Project name here Project Report Group member names Student 11 Student 22 Student 33 (Lead editors indicated by footnote) 2010/11 Project Sponsor: ME 418/419 or IE 497/498 (as appropriate) Group Number: Project Number: Faculty Advisor: Sponsor Mentor: 1 Lead editor #1, responsible for editing chapters 1 and 2 Lead editor #2, responsible for editing chapters 3 and 6 3 Lead editor #3, responsible for editing chapters 4 and 5 2 DISCLAIMER This report was prepared by students as part of a college course requirement. While considerable effort has been put into the project, it is not the work of a licensed engineer and has not undergone the extensive verification that is common in the profession. The information, data, conclusions, and content of this report should not be relied on or utilized without thorough, independent testing and verification. University faculty members may have been associated with this project as advisors, sponsors, or course instructors, but as such they are not responsible for the accuracy of results or conclusions. (Use this text exactly, include in all documents. Remove all instructions from completed sections from work to be graded.) 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Provide a one-page summary of your project, including description, design, and results. (Include in Final Report only.) 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................................. 5 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................... 6 1.1. Background ....................................................................................................................... 6 1.2. Requirements .................................................................................................................... 6 1.2.1. Statement of Need ........................................................................................................ 6 1.2.2. Customer Requirements ............................................................................................... 6 1.2.3. Engineering Requirements ........................................................................................... 6 1.2.4. Testing Procedures ....................................................................................................... 6 1.2.5. Design Links (DLs)...................................................................................................... 6 1.2.6. House of Quality .......................................................................................................... 6 2. CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS AND BENCHMARKING .................................................... 8 2.1. Current State Analysis ...................................................................................................... 8 2.2. Benchmarking ................................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1. Benchmarking Results #1 ............................................................................................ 8 2.2.2. Benchmarking Results #2 ............................................................................................ 8 2.2.3. Benchmarking Results #3 ............................................................................................ 8 3. FUTURE STATE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................... 9 3.1. Possible Future State Design #1 ....................................................................................... 9 3.2. Possible Future State Design #2 ....................................................................................... 9 3.3. Possible Future State Design #3 ....................................................................................... 9 4. DESIGN SELECTED ............................................................................................................... 10 4.1. Rationale for Design Selection ....................................................................................... 10 4.2. Design Description.......................................................................................................... 10 5. IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................... 11 6. TESTING .................................................................................................................................. 12 7. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 13 APPENDIX A: CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 14 APPENDIX B: FUTURE STATE ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 15 APPENDIX C: PROCESS ANALYSES ........................................................................................ 16 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Use this page for acknowledging others who have substantially supported or assisted you such as faculty and staff members, fellow students, sponsors, etc. (Include in Final Report only.) 5 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1. Background Use this section to introduce the reader to your project. Describe, in general, what the project is, project objectives, why it is of interest to the sponsor (project relevance), and how the project benefits the customer, stakeholders, and/or organization upon its completion. (Include in Background Report and all subsequent documents.) 