REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS SYSTEM UTILIZING USE CASE MODELING Shweta Karnik B.E., Pune University, India, 2003 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in COMPUTER SCIENCE at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO FALL 2010 REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS SYSTEM UTILIZING USE CASE MODELING A Project by Shweta Karnik Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Ahmed Salem, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Meiliu Lu, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Shweta Karnik I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the Project. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Nikrouz Faroughi, Ph.D. Department of Computer Science iii ________________ Date Abstract of REQUIREMENTS ANALYSIS SYSTEM UTILIZING USE CASE MODELING by Shweta Karnik Requirements Analysis is a critical task in the software development lifecycle. System requirements must be accurately interpreted, captured and documented to ensure successful software product development and delivery. The aim of this project is to design a web-based tool to capture, document, track and analyze requirements using UML Use Case models. This system is designed to be intuitive, robust and is implemented in Ruby on Rails and MySQL database. _______________________, Committee Chair Ahmed Salem, Ph.D. _______________________ Date iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my Master project advisor, Dr. Ahmed Salem for his valuable guidance throughout my project. It was his unwavering support and constant encouragement at each step that helped me complete my project on time. I am thankful to my second reader Dr. Meiliu Lu who helped me in reviewing my project. My parents and my brother have always been very supportive and a constant source of inspiration for me. I would like to dedicate my Master project to my husband who has always stood by me in times of difficulty and motivated me to achieve my goal. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments ……………………………………………………………………………..v List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………………viii List of Figures …………………………………………………………………………………ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………...1 1.1 Background ………………………………………………………………………. . ..2 1.2 Overview…………………………………………………………………………......3 2. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ……………………………………………………………..5 2.1 Interface Requirements ………………………………………………………………5 2.1.1 User Interface …………………………………………………………….......5 2.1.2 Software Interface ……………………………………………………………5 2.1.3 Hardware and Operating System …………………………………………… 6 2.1.4 System Perspective …………………………………………………………..6 2.2 Functional Requirements ……………………………………………………………7 2.3 Use Case Diagram …………………………………………………………………..8 2.3.1 Use Case’s Basic Flow ……………………………………………………. 11 2.3.2 Use Case’s Alternate Flow …………………………………………………11 2.4 Users of the System …….………………………………………………………….12 2.5 System Constraints ………………………………………………………………...13 3. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN …………………………………………..14 3.1 Architecture ………………………………………………………………………..14 vi 3.2 Database Design …………………………………………………………………....16 3.3 System Flow Diagram ……………………………………………………………...24 3.4 Modules …………………………………………………………………………….26 3.4.1 Projects ……………………………………………………………………...26 3.4.2 Requirements ……………………………………………………………......27 3.4.3 Use Cases …………………………………………………………………...28 4. IMPLEMENTATION ……………………………………………………………………29 4.1 Overview of Technologies ………………………………………………………….29 4.2 User Interface ……………………………………………………………………....33 5. CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………………..44 References ……………………………………………………………………………………46 vii LIST OF TABLES Page Table 3.1 Projects …………………….……………………………………….18 Table 3.2 Requirements ……. …………….……………………………......... 19 Table 3.3 UpdateLogs …………….………………………..............................19 Table 3.4 DeleteLogs …………….…………………………………………...20 Table 3.5 Use Cases ….………….…………………………………………....21 Table 3.6 Basic Flow ….………….…………………………………………...21 Table 3.7 Alternate Flow ……….……….…………………………………… 22 Table 3.8 Issues ………….…………………………………………………... 23 Table 3.9 Actors ….……….…………………………………………............. 23 viii LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 2.1 Overview of System …….………………………………………….6 Figure 2.2 Use Case Diagram ……….………………………………………..10 Figure 2.3 Basic Flow ……….………………………………………………..11 Figure 2.4 Alternate Flow ………….…………………………………………12 Figure 3.1 Architecture ………………………………………………………15 Figure 3.2 Database Design ….……………………………………………….17 Figure 3.3 System Flow Diagram… ………………………………………….25 Figure 3.4 Projects Data Flow Diagram….…………………….……………..26 Figure 3.5 Requirements Data Flow Diagram……………….………………..27 Figure 3.6 Use Cases Data Flow Diagram…………..….…………………... ..28 Figure 4.1 Rails MVC Architecture Framework …………………………..…30 Figure 4.2 Projects List …………………………..…………………………...33 Figure 4.3 Create New Requirement …..……………………………………..34 Figure 4.4 Project Requirements …………………..…………………………35 Figure 4.5 Requirements Update Logs ………………….