The Second International Workshop on Economic Census Seoul, Korea, 6 – 9 July 2009 Jordan’s Economic Census 2006, Methodology and Main Results Prepared by Abdelwadoud Matouk Director of Economic Statistics Introduction DoS by low is the only institution to conduct Censuses in Jordan. The first Economic Census was in 1999, the second in 2006. A manufacturing Census used to be done previously every five years. The need for Economic Census Providing an updated frame for post surveys. Getting to know the structure of the market and the structure of establishments. Giving detailed information on the smallest administrative levels. The scope of the Establishment Census 2006 All establishments except Public sector, Agricultural sector, Military agencies. Establishments with one worker and more were covered. All Jordan was covered and enumerated. ISIC 3.1 on the six digit level was used to code the activities. Employment, Revenues and Capital paid were the main indicators to be collected. The door to door approach was used to enumerate all establishments in the Block. The method of personal interview was used in the collection of data using the blocks updated by the last population Census 2004. All non-residential buildings were listed, and through the listing some were included and some were not. Legal and financial provisions DoS by law is the only office to conduct Censuses. DoS should get approval from the Prime Ministry before conducting any Census. The budget for the Economic Census was about $(1,000,000). All funded by the government. Administrative arrangements Technical committee was formulated Ministry of Industry and Trade Ministry of Planning Central Bank of Jordan The Companies Control Department Jordan Investment Board Department of Statistics The committee looked into the Methodology and the draft questionnaire. The higher administrative was: The Director General of DoS The Executive Manager of the Census Technical Assistant Field work Assistant Financial and Administrative Assistant The Pilot survey Ten enumerators were recruited to perform the Pilot survey. Sampled blocks in two governorates where selected. (110) establishments were enumerated. No comments on the questionnaire were found. The Pilot survey gave feedback on the time needed to fill up a complete questionnaire. The Pilot survey gave information on the number of enumerators needed given the total number of blocks. Staff Recruitment and Training (120) enumerators were hired to complete the field work in three months. (5) Field Coordinators for (12) governorates. (20) Inspectors on the district level. (20) Field Auditors. Five days training was held for all the Staff Razing awareness and promotion The budget was not huge enough to meet different types of promotion. Newspapers announcements. Official letters from DoS to the establishments explaining the objectives of the Census and requesting them to cooperate. Field supervision and reappraisal of questionnaire response Supervision started from day one. Inspectors selected a sample of visited establishments daily. Field Auditors checked every questionnaire submitted on the pervious day. The establishments that did not respond were visited by the Inspectors and the coordinators. All establishments responded since the questionnaire was easy to fill and not big. Data items collected First questionnaire - Complete address - Number and name of the building - Status and purpose of the building - Number of establishments in the building - Serial No. of the establishment in the building - Status of the establishment - Commercial name of the establishment - Structure of the establishment. Data items collected The second questionnaire - Complete address and Key - Registration number at the MoIT - Commercial name of the establishment - Economic main and secondary activities - Date of starting production - Legal status of the establishment - Capital paid Data items collected The second questionnaire - Contribution in the capital paid - Whether the establishment holds accounts - Number of employees in the previous month by sex and nationality. - Annual revenue - Connection to the internet and own website Data processing After the Questionnaires were checked in the field. It was sent on weekly basis to the headquarters. Questionnaires were edited again in the headquarters to check consistency and completeness. Questionnaires were then sent to the IT Department to be keyed. Electronic data checks were used during data entry. Dissemination of Economic Census Results Results released in a press conference. Four digit level of ISIC 3.1 on the governorate level. Results published in a hard copy report. DoS website. Any further requests for data was provided upon request. Main results Jordan had a total of (147023) active establishments. (48%) were located in three governorates. (87.7%) of the establishments were individually owned. (92.2%) had less than five employees. (60.7%) were in the whole sale and retail sector. (24.4%) were in the services sector. (13.8%) were in the manufacturing sector. Post-census activities There was no post-census enumeration. The Census provided an updated frame for Post annual and quarterly surveys. Types of surveys conducted by DoS Annual Surveys DoS conducts annual surveys in: - The Manufacturing sector. - The Services sector. - The wholesale and Retail sector. - The Transportation and communication sector. - The Construction sector. - The Banking and Insurance sector. - The Employment survey. Types of surveys conducted by DoS The main purpose for the surveys is to provide necessary data for the National Accounts. - Gross Output. - Intermediate Consumption. - Value Added. - Gross Capital Formation. - Compensation of Employees. - Characteristics of Employees by sector, sex, age, education level, occupation and average monthly wage. Types of surveys conducted by DoS Quarterly Surveys DoS conducts quarterly surveys in: - The Manufacturing sector. - The Services sector. - The wholesale and Retail sector. - The Transportation and communication sector. - The Construction sector. Types of surveys conducted by DoS The main purpose for the surveys is to provide necessary data for the National Accounts to calculate the quarterly growth in GDP. - Gross Output. - Intermediate Consumption. - Value Added. The unorganized part in both the Construction and Transportation sector are covered in the Quarterly surveys. Types of surveys conducted by DoS Other Types of Surveys DoS conducts other Surveys upon the request of other agencies on the condition that they provide the funds. - FDI survey (2004 through 2007) - ICT survey (2006, 2008) Types of surveys conducted by DoS New Projects DoS started a new project since the beginning of 2009 to build Jordan’s I – O Tables. The year 2006 was selected as the most recent normal year. The Business Register Since the next Economic Census will be in 2013. DoS suggested a national project on establishing a Business Register. This project started in 2007 by getting approval from the Prime Ministry. A higher Committee was formulated on the level of the Secretary Generals of: The Business Register - The Ministry of Industry and Trade. - The Ministry of Municipalities. - The Department of Statistics. - The social Security Association. - The Income and Sales Tax Department. - The Municipality of Greater Amman. - The Companies Control Department. The Business Register A Technical Committee was formed by the higher committee. A two stage plane was suggested. - Creating new Establishments ID’s - Establishing a Business Register The first stage was completed by the MoIT by giving automated ID’s. The Business Register All Institutions had adjusted their data bases and forms to accommodate the new ID’s. The Second stage is to be started in the beginning of 2010 when the establishments renew their annual permits in the Municipalities. A form is to be completed by the establishment during the renewal of their permits. The Business Register The form consists of the following questions: - Address. - Economic activity. - Number of employees. - Capital. - Annual revenue. It is still not decided where the Business Register would be located (DoS or MoIT).