1.2. Requirements Use this section (1.2) to describe to the reader specifically what is required from the project. Note ONLY sections 1.2.1, 1.2.2, and 1.2.6 (as indicated below) are required for the Background Report; sections 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, and 1.2.6 (again as indicated below) for the Preliminary Proposal; and all sections for the Final Proposal and Final Report. Do not complete more sections than are required. 1.2.1. Statement of Need Include the Statement of Need as provided by your sponsor. Do not modify the SON unless the change has been approved by the course instructor, faculty advisor, and sponsor mentor. (Include in Background Report and all subsequent documents.) Note that all group members’ background reports must include the same SON. 1.2.2. Customer Requirements List and discuss all Customer Requirements. Customer Requirements must fully the Statement of Need provided by the sponsor. Additionally, the Customer Requirements should fully specify and clarify the overall project objectives. (Include in Background Report and all subsequent documents.) Note that all group members’ background reports must include the same CR listing. 1.2.3. Engineering Requirements Use this section to list and discuss the Engineering Requirements that have been developed. Engineering Requirements must be measurable. Target values with tolerances must be specified along with justification/rationale for the selected values. Include data collection plans to enable a comparison of current state with the implemented future state design. Include plans for collecting baseline, current state data or for using existing, archival data from the organization. (Include in Preliminary Proposal and all subsequent documents) 1.2.4. Testing Procedures Use this section to discuss the testing procedure developed by the team for each Engineering Requirement. Number each testing procedure for reference in House of Quality (Include in Final Proposal and all subsequent documents.) 1.2.5. Design Links (DLs) Use this section to describe how your design meets each ER. Provide a meaningful description, but limit the amount of text to one paragraph per engineering requirement. Number each DL for reference in the HoQ. (Include in Final Proposal and all subsequent documents.) 1.2.6. House of Quality Summarize project requirements in a House of Quality using the template given in class: 6 For the Background Report include only CRs and approvals (must have all signatures or attach copy of email approval). For the Preliminary Proposal include only CRs, ERs, Target Values (with tolerances), weightings, and approvals (must have all signatures or attach copy of email approval). For the Final Proposal and Final Report include all HoQ elements (must have all signatures or attach copy of email approval). 7 2. CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS AND BENCHMARKING 2.1. Current State Analysis Use this section for a thorough analysis of the process, as is (current state). Tools such as value stream mapping, process mapping, and/or IDEF0 must be used to fully describe the target system and processes. Sponsors and faculty advisors should be consulted in determining which tools are most appropriate. In addition to process flows, information flows, current settings, key process metrics, stakeholders, and relationships between processes should be captured at an appropriate level of detail to enable system, worker, environment, process, and/or task analysis. In addition to graphical mapping tools, this section should include a thorough discussion of the current state analysis as it applies to the Statement of Need and Customer Requirements. (Include in Background Report and all subsequent documents) 2.2. Benchmarking Based on the completed Current State Analysis and Statement of Need, identify relevant problems / issues / opportunities that would benefit from a Benchmarking Study. More than one area of the project should be identified for benchmarking. Identify the appropriate type(s) of Benchmarking Study to conduct (internal, functional, competitive, or generic). Working with your sponsor and faculty advisor, identify partners to participate in the benchmarking study. Determine the type of metrics and/or best practices to be included in the benchmarking study. Develop appropriate benchmarking instruments. Include a copy of all benchmarking instruments in an appendix. 