…………………...36 Figure 4.6 Requirements Delete Logs ………………………………………..37 Figure 4.7 Create New Use Case …………………………………………….38 Figure 4.8 List all Use Cases ………………………………………………...39 Figure 4.9 Add New Basic Flow ………………………………….................40 Figure 4.10 List Requirements Issues ………………………………………..41 ix Figure 4.11 Reports ………………………………………………………….42 Figure 4.12 Requirements Update Logs Report …………………………….42 x 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION “ No part of the delivery process is as critical, nor as difficult because requirements map the human world to the technological world.’’ - Jim Highsmith The software development lifecycle spans over many stages in the process of developing the final product. Jim Highsmith, an author and contributor of “Agile Project Management” correctly states in the phrase that the most crucial and intriguing part in any software development route is the requirements phase [1]. Requirements answer the question ‘What is to be achieved or produced?’ The challenging task of delivering software on time and on budget depends on the precise recognition, implementation and processing of requirements. The effective interpretation of user’s needs into technical jargon has never been a trivial process and has lead to project delays, expensive reworks and sometimes even a complete fiasco. As the efficient analysis and management of requirements becomes imperative, the techniques which can help drive this complex process also gain prominence. Use Cases is one such popular method used for describing interactions between users (actors) and the system [2]. Capturing requirements with Use Cases guarantees a seamless transition from problem to solution. Requirements and Use 2 Cases qualify as a great combination to identify and analyze the stakeholder’s needs in the path of software development lifecycle [3]. 1.1 Background Developing a software product without comprehending user needs will cause a project to fail. Gathering requirements from users and stakeholders always marks the beginning of any software project development. To make a project successful in achieving it’s objectives, these requirements need to be carefully interpreted, analyzed and managed. A Use Case driven modeling approach helps communicate requirements in a way that is understandable for technical as well as non-technical members using a single, common format. A Use Case defines a requirement, provides an introduction, and lists the different actors for a given scenario [4]. Use Case modeling reduces mistakes that can occur in translating user requirements for non-technical members into system requirements (for technical members). This approach also ensures that any miscommunications or misunderstandings between the stakeholders and the software group are resolved well before the development starts, avoiding expensive modifications later in the development lifecycle [5]. There are commercial tools available today like Requisite Pro, Analyst Pro, GatherSpace the benefits of which are web based access, customized reporting, user interfaces, integration with Microsoft Office Programs [6]. Usually these tools have complex features and users may need to spend a considerable amount of time to study the various aspects. Moreover, 3 these tools may or may not take Use Case relationships like include, extend, generalization into consideration. They offer a limited trial period which is insufficient to scrutinize and evaluate all of their features. These tools also come with an expensive price tag and are unaffordable for small projects [7]. The purpose here is to develop a affordable tool which minimizes or eliminates most of the shortcomings of other tools like cost, complexity and learning curve. 1.2 Overview Requirements Analysis System Utilizing Use Case Modeling a.k.a. RASUM is a web based open source tool to capture and analyze requirements using Use Case Modeling. RASUM aims at providing functionalities to gather, track and document requirements through a simple and intuitive user interface. RASUM makes the critical task of analyzing requirements much more simple and interactive. The key components of RASUM are: Project Management Capture and Analyze Requirements Use Cases Module Requirements Logs Requirements Issues Reports Generation 4 The Projects Management component deals with creating, updating or deleting projects. The Capture and Analyze Requirements component is associated with gathering and documenting requirements. Use Case module enables creation of Use Cases, Basic and Alternate flows. The details of changed or deleted requirements are recorded in the Requirements Logs component. The issues regarding any requirement can be added in the Requirements Issues module. RASUM allows report generation for the components described above in the Reports Generation module. RASUM adopts a systematic approach of modeling requirements with Use Cases with an objective to improve software quality thus resulting a better product. As Use Cases work in perfect harmony with requirements, RASUM utilizes Use Cases to explore the intricate details embedded in the requirements. Chapter 2 details the requirements of this project which will help to clearly understand the objectives of this application. 