WAVELET BASED IMAGE COMPRESSION ON THE TEXAS INSTRUMENT VIDEO PROCESSING BOARD TMS320DM6437 Riken Shah B.E., Gujarat University, India, 2007 PROJECT Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO SPRING 2011 WAVELET BASED IMAGE COMPRESSION ON THE TEXAS INSTRUMENT VIDEO PROCESSING BOARD TMS320DM6437 A Project by Riken Shah Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Jing Pang, Ph.D. __________________________________, Second Reader Fethi Belkhouche, Ph.D. ____________________________ Date ii Student: Riken Shah I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the Project. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Preetham Kumar, Ph.D. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering iii ________________ Date Abstract of WAVELET BASED IMAGE COMPRESSION THE TEXAS INSTRUMENT VIDEO PROCESSING BOARD TMS320DM6437 by Riken Shah Time has become a crucial issue in today’s lifestyle and to keep up the pace with the world we need to come up with technologies that can process things faster. With high speed technology in image processing industry, the demand of good quality data is increasing rapidly. The usage of image and streaming of video on internet have increased exponentially. In addition, more storage capacity and more bandwidth as HD (High Density) image and video have become more and more popular. In this project, mainly I demonstrated two different methods of image compression DCT based image compression and WAVELET based image compression on JPEG2000 image standard. I designed DCT based image compression and WAVELET based image compression codes in matlab and compared their results. After that, I implemented the wavelet algorithm using C and C# in visual studio to verify the design. Finally I implemented the same algorithm on TI’s digital signal processing board EVM320DM6437, based on C language. In addition, for implementing discrete wavelet transform on EVM320DM6437 board, I captured the image frame from a video signal. Then, I extracted the Y iv components of the image. Then I used Code Composer Studio software to implement the code written in C language to successful display the compression result on Television. _______________________, Committee Chair Jing Pang, Ph.D. _______________________ Date v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS As I am starting discussing the project, the first thing I would love to do is really thank and say something to all the people who have contributed also motivated me for completing this project successfully. I would like to thank Dr. Jing Pang for providing me such a nice opportunity to work on this project, which was a great exposure to the field of digital processing. I must say she has a very good knowledge in this field. I must say that I would not have been possible for me to finish this project without her help throughout the research. I would like to thank Shetul Saksena, who also worked with me on this project. Without his help, it would have been impossible for me to finish this project. His experience and knowledge have played vital roles in this project. I would like to thank Dr. Fethi Belkhouche for reviewing my report. His experience was also a great help for me to understand this project. He showed me many areas where I can improve my presentation of report work. Last but not the least I would like to thank all of my family members for providing me strength and immense support. Also, thanks to all the faculty members of Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at California State University, Sacramento for the help and support to complete my graduation successfully. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………….……...vi List of Figures...…………………………………………………………………………..ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………1 1.1 Introduction to image processing…….………………………………………1 1.2 Organization of report………………………………………………………..2 2. BASIC CONCEPT OF IMAGE PROCESSING AND TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF FORMAT JPEG AND JPEG2000……….………………………………………4 2.1 Introduction to image compression and decompression...……………………4 2.2 Types of image compression techquniques….……………………………….4 2.2.1 Lossy image compression………………………………………………4 2.2.2 Lossless image compression……………………………………………5 2.3 Two different formats JPEG and JPEG 2000………………………………...6 2.3.1 Introduction to image standard JPEG…………………………………..6 2.3.2 Introduction to image standard JPEG 2000…………………………….7 2.4 Two algorithms DCT and Wavelets used in JPEG and JPEG 2000………….. respectively…………...…………...………………………………...………. 8 2.4.1 Wavelet based image processing………………………………………8 2.4.2 DCT based image processing………………………………………...11 Quantization in DCT………………………………………...12 vii Zigzag scanning……………………………………………...13 3. MATLAB MODEL OF DCT AND WAVELET IMAGE PROCESSING………...14 3.1 Matlab representation of DCT based signal processing………………………...14 3.2 Wavelet based signal processing……………………………………………….19 4. WAVELET IMPLEMENTATION USING C LANGUAGE…….………………..22 4.1 Components on hardware and interface………...