2.2.1. Benchmarking Results #1 Describe the results of the Benchmarking Study that are relevant to the first problem / issues / opportunity identified. The discussion should include possible metrics, best practices, or lessons learned related to the project objectives. Provide accurate and complete citations for all findings. (Include in Background Report and all subsequent documents) 2.2.2. Benchmarking Results #2 Describe the results of the Benchmarking Study that are relevant to the second problem / issues / opportunity identified. The discussion should include possible metrics, best practices, or lessons learned related to the project objectives. Provide accurate and complete citations for all findings. (Include in Background Report and all subsequent documents) 2.2.3. Benchmarking Results #3 Describe the results of the Benchmarking Study that are relevant to the third problem / issues / opportunity identified. The discussion should include possible metrics, best practices, or lessons learned related to the project objectives. Provide accurate and complete citations for all findings. (Include in Background Report and all subsequent documents) Note: You must include at least three benchmarking results. Some projects will have considerably more. Copy & paste additional headings as necessary. To update the Table of Contents, CTRL–click in the TOC margin. 8 3. FUTURE STATE ANALYSIS This chapter is an extension of the Current State Analysis and Benchmarking Study. Using the information and data collected as a result of these activities, the design team should complete a group brainstorming session of how to solve the design problem(s). Provide at least three complete possible future state designs. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of each potential future state design, including brief but compelling technical analyses. 3.1. Possible Future State Design #1 Describe in detail a design solution you have considered. Include a list of Pros and Cons. (include in Preliminary Proposal and all subsequent documents) 3.2. Possible Future State Design #2 Describe in detail a second design solution you have considered. Include a list of Pros and Cons. (include in Preliminary Proposal and all subsequent documents) 3.3. Possible Future State Design #3 Describe in detail a third design solution you have considered. Include a list of Pros and Cons. (include in Preliminary Proposal and all subsequent documents). Note: You must include at least three possible Future State Designs. If additional alternatives are developed, copy and paste additional headings, as needed and update the Table of Contents. 9 4. DESIGN SELECTED 4.1. Rationale for Design Selection Use this section to explain / justify the design solution selected. Your selection must be one of the possible solutions described in Chapter 3. Use an appendix for detailed process analyses. This section should include a discussion of why, given the various advantages and disadvantages of the options given in Chapter 3, a particular future state design was selected. (Include in Preliminary Proposal and all subsequent documents.) 4.2. Design Description Use this section, with additional subsections as appropriate, to fully describe the proposed future state. Include detailed engineering analyses (if lengthy move to an appendix) to justify the proposed design. Create, and refer to, detailed engineering drawings, process diagrams, simulations, facility layouts, or other appropriate tools to completely specify all aspects of the future state. (Include in Final Proposal and all subsequent documents.) 10 5. IMPLEMENTATION Use this section to fully specify and describe your detailed implementation plan. This section must include a detailed breakdown of all resources (information, people, materials, facilities) needed to implement the chosen future state. In addition a comparison of the implementation costs and budget must be included. The plan must also include a detailed schedule for all implementation activities. Implementation issues should also be fully described. All discrepancies between the original implementation plan and actual plan should be fully documented. Statistical analyses, updated simulations, and/or other engineering analyses should be performed and documented within this section or an appendix, as appropriate. Specifications, training materials, and other related process documents should be referenced and included as appendices. Note: Describe in this section all changes made before testing begins. Changes made due to test results are to be described in chapter 6. 11 6. TESTING Discuss your testing plan. Referencing the Chapter 1 design requirements listing specifically and exactly, explain how you independently and scientifically tested each one. Provide complete test results and discuss problems encountered. Clearly show which of the design requirements are satisfied, which are not, and which are ambiguous. (Include in Final Report only.) Include summaries of both qualitative and quantitative test results. For requirements requiring perceptual measures, details of the measurement process, instruments used, e.g. surveys, and any indices developed must be included. In addition, the report should cite relevant sources used to develop the measures. Surveys, questionnaires, or other protocols used in testing must be included in an appendix. Appropriate statistical analyses, e.g. before vs. after must also be completed and included. Also, add sections if the design must be changed to meet the requirements. Include details of the analyses completed for any redesigns. If redesigns require significant analyses, include detailed documentation in an appendix. Note: describe in this section all design changes made after testing begins (changes made due to test results). 