5 Chapter 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS The software development cycle of any product begins with requirements. Requirements are the tasks or services that a system should perform to accomplish the desired goals during the estimated time frame. Analyzing client requirements is a critical task and is the key to project success. RASUM is a robust tool to gather, track and analyze requirements using Use Case Modeling. 2.1 Interface Requirements This section lists the user, software and hardware interface requirements. 2.1.1 User Interface RASUM is a web based project which will have friendly user interface views. The views displayed to the user will have simple forms which the user can fill and update data. The user will be able to create new values that will be saved to the database. The user interface screens will be simple to navigate through and will contain tutorials about using this system along with other tutorials. 2.1.2 Software Interface Various software technologies will be used to develop an interface where the user can get information from the web server and can store updated or new data in the database. This 6 project will be a three tier web application. The software interface which will communicate between the three tiers will use the Ruby on Rails framework which will be based on Ruby programming language. 2.1.3 Hardware and Operating System This web based application will run on Windows platform with Webrick server. 2.1.4 System Perspective The figure 2.1 shows the general overview of this system. The different modules network with RASUM to establish the flow of data. When the user creates or updates data values through the user interface, the values are saved in the database. The application serves user requests as data is passed from database to the user views. Figure 2.1 Overview of System 7 2.2 Functional Requirements Functional requirements depict the main functionality of the system. This application should enable the user to do the following tasks: Create new projects by entering relevant project information. Validate user input data. Generate error messages if the data is invalid. Edit or delete existing projects. Upload requirements documents stored at an external location. Create new requirements for an existing project. Upload an external file if needed. Validate user input data. Since requirements are part of a project, verify whether the project for which the requirements are being added exists. If not generate an exception. Edit or delete the requirements. Record changed and deleted requirements Create new Use Cases for requirements. Add actors, preconditions and post conditions for the Use Cases. Validate user input data. Display error messages if data is invalid. Edit or delete any Use Case as required. Add Basic and Alternate flows to Use Cases. Export data to Excel Spreadsheet. Allow users to add requirements issues. Generate reports. 8 2.3 Use Case Diagram Figure 2.2 displays the Use Case model for RASUM. The description is as follows: UC1: Manage Projects This Use Case is associated with the projects module. It enables user to add, edit or delete projects, view requirements, validate data. UC2: Manage Requirements This Use Case manages client requirements providing functionalities for adding and updating requirements and listing requirements logs. UC3: Import Requirements User can import requirements from external files like MS-Word, Excel, CSV and PDF. UC4: Generate Requirements Logs When requirements are changed, the details are recorded in the requirements update logs. The delete logs store the details of the deleted requirements. UC5: Manage Use Cases User creates Use Cases and links them to the requirements. 9 UC6: Create Basic, Alternate Flows This Use Case describes the Basic and Alternate flows. A single Use Case can have more than one alternate flow. UC7: Add requirements issues Users are allowed to select a requirement and add requirements issues. The issues will contain the description for the issue, the person to whom the issue is assigned and the date by which the issue needs to be resolved. UC8: Export to Excel For convenience of the user, the data can be exported to an Excel Spreadsheet. 10 System Boundary UC1: Manage Projects UC2: Manage Requirements UC3: Import Requirements UC4: Generate Requirements Logs User UC5: Manage Use Cases UC6: Create Basic ,Alternate Flows UC7: Add requirements issues UC8: Export To Excel Figure 2.2 Use Case Diagram 11 2.3.1 Use Case’s Basic Flow Figure 2.3 shows the flow of data under normal situations. This assumes that there are no error conditions. The user input data is validated and then stored in the database. Such a flow is also called as ‘Basic Flow’ which describes how a system should perform under normal conditions. Figure 2.3 Basic Flow 2.3.2 Use Case’s Alternate Flow Figure 2.4 shows the flow of data in case of error conditions. The user enters data which is validated. Invalid data is not stored in the database and an error message is displayed to the user. The error conditions here may be of different types and may occur at any time 