November 4 & 8, 2013
• Peers working towards
independent and
collective strategies
and tactics
• Collaboration as a
business –
collaboration to earn a
yield on doing things
collectively, with an
advantage over doing
things alone
• A unique space for
doing work, different
from the day-to-day
but with the same
goals: earn a return on
our efforts
In the past I’ve gotten carried away and made this
a presentation more than a workshop... so be
prepared to speak up
Executive Study
Sharing a Pool of
Data Analysts
Attacking the
Mobile World
Getting ready for Year 2 – as
CEOs, can we improve the
program and get more for
our investment?
What would it mean to us as
CEOs for our network to
collectively hire data analysts
and report writers?
What do you think you must
do? How do you plan to
sustain the effort for the
next decade? What do you
hope will show up for a
Getting Ready for Year 2
As CEOs, can we improve the program and
get more from our investment?
Executive Study Groups
Our experience to date
Two pilot programs for our executive study group
concept – both were well received by users but did
not yield the punch I expected from executives
studying together
Executive Study Groups
Where do we go from here?
With the rollout of ING to all CUs
in February 2014 and some new
dashboards and analytics
databases, we will be repeating
this series with some new
features starting in April 2014
We will focus on getting
feedback on credit union
execution with these tools...
...even if we have to pay a
bounty for feedback on every
How do you think we can get your attention so
that these tools will be strategic in your personal
execution in the future?
Executive Study Groups
Where do we go from here?
In 2013 and 2014, we are taxed
with getting out of our comfort
zone and building innovative
beta-test models
Involving users in testing
Receiving faster feedback about
the value of a new tool
Encourage users to think about
the evolution of tools, not just
Find a way to get executives in
the business of fast-to-market
How do you build a culture ready to be happy
about the fact that they are a live laboratory for
member service evolution?
Our Pattern for Executive Study Webinars
First pass...
CU*Answers facilitator introduces
the tool and presents a value
proposition to the CU audience
Why should the tool be used?
What benefits should the tool
give you?
How could the tool be used for a
credit union’s strategic thinking?
The group can post their
comments immediately for
everyone analyze and consider
for the second pass...
Second pass...
CU*Answers facilitator reviews
comments from the group
Facilitator tries to act as a
catalyst to inspire CU-to-CU
Our internal teams review the
What value prop does the group
actually recognize and verbalize?
What insights will be useful for
future development, for our
documentation, or for promoting
the value to the marketplace?
Speaking of what was vocalized by the group...
How’s the feedback loop working for us as CEOs?
(Hint: the silence is deafening)
I think we’re missing the point on what an executive study group is
about...these are not product demos, they’re collective brainstorming and
product development sessions!
After a $250 bounty was offered...
Great work by ONE participant
Congrats to
I’ve included this response for you to
consider when you look at the Network
Rate Analysis tool
Imagine if your team would have taken
the time to share what you might think
about for your 2014 business plan
Quick sidebar...
Bounty $$ and sharing your ideas
On August 27, I announced a $1,500 bounty for
ideas and opinions on a presentation presented
by AmericanBanker.com
Congrats to
Bill and Linda!
First prize of $1,000
awarded to Bill Burke, Day Air CU
Second prize of $500
awarded to Linda Bodie, Element CU
How did you miss this? You might not
have been on the mailing list, or it might
have slipped into your spam folder...
But if we’re going to collaborate, we
need to pay attention to opportunities
to collaborate (especially the ones that
have $$ attached!)
Quick sidebar...
Bounty $$ and sharing your ideas
No one’s
claimed this
bounty yet!
Quick sidebar...
Are you paying attention to these programs?
I hope you and your team
will try to earn some
money in 2014!
We have a way to go to meet this vision
Every year at CEO School we talk about how CEOs need to be part of
our design team
So most of the time when we interact, we do so with a focus on
improvements, getting over hurdles so people will use it, and squeezing
out the “focus group” value of CEOs as consumers
What goals might we have for a different kind of interaction for all of us
as a network of CEOs?