12 7. REFERENCES 13 APPENDIX A: CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS 14 APPENDIX B: FUTURE STATE ANALYSIS 15 APPENDIX C: PROCESS ANALYSES Add appendices as needed to include materials developed by the team to support the project. Use appropriate citation standards for any materials included that were developed using previously published material. 16 EVALUATION INSTRUCTIONS AND EVALUATION RUBRICS The following pages contain Instructions for Grading and Evaluation Rubrics that your Faculty Advisor and Instructor will use to grade your reports. Each report you turn in to your Faculty Advisor should be accompanied by the appropriate Guidelines for Grading and Evaluation Rubric, attached to the end of your report. Reports turned in to your Instructor need include only the appropriate Evaluation Rubric. Follow the instructions to Students under the Instructions for Grading. 17 Background Report–“Process” Projects One copy, each, to Faculty Advisor, Sponsor Mentor, and Instructor Instructions For Graders and Students GRADERS: An evaluation rubric is provided on the following page for the grading of the Background Report. This is an individually written report (one per student). Please note that the students have been provided with a project report template that includes chapters for work done throughout the course. Intermediate reports such as this one address some portion of that template. This report, for example, consists of parts of Chapter 1 and all of Chapter 2 of the project report template. Please disregard empty chapters at this point. The specific chapters and sections to grade are indicated on the Evaluation Rubric. The rubric evaluates this report based on eight categories: 1. Project Description: Background 2. Project Description: Requirements 3. Current State Analysis 4. Clarity & Conciseness 5. Organization 6. Conventions 7. Citing Sources Each of these categories is listed in the far left column of the rubric. Assign a grade of A-F in the far right column, using the following grade criteria as a guideline (% value is per cent of possible points to award for that category). A+ A B C D F F- 100% 95% 85% 75% 65% 55% 0% Truly outstanding technical work and/or writing. Difficult to imagine anything better by a peer. Excellent. Shows substantial insight, originality, creativity, competence. Fully developed and detailed. Strong. Thorough. Shows good understanding, competence. Well developed, with supporting detail. Adequate. Demonstrates adequate understanding, competence. Adequately developed, with some detail. Weak. Shows some understanding and/or competence. Undeveloped or lacking supporting detail. Unsatisfactory. Demonstrates some effort, but little understanding or competence. Undeveloped. Unacceptable. Completely omitted, or demonstrates very, very little effort. It is not necessary for you to extensively “mark up” the text of the report. Include comments in the text of the document at your discretion, and add brief comments as you feel necessary to support the scores you have given. Line-by-line editing for writing quality is neither required nor desired. Refer students to Tracy Ann Robinson for detailed help with writing issues. STUDENTS: It is your responsibility to hand in to your faculty advisor, sponsor mentor, and course instructor the following: 1. Your report, including this page and the evaluation rubric. 2. Your original project description, including the Statement of Needs you received from your sponsor. 18 EVALUATION RUBRIC FOR BACKGROUND REPORT—“PROCESS” PROJECTS Faculty Advisors please complete grading and return to 102 Dearborn Hall by 4:30 pm on 10/25/2010 Project #/Title: ___________________________________________________ Grader Comments (optional) Category (and grading weight) Description 1. PROJ DESC Background Chap. 1, Sec. 1.1 (10%) 2. PROJ DESC Requirements Chap. 1 Sec. 1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2 (20%) 3. CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS Chap. 2, Sec. 2.1 (25%) A general description of the project: what is to be accomplished, relevance / significance to the sponsor, and benefits upon completion. 1.2.1: Statement of Need as provided by sponsor. 1.2.2: CRs completely describing what the project must accomplish. 1.2.6 HoQ, including CR’s and all approvals. A description of the current state system / process. Appropriate tools, e.g. VSM, hierarchical diagrams, IDEF0, process flow charts/maps, appropriately used to fully describe all relevant flows (process, material, information, etc.) Clarity, conciseness and focus; emphasis of main ideas; supporting details and references. Absence of “padding” and unnecessary repetition. Sequencing and paragraph breaks. Flow of ideas. Transitions among sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. Details fit where placed. Control of standard writing conventions (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar, and usage) and their use to enhance communication. Freedom from errors. Substantiation of all significant claims by correct citations in text and inclusion of references in bibliography. References format as listed in course syllabus. 