12 until the data is saved in the database. This is known as ‘Alternate Flow’ and it describes how a system reacts in erroneous situations. Figure 2.4 Alternate Flow 2.4 Users of the System The users of this tool are business analysts, software developers, stakeholders, system engineers, project managers, quality assurance engineers, software testers. For example a business analyst would find RASUM very useful for creating Use Cases to analyze requirements, a client would like to add new requirements or upload requirements files to a project, developers would want to view the Use Case flows to have a clear view of the requirements or add issues for a specific requirement, a project manager would like to know issues associated with requirements. RASUM aims to meet their requirements and provide support to users at various stages of development. 13 2.5 System Constraints RASUM does not adopt special methods to test the performance of this system especially on other operating systems. JavaScript needs to be enabled on the client machine to utilize all the features of this application. Chapter 3 describes the design phase of this project. It includes database design, different modules used by RASUM along with data flow diagrams for each module. 14 Chapter 3 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN The design phase emphasizes on the question, “How to accomplish the requirements”. Transition from requirements to design is no trivial task and involves meticulously designing the database and other aspects to make the design plan feasible. This chapter describes the design architecture of this system including the various modules used in this application. 3.1 Architecture This project is a web based application which uses Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework. Figure 3.1 shows MVC software architectural design structure. One of the main benefits of this technique is that the presentation layer logic is isolated from the business logic. The web browser is the user who sends request which is sent to the MVC layers and is processed. MVC segregates the application into three main elements, Model, View, Controller [8]. The Model basically represents the data and can also be connected with the business logic. It has the capability to interact directly with the database and retrieve data. The controller is more focused on processing the data obtained from the model before it can send it to the view. Controller networks with the model and the view and centralizes the access to data. The view is the presentation layer whose 15 primary task is to display the data to the user. It has minimal logic code which is concerned with the format of the output data. Figure 3.1 Architecture These are the sequence of steps beginning with user request to the final data output delivery through the MVC layers in RASUM: 1. When the browser requests data, the request is received by the web server Webrick 2. Webrick routes the data to the appropriate controller for further processing. 3. The controller parses user request and may contact the Model if data needs to be fetched from the database. 4. Model will retrieve the data from or save the data in the database, perform business logic and validate data. The records are then passed back to the controller 5. The controller gives the data to the view to be displayed as output. 6. The view has the code to display the information in the specified format. It is usually includes HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript. 16 3.2 Database Design This section shows the database design structure for RASUM. The database structure in figure 3.2 displays the tables used in RASUM application. The project table is the parent table and is linked to the Requirements and Use Case table with a one to many relationship. Use Case is connected to the Basic Flow table indicating that one Use Case can have one or more Basic flows. Similarly Use Case is related to the Alternate Flow table which signifies that one Use Case may have zero, one or more Alternate flows. Use Case also connects the Actors table. The Requirements table is bonded to the Issues, UpdateLogs and DeleteLogs tables with a one to may relationship. 17 Figure 3.2 Database Design Given below is the detailed description of all the tables in the database: 1. Projects Table 3.1 stores information about projects. Id is the unique number value for the project. The field name gives the name of the column in the table like Id, Name, Owner, Start date, End date. The fields Photo_file_name, Photo_content_type, Photo_file_size are the attributes of the uploaded file where file_name indicate the name of the file, content_type 18 indicates the type of file and file_size gives the file size. The constraints column shows that Id is the primary key constraint for the table. Field Name Description Id Gives the unique id of the project Gives the name of the project Gives the owner of the project Gives the start date of the project Gives the end date of the project Gives the description of the project Name of the attached file Name of content type Size of the attached file Name Owner