Identifying our personal best practices
Identifying our favorite processes around our commonalities
Sharing our competitive advantages
Targeting areas for leadership improvement
Learning to barter opportunity
Increasing our ability to get to market
What should executives work on
when they work together as
Extending our competitive horizons
executives? It’s okay to get personal
when you’re with peers – what do
you hope for from peer interaction?
So how can we improve the series?
Do we need to move
from a single
presenter to a
conversation between
two people?
Participation is
good, but are
we reaching the
right audience?
What is the best time of the month,
best day of the week, best time of
day for these sessions?
Are people ever going
to share via a comment
board? Are we leaving
the comment period
open long enough?
Why did you, personally,
not participate? How can I
get you to participate in
Active beta options introduced so far
1st phase: LFP rate dashboards
Login to CU*BASE > #4 CU Management
Processing > #5 Learn from a Peer
If you assign this to your day-to-day tactical people, you
probably missed the boat and didn’t get much return – these
dashboards are about what is happening across a network of
125+ CUs in one view
It’s not just about rates, it’s about how value is packaged,
how complex or diverse you might be, and how you might
find a hint in what to change as you move forward
This work is for analytical minds with a competitive drive
Active beta options introduced so far
2nd phase (April 2014): Active Beta
Login to CU*BASE > #4 CU Management
Processing > #1 Mgmt Processing & Active Beta
NEW with the
October release!
(Self processors will get this new
feature in December)
Easy access to the feedback loop from CU*BASE
No excuses!
Login to CU*BASE > #4 CU Management
Processing > #1 Mgmt Processing & Active Beta
Some Active Beta Candidates
Features in development, to be released as soon as FEP allows
TR Journal Entry “Breadcrumbs”
only...coming in
We’ll try this during CEO School
Some Active Beta Candidates
Features in development, to be released as soon as FEP allows
Patronage/Ownership Dividend Enhancements
(MNMISC #27 Patronage Dividend Configuration)
Adding options to take advantage of the new Member Average Balances
Database (MBRBAL), populated for all CUs since January 2013
Calculate patronage dividend based on: dividends/interest paid (like now)
OR average member balances (using new database)
Calc 3 different rates in one pass (x% on savings/checking, y% on loans, z% on LOCs)
Exclusions (delinquency, dormancy, etc.) can be based on a previous EOM snapshot
– such as December 31 if posting mid-January
Can choose to pay only if member earns a certain minimum PD
Can choose to pay a minimum dividend (or even a fixed amount)
Age range and aggregate balance exclusions:
We’ll talk more about this
during CEO School
Some Active Beta Candidates
Tools you already have that need an injection of CEO insight
ATM/Debit/Credit Card Activity Inquiry
Talk about BIG data...strategy needed!
Inquiry or Phone > OTB/Cards >
View > Activity
Some Active Beta Candidates
Tools you already have that need an injection of CEO insight
Transaction Activity Comparison
A sampling tool
member at
a time
Inquiry or Phone Op > Transaction Activity
MNMGMD #25 Tran Activity
Summary Comparison
Filters and summary totals are coming soon!
We’ll talk more about this during CEO School
Some Active Beta Candidates
Tools you already have that need an injection of CEO insight
5300 Call Report Ratios
New processes are being developed
Let’s take a look...
Login to CU*BASE > #4 CU Management
Processing > #12 Enterprise Risk
Management (ERM)
Speaking of creative betas...
Let’s look at the 2014 ING and FEP schedule
What is your plan for the ING
and FEP projects in 2014?
Next year you will need two plans for keeping up with CU*BASE upgrades:
First, you need to move to ING
We currently have nearly 30 CUs running live on ING every day
Full rollout is planned for February 2014...but to avoid the rush, I would
consider trying to qualify now and pick your date to move
• Have our network team complete the upgrade of your GUAPPLEs
• Have our development teams complete the testing of your custom screens
• Get on the docket ASAP
Second, like ING, think about whether you’d like the opportunity to move
early to FEP, before the grand release for all CUs
Throughout 2014, different windows will open up for early participation
based on what you do (i.e., shared branching), so stay in touch, prepare to
Learn more:
For our network to be different, we need to develop the
expertise to go fast to market with our evolutions
Once you can do it with software, you can do it with
anything – are you fast to market?