4. CLARITY & CONCISENESS (15%) 5. ORGANIZATION (15%) 6. CONVENTIONS (10%) 7. CITING SOURCES (5%) Grader: _______________ 19 Grade (A-F) This category will be graded by course instructor. Preliminary Proposal –“Process” Projects One copy, each, to Faculty Advisor, Sponsor Mentor, and Instructor Instructions For Graders and Students GRADERS: An evaluation rubric is provided on the following page for the grading of the Preliminary Proposal. This is a collaboratively written document (one per team). Please note that the students have been provided with a project report template that includes chapters for work done throughout the course. Intermediate reports such as this one address some portion of that template. This report, for example, consists of most of Chapter 1, all of Chapters 2 and 3, and part of Chapter 4 of the template. Please disregard empty chapters at this point. The specific chapters and sections to grade are indicated on the Evaluation Rubric. The rubric evaluates this report based on nine categories: 1. Project Description: Background 2. Project Description: Requirements 3. Current State Analysis and Benchmarking 4. Future State Analysis 5. Design Selected 6. Clarity & Conciseness 7. Organization 8. Conventions 9. Citing Sources Each of these categories is listed in the far left column of the rubric. Assign a grade of A-F in the far right column, using the following grade criteria as a guideline (% value is per cent of possible points to award for that category). A+ A B C D F F- 100% 95% 85% 75% 65% 55% 0% Truly outstanding technical work and/or writing. Difficult to imagine anything better by a peer. Excellent. Shows substantial insight, originality, creativity, competence. Fully developed and detailed. Strong. Thorough. Shows good understanding, competence. Well developed, with supporting detail. Adequate. Demonstrates adequate understanding, competence. Adequately developed, with some detail. Weak. Shows some understanding and/or competence. Undeveloped or lacking supporting detail. Unsatisfactory. Demonstrates some effort, but little understanding or competence. Undeveloped. Unacceptable. Completely omitted, or demonstrates very, very little effort. It is not necessary for you to extensively “mark up” the text of the report. Include comments in the text of the document at your discretion, and add brief comments as you feel necessary to support the scores you have given. Line-by-line editing for writing quality is neither required nor desired. Refer students to Tracy Ann Robinson for detailed help with writing issues. STUDENTS: It is your responsibility to hand in to your faculty advisor, sponsor mentor, and course instructor the following: 20 Your report (w/ all required pages from the template), including this page and the Evaluation Rubric. A copy of lead editor #1’s Background Report grading rubric as filled-out by the grader. 21 EVALUATION RUBRIC FOR PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL —“PROCESS” PROJECTS Faculty Advisors please complete grading and return to 102 Dearborn Hall by 4:30 pm on 11/8/2010 Project #/Title: ___________________________________________________ Grader Comments (optional) Category (and grading weight) Description 1. PROJ. DESC. Background Chap. 1, Sec. 1.1 (5%) A general description of the project: what is to be accomplished, relevance / significance to the sponsor, and benefits upon completion. 1.2.1: Statement of Need as provided by sponsor. 1.2.2: CRs completely describing what the project must accomplish. 1.2.3 Engineering Requirements 1.2.6 HoQ, including CR’s, ER’s, and all approvals. A description of the current state system / process and benchmarking. Explanation of how benchmark metrics and/or best practices are applicable to the project. Appropriate tools, e.g. VSM, IDEF, process flow charts, describe relevant flows (process, material, information, etc.). Description of plausible future state designs considered for each aspect of the project. Support for each option by analysis of feasibility, listing advantages and disadvantages. Description of the single design selected from those presented in Chapter 3. Justification of the design based on factors including technical suitability, economic considerations, manufacturability, aesthetics, etc. Clarity, conciseness and focus; emphasis of main ideas; supporting details and references. Absence of “padding” and unnecessary repetition. Sequencing and paragraph breaks. Flow of ideas. Transitions among sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. Details fit where placed. Control of standard writing conventions (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar, and usage) and their use to enhance communication. Freedom from errors. All significant claims referenced and listed in References using format listed in course syllabus. Tables and figures cited correctly in text. 2. PROJ. DESC. Requirements Chap. 