Start_date End_date Description Photo_file_name Photo_content_type Photo_file_size Data Type Int Constraints Primary Key Varchar Varchar Date Date Text Varchar Varchar Int Table 3.1 Projects 2. Requirements The 3.2 table stores information about all the software requirements. Id is the unique number value for the requirement. The field name gives the name of the table columns like Id, Name, Priority, Status, Description. Project_Id is the foreign key which connects with the Projects table. The Constraint table indicates the primary key and foreign key constraints. This table has various data types like int, varchar and text. 19 Field Name Id Name Priority Status Project_Id Description Description DataType Constraints Gives the unique id of the software requirement Gives the name of the software requirement Gives the priority of the requirement Gives the status of the requirement Gives Id of the project Describes the software requirement Int Primary Key Varchar Varchar Varchar Int Text Foreign Key Table 3.2 Requirements 3. UpdateLogs Table Table 3.3 stores the logs of the requirements when they are updated. Id is the primary key for this table. The description field explains which specific requirement attribute is changed along with the old and new values. It also gives the date when the requirement was updated. Field Name Id Name Date Req_Id Req_Owner Description Description Gives the unique id of the changed record Name of the changed requirement Date of change Gives Id of the software requirement To which owner the requirement belongs to Details Table 3.3 UpdateLogs DataType Int Constraints Primary Key Varchar Date Int Foreign Key Varchar Text 20 4. DeleteLogs Table This table stores the information about all the requirements that were deleted. Id is the primary key constraint. It also gives the date when that specific requirement was deleted. The req_id serves as the foreign key connecting to the requirements table. The req_owner is the name of the owner to whom the requirement belongs. Field Name Id Name Date Req_Owner Req_Id Description Description Gives the unique id of the deleted record Name of the deleted requirement Date when requirement deleted To which owner the requirement belongs to Gives Id of the software requirement Details DataType Int Constraints Primary Key Varchar Date Varchar Int Foreign Key Text Table 3.4 DeleteLogs 5. Use Cases Table Table 3.5 stores all the data related to Use Cases. It has Id as the primary key. The field name is the column name of the table like Id, Name, Actors, Description, Precondition, Post condition. The Use Case table accepts uploaded files as attachments. The photo_file_name indicates the name of the file, photo_content_type indicates the type of file and photo_file_size is the file size. Project_Id and Req_Id are the foreign keys which connect to the parent tables Projects and Requirements. 21 Field Name Id DataType Int Project_Id Description Gives the unique id of the use case Gives the name of the use case Gives Id of the project Req_Id Id of the requirement Int Description Precondition Postcondition Actors Describes the use case Precondition Postcondition Gives the actors in the use case Name of the attached file Name of content type Size of the attached file Text Varchar Varchar Varchar Name Photo_file_name Photo_content_type Photo_file_size Constraints Primary Key Varchar Int Foreign Key Foreign Key Varchar Varchar Int Table 3.5 Use Cases 6. Basic Flow Table This table has all the Use Case Basic Flow data. Id is the primary key. Name is the name of the Basic Flow. Usecase_Id is the foreign key. The flow field gives the description of the entire flow. SystemResponse denotes the post condition. Field Name Id Name Usecase_Id Flow SystemResponse Description Gives the unique id of the basic flow Gives the name of the basic flow Id of use case to which it belongs Actual Flow System Response Table 3.6 Basic Flow DataType Int Constraints Primary Key Varchar Int Text Varchar Foreign Key 22 7. Alternate Flow Table This table has all the use case alternate flow data. Id is the unique id for the Alternate Flow. The flow field is the description of the entire alternate flow. SystemResponse is the post condition. Field Name Id Name Usecase_Id Flow SystemResponse Description Gives the unique id of the alternate flow Gives the name of the alternate flow Id of use case to which it belongs Actual Flow System Response DataType Int Constraints Primary Key Varchar Int Foreign Key Text Varchar Table 3.7 Alternate Flow 8. Issues Table Table 3.8 stores all the issues related to the requirements. Id is the primary key for this table. The Description field gives the details of the issue. The Assigned_to is the name of the person to whom the issue has been assigned. The Resolve_by is the date by which the issue needs to be resolved. The Req_Id serves as the foreign key connecting to the Requirements table. 