Satellite accounting Herman Smith UNSD 10

Satellite accounting
Herman Smith
10th Meeting of the Advisory Expert
Group on National Accounts
13-15 April 2016, Paris
Increasing number of initiatives to measure the
contributions of specific fields of interest to
economic activity as satellite systems of the SNA
The AEG and ISWGNA have a clear role to play in
the development of guideline documents, for
example, to:
ensure compliance and consistency with the 2008 SNA
address conceptual and practical issues that relate to the
consider the implementation of satellite accounts as part
of an integrated statistics approach
encourage the use of a satellite account framework to
address specific topics of interest
Current initiative in satellite accounts
Cultural Satellite Accounts (UNESCO)
Aviation Satellite Accounts (ICAO)
Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions (UNSD)
System of Extended International and Global
Accounts (UNSD)
Guide on Measuring Human Capital (ECE)
Cultural Satellite Accounts (UNESCO)
Built on the work of the regional organization Convenio Andres
Bello (CAB) and country experience
Objective to develop a standard for the cultural satellite accounts
(CSA) which measures the economic contribution of culture and
cultural industries
An expert group meeting was organised by UNESCO from 4-6
Nov 2015 in Canada to discuss national and regional
experiences on the compilation of CSA, to study the feasibility of
developing international instrument on CSA, and to identify the
steps for the development of an international standard on CSA
Initial draft for review by a Technical Advisory Group in 2017 and
final draft for adoption by the UNSC in 2019
As part of the preparation process, the AEG and ISWGNA are
expected to be informed and consulted on the various drafts
Aviation Satellite Accounts (ICAO)
Currently there is a lack of information on the role of aviation in
national economies worldwide
ASA expected to be the standard framework for the economic
measurement of aviation activities to
Measure aviation’s contribution to overall economic activity in a country
Understand the inter-dependencies of the civil aviation sector with
other sectors to sustain expected growth of economic activities such as
tourism (and trades) as an export industry to the national economy
Provide an effective instrument to countries for designing and
implementing policies to facilitate connectivity as well as investments
into aviation, thus promoting the full economic and job creation
potential offered by this activity
Create outreach and awareness among various players involved with
aviation of the direct economic importance of this activity
ICAO will work closely with countries,
Transport Ministries, UNSD and other
international organizations through the
formation of a Global Technical Expert Group
The work of the Global Expert Group will be
submitted to the UNSC for its adoption.
ICAO will also conduct seminars, publish
technical documents and organize assistance
programs on the implementation of ASA
Handbook on Non-Profit Institutions (UNSD)
Originally issued by the UN in 2003
Being revised mainly to incorporate changes
in the underlying international economic
accounting standards (e.g. 2008 SNA) and
classifications (ISIC Rev 4), as well as the
experiences/country practices
It is being prepared in close collaboration with
the Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns
Hopkins University
The Handbook is developed as a satellite system
of the SNA where the focus is to identify within
the sectors of the SNA the NPIs and account for
their contributions
Important contributions of the handbook:
Contained a detailed definition of NPIs which makes it
possible to identify them as a group
Allow for a valuation of volunteer labour, which is
significant in the activities of NPIs
Introduce of a detailed classification of NPIs by
It is expected to be completed in 2016
System of Extended International and
Global Accounts (UNSD)
This handbook will serve as the measurement
framework for international trade and economic
Will build on existing work in this area, in
particular by the UNECE, the OECD and
Eurostat, IMF, and others
Will focus on major issues related to the
concepts, accounting rules, classifications and
accounts which facilitate the compilation of a set
of regional (multi-economic territory) or global
Developed as a satellite system of the SNA
System of Extended International
and Global Accounts (UNSD)
The Handbook broadly aims to cover the following
Policy and statistical motivation of a global value chain
(GVC) approach for measuring trade and globalization
General statistical framework of extended national and
global accounts
Global value chain satellite accounts based on extended
national and multi-country GVC industry related supply
and use tables (SUTs) and input-output tables (IOTs)
A framework of integrated business, investment and trade
statistics, their classifications and requirements for the
national and global business registers
Guide on Measuring Human Capital
Developed by the TF on Measuring Human Capital (HC)
Discusses the concept of human capital, methodological
and implementation issues, and challenges related to its
Aim is to develop HC estimates that are as consistent as
possible with national accounting concepts and
comparable across economies.
Proposes the set up of two satellite accounts
Examples how human capital was measured by selected
Guide on Measuring Human Capital
Satellite Account on Education and Training
Human capital satellite account
Recommended as a first step
provides more detailed data on the expenditures on education,
and the financing of these expenditures
using data that are largely available in the core accounts
extends the production boundary of the SNA only slightly by
recognizing own account production of training.
goes beyond the current SNA
treats expenditures on education and training (including
compensation for own time spent) as costs in the creation of HC
The Guide will be presented to the CES for approval in
April 2016
Thank you!