What would it mean to us as CEOs for our
network to collectively hire data analysts
and report writers?
CEO to CEO: How are you going to do this?
It’s in the news...that means a board member will probably ask you about it soon
How many of you have already
designated budget dollars for hiring a
poor man’s data scientist...let alone
the rocket scientist version?
Taking it down a notch
How many of you have a data analyst talent today?
Here at CU*Answers, we’ve moved from “if I only knew the answer” to
“what should I do with all of the answers I have?”
We continue to build tools, but has this changed your understanding about
your members and what you should do next?
How quickly can you put your fingers on what you already know?
Can we list 10 things we
wish our network could
tell us about members,
their activities, and our
credit unions in general?
Should we act
collectively, or
independently, to then
do the work?
Ten research papers we would like to get from our
5 titles related to
CU*BASE credit unions from an
aggregate perspective
5 titles related to an
individual CU’s interests (what you
want for yourself)
How would we fund this effort? How would we develop a statement of work for
each paper? What would you expect the team’s resume to look like?
What would you want beyond a research paper?
A menu of Aggregate Perspectives
Learn From a Peer spans across credit union best practices
Do you have
access to all
of these
We tried to start a research paper/newsletter service
last year related to this option...it’s tough
MNMGMB #23 Analyze Rates Across the Network
I worked with the
CMS team for six
weeks, trying to
develop a
newsletter that
could report the
analytical value of
this data...
We struck out
A menu from the Individual CU Perspective
One of many menus that dives into a credit union’s data
Do you have
access to all
of these
What do you think your
next decade of investment
will look like?
Do you even have it
figured out for the next
two years?
The $64,000 question(s)
Let’s brainstorm until we have at least 3 answers for each
What do you think you must do in the next two years?
How do you plan to sustain the effort for the next decade?
What do you hope will show up for a return?
What was hype about the mobile revolution is now generally
accepted when it comes to the overall retail market
But for the financial services industry, it’s not clear where the
return is, and this is just another defensive investment
From the desk of Randy Karnes...
It is my strong belief that credit unions are heading towards years of
investing, divesting, investing, divesting...
Are you built for a strategy around proofs of concept and short-term
investment accounting?
Let’s spend a few minutes on the CU Mobile Apps issues
We’ll start with mobile tactics, then have to start over again as we figure out
what works and what doesn’t work
Where does everybody believe CU Mobile is going?
Where does everybody believe Nitro is going?
How will you make your next solution based on what happens in 2014?
What level of vendor due diligence have you done since the break?
Do you think this is just an isolated bad situation, or is this reflective of the
rush to mobile?
As you work with me and the CU*Answers Board,
how do you think the CUSO should evaluate when is
the right time to make native investments and enter
this marketplace with a long-term perspective?
What is the difference between mobile and mobility?
What is the difference between mobile and mobility?
This article does a great job of
making people think about what
challenges they are lumping into
the word “mobile”
Our vision is continuing to mature,
and our narrative will continue to
be more specific
Do we mean context?
Do we mean Mobile web?
Do we mean Mobile Phone?
Do we mean small screen?
Mobile Web vs. Mobile App
Mobile Web retail vs. wholesale
A discussion topic from the CEO Roundtable
A preview (or review) of Wednesday’s conversations
How do you deal with “mobility” and the
effects of mobile devices in your marketplace?
What is your approach to...
...the mobile member as a consumer?
...the mobile member as an owner?
...the mobile employee?
...the mobile executive?
RK says, “Connect the dots. Build
tools that allow insight, auditing,
and catalysts for getting connected
with the day-to-day teams and
what members need.”
RK says, “When it comes
to mobile, it’s the wild,
wild west. Hedge your
bets and spread your
money across the board.
Don’t lock in too early,
and be ready to change.