1, not 1.2.4 or 1.2.5 (10%) 3. CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS BENCHMARKING Chap. 2 (15%) 4. FUTURE STATE ANALYSIS Chap. 3 (15%) 5. DESIGN SELECTED Chap. 4, Sec. 4.1 (10%) 6. CLARITY & CONCISENESS (15%) 7. ORGANIZATION (15%) 8. CONVENTIONS (10%) 9. CITING SOURCES (5%) Grader: _______________ 22 Grade (A-F) This category will be graded by course instructor. Final Proposal –“Process” Projects One copy, each, to Faculty Advisor, Sponsor Mentor, and Instructor Instructions For Graders and Students GRADERS: An evaluation rubric is provided on the following page for the grading of the Final Proposal. This is a collaboratively written document (one per team). Please note that the students have been provided with a project report template that includes chapters for work done throughout the course. Intermediate reports such as this one address some portion of that template. This report, for example, consists of Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of the template. Please disregard empty chapters at this point. The specific chapters and sections to grade are indicated on the Evaluation Rubric. The rubric evaluates this report based on ten categories: 1. Project Description: Background 2. Project Description: Requirements 3. Current State Analysis and Benchmarking 4. Future State Analysis 5. Design Selected 6. Implementation 7. Clarity & Conciseness 8. Organization 9. Conventions 10. Citing Sources Each of these categories is listed in the far left column of the rubric. Assign a grade of A-F in the far right column, using the following grade criteria as a guideline (% value is per cent of possible points to award for that category). A+ A B C D F F- 100% 95% 85% 75% 65% 55% 0% Truly outstanding technical work and/or writing. Difficult to imagine anything better by a peer. Excellent. Shows substantial insight, originality, creativity, competence. Fully developed and detailed. Strong. Thorough. Shows good understanding, competence. Well developed, with supporting detail. Adequate. Demonstrates adequate understanding, competence. Adequately developed, with some detail. Weak. Shows some understanding and/or competence. Undeveloped or lacking supporting detail. Unsatisfactory. Demonstrates some effort, but little understanding or competence. Undeveloped. Unacceptable. Completely omitted, or demonstrates very, very little effort. It is not necessary for you to extensively “mark up” the text of the report. Include comments in the text of the document at your discretion, and add brief comments as you feel necessary to support the scores you have given. Line-by-line editing for writing quality is neither required nor desired. Refer students to Tracy Ann Robinson for detailed help with writing issues. STUDENTS: It is your responsibility to hand in to your faculty advisor, sponsor mentor, and course instructor the following: Your report (w/ all relevant pages from the template), including this page and the Evaluation Rubric A copy of your group’s Preliminary Proposal grading rubric as filled-out by the grader. 23 EVALUATION RUBRIC FOR FINAL PROPOSAL —“PROCESS” PROJECTS Faculty Advisors please complete grading and return to 102 Dearborn Hall by 4:30 pm on 12/10/2010 Project #/Title: ___________________________________________________ Grader Comments (optional) Category (and grading weight) Description 1. PROJ DESC Background Chap. 1, Sec. 1.1 (5%) 2. PROJ DESC Requirements Chap. 1, Sec. 1.2 (10%) A general description of the project: what is to be accomplished, relevance / significance to the sponsor, and benefits upon completion. 1.2.1: Statement of Need as provided by sponsor. 1.2.2: CRs completely describing what the project must accomplish. 1.2.3 Engineering Requirements. 1.2.4 Testing Procedures. 1.2.5 Design Links. 1.2.6 HoQ, including CR’s and all approvals. A description of the current state system / process and benchmarking results are provided. Also given is an explanation of how benchmark metrics and/or best practices are applicable to the project. Appropriate tools, e.g. VSM, IDEF, process flow charts describe relevant flows (process, material, information, etc.). Plausible future state designs considered for each aspect of the project. Support of each option is by a brief, analysis of feasibility listing advantages and disadvantages. 4.1: Technical explanation of why this design was selected and how it meets ERs. 4.2: Specification of design (e.g. process specifications), engineering methodology justifying selection of design parameters. Process specifications, process settings, and training plans for all stakeholders. Project schedule with appropriate implementation phases. Clarity, conciseness and focus; emphasis of main ideas; supporting details and references. Absence of “padding” and unnecessary repetition. Sequencing and paragraph breaks. Flow of ideas. Transitions among sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. Details fit where placed. Control of standard writing conventions (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar, and usage) and their use to enhance communication. Freedom from errors. All