23 Field Name Description DataType Id Gives the unique id of the issue Int Description Req_Id Describes the issue Id of requirement to which it belongs Varchar Int Assigned_to Name of the person assigned to solve it Date by which it needs to be solved Varchar Resolve_by Constrai nts Primary Key Foreign Key Date Table 3.8 Issues 9. Actors Table Table 3.9 stores all the information about the actors of the use case. Id is the primary key. Name is the name of the actor like student, cashier, engineer. Description field specifies the details and goals of the actor. Field Name Id Name Usecase_Id Description Description DataType Constraints Gives the unique id of the actor Name of the actor Id of use case to which it belongs Description about the actor Int Varchar Int Text Primary Key Table 3.9 Actors Foreign Key 24 3.3 System Flow Diagram Figure 3.3 shows the system flow diagram. This is level 1 data flow diagram and illustrates the flow of data through the various modules of RASUM. The circles represent the process and have inputs and outputs. The arrows depict the flow of data. The user is the entity who interacts with the modules at a point in time. The parallel lines signify the data store where data is saved to and retrieved from. In a typical scenario, the user creates a project, adds requirements to it, adds Use Case Actors, creates Use Cases, adds Basic and Alternate flows to the Use Cases. Any issues regarding a requirement are added by the user. All the new and updated data is validated before it can be saved in the data store. Data is fetched from the store as needed especially while generating reports. User selects the report to view and the report is displayed. The advantage of a data flow diagram is that it helps to visualize the system as whole and in individual parts during the initial stage of system design. It divides the entire system into different sub-systems which can be easily understood by all team members. These diagrams show the high level aspects of the system and also display an in-depth analysis of the system components. 25 Figure 3.3 System Flow Diagram 26 3.4 Modules This section describes the main modules of RASUM using data flow diagrams. 3.4.1 Projects This module handles the project management feature of RASUM. As seen in the data flow diagram below, the user can create new project, edit or delete existing projects. Project DB is the database in which the project data is stored. The new project details are first validated and then stored in the database. Similarly, the updated project data is validated and stored in the database. The user can import a requirements file which is stored at an external location. This can be done when the project is created or during the update phase. Error Message Project ID Project data Create new project User Project details Verify data Project data fields Edit project details Project ID & name Project name Delete project Updated project data Figure 3.4 Projects Data Flow Diagram Project DB 27 3.4.2 Requirements The requirements module deals with all the requirements for the projects. The user can add new requirements by providing all the details. Any attribute of the requirement can be updated, validated and stored in the database. The details of this changed data is recorded in the UpdateLogs database. This feature is helpful as it helps to keep track of all the changes made to the requirements. Error message SR ID SR details Create new SR User SR Data SR data fields Edit SR details SR ID & name Import file interface Error Message Verify data SR details Enter iteration number Delete SR Import SR file Updated SR data SR ID & name Updated SR data Record updated SR data fields SR ID,name and updated fields data SR Log DB Figure 3.5 Requirements Data Flow Diagram SR DB 28 3.4.3 Use Cases This module handles use case management related tasks. The user can manage use cases. The basic flow or alternate flow can be added to the use case either at the time when the use case is created or during the use case update stage. This gives flexibility to the user as the flows need not be added as soon as the use case is created but can be added at any point of time. All the user data is validated and in case of any error, a message is displayed. Create Basic Flow Use Case details Use Case ID & name Use Case ID & name Us User eC as Create Alternate Flow eI D Use case data fields Edit use case details Use case ID & name Create new use case Delete use case Use Case Data Verify data Use Case DB Use case details Associate use case with SR Use Case ID & name Updated use case data Error message Figure 3.6 Use Cases Data Flow Diagram Chapter 4 describes the implementation phase and the technology used for this system. 29 Chapter 4 IMPLEMENTATION The implementation phase of any project is an important step towards achieving the desired goals. It actually involves bringing the system design into action and making it work. This chapter describes the implementation details of RASUM including the various technologies used. RASUM uses Ruby on Rails framework, MySQL database, HTML, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets to develop the user interfaces, business logic and backend database. 