RK says, “This could be a
real game-changer. Include
your volunteers and every
active owner in behindthe-scenes data that makes
owning a co-op real.”
RK says, “Balance their expectations
between what they can do in their
everyday life with what they can do at
work. Use their skills. Build solutions
that are intuitive for the average
mobile employee.”
Thinking of mobile
members as customers
Understanding how our network is hedging
It’s Me 247 Mobile Web against mobile app
Responsive web design
Can it save you from repeating investments over and over?
What is your long-term plan for your
website investment and your
presence in the online world? Can
you afford it?
Are you ready for
the next most
popular size and
shape your
members will want?
Let’s take a look at this website...
What should we add to Mobile Web retail?
What’s next after FEP for the ASP developers?
If you were selecting the next few big
things to put into the It’s Me 247 Mobile
Web Banking retail product, what would
they be?
A loan application that delivered to the
A rate board that connected to CU*BASE
for current rates
See and Jump controls consistent with
online banking
View cleared check images
Print an e-statement
Personal information updates
It’s not as easy as saying everything that’s in online
banking should be in mobile banking...or is it?
How we plan to leverage our online channel
It’s a race between us and the mobile app
developers for real capabilities for the mobile
Adding an automated mobile rate board
Our original goal was to get your rates on mobile
devices...and in the process, we discovered we
could do it all: open a savings account, buy a CD,
and apply for a loan
in 2014
Let’s look at a prototype of what is
coming in the summer of 2014
What about mobile applications that rely on APIs and
web service integrations?
CU*Answers still has not decided to take the plunge and author our own
mobile app for member transactional banking
But we are working on expanding our web service layer to provide both
coordinated and open API integrations for credit unions
We continue to work with credit unions who are researching mobile apps
that require API-type integrations, but have yet to find a champion to fund
and drive one to completion
This year we moved the Lender*Hub team from Web Services to the
Programming team to build an expanded and diverse integration capability
This team is implementing a new platform – called Unified Core Integration
– for an expanded web services integration layer to service the CU*BASE
UCI will be used with CU*BASE, It’s Me 247, and mobile apps for new
extensions and vendor support
Let’s take a look at what UCI means to you today
and for your future
Unified Core Integration (UCI)
Converting one-off integrations to a new tool
Vendors targeted for UCI in 2014:
CBC (tri-merge credit reports)
Mobile member signup and cross-sales
Prime Alliance
Transactions supported today:
Import loan leads into CU*BASE LOS
Import applications into LOS, report
decisions back to originator
Send new member information for
identity verification and risk assessment,
return decisions
Credit report retrieval
In the future, for the vendor list to expand, we
must add support for transaction sets, ahead of
the demand
(Authentication API for It’s Me 247,
posting API for CU*BASE, add data
to CU*BASE member database...)
Look for more in 2014
How do you advertise your mobile persona?
If I went to your website today (desktop or mobile), how would I judge
your involvement in my desire to be mobile?
Are you using the viral excitement about mobile apps, or do you only talk
about the mobile apps you endorse?
Do you talk about how to combine mobile apps with mobile web
solutions and allow me to be the interface as a consumer?
I’m sure your CU staff and members have favorite apps for me to go get for
myself (“Around Me” or a make my phone a flashlight)
For example, I love Mobile Web to do my mobile financial transactions, but I
have to use an app to do RDC...do you offer both a consolidated version and
a standalone version of RDC?
In the next five years, are you going to move from one app to the next
and force migration, or are you going to let members work it out for
To date, it appears CUs are taking a
single tactic and making it their only strategy
Having a mobile strategy is not done when you launch a mobile app
Thinking of mobile
credit union staff and
Is this just for the outside world, or do you
have plans to have mobility change you from
the inside out?
Investment 1: Retrofitting your day-to-day
tactics for mobile device opportunities
Investment 2: Using mobile devices to
bridge the gap between CU*BASE users
and non-CU*BASE users
Getting close on our CEO development project
Alerts that get us thinking, and trending that allows us
to see the world and rules of thumb differently
It goes
like this:
Let me translate this into English for you...