significant claims referenced and listed in References using format listed in course syllabus. Tables and figures cited correctly in text. 3. CURRENT STATE ANALYSIS BENCHMARKING Chap. 2 (5%) 4. FUTURE STATE ANALYSIS Chap. 3 (5%) 5. DESIGN SELECTED Chap. 4 (15%) 6. IMPLEMENTATION Chap. 5 (15%) 7. CLARITY & CONCISENESS (15%) 8. ORGANIZATION (15%) 9. CONVENTIONS (10%) 10. CITING SOURCES (5%) Grader: _______________ 24 Grade (A-F) This category will be graded by course instructor. Final Project Report–“Process” Projects Instructions For Graders and Students GRADERS: The Final Project Report is collaboratively written (one per group) and consists of seven chapters. The first chapter consists of a description of the project. The second chapter describes a current state analysis of the process and benchmarking study results. The third chapter discusses the possible future state designs. The fourth chapter is a completely specified description of the chosen future state design. The fifth chapter describes the implementation of the chosen future state design selected. The sixth chapter describes testing of the implemented future state. Each of these categories is listed in the far left column of the rubric. Assign a grade of A-F in the far right column, using the following grade criteria as a guideline (% value is per cent of possible points to award for that category). A+ A B C D F F- 100% 95% 85% 75% 65% 55% 0% Truly outstanding technical work and/or writing. Difficult to imagine anything better by a peer. Excellent. Shows substantial insight, originality, creativity, competence. Fully developed and detailed. Strong. Thorough. Shows good understanding, competence. Well developed, with supporting detail. Adequate. Demonstrates adequate understanding, competence. Adequately developed, with some detail. Weak. Shows some understanding and/or competence. Undeveloped or lacking supporting detail. Unsatisfactory. Demonstrates some effort, but little understanding or competence. Undeveloped. Unacceptable. Completely omitted, or demonstrates very, very little effort. It is not necessary for you to extensively mark up the text of the report. Include comments in the text of the document at your discretion, and add brief comments as you feel necessary to support the scores you have given. Line-by-line editing for writing quality is neither required nor desired. Refer students to Tracy Ann Robinson for detailed help with writing issues. STUDENTS: Submit two complete hard copies to the course instructor, one to the faculty advisor, and one to the sponsor mentor. Include color printing as appropriate with each copy. It is your responsibility to include the following with each copy of your report: 1. This document (available on Blackboard), including guidelines and grading rubric. 2. A copy of the graded rubric from the Final Design Proposal (last report of IE 497/ME418). 3. Clearly indicate lead editors as follows: Lead editor #1: Implementation section Lead editor #2: Testing section Lead editor #3: everything else (revising all other sections based on previous comments) 4. Follow the template exactly. Copy and paste additional headings as necessary (if you have more than the listed number of possible future states, for example). Update the Table of Contents by CTRL-clicking to the left of the TOC and selecting “Update field". 25 EVALUATION RUBRIC FOR FINAL REPORT —“PROCESS” PROJECTS Faculty Advisors please complete grading and return to 102 Dearborn Hall by 4:30 pm on 3/18/2011 Project #/Title: ___________________________________________________ Grader Comments (optional) Category (and grading weight) Description 1. “PAPER DESIGN” Chapters 1,2,3,4, (15%) Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & appendix content from Final Proposal, revised to address graders’ comments and match tense and voice with this report. Description of implementation, including issues encountered and design changes made. Process specifications and settings, and engineering analysis to support and describe changes made before testing. Description of testing process, according to procedures described in section 1.2.3, and results of the tests. Discussion of any failed tests, with technical analyses. Description of redesign, if appropriate, including engineering analyses, process specifications, settings, and training materials, as appropriate. 2. IMPLEMENTATION Chapter 5 (20%) 3. TESTING Chapter 6 (20%) 4. CLARITY & CONCISENESS (15%) 5. ORGANIZATION (15%) 6. CONVENTIONS (10%) 7. CITING SOURCES (5%) Grader: _______________ Clarity, conciseness and focus; emphasis of main ideas; supporting details and references. Absence of “padding” and unnecessary repetition. Sequencing and paragraph breaks. Flow of ideas. Transitions among sentences, paragraphs, and ideas. Details fit where placed. Control of standard writing conventions (punctuation, spelling, capitalization, grammar, and usage) and their use to enhance communication. Freedom from errors. All significant claims referenced and listed in References using format listed in course syllabus. Tables and figures cited correctly in text. 26 Grade (A-F) 27