4.1 Overview of Technologies Ruby on Rails Ruby is an object oriented language where everything is considered as an object. Rails is a framework for developing web applications. It is an open source technology utilized by web developers for quick implementation of web projects in an agile development methodology. Ruby on Rails is based on Ruby programming language which makes it simple and flexible to use, making the development easier with remarkable productivity. Rails emphasizes on the concept of convention over configuration. This means that Rails has certain defaults when developing web projects and if those rules are followed meticulously then it would prove effective to accomplish the tasks with fewer lines of 30 code. Ruby on Rails framework follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) approach which segregates the application into three closely knit layers. Model (Active Record ) : Model ties the data objects and database data forming the object-relational-mapping pattern. It interacts directly with the database and is designed to support the application tasks that are concerned with the database which includes retrieving data records and saving new or updated records. Figure 4.1 Rails MVC Architecture Framework Controller (Active Controller ) : Rails controller handles user request and decides what output has to be displayed. The controller can interact with the model to get data from database and send it back to the 31 view as output. It acts as a medium between the model and the view and also saves and updates user data to the model. View (ActionView) : View acts as the presentation layer and displays data to the user. It contains a mixture of Ruby and HTML code. The ActionView package encloses the functionality of View module. View has three main parts: Template, Layout and Pagination. Template is a file which specifies a fixed format and can easily used in other pages. This eliminates the need to recreate the format each time. Layout is concerned with the display of graphic elements like buttons, text boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes on the page. The layout can be placed horizontally, vertically or both. With pagination, the page can be divided into several pages. This is useful when amount of data is very large to be fitted on one page. MySQL Database: MySQL is an open source multi threaded SQL database management system. It is one of the most used databases in the industry today because of its simplicity, good transactional support, robust security features and fast performance. It displays strong scalability with a capacity to store massive amounts of data. MySQL is also compatible with most of the operating systems and can be obtained free of cost under the GNU license. 32 Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): It is the common computer language used for web design and development. HTML document is identified by the HTML tag. The HTML page can be divided into two main sections: HEAD and BODY. The page starts with the <HTML> tag and end with </HTML> tag. All web pages in RASUM require HTML tags for display on an internet browser. JavaScript: JavaScript is a scripting language which is used mostly for web development. This object oriented programming language adds extra functionality to the web pages making them more dynamic. All web browsers have built-in support for JavaScript, however to be able to run it, this feature must be enabled on the browser. JavaScript code and HTML can be in one file but usually it is better to have it in a separate file and referenced in the HTML code. The same JavaScript code can be reused in other pages by adding the tag into each of the pages. JavaScript is a powerful designed to handle dynamic tasks. 33 4.2 User Interface This section displays the user interface screens of RASUM. Figure 4.2 Projects List Projects Screen This is the Projects interface. When the user clicks on the ‘Projects’ tab, the user can view a list of all the projects. When a new project is to be added, user can enter the project name on the left sidebar under ‘Add new project name’. The search option helps to search any project by name or owner. A file of requirements can be attached to any projects and can be viewed with the ‘View Attachments’ link. By clicking on the project 34 name or id on the screen, the project edit page opens where user can update the project data. Figure 4.3 Create New Requirement Create New Requirement Screen Once the projects are created, requirements can added. User need to enter the name, priority, status, owner and description for the requirement. The project drop down list contains the names of all the projects. The user must select one project for which this requirement is being created. 35 A search feature is provided on the left side bar of the page. Here user can search any requirement by name, owner, status or priority. Figure 4.4 Project Requirements Project Requirements Screen One or more requirements can be added to a project. The 4.4 shows all the requirements for a project. The name of the project to which the requirements belong is displayed on the top. The ‘Edit’ link will display the page where user can update the requirement. The requirement can be deleted by clicking the ‘Destroy’ link. If the user wants to view the relevant logs for any requirement, the ‘View Logs’ link can be clicked. 