Build a daily process in CU*BASE that generates data, pass it to
a web layer that will generate alerts
...and this...
In English...
From the daily exchange, compile a trending database
that can be accessed without signing on to CU*BASE...web analytics
Inspire executives to go back to CU*BASE and kick off tactics to act on the data
Thanks to CEOs that are helping with the data spec
Member Data
# of Members (baseline 12/31/XXXX)
# of New Members Today, YTD
# of New Members Individual, Individual YTD
# of New Members Business, Business YTD
Avg Members Joining per day
Avg Individual Members Joining per day
Avg Business Members Joining per day
# of Closed Members Today, YTD
# of Closed Members Individual, Individual YTD
# of Closed Members Business, Business YTD
Avg Members Closing per day
Avg Individual Member Closing per day
Avg Business Members Closing per day
Balance Data
SH balance and # accts, avg balance
SD balance and # accts, avg balance
CD balance and # accts, avg balance, weighted avg balance by
TX Balance and # of accts, avg balance
LN Balance and # of accounts, avg balance, weighted avg
balance by rate
LOC Balance and # of accounts, avg balance, and weighted avg
balance by rate
Net difference and avg change since last measurement, YTD
Cash Data
Vault Balance per branch
Teller Drawer per branch
Net Cash per branch
Net difference since last measurement, YTD
Avg difference per day YTD
Transaction Data (new every day)
SH deposits/withdrawals > $50K, # & total dollars
CK deposits/withdrawals > $50K, # & total dollars
New CDs > $50K; CD closes > $50K
TX deposits/withdrawals > $50K, # & total dollars
New LNs > $50K; payoffs > $50K
New LOCs > $50K; payoffs > $50K
Avgs per day
In-Process Data (Loan Pipeline)
Applications in Process
Applications added to pipeline since last measurement
Loans opened since last measurement
... and many more
Talk about everything but the kitchen
sink...we’re taking a first pass at a “small”
file to prove the concept, and I see years of
adding information to this database
Take CU*BASE analytics to the web, to a mobile
For the past several years we have
been building dashboards and
graphical presentations of CU data
inside CU*BASE
In 2014 we will launch a second
project to build new databases with
no private member data, but tons of
insightful credit union data about
members and their activities
Imagine how far this could go: a new
set of products and copyrights that
we might call something like this:
Another reason for responsive web design
Build it once, use it over and over, and build a bridge between inside the
organization and outside
Imagine the power if you took this to interested customer-owners
Thinking of mobile
members as owners
To set cooperatives apart from their
competition, you have to let the customer in
the staff entrance
What if we could build systems that turned
great customers into great owners?
What if we could guarantee that great
owners could be constantly inspired to be
great customer advocates?
What does
mobility mean to
a credit union
board member?
CEOs Guaranteeing the Board as an Asset
A board member is more than the board meeting agenda
What if we could guarantee that great owners could be constantly
inspired to be great customer advocates?
In 2014, we will launch
several Board member
websites with credit unions
We build intranets to engage our staff and inspire them to respond to our
culture and sell who we are to our members
We need to build an intranet for our volunteers so they can be inspired to
carry the ball as well
Deliver the packet
Sell the team, the business
plan, our value
Work with volunteers as a
focus group
Reinforce talking points
Create a template for an
ownership community
A new spec for core processing
Put insiders and outsiders on equal footing
Imagine the day when a
volunteer could follow the
trends, dig into data, and feel
connected as a customerowner in a way no one is
talking about today
Then imagine the next step,
when every customer-owner
could be a virtual volunteer
Vote online and from your
mobile device
Read the business plan
anywhere, any time
Validate their investment as
an owner against the
performance of the CU
From your standpoint, how much could
we lower the cost of pushing data directly
to you and your board?
 Go to school on each other, and earn more
 Increase their talent, and plan to build even more talent with their staff
 Pool their money, pool their ideas, and inspire the best of the network to
bring opportunities to us all
$200 million of cash flow will stream
through our network in the next 5
years...are you part of the voice
that will direct the returns?
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