards, and appropriate management measures to reduce the identified risk. The relevant authority will be notified of such potential fire hazards. 1 Prior to commencem ent of construction Monthly TOWER POSITIONS (FOR LOOP-IN AND LOOP-OUT LINES) Refer to TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 SECTION 4.4.5 for specifications concerning tower sites on slopes. 1 Prior to construction Once-off CLAIMS FROM DAMAGES All anticipated damage shall be noted while access negotiations are underway. 1 Prior to construction Prior to construction EROSION, DONGA AND RIVER CROSSINGS Crossing of dongas and eroded areas shall be thoroughly planned in accordance with TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 Section 4.4.1. Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO 2 Water diversion berms shall be installed in consultation with the ECO at donga crossings to ensure runoff water on the site and servitude does not run into dongas and cause an erosion hazard. Prior to construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 3 All structures shall be properly designed and drawings shall be available for reference purposes. Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO 1 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM July 2009 10636 28 No 4 5 Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed “NO ENTRY” signs, in consultation with the ECO and landowner, must be strategically placed at eroded areas or dongas which are in close proximity access routes, the site, servitude and pylons where contractors may take short cuts across/through them. The ECO must strictly monitor this aspect as well as the maintenance of these signs for which the contractor is responsible. Mitigation Measures When necessary Duration When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM All structures constructed for access purposes shall be properly designed and drawings of such structures shall be available for record purposes. Prior to construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM FLORA MANAGEMENT (INCLUDING VEGETATION CLEARING, GENERAL AND HERBICIDES) Prior to construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 1 For the loop-in and loop-out lines vegetation clearing shall be done in accordance with ESKASABG3 REV 0 (Standard for bush clearance and maintenance within overhead power line servitudes) and the Vegetation Management Guideline. EA EM PM 2 The removal of all economically valuable trees or vegetation shall be negotiated with the Landowner before such vegetation is removed. Prior to construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 3 The Contractor will remove plants containing any diseases and /or pests from the site. Prior to construction Weekly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM FAUNA MANAGEMENT PREPARATION 1 Construction planning must be undertaken prior to construction to ensure that it does not conflict with breeding seasons. Prior to construction Once off C CECO SM ECO 2 The breeding sites of raptors and other wild bird species shall be taken into consideration during the planning of the construction programme. One week Once off C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM EA EM PM July 2009 10636 29 No Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 3 For the loop-in and loop-out transmission lines, it is recommended that sites on parallel existing lines be noted, i.e. tower numbers. This information must then be given to the avian specialist via the Environmental Advisor so that the necessary action can be taken timeously. Mitigation Measures When necessary Duration When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 Ensure that suitable fencing is erected prior to the commencement of construction to ensure that live stock does not wonder into dangerous areas. Throughout the project. Weekly inspections. C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM INTERACTION WITH ADJACENT LANDOWNERS 1 All negotiations for any reason shall be between Eskom, the landowners and the Contractor. When necessary Throughout C CECO SM ECO 2 Where required, relocation and decommissioning of dwellings may only take place once negotiations and compensations have been finalised by Eskom. When necessary When necessary C CECO SM ECO 3 No verbal agreements shall be made. All agreements shall be recorded properly and all parties shall co-sign the documentation. It is proposed that a photographic record of access roads be kept. Throughout the project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 It is required that the Contractor will supply one person to be the liaison officer (CECO) for the entire contract, and that this person shall be available to investigate all problems arising on the work site concerning adjacent landowners (TRMSCAAC1 REV 3). Throughout project Ongoing. C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ARCHAEOLOGY PREPARATION 1 Ensure all known sites of cultural, archaeological, and historical significance are demarcated on the site layout plan, and marked as nogo areas. Throughout Project Weekly Inspection ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 30 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM PRIVATE PROPERTY 1 All private residences will be demarcated on a site layout plan prior to construction phase commencing. Prior to construction Weekly Inspections ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 31 9.3 No Construction Phase Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed PM EM RA PM SM C LABOUR ISSUES 1 Ensure proper supervision of employees at all times. 2 Adhere and comply to the OHSA as approved by the Department of Labour; Throughout Throughout C SM ECO EA Throughout Throughout PM SM PM SM PM SM SITE DEMARCATION: GATE INSTALLATION, FENCING AND CONTROL All gates shall be fitted with locks and be kept locked at all times. Gates shall only be left open on request of the Landowner if he accepts partial responsibility for such gates in writing. Claims arising from gates left open shall be investigated and settled in full by the Contractor. Throughout Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 If any fencing interferes with the construction process, such fencing shall be deviated / protected until construction is completed. Damage to fences shall be minimised. When necessary When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 No one is to drive over cattle grid when there is no protection Throughout Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 1 CONSTRUCTION INITIATION 1 Construction activities are limited to the area as demarcated by EA / EM within the site identified for the construction of the substation and transmission lines. Throughout Project PreConstruction and during Construction ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 32 No 2 3 4 Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed Any area outside the construction area, required to facilitate access, construction activities, construction camps or material storage areas, where necessary, shall be negotiated with the affected stakeholders and written agreements shall be obtained. All construction areas shall be cleared in accordance with the EA / EM Standard for Bush clearing ESKASABG3. Any extra space to be cleared outside the construction area shall be negotiated and approved by EA / EM. All areas marked as no go areas inside the substation parameters shall be treated with the utmost care and responsibility. Adherence to the construction phase suggestions on seismic activity must be monitored. Throughout Project PreConstruction and during Construction Prior to Construction C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM PreConstruction and during Construction C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Throughout Project Throughout Project BATCHING PLANTS The batching plant area shall be operated in such a way as to prevent contaminated water to run off the site and polluting nearby streams or water bodies. To this effect diversion berms must be installed to direct all wastewater to a catchment area. Throughout Construction Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 Suitable screening and containment must be in place to prevent windblown contamination from cement storage, mixing, loading and batching operations. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 No batching / mixing activities may occur on the ground or any permeable surface. Throughout Project Throughout Project C SM SM ECO EA EM PM 1 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 33 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed SANITATION The Contractor shall ensure the provision and proper utilisation, maintenance and management of toilet, wash and waste facilities. Chemical toilets will be supplied by the Contractor. Toilet facilities supplied by the Contractor for the workers shall occur at a maximum ratio of 1 toilet per 15 workers. Staff shall be sensitised to the fact that they should use these toilets at all times. The Contractor shall inform all site staff to make use of supplied ablution facilities and under no circumstances shall indiscriminate excretion and urinating be allowed other than in supplied facilities. No use of the veld shall be allowed, as this always creates problems with the landowners and may lead to claims for problems with stock diseases. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 Ablution facilities must be maintained in a hygienic state and serviced regularly. Toilet paper will be provided. Toilet paper is also a source of littering, and the Contractor shall be forced to clean up any litter. Throughout Construction Daily C CECO SM ECO 3 The Contractor will ensure that no spillage occurs when the toilets are cleaned or emptied and that a licensed provider removes the contents from the site. Disposal of such waste is only acceptable at a licensed waste disposal facility. Throughout Construction Weekly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 1 WATER MANAGEMENT 1 2 Strict control shall be maintained and the ECO shall regularly inspect the abstraction point and methods used. The connection must be kept in neat working order without leaks or spillages. No construction is to take place in wetland areas. Including no vehicular traffic in wet areas / wetlands. The contractor shall use alternative methods of construction in such areas. Refer to TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 section 4.4.1 regarding access through seasonally wet areas. Throughout Project Every second day C CECO SM ECO Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM EA EM PM July 2009 10636 34 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed Berms should be created not closer than 10m from identified wetland areas, so as to ensure that no construction material and/or waste flow into wetland systems. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM The dust control measures, such as watering, chemical stabilisation and the reduction of surface wind speed through the use of windbreaks and source enclosures must be put in place during construction activities. Emission control efficiencies of 50% can readily be achieved through the implementation of effective watering programme for unpaved roads and material handling points. The Contractor shall supply appropriate dust suppression measures (as indicated above) particularly during prolonged periods of dry weather; During construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM During construction When necessary SM ECO The Contractor will avoid under high wind conditions or when a visible dust plume is present the excavation, handling and transport of erodible materials. If dust-damping measures are deemed inadequate, working will cease until wind speeds drop to an acceptable level. During construction When necessary C CECO C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM Storm water shall be channelled away from construction activities. The Contractor will compile a storm water management plan to ensure that clean water is safely diverted around the site, and that dirty water is contained and correctly handled. Prior to commencem ent of Construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 8 No storm water may be discharged into areas where construction is taking place. Storm water flowing from the footprint of the proposed development may not be contaminated by any substances, whether the substance is solid, liquid or vapour or any combination thereof. Prior to commencem ent of Construction Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 9 During construction, the Contractor will protect areas susceptible to erosion by installing necessary temporary and / or permanent drainage works as soon as possible and by taking suitable measures to prevent surface water concentration into nearby roadways or river courses. Silt trap mechanisms will be installed on all temporary storm water channels. These silt traps will be regularly checked and serviced as required. All excavated and filled slopes and stockpiles must be of a stable angle and capable of accommodating normal expected flows. Prior to commencem ent of Construction Throughout Construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Monthly C CECO SM ECO Throughout Construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 35 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 12 Stabilisation of cleared areas to prevent and control erosion will be actively managed. The method chosen (e.g. watering, planting, retaining structures, commercial anti-erosion compounds) will be selected according to specifics and ensure acceptable rehabilitation. Throughout Construction Monthly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 13 Traffic and movement over stabilised areas will be restricted. Any damage to stabilised areas will be repaired and maintained to the satisfaction of the Site Manager. Throughout Construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 14 Where erosion and sedimentation occur, rectification will be carried out in accordance with details specified by the Site Manager. Throughout Construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM The following must be ensured throughout construction: the clean and dirty water plan is implemented, areas to be impacted prior to commencement of the construction phase must be properly demarcated, safety procedures are implemented during blasting. Throughout Construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 1 Ensure that potential hazardous materials on site are identified and documented in a register. Throughout Project As new hazardous material arrive on site C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 Ensure that suitable spill kits and absorption materials are purchased prior to commencement with construction, and stored suitably in places where there is a high risk of hazardous spills occurring. Throughout Project Buy new absorption materials when needed C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 The storage areas shall not be utilised for accommodation purposes. The storage areas shall be kept tidy and the area shall be rehabilitated after use. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 A notice board with the contact details of the responsible party shall be displayed at the gate to the storage area. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM HAZARDOUS SPILLS ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 36 Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 5 No Workers are to be made aware of the health risks associated with any hazardous substances used, and shall be provided with appropriate PPE in case of spillages or accident. Prior to commencem ent and during construction Prior to commenceme nt and during construction C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 6 Storage areas must display the required safety signs depicting “No smoking”, “No naked lights” and “Danger”. Containers must be clearly marked to indicate contents as well as safety requirements. Prior to commencem ent and during construction Prior to commenceme nt and during construction C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 7 The method statement for the storage of hazardous materials, supplied at tender stage, must be adhered to. Throughout Project; Throughout Project; C CECO SM ECO 8 Refuelling must be confined to designated area. This area is underlain by an impermeable surface to ensure that no spillage of fuel occurs. Throughout Project; Throughout Project; C CECO SM ECO 9 Where possible and practical all maintenance of vehicles and equipment shall take place in the workshop area. Workshop areas shall be monitored for oil and fuel spills and such spills shall be cleaned and remediate to the satisfaction of the ECO. Throughout Construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM 10 All contaminated soil / yard stone shall be removed and be placed in containers. Contaminated material can be taken to one central point where bio-remediation can be done. Smaller spills can be treated on site. (ESKASABTO). A specialist Contractor shall be used for the bioremediation of contaminated soil where the required remediation material and expertise is not available on site. Throughout Project Whennecessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 11 All spills of hazardous substances must be reported to the ECO and appointed Transmission Engineering Environmental Advisor (Tx Key Performance Indicator requirement). Throughout Project Whennecessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 37 No Mitigation Measures Duration 12 Storage areas for oils, grease, chemicals and other hazardous materials must be placed in bunded areas on impermeable surfaces. Throughout Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 13 An inventory of any hazardous chemicals/substances (including that within equipment) must be kept on site, along with a description of possible ill effects and treatment of health-related afflictions resulting from accidents, shall be kept in the storage area as well as by the appropriate manager. These areas shall be securely fenced if required by the authorisation or relevant legislation. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 14 Gas welding cylinders and LPG cylinders shall be stored in a secure, well-ventilated area. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO 15 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of all hazardous substances have to be kept on file. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO 16 Emergency repairs done on machinery using hydrocarbons has a drip tray placed strategically to avoid incidental spillage. Drip trays are to be emptied daily and serviced when necessary. In particular drip trays are closely monitored during rain events to ensure that they do not overflow. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM 17 A recognised company (e.g. Waste Tech) remove all the old oil rags, filters etc and the old hazardous liquids go to a refinery. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Project HEAVY VEHICLES 1 No vehicles coming on sites must spill oil. All areas where heavy machinery has access must be rehabilitated in terms of soil pollution. Throughout construction Daily ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 38 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 2 No construction equipment, vehicles or unauthorised personnel will be allowed onto areas that have been re-vegetated. The Contractor will control the movement of all vehicles and machinery on the site. All vehicles and machinery will remain on designated areas, and these vehicles will be distributed so as not to cause undue traffic concentration. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 Ensure traffic safety measures (e.g. traffic warning signs, flagmen) are erected to the satisfaction of Eskom. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO 4 Attention must be paid to minimising disruption of the flow of traffic and reducing the danger to other road users and pedestrians. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM BUILDING, CIVILS AND STRUCTURAL STEELWORK 1 PPE must be used by all workers using hand tools during the excavations of foundations. During the mixing of concrete, concrete dust is emanated. Workers mixing concrete must wear PPE. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 Spoil must be evenly spread. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO 3 During the excavation of earth materials no oil leaks may occur from heavy vehicles. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO 5 Suitable screening and containment must be in place to prevent windblown contamination from cement storage, mixing, loading and batching operations. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM 6 No batching / mixing activities occur on the ground or any permeable surface. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM July 2009 10636 39 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 7 Cleaning of equipment and flushing of mixers occur in designated wash bays (with contaminated water collected, stored / contained) to ensure that contaminated wash water does not enter the environment. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 8 Ready mix trucks have to rinse off the delivery shoot at the designed wash bays prior to leaving the site. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO 9 Cement bags must not become litter after use. They must be disposed of in bins/skips (see Waste Management). Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO 10 All copper and steel off-cuts must be collected for recycling purposes. Throughout construction Daily C CECO SM ECO 11 During steel cutting and grinding, all old discs must be managed and must not become litter. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 12 During welding and brazing, all old welding rods must be managed and must not become litter. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM ACCESS ROADS 1 All speed limits shall be strictly adhered to at all times. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO 2 The Contractor will control the movement of all vehicles and machinery on the site. All vehicles and machinery will remain on designated routes, and these vehicles will be distributed so as not to cause undue traffic concentration. Throughout construction Throughout construction C CECO SM ECO 3 Where new access roads are constructed, this must be done in accordance with TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 Section 4.4. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM July 2009 10636 40 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 4 Implement dust control measures, such as dampening with water or use of specific chemicals will be implemented where necessary, as indicated by Eskom. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 Ensure traffic safety measures (e.g. traffic warning signs, flagmen) are erected to the satisfaction of Eskom. Throughout construction Throughout construction C CECO SM ECO 6 Water diversion berms shall be installed from the start of the contract in accordance with TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 Section 4.6; At the start of the contract When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 7 These berms shall be maintained at all times. Throughout construction Throughout construction C CECO SM ECO 8 No roads shall be constructed on slopes of more than 20% unless such roads follow contours. In such areas the Contractor shall only use existing roads or alternative methods of construction. The Contractor shall take such areas into consideration during the tender. Throughout construction Monthly inspection C CECO SM ECO 9 The installation of concrete pipes and drifts, to facilitate access, shall be at the discretion of the Environmental Control Officer on site. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 10 Any dangerous crossings shall be marked as such and where necessary, speed limits shall be enforced. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 11 All existing private access roads used for construction purposes, shall be maintained at all times to ensure that the local people have free access to and from their properties. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM WASTE MANAGEMENT 1 The Contractor shall dispose of all excess material on site in an appropriate manner and at a designated place. Throughout Project Throughout ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM July 2009 10636 41 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 2 All packaging material shall be removed from site and disposed of and not burned on site. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 3 No landfill may be used without the consent from the Landowner. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 4 Should a landfill be used for biodegradable materials only, the rubble shall be compacted and at least 1m of soil shall cover the waste material. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM 5 No hazardous material, e.g. oil or diesel fuel shall be disposed of in any unregistered waste site. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 6 No material shall be left on site that may harm man or animals. Throughout Project Weekly inspection C CECO SM ECO 7 Any broken insulators shall be removed and all shards picked up. Broken, damaged and unused nuts, bolts and washers shall be picked up and removed from site. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO 8 Surplus concrete may not be dumped indiscriminately on site, but shall be disposed of in designated areas as agreed by the Landowner. Concrete trucks shall not be washed on site after depositing concrete into foundations. Any spilled concrete shall be cleaned up immediately. Throughout Project Monthly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 9 Under no circumstances may solid waste be burned on site unless a suitable incinerator is available. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO 10 The Contractor shall dispose of all excess material on site in an appropriate manner and at a designated place. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM July 2009 10636 42 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 11 The Contractor must provide DEAT with proof of confirmation of service provision from waste service providers for the removal of wastes. Throughout Project As soon possible C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 12 A general site-wide litter clean up will occur at least once a week. Throughout Project Weekly C CECO SM ECO 13 Waste will be collected from site by a licensed contractor and removed to an appropriate waste disposal facility. All waste generated during construction and operation of the facility must be removed and disposed of at a waste facility permitted in terms of Section20 of the Environmental Conservation Act, 1989 (Act 73 of 1989) and be collected by a licensed contractor. Throughout Project Weekly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 14 Wherever possible, materials will be recycled via a “Greens waste site”. To this end, containers for glass, paper, metals, plastics, organic waste and hazardous wastes (e.g. oil rags, paint containers, thinners) will be provided in sufficient quantity on the site. Throughout Project Weekly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 15 Waste will be removed during off-peak traffic periods to minimise impacts on local traffic patterns. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO 16 Littering by the employees of the Contractor shall not be allowed (TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 section 4.1.2). Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO 17 All potentially hazardous and non-degradable waste shall be collected and removed to a registered waste site. Throughout Project Weekly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING as July 2009 10636 43 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed FIRE PREVENTION 1 Preferentially no fires will be lit on the site, if however required, fires must be limited to use for cooking and heating use only within a designated area. This area will be a suitable distance from fuel sources. A fire will be constantly monitored while present. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 In terms of the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Act (APPA), burning is not permitted for waste disposal. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 3 Suitable precautions will be taken (e.g. suitable fire extinguisher, welding curtains) when working with welding or grinding equipment near potential sources of combustion. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 4 All fire control mechanisms (fire fighting equipment) will be routinely inspected by a qualified investigator for efficacy thereof and be approved by local fire services. Such mechanisms will be present and accessible at all times. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 All staff on site will be made aware of general fire prevention and control methods, and the name of the responsible person to alert to the presence of a fire. Throughout Project Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 6 The Contractor will advise the relevant authority of a fire outside of a demarcated area as soon as it starts and will not wait until he can no longer control it. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM DEDICATED STORAGE AREAS 1 All hazardous substances shall be stored in suitable containers and storage areas shall be bunded. This includes all carbon substances like fuel and oil as well as herbicides and battery acid. During construction Daily ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 44 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 2 A register shall be kept on all substances and be available for inspection at all times. All hazardous substances shall be stored in suitable containers and storage areas shall be bunded. (see Waste Management). Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 Workshop areas shall be monitored for oil and fuel spills and such spills shall be cleaned and remediated to the satisfaction of the ECO. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO 4 In the event of a breakdown within the substation perimeter, any oil spills shall be cleaned up immediately and appropriate environmental investigations undertaken and recorded. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 5 The following shall apply: Throughout When SM ECO Project necessary C CECO EA EM PM Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM All contaminated soil shall be removed and be placed in containers. Contaminated soil can be taken to one central point at the Contractors campsite where bio-remediation can be done; Smaller spills can be treated on site; A specialist Contractor shall be used for the bio-remediation of contaminated soil; The area around the fuel storage drum at the Contractor’s campsite shall also be re-mediated upon completion of the contract; and 6 7 All oil spills must be reported to the ECO immediately. Under no circumstances shall such waste be buried on site indiscriminately. No maintenance or repair of construction vehicles or machinery will occur on site during the construction phase. Maintenance of equipment and vehicles will be preformed off-site at a suitably designed workshop. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 45 No Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 8 Movement of construction vehicles and machinery must be restricted to areas outside of sensitive areas on site. Mitigation Measures Throughout Project Duration Throughout C CECO SM ECO 9 The contractor will ensure that if emergency plant maintenance occurs on site, that there is no contamination of soil or vegetation (e.g. use of drip trays). Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 10 Drip trays will be provided for the stationary plant and for the “parked” plant. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 11 All vehicles and equipment will be kept in good working order and serviced regularly. Leaking equipment will be repaired immediately or removed from the site. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO 12 The relevant contractor must ensure that facilities for the collection of hydraulic and other vehicle oils are provided within the hard park area. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 13 The Contractor will ensure that delivery drivers are informed of all procedures and restrictions required by this document. Such drivers will be supervised during off-loading, by a person knowledgeable of the requirements. Throughout Project Monthly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 14 Materials will be appropriately secured to ensure safe passage between destinations. Loose loads (e.g. sand, stone chip, fine vegetation, refuse, paper and cement) will be covered. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 15 The Contractor will be responsible for any clean-up resulting from the failure by his employees or suppliers to properly secure transported materials. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 16 All material lay-down areas and stockpiles will be subject to the Site Manager’s approval. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM EA EM PM July 2009 10636 46 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 17 Imported fill / soil / sand materials will be free of weeds, litter and contaminants. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO 18 Storage areas will be roofed in an impervious material, with a suitable overhang or side cladding. Rainwater run-off will be channelled away from the storage area as required. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 19 Hydraulic fluids are stored in concrete lined surfaces with bund walls and must be designated in such a manner that any spillages can be contained and reclaimed without any impact on the surrounding environment. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 20 Hazardous and flammable substances must be stored and used in compliance with applicable regulations and safety instructions. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO 21 During servicing of vehicles or equipment, a suitable drip tray shall be used to prevent spills onto the soil, especially where emergency repairs are effected outside the workshop area. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 22 Leaking equipment shall be repaired immediately or be removed from site to facilitate repair. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO 23 Any leaking containers shall be repaired or removed from site. Throughout Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM TOWER POSITIONS 1 Disturbance of topsoil on tower sites with severe slopes shall be minimised at all costs. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 2 At any tower sites where conventional foundations are installed, the Contractor shall remove the topsoil separately and store it for later use during rehabilitation of such tower sites. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM EA EM PM July 2009 10636 47 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 3 The location and method for stockpiling of any material must be done in consultation with the ECO to ensure material is not stockpiled in drainage lines, the quality and make up of stockpiled material is not compromised, etc. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 During backfilling operations, the Contractor shall take care not to dump the topsoil in the bottom of the foundation and then put spoil on top of that. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 In accordance with the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, No 43 of 1983, slopes in excess of 2% must be contoured and slopes in excess of 12% must be terraced. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 6 Contour banks shall be spaced according to the slope on tower sites. The type of soil shall also be taken into consideration. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM CLAIMS FROM DAMAGES 1 All damage to Eskom property shall be recorded immediately. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 2 The Environmental Control Officer should also keep a photographic record of such damage. When necessary When necessary C CECO SM ECO 3 The date, time of damage, type of damage and reason for the damage shall be recorded in full to ensure the responsible party is held liable. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 4 All claims for damage should be directed to the Environmental Control Officer for appraisal. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 5 The Contractor shall be held liable for all unnecessary damage to Eskom property. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 48 No Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 6 A register shall be kept of all complaints from Landowners. Mitigation Measures Throughout construction Duration Monthly C CECO SM ECO 7 All claims shall be handled immediately to ensure timeous rectification / payment. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EROSION, DONGA AND RIVER CROSSINGS Water diversion berms shall be installed at donga crossings to ensure runoff water on the servitude does not run into dongas and cause an erosion hazard. Throughout construction 2 Suitable erosion containment structures shall be constructed at donga crossings where required and viable. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 3 No unplanned / improperly planned cutting of donga embankments is allowed as this leads to erosion and degradation of the environment. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO 4 No roads shall be cut through river and stream banks as this may lead to erosion causing siltation of streams and downstream dams. Prior to construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO 1 When necessary C CECO FLORA MANAGEMENT 1 Only an 8m or 6m strip may be cleared flush with the ground to allow vehicular passage during construction. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO 2 The removal of indigenous plant material from the site or surrounding and adjacent land will not be allowed. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO 3 No scalping shall be allowed on any part of the servitude road unless absolutely necessary. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM July 2009 10636 49 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 4 All trees and vegetation cleared from the site shall be cut into manageable lengths and neatly stacked at regular intervals along the perimeter of the site. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 No vegetation shall be pushed into heaps or left lying all over the site. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO 6 Vegetation clearing must be kept to a minimum. Removal of indigenous plant material from the site or surrounding and adjacent land will not be allowed; Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 7 Big trees with large root systems shall be cut manually and removed, as the use of a bulldozer will cause major damage to the soil when the root systems are removed. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 8 Stumps shall be treated with herbicide. Throughout construction Monthly C CECO SM ECO 9 Smaller vegetation can be flattened with a machine, but the blade should be kept above ground level to prevent scalping. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 10 No vegetation clearing in the form of de-stumping, scalping or uprooting shall be allowed on river and stream banks. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO 11 Trees and vegetation not interfering with the statutory clearance to the substation can be left. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO 12 Dense vegetation around the substation which could cause a fire hazard, particularly in the middle third of the span in the vicinity of the lowest point of the conductors, will be considered as a separate case. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM 13 Throughout Protected or endangered species of plants shall not be removed unless Throughout they are interfering with a structure. Where such species have to be construction removed due to interference with a structure, the necessary permission and permits shall be obtained from Provincial Nature Conservation. All protected species not to be removed must be clearly ZITHOLELE CONSULTING marked and such areas fenced off if required. C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM July 2009 10636 50 No 14 15 16 Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed The use of herbicides shall only be allowed after a proper investigation into the necessity, the type to be used, the long-term effects and the effectiveness of the agent. Eskom's approval for the use of herbicides is mandatory (Contact Dr. Eugene van Rensburg— Vegetation Management). Application shall be under the direct supervision of a qualified technician. All surplus herbicide shall be disposed of in accordance with the supplier’s specifications. Upon completion of construction and before handover, the site must be inspected and all vegetation interfering with the safe operation of the line shall be removed / cut down. Mitigation Measures Throughout construction Duration When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Throughout construction As soon possible C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM It is recommended that a contractor for vegetation clearing should comply with the following parameters: Throughout construction Throughout construction C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM as The contractor must have the necessary knowledge to be able to identify protected species as well as species not to interfering with the operation of the substation due to their height and growth rate; The contractor must also be able to identify declared weeds and alien species that can be totally eradicated; and The contractor must be in possession of a valid herbicide applicators license. 17 The removal of protected vegetation and medicinal plants during construction must be done in consultation with the provincial environmental authorities, and the appropriate post-construction rehabilitation measures must be implemented in cooperation with the provincial environmental authorities. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 51 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 18 Should Medicinal Plants be found on site, these plants will be demarcated and cordoned off. Once demarcated, they will be removed and translocated to an established nursery. The plants shall be removed by a certified Nursery with experience in the handling and translocation of plants. The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) shall be contacted for assistance should a certified nursery not be available. Only indigenous vegetation is to be used in any landscaping which may be undertaken. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Throughout construction Throughout SM ECO Should Protected or Endangered Plant Species be found on site they will be demarcated and cordoned off. An Ecological Management Plan will be compiled and submitted to DEAT for approval. The Ecological Management Plan will include the following: Throughout When SM ECO construction necessary C CECO C CECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 19 20 Ensure the persistence of the plant species; Include a monitoring programme that monitors the size, stage structure and vigour of the plant species population and threats to the population; Facilitate/augment natural ecological processes such as fire and herbivory; Provide for the habitat and life history needs of important pollinators; Minimise artificial edge effects (e.g. water runoff from developed areas and application of chemicals; Include an ongoing monitoring and eradication programme for nonindigenous/alien invasive species; Result in a Report to be submitted to the relevant authority (DEAT, etc) Where feasible, appropriate genetic material such as seeds or propagules of the plant species shall be collected and stored at a licensed facility. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 52 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 21 In situ conservation of Protected and Endangered Plant Species is preferable to ex situ conservation. Thus, should the plant species not “interfere” with the construction of a structure, the area surrounding the plant species shall be declared a “no-go” area and a buffer zone will be applied as outlined in the Ecological Management Plan. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 22 The Developer will be responsible for controlling all alien invasive species, as per the requirements of the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (CARA), during the contract and vegetation establishment period. All exotic trees will be identified and marked. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 23 Alien invasive plant material will be preferentially removed in entirety through mechanical means (e.g. chainsaw, bulldozer, handpulling of smaller specimens). Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 24 The exotic trees must be cut down leaving the stumps behind to ensure that soil erosion is prevented. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM The trees can be chipped on site and the chips seeded with indigenous vegetation and spread over the site to allow for re-growth and to reduce erosion potential. 25 Immediately after being cut, a herbicide solution must be applied to the exotic trees to ensure no further growth. The person applying the herbicide must have read and understood the instructions. Care must be taken that there is no spillage of solution in the wetland and that the correct protective equipment must be used. After being cut immediately Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 26 If plants are not removed in entirety but cut-back and systematically treated with approved herbicides, then remaining plant will be monitored for re-growth / re-establishment. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 27 Herbicides used must be approved by authorities and as per the supplier’s specifications. When necessary Once-off C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 53 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 28 Alien invasive plant material will not be stockpiled. All such material removed will be removed from the site and dumped at an approved disposal site. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 29 If during the establishment period any noxious or excessive weed growth occurs, such vegetation will be removed; and Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO 30 It is the developer’s responsibility to implement a monitoring programme that will be instituted to ensure that re-growth of alien invasive plants species does not occur, or that such re-growth is controlled. Throughout construction Monthly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM FAUNA MANAGEMENT 1 Ensure that suitable fencing is erected prior to the commencement of construction to ensure that live stock does not wonder into dangerous areas. Throughout the project. Weekly inspections. C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 The Contractor’s workforce will have to be very careful not to disturb the animals as this may lead to fatalities which will give rise to claims from the Landowners. Throughout the project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 The Contractor shall under no circumstances interfere with livestock without the Landowner being present. This includes the moving of livestock where they interfere with construction activities. Throughout the project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 Should the Contractors workforce obtain any livestock for eating purposes, they must be in possession of a written note from the Landowner. Throughout the project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 Should any new sites or nests be found, during the construction process, that was not known or have been noted before, each site shall be assessed for merit and the necessary precautions be taken to ensure the least disturbance. Throughout the project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 54 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM INTERACTION WITH ADJACENT LAND OWNERS The construction process will use the services of the Substation Environmental Monitoring / Management Committee (EMC) for communication with the land owners. Throughout the project 2 Any claims instituted by the Landowners shall be investigated and treated promptly. Unnecessary delays should be avoided at all costs. Throughout the project When necessary C CECO SM ECO 3 Landowners shall always be kept informed about any changes to the construction programme should they be involved. If Eskom’s ECO is not on site the CECO should keep the Landowners informed. Throughout the project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 4 The contact numbers of the Contractor’s ECO officer and the Eskom ECO shall be made available to the Landowners. Throughout the project Once-off C CECO SM ECO 5 All contact with the Landowners shall be courteous at all times. Throughout the project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 6 The rights of the Landowners shall be respected at all times and all staff shall be sensitised to the effect that we are working on private property. Throughout the project Throughout C CECO SM ECO Throughout C CECO SM ECO 1 When necessary C CECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM NOISE 1 In order to prevent noise impacts resulting from construction activities, working hours are to be limited to weekdays between 7h00 to 17h00. Throughout the project ZITHOLELE CONSULTING EA EM PM July 2009 10636 55 No Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed 1 If certain construction requires work outside of these hours, all adjacent landowners have to be informed prior to any construction outside of the specified hours commencing. Mitigation Measures When necessary Duration Once – off, if necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 If there are complaints about low frequency noise after the refurbishment, Eskom would have to get a noise expert to do measurements and recommend mitigation. When necessary If necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 No whistling or shouting will be permitted. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 No amplified music will be allowed on the site. The use of radios, tape recorders, compact disc players, television sets etc. will not be permitted unless at a level that does not serve as an intrusion to adjacent landowners. When necessary Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 The Contractor will take preventative measures (e.g. screening, muffling, timing, prenotification of affected parties) to minimise complaints regarding noise and vibration nuisance from sources such as power tools. When necessary Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM INFRASTRUCTURE 1 All existing private access roads used for construction purposes, shall be maintained at all times to ensure that the local people have free access to and from their properties. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 Speed limits shall be enforced in such areas and all drivers shall be sensitised to this effect. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 56 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed ARCHAEOLOGY 1 Should any heritage resources be exposed during excavation for the purpose of construction, construction in the vicinity of the finding must be stopped. When necessary Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 2 Should any heritage resources be exposed during excavation or be found on site, a registered heritage specialist must be called to site for inspection. When necessary Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 3 Should any heritage resources be exposed during excavation or be found on site, the relevant heritage resource agency must be informed about the finding. When necessary Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 Under no circumstances may any heritage material be destroyed or removed form site. Throughout Project Throughout C CECO SM ECO 5 Any destruction of a site can only be allowed once a permit is obtained and the site has been mapped and noted. The permit must be obtained from the National Heritage Resources Act, 1999 (Act No. 25 of 1999). When necessary When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM 6 Should remains and/or artefacts be discovered on the site during earthworks, all work will cease in the area affected and the Contractor will immediately inform the Construction Manager. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 7 Should any remains be found on site that is potentially human remains, the South African Police Service should also be contacted. Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 8 Known sites must be protected against vandalism, destruction and theft and new archaeological finds should these be discovered during operations must be preserved and managed Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 57 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed EA EM PM EA EM PM RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY 1 9.4 No The Contractor shall under no circumstances interfere with the property of adjacent landowners. Throughout project Weekly Inspections C CECO SM ECO If water is required, the Contractor shall negotiate with the relevant Landowner and a written agreement shall be drawn up (TRMSCAAC1 REV 3 section 4.8). Throughout Project Weekly Inspections C CECO SM ECO Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM Operational Phase Mitigation Measures Duration GATE CONTROL (LOOP IN AND LOOP OUT TRANSMISSION LINES) 1 Gates must be fitted with Eskom locks. Permanent Throughout C CECO SM ECO All gates shall be closed and locked after anyone has driven through it. During Project During Project C CECO SM ECO Such gates shall be clearly marked by painting the posts green. After Once off constructio n – once off C CECO SM ECO ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 58 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed DELIVERY OF MATERIALS 1 No oil/ petrol spills / leaks may occur. Throughout constructio n Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Pay attention to minimising disruption of the flow of traffic and reducing the danger to other road users and pedestrians. Throughout constructio n Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM SM ECO EA EM PM SM ECO EA EM PM BUILDING, CIVILS AND STRUCTURAL STEELWORK 1 During site take / hand over the site must be accepted from the Operations contractor and handed over. Once - off C CECO CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND TRANSFORMERS 1 During site take / hand over the site must be accepted from the contractor and handed over. On termination of constructio n Once-off WASTE MANAGEMENT 1 Refuse and Rubble Removal - Same as construction phase. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING C CECO July 2009 10636 59 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM INTERACTION WITH ADJACENT LANDOWNERS 1 The rights of the Landowners shall be respected at all times and all staff shall be sensitised to the effect that we are working on private property. Throughout the project Throughout REINSTATE INFRASTRUCTURE 1 Upon completion of the project all roads and infrastructure shall be repaired to their original state. Post constructio n Once-off ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 60 9.5 No Decommissioning and Rehabilitation Phase Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM BATCHING PLANTS 1 All areas used as batching areas must be rehabilitated once construction is completed. Should any claim be instituted against EA / EM, due to the actions of the Contractor at a batching plant site, EA / EM shall hold the Contractor fully responsible for the claim until such time that the Contractor can prove otherwise with the necessary documentation. Once Daily C Constructio CECO n is completed – during rehabilitati on SITE CAMP DECOMMISSIONING 2. All areas where site infrastructure or camp sites are established Once Daily must be rehabilitated to their original state in which they were Constructio found. n is completed – during rehabilitati on Prior to the removal of structures an assessment of the end land Once Daily use will be undertaken to determine which structures will be Constructio removed or retained. n is completed – during rehabilitati on Any specific requirements to prevent pollution during Prior to Once - off demolition of structures must be identified prior to the rehabilitati commencement of rehabilitation activities. on ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 61 No Mitigation Measures Duration Disposal requirements must be identified prior to the Prior to commencement of rehabilitation or structure removal. rehabilitati on Equipment, structures and building material that can be reused Prior to will be identified prior to the commencement of rehabilitation rehabilitati activities. on Scrap metal and equipment will be sold as scrap or disposed of Once at a suitably licensed facility. Constructio n is completed – during rehabilitati on Vegetation that was removed for the establishment of site Once infrastructure shall be reinstated into the area. Constructio n is completed – during rehabilitati on Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed Once - off C CECO SM ECO Once - off C CECO SM ECO When needed C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM Monthly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM As soon as C CECO possible during rehabilitation SM ECO EA EM PM WATER MANAGEMENT 1 Any runnels or erosion channels will be backfilled and compacted, and the areas restored to a proper condition. Throughout Constructio n ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 62 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Any damage to stabilised areas will be repaired and maintained to the satisfaction of the Site Manager. Throughout project As soon as C CECO possible during rehabilitation Accountable Contacted Informed SM ECO EA EM PM HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SPILLS 1 Ensure that rehabilitated areas are free of visible spills and are During suitably vegetated; rehabilitati on Whennecessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM The Contractor will ensure that all visible remains of concrete During are physically removed on completion of activities and disposed rehabilitati off in an acceptable manner; and on When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM The Contactor will ensure that stone chip, gravel excess, asphalt, During paving and bitumen waste products will be collected and rehabilitati removed to designated disposal areas. on During rehabilitation C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM SM ECO EA EM PM BUILDING, CIVILS AND STEELWORK 1 De-establish contractors yard / store : All waste, garbage, surplus During materials and oil spills to be cleared and site must be Rehabilitati rehabilitated. on When necessary ZITHOLELE CONSULTING C CECO July 2009 10636 63 No 2 Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Final inspection: During site inspection the site is to be cleared and rehabilitated back to its original state. During Rehabilitati on As soon as C CECO possible Accountable Contacted Informed SM ECO EA EM PM CIRCUIT BREAKERS AND TRANSFORMERS 1 2 Clear site: The site must be cleared and rehabilitated so that there is no damage to the surrounding infrastructure. Post constructio n Weekly C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM All personal must be suitably accredited to perform duties. Throughout Project Daily C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM All cable cut offs must be collected and sent for recycling. Throughout Project As soon as C CECO possible SM ECO EA EM PM All waste, garbage, scrap and oil spill must be disposed of (see Waste Management). The site must be cleared and rehabilitated. Throughout Project As soon as C CECO possible SM ECO EA EM PM Final Inspection: During site inspection the site is to be cleared and rehabilitated back to its original state. On termination of constructio n As soon as C CECO possible SM ECO EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 64 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed ACCESS ROADS 1 Berms must be repaired at the end of the contract. End of Once off contract C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Pay attention to minimising disruption of the flow of traffic and reducing the danger to other road users and pedestrians. Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Upon completion of the project all roads shall be repaired to their original state. End of Once off contract C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Throughout Project Ensure traffic safety measures (e.g. traffic warning signs, Throughout flagmen) are erected to the satisfaction of Eskom; Project Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM All speed limits shall be strictly adhered to at all times. Throughout Project C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Throughout Project TOWER POSITIONS 1 Re-seeding shall be done on disturbed areas as directed by the Environmental Control Officer. Post constructio n Other methods of rehabilitation of tower sites may also be used When at the discretion of the Environmental Control Officer, e.g. stone necessary pitching, logging, etc. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 65 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed A mixture of seed can be used provided the mixture is carefully Throughout Project When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM selected to ensure the following: Annual and perennial plants are chosen; Pioneer species are included; All the plants shall not be edible; Species chosen will grow in the area without many problems; Root systems must have a binding effect on the soil; and The final product should not cause an ecological imbalance in the area. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 66 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed To get the best results in a specific area, it is a good idea to Post constructio n When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM consult with a vegetation specialist or the local extension officer of the Dept of Agriculture. Seed distributors can also give valuable advice as to the mixtures and amount of seed necessary to seed a certain area. Re-seeding, as well as fencing in of badly damaged areas, will always be at the discretion of the Environmental Control Officer, unless specifically requested by a Landowner. FLORA MANAGEMENT 1 2 If disturbed areas are left to rehabilitate naturally, they must be frequently monitored and interventions put in place immediately should it become necessary. Special attention must be given to the potential for soil erosion and the associated environmental degradation. It is also essential to undertake alien vegetation control and management. Post construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM No construction equipment, vehicles or unauthorised personnel will be allowed onto areas that have been re-vegetated Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO Only persons / equipment required for maintenance thereof will be allowed to operate on such areas. Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO All plant material used on site will be obtained from an approved nursery; Post construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 67 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed The Contractor will remove plants containing any diseases and/or pests from the site; Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO Propagation of suitable indigenous vegetation that is quick to establish such as grasses, should be encouraged in areas where vegetation has been removed Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM On planting, there will be sufficient topsoil around each plant to prevent desiccation of the root system. Where plants are stored on site prior to planting they will be maintained to ensure that the root systems remain moist; and Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM Each plant brought onto site will be handled and packed in an approved manner for that species or variety, and that all necessary precautions are taken to ensure that the plants arrive on the site in a proper condition for successful growth (e.g. good plant specimens chosen, disease and/or pest free, potting material weed free, plants covered during transportation, containers in good condition); Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM All reseeding activities will be undertaken at the end of the dry season (middle to end September) to ensure optimal conditions for germination and rapid vegetation establishment; Throughout construction Wet Season C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM The seed mix will be approved by the ECO prior to seeding; Throughout construction Wet Season once-off C CECO SM ECO Seeds should be covered by use of an agricultural roller or similar mechanism; Throughout construction Throughout C CECO SM ECO Inspect rehabilitated area at three monthly intervals during the first and second growing season to determine the efficacy of rehabilitation measures; and Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 68 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed Take appropriate remedial action where vegetation establishment has not been successful or erosion is evident within the first two growing seasons. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 4 Alien Plant Control and Monitoring: Alien plant control will be conducted as described in Section 5.14, for a period of two years after the rehabilitation phase is completed. Throughout construction As prescribed C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM 5 Soil and Land Capability: All excess building material and rubble must be collected and disposed of at a suitably registered landfill site. Throughout construction As soon possible C CECO SM ECO Soils must be ripped to refusal or a minimum of 300mm prior to seeding. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO All areas must be profiled to tie in with adjacent terrain. Where necessary suitable soil must be imported to obtain a suitable profile. Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO Suitable erosion control measures must be installed in areas where erosion may occur; Throughout construction When necessary C CECO SM ECO Apply a suitable mixture of N:P:K fertiliser prior to seeding; Throughout construction As indicated C CECO SM ECO Harrow the disturbed areas after spreading the topsoil and fertilizer uniformly; Throughout construction As indicated C CECO SM ECO Rehabilitated and profiled areas must be inspected for erosion every three months for the first two years. Additional measures must be implemented to remediate erosion where it is observed. Throughout construction As indicated C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM EA EM PM ZITHOLELE CONSULTING as July 2009 10636 69 No Mitigation Measures Duration Frequency Responsibility Accountable Contacted Informed C CECO SM ECO EA EM PM INFRASTRUCTURE 1 Re-instate all roads and infrastructure: Upon completion of the project all roads and infrastructure shall be repaired to their original state. Post constructio n Once-off ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 70 10 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION Proper and continuous liaison between Eskom, the contractor and Landowners to ensure everyone is informed at all times. A physical access plan shall be compiled and the contractor shall adhere to this plan at all times. Proper planning when the physical access plan is drawn up by the Environmental Control Officer in conjunction with the Contractor shall be necessary to ensure access to all construction areas within the substation parameter. The adjacent landowners shall be informed of the starting date of construction as well as the phases in which the construction shall take place. The Contractor must adhere to all conditions of contract, including the EMP. Proper planning of the construction process to allow for disruptions due to rain and very wet conditions. Where existing private roads are in a bad state of repair, such roads’ condition shall be documented before they are used for construction purposes. If necessary, some repairs should be done to prevent damage to equipment and plant. All manmade structures shall be protected against damage at all times and any damage shall be rectified immediately. Proper site management and regular monitoring of site works. Proper documentation and record keeping of all complaints and actions taken. Regular site inspections and good control over the construction process throughout the construction period. Appointment of an Environmental Control Officer on behalf of the Contractor to implement this EMP as well as deal with all Landowner related matters. Environmental Audits to be carried out during and upon completion of construction (at least three for the project). The Contractor shall not be released from site until all Landowners have signed off the release documentation to the satisfaction of the Eskom Environmental Control Officer. 11 SCHEDULING OF MANAGEMENT MEASURES The construction programme, showing the upfront management measures and regular audit schedule must be drafted before construction commences. It should be noted that the majority of the management measures are incident and control based. Therefore they will not occur in a management schedule but will rather occur in day to day operations. Where such measures occur these will be inspected during the audit activities provided for in the schedule. ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 71 12 SITE DOCUMENTATION / MONITORING / REPORTING The standard Eskom site documentation shall be used to keep records on site, in addition all noncompliances to the EA will be reported to the Director: Environmental Impact Evaluation within 48 hours. All documents shall be kept on site and be available for monitoring and auditing purposes. Site inspections by an Environmental Audit Team may require access to this documentation for auditing purposes. The documentation shall be signed by all parties to ensure that such documents are legitimate. Regular monitoring of all site works by the ECO is imperative to ensure that all problems encountered are solved punctually and amicably. When the ECO is not available, the Contract Manager/Site Supervisor shall keep abreast of all works to ensure no problems arise. The following checklist shall be used as an environmental performance monitoring tool. Person responsible for this construction is: Name: Designation: Reporting of environmental performance, problems and priorities are as follows: ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 72 7.3 Environmental monitoring of the construction is according to the following schedule: The following negative environmental impacts have been identified at the site: Environmental Problem Location In order to solve (mitigate) the above identified negative environmental impacts, the following plan of action is to be implemented: Problem Solution Date to Completed ZITHOLELE CONSULTING be July 2009 10636 73 ZITHOLELE CONSULTING July 2009 10636 74 Monitoring (follow-up) plan of implemented remedial action: Person responsible for environmental monitoring (follow-up) is: Name: Designation: Substation Name: Monitoring Date: Problem Solution as implemented ZITHOLELE CONSULTING Has the solution worked, if not, what actions are still to be taken July 2009 10636 75 13 CONTACT DETAILS 13.1 Environmental Contact Persons 13.2 Kentridge Makhanya (Senior Environmental Advisor) E-mail Address: Tel: 011 800 2706 Fax: 086 664 0872 Emergency Numbers Eskom Control 0800 037566 Police 10111 13.3 Oil Spill Contact Numbers Adrian Francis Email Addresses: Tel: (021) 915 9279 Fax: 086 664 0872 75 July 2009 10636 1 Appendix A Environmental Authorisation from the DEAT July 2009 10636 2 Appendix B ESKOM Pro Forma July 2009 10636 3 PRO FORMA TO BE SIGNED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND ESKOM PROJECT MANAGER AT CONTRACT AWARD. CONTRACT NAME: ______________________________________________ CONTRACT NUMBER: ___________________________________________ ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE I ______________________ ON BEHALF OF _______________________(C) I ______________________ ON BEHALF OF ESKOM DECLARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. I AM AWARE THAT CONSTRUCTION, REFURBISHMENT OR UPGRADING ACTIVITIES CAN HAVE A MAJOR IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. 2. I UNDERTAKE ENVIRONMENTAL TO ADHERE TO MANAGEMENT THE REQUIREMENTS PROGRAMME OF AND THE THE ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION FROM DEAT. 3. I PLEDGE TO INFORM ALL SITE STAFF OF THEIR INVOLVEMENT IN MANAGING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ON SITE. 4. I COMMIT TO IMPLEMENTING ENVIRONMENTAL BEST PRACTISE ON SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE CONTRACT. SIGNED: _________________________ DATE: ___________________ CONTRACTOR SIGNED: _________________________ DATE: ___________________ ESKOM July 2009 10636 4 Questionnaire to be completed during tender stage by the contractor for evaluation purposes of the tender for line construction: PLEASE TICK APPROPRIATE BOX (All yes answers to be accompanied by proof) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - GENERAL 1-Is your company ISO 14001 certified? 2-Is your company ISO 14001 compliant? 3-Does your company have an Environmental Management System in place? 4-Does your company have an Environmental Policy? 5-Does your company have an Environmental Statement? 6-Is your company in the process of implementing any of the above? 7-Will you be using sub-contractors during the project? 8-Does any of your proposed sub-contractors comply with 1-6 above? ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME - GENERAL 1-Do you understand the contents and context of this EMP attached to the tender document? 2-Do you agree to implement the requirements of the EMP on site? 3-Did you allow for the appointment of a specific person to act as the dedicated Contractor Environmental Control Officer (CECO) on site for the duration of the contract? (As per responsibility matrix on page 5 of the EMP) 4-Is your CECO qualified to implement the EMP conditions? Please attach CV. 5-Have you allowed sufficient funds for implementing the requirements of the EMP? YES NO July 2009 10636 5 (Environmental management requirements) ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME - SPECIFIC 1-Did you supply a method statement for water supply? 2-Did you supply a method statement for solid waste management? 3-Did you allow for camp wastewater management? 4-Did you allow for camp and site ablution management? 5-Did you allow for hazardous (oil, fuel, herbicides, etc) substance management? 6-Did you allow for fire management on site and in the camp? 7-Did you allow for waste concrete management? 8-Did your tender allow for the installation of sealed and bunded fuel storage areas? 9-Did you allow for a contained workshop area for servicing of vehicles? 10-Did you allow for signage to mark access roads to the line? 11-Did you allow for emergency spill kits to address possible spills of fuel and oil to prevent pollution? 12-Does the vegetation-clearing contractor comply with section 4.7 of the EMP? 13-Did you allow for suitable means and materials to safeguard excavations? July 2009 10636 6 Appendix C Substation Layout July 2009 10636 7 Appendix D Preliminary Profiles July 2009 10636 8 Appendix E Transmission Environmental Policy (TPL41-435) July 2009 10636 9 Appendix F Transmission Vegetation Management Guideline (TGL41-334) July 2009 10636 10 Appendix G Transmission Line Towers and Line Construction (TRMSCAAC1) July 2009 10636 11 Appendix H Transmission Bird Collision Prevention Guideline July 2009 10636 12 Appendix I Transmission Waste Handling and Disposal Standard July 2009 10636 13 Appendix J Transmission Bio-Remediation Register July 2009 10636 14 Appendix K Transmission EMP Procedure Requirement July 2009 10636 15 Appendix L Transmission Guideline on Operating and Maintenance of Containment Structures, Oil Traps and Dams July 2009 10636 16 Appendix M Transmission Soil Erosion Assessment Table