…………………………..23 4.2 Wavelet based image processing using C and C#....………………………..23 5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK........………................................................29 Appendix A Matlab model for DCT based processing…………….........………...…….30 Appendix B C model for wavelet based image compression on hardware…………......34 REFEREENCES...………………………………………………………………………35 viii LIST OF FIGURES 1. Figure 1.1.1: Different steps of image compression and decompression..………..1 2. Figure 2.4.1(a): Steps involved in wavelet based image compression...………….9 3. Figure 2.4.1(b): DWT on each tile in an image………………..……………….....9 4. Figure 2.4.1(c): Wavelet transform on an image at different level…….……...…10 5. Figure 2.4.2(a): Equation to calculate DCT in 2D…………….….……………...11 6. Figure Quantization matrix for DCT……………...………………….12 7. Figure Path followed in zigzag scan…….……………………………13 8. Figure 3.1.1: Original test image of sunview……….……………………………14 9. Figure 3.1.2: YCbCr image result……………………………………………......15 10. Figure 3.1.3: Y component extraction of an image………..…………………….15 11. Figure 3.1.4: Quantized Y component of an image..…………………...…...…...16 12. Figure 3.1.5: Reconstructed YCbCr image…………………..…...……..……….17 13. Figure 3.1.6: Reconstructed RGB image……………………………..……….…17 14. Figure: 3.1.7: Error image………………………..………………………………18 15. Figure 3.2.1: Input image for wavelet based image compression.……………….19 26. Figure 3.2.2: Processed image……………….…………………………………..19 17. Figure 3.2.3: Reconstructed image………..……………………………………..20 18. Figure 3.2.4: Matrix for wavelet based image compression…………………..…20 19. Figure 4.1.1: TI DAVINCI signal processing board…………………………….22 20. Figure 4.1.2: Block diagram for TI DAVINCI signal processing board.………..23 ix 21. Figure 4.2.1: Image used to do wavelet processing using C#...............................24 22. Figure 4.2.2: Wavelet based image processing 2 level………….……………….25 23. Figure 4.2.3: Wavelet based image processing 3 level………….………..……...26 x 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction to image processing Image compression is getting more and more attention day by day as high speed compression and good quality of image are in high demand. One advantage of an Image compression is to reduce the time taken for transmission of an image [1]. For example, an image has 512 rows and 512 columns. Without compression, totally 512x512x8 = 2,097,152 bits data needed to be stored [1]. And, each pixel is represented by 8-bit data format. Now to compress it means to reduce the number of bits needed to store those bits without sacrificing a lot for image quality [1]. General image compression and decompression block diagram is shown below. Figure 1.1.1 Different steps of image compression and decompression [2] Compression is useful to reduce the cost of extra use of transmission bandwidth or storage for larger size images. In addition, there is always decompression followed by compression. This process involves loss of data, and one should control the ratio of the 2 information being lost, as images should not be compressed to a level that one cannot even recover them with minimal loss. What is JPEG2000? JPEG 2000 can give significant increase in performance as compared to JPEG [2]. It is an extension to JPEG. It was introduced in 2000, so it is called JPEG2000. The biggest advantage of it is flexibility. One can get compressed images scalable in nature. The compression technique can be truncated at any point in time, now the resolution and signal to noise ratio depend on the point they are truncated [2]. In addition, it is possible to achieve variable compression rate due to its flexibility and adaptability. With JPEG, compression algorithm is applied before encoding while with JPEG2000 it is done in a single step. Wavelet is the algorithm name used to do processing of JPEG2000 format. From the research, it has been found that compression achieved by this method is 20% more as compared to JPEG [2]. Wavelet algorithm works on a pixel value. It can vary from values 0 (black) to 256 (white). In wavelet based compression, average and difference of two adjacent pixels are taken. Then the value close to 0 is discarded. This is a method to reduce the number of bits. Because of its effectiveness in edge detection, it is used in medical images as well as in military images. Police department use it for finger print detection. DMV follows this algorithm for car plate detection. 1.2 Organization of report Chapter 2 consists of basic information of what compression and decompression. In addition, the difference between two industry standards JPEG and JPEG 2000 I 3 described. Different components of these two standards are explained with lots of figures. It makes this report easy to understand. Chapter 3 has the entire information about Matlab model implemented for both DCT based and Wavelet based image processing. Again, the results generated by those matlab codes are included in the report. It is making the report easy for readers to understand the difference between both of them. Chapter 4 consists of C language based model of wavelet-based algorithm. This algorithm was implemented on Texas Instruments’ digital signal processing board provided by Dr. Jing Pang. All the result images generated by that algorithm to prove the reliability of the code are included in this report. Chapter 5 shows how Wavelet is better than DCT based algorithm along with results to support it. In addition, the implementation of the code on hardware is also shown. 