36 Figure 4.5 Requirements Update Logs Requirements Update Logs Screen The figure 4.5 display all the update logs for requirements. When any field of a requirement is edited, the change made is recorded in the update log. The ‘Log Date’ column indicates the date when the requirement was updated. 37 Figure 4.6 Requirements Delete Logs Requirements Delete Logs Screen When a requirement is deleted, it can no longer be seen in the list of requirements. However sometimes it becomes necessary to keep a track of all the deleted requirements for future reference. The 4.6 shows a list of all the deleted requirements. If the user wants to view all the deleted requirements which belong to a specific user, the owner name can be entered in the search box. 38 Figure 4.7 Create New Use Case Create New Use Case Screen New Use Case can be created by entering all the relevant details like Use Case name, the requirement to which the Use Case belongs, actors, pre-conditions and post-conditions and description. A Use Case diagram can be attached to the record. The ‘Browse’ button will help the user to select the location where the file is located. The search box provides search functionality for the Use Case records. 39 Figure 4.8 List all Use Cases Use Cases List Figure 4.8 displays the list of Use Cases. The ‘Requirement Id’ and ‘Project Id’ indicates the requirement and project to which the Use Case belongs. The ‘View Flows’ link displays the Basic and Alternate Flows for that specific Use Case. The attached Use Case diagram can be viewed by clicking the ‘Attached Diagram’ link. 40 Figure 4.9 Add New Basic Flow Add New Basic Flow Screen This screen allows the user to add a new Basic Flow for a Use Case by filling the details like the flow name, the Use Case to which the flow belongs and description of the flow. The ‘Systemresponse’ field indicates the post-condition. The Basic Flows can be searched by name by using the search box. 41 Figure 4.10 List Requirements Issues List Requirements Issues Screen Users may have some problems regarding any requirement. In this case, they can add the issues for any specific requirement by utilizing the ‘Issues’ page. The figure 4.10 shows the list of issues for a requirement. The issue includes the issue name, the person to whom this issue is assigned and the date by which this issue is required to be solved. 42 Figure 4.11 Reports Figure 4.12 Requirements Update Logs Report 43 Reports Figure 4.11 shows the Reports page where user can select the report to view. Figure 4.12 displays the requirements update logs report. 44 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION RASUM is a web based open source tool which captures and analyzes requirements utilizing Use Case modeling. Analysis is done with the help of Use Case flows where the Basic Flow examines the flow of data under normal situations and the Alternate Flow evaluates flow of data with error conditions. RASUM has the capability to upload Use Case diagrams from external files which provides a visual perspective of Use Cases. RASUM can export data to Excel to be further scrutinized. In addition to requirements analysis, RASUM also provides effective tracking of requirements by recording the details of changed or deleted requirements. It also allows users to add issues regarding requirements. Through it’s Project Management feature, users can upload initial or intermediate requirements from external file formats such as MS-Word, Excel, PDF, CSV. RASUM generates dynamic reports for various components like projects, requirements, Use Cases, issues and requirements logs. RASUM is better suited for small to medium scale projects but does not perform well for large or complex projects. RASUM does not provide an internal communication system between the users. Further work can be done on RASUM which can eliminate the above shortcomings. RASUM can use other UML diagrams like sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, 45 collaboration diagrams for further analysis of requirements. Another feature that might be added to enhance the tool is the ability to design test cases based on the Use Case Models. A requirements issues tracking feature can be included in RASUM which can track all the resolved issues and can display alert messages if issues are not solved by due date. Additional features such as automatic Use Case diagrams generation can be also added to RASUM. 46 REFERENCES 1] “Requirements Proverbs” . [Online]. Available 2] “Using Use Cases for Requirements Capture” . [Online]. Available 3] “Effective Requirement & Use Case Management For Software Development”. [Online]. Available 4] “Defining Use Cases”. [Online]. Available c.sar.doc/wpc_tsk_arc_definingusecases.html 5] “Essentials of Software Engineering” by Frank Tsui Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning, Publishing Date: December 15, 2009 Print ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-8534-5 6] “Requirements Management Tool”. [Online]. Available 7] “Automating Requirements Management”. [Online]. Available 8] “ Rails MVC Architecture”. [Online]. Available