The Second International Workshop on Economic Census Jordan’s Economic Census 2006,

The Second International Workshop on
Economic Census
Seoul, Korea, 6 – 9 July 2009
Jordan’s Economic Census 2006,
Methodology and Main Results
Prepared by
Abdelwadoud Matouk
Director of Economic Statistics
 DoS by low is the only institution to conduct
Censuses in Jordan.
 The first Economic Census was in 1999, the
second in 2006.
 A manufacturing Census used to be done
previously every five years.
The need for Economic Census
 Providing an updated frame for post surveys.
 Getting to know the structure of the market and
the structure of establishments.
 Giving detailed information on the smallest
administrative levels.
The scope of the Establishment Census 2006
 All establishments except Public sector,
Agricultural sector, Military agencies.
 Establishments with one worker and more were
 All Jordan was covered and enumerated.
 ISIC 3.1 on the six digit level was used to code
the activities.
 Employment, Revenues and Capital paid were
the main indicators to be collected.
 The door to door approach was used to
enumerate all establishments in the Block.
 The method of personal interview was used in
the collection of data using the blocks updated by
the last population Census 2004.
 All non-residential buildings were listed, and
through the listing some were included and some
were not.
Legal and financial provisions
 DoS by law is the only office to conduct
 DoS should get approval from the Prime
Ministry before conducting any Census.
 The budget for the Economic Census was about
$(1,000,000). All funded by the government.
Administrative arrangements
 Technical committee was formulated
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Ministry of Planning
Central Bank of Jordan
The Companies Control Department
Jordan Investment Board
Department of Statistics
 The committee looked into the Methodology and
the draft questionnaire.
 The higher administrative was:
The Director General of DoS
The Executive Manager of the Census
Technical Assistant
Field work Assistant
Financial and Administrative Assistant
The Pilot survey
 Ten enumerators were recruited to perform the
Pilot survey.
 Sampled blocks in two governorates where
 (110) establishments were enumerated.
 No comments on the questionnaire were found.
 The Pilot survey gave feedback on the time
needed to fill up a complete questionnaire.
 The Pilot survey gave information on the
number of enumerators needed given the total
number of blocks.
Staff Recruitment and Training
 (120) enumerators were hired to complete the
field work in three months.
 (5) Field Coordinators for (12) governorates.
 (20) Inspectors on the district level.
 (20) Field Auditors.
 Five days training was held for all the Staff
Razing awareness and promotion
 The budget was not huge enough to meet
different types of promotion.
 Newspapers announcements.
 Official letters from DoS to the establishments
explaining the objectives of the Census and
requesting them to cooperate.
Field supervision and reappraisal of
questionnaire response
 Supervision started from day one.
 Inspectors selected a sample of visited
establishments daily.
 Field Auditors checked every questionnaire
submitted on the pervious day.
 The establishments that did not respond were
visited by the Inspectors and the coordinators.
 All establishments responded since the
questionnaire was easy to fill and not big.
Data items collected
 First questionnaire
- Complete address
- Number and name of the building
- Status and purpose of the building
- Number of establishments in the building
- Serial No. of the establishment in the building
- Status of the establishment
- Commercial name of the establishment
- Structure of the establishment.
Data items collected
 The second questionnaire
- Complete address and Key
- Registration number at the MoIT
- Commercial name of the establishment
- Economic main and secondary activities
- Date of starting production
- Legal status of the establishment
- Capital paid
Data items collected
 The second questionnaire
- Contribution in the capital paid
- Whether the establishment holds accounts
- Number of employees in the previous month
by sex and nationality.
- Annual revenue
- Connection to the internet and own website
Data processing
 After the Questionnaires were checked in the
field. It was sent on weekly basis to the
 Questionnaires were edited again in the
headquarters to check consistency and
 Questionnaires were then sent to the IT
Department to be keyed.
 Electronic data checks were used during data
Dissemination of Economic Census Results
 Results released in a press conference.
 Four digit level of ISIC 3.1 on the governorate
 Results published in a hard copy report.
 DoS website.
 Any further requests for data was provided upon
Main results
 Jordan had a total of (147023) active
 (48%) were located in three governorates.
 (87.7%) of the establishments were individually
 (92.2%) had less than five employees.
 (60.7%) were in the whole sale and retail sector.
 (24.4%) were in the services sector.
 (13.8%) were in the manufacturing sector.
Post-census activities
 There was no post-census enumeration.
 The Census provided an updated frame for Post
annual and quarterly surveys.
Types of surveys conducted by DoS
Annual Surveys
 DoS conducts annual surveys in:
- The Manufacturing sector.
- The Services sector.
- The wholesale and Retail sector.
- The Transportation and communication sector.
- The Construction sector.
- The Banking and Insurance sector.
- The Employment survey.
Types of surveys conducted by DoS
 The main purpose for the surveys is to provide
necessary data for the National Accounts.
- Gross Output.
- Intermediate Consumption.
- Value Added.
- Gross Capital Formation.
- Compensation of Employees.
- Characteristics of Employees by sector, sex, age,
education level, occupation and average monthly
Types of surveys conducted by DoS
Quarterly Surveys
 DoS conducts quarterly surveys in:
- The Manufacturing sector.
- The Services sector.
- The wholesale and Retail sector.
- The Transportation and communication sector.
- The Construction sector.
Types of surveys conducted by DoS
 The main purpose for the surveys is to provide
necessary data for the National Accounts to
calculate the quarterly growth in GDP.
- Gross Output.
- Intermediate Consumption.
- Value Added.
 The unorganized part in both the Construction
and Transportation sector are covered in the
Quarterly surveys.
Types of surveys conducted by DoS
Other Types of Surveys
 DoS conducts other Surveys upon the request
of other agencies on the condition that they
provide the funds.
- FDI survey (2004 through 2007)
- ICT survey (2006, 2008)
Types of surveys conducted by DoS
New Projects
 DoS started a new project since the beginning
of 2009 to build Jordan’s I – O Tables.
 The year 2006 was selected as the most recent
normal year.
The Business Register
 Since the next Economic Census will be in
2013. DoS suggested a national project on
establishing a Business Register.
 This project started in 2007 by getting approval
from the Prime Ministry.
 A higher Committee was formulated on the level
of the Secretary Generals of:
The Business Register
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade.
- The Ministry of Municipalities.
- The Department of Statistics.
- The social Security Association.
- The Income and Sales Tax Department.
- The Municipality of Greater Amman.
- The Companies Control Department.
The Business Register
 A Technical Committee was formed by the
higher committee.
 A two stage plane was suggested.
- Creating new Establishments ID’s
- Establishing a Business Register
 The first stage was completed by the MoIT by
giving automated ID’s.
The Business Register
 All Institutions had adjusted their data bases
and forms to accommodate the new ID’s.
 The Second stage is to be started in the
beginning of 2010 when the establishments
renew their annual permits in the Municipalities.
 A form is to be completed by the establishment
during the renewal of their permits.
The Business Register
 The form consists of the following questions:
- Address.
- Economic activity.
- Number of employees.
- Capital.
- Annual revenue.
 It is still not decided where the Business
Register would be located (DoS or MoIT).
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