4 CHAPTER 2 BASIC CONCEPT OF IMAGE PROCESSING AND TWO DIFFERENT TYPES OF FORMAT JPEG AND JPEG2000 2.1 Introduction to image compression and decompression Any image taken from a camera is stored in a computer in form of a matrix. Each pixel is represented by a value from 0 to 255. More pixels in an image means that more memory is needed to store that image. Therefore, digital image processing concept is concentrated on reduction of memory consumption. It has been found that general 1024X1024-color image occupies 3 MB of memory for storage [3]. Digital image transmission is also a major area, where data compression and decompression methods are required. Since most communication channels are noisy, Robustness of these techniques is equally important [3]. 2.2 Types of image compression techniques Digital image compression can be divided mainly in two large categories: lossless and lossy compression. Lossless compression is used for artificial images. They use low bits rate. There is a possibility of loss some of the data during this process. While lossless compression is preferred in medical images and military images. 2.2.1 Lossy image compression In lossy compression and decompression methods, accuracy is so important. There will be a data loss but it should be under the limit of tolerance. It should be good enough for application of image processing. This kind of compression is used for transmitting or storing multimedia data, where compromise with the loss is allowed. In 5 contrast to lossless data processing, lossy signal processing repeatedly does compression and decompression on file. That eventually will affect the quality of data. The concept of lossy compression is supported by rate distortion theory. CPC, JPEG, Fractal compression are some examples of lossy signal processing methods. To conclude, on the receiver side, when there is a human eye the signal allows lossy compression as human eye can tolerate some imperfection [3]. 2.2.2 Lossless image compression In this type of compression, after decompression the images are almost the same as output images. It can allow the difference between the original image and the reconstructed image up to the certain predefined value. Lossless compression can be a valuable solution where we have strict constrains on the reconstruction. In addition, this method is useful where little information on each pixel is very important. We call wavelet a loss less technique. In wavelet algorithm, we do successive re-construction. This makes it possible to receive all the information without a data loss. RLE, LZW, Entropy coding are some examples of lossless data compression. Following are some basic steps involved in compressing and decompressing image. Step 1: Give specifications like what are the bits we have available and what the error tolerance on the receiver side. Step 2: Separate data into different categories depending on their importance. Step 3: Quantize each category using all the information we have available. Step 4: Encode all the information with help of entropy coder. 6 Step 5: On receiver side read data that is quantized. This process is usually faster than transmitter side. Step 6: Decode that data using entropy decoder. Step 7: Dequantization of the data received after step 6. Step 8: Reconstruct the image [4] 2.3 Two different formats JPEG and JPEG 2000 In this section, two different image standards JPEG and JPEG 2000 are discussed. 2.3.1 Introduction to image standard JPEG JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) comes from the committee name that introduced this standard. This is a lossy type of image compression. It is effectively used on still images. On the other hand, MPEG is used for moving image standards. JPEG is called lossy because the reconstructed image on the receiver side is not the same as the transmitter side. The advantage is that one can achieve much higher compression with this standard but at the cost of some data. The small difference in color is invisible to human eye and JPEG standard works on that concept. If detail analysis of the image pixel-by-pixel is done, it would be realized that the amount of data being lost is high. Although the data is lost, it can be controlled by setting parameters. One can keep decreasing size of the file, by reducing the number of bits until it is not affecting the quality of image. The image should be recognized well on the receiver side. There is one mode called progressive mode, which handles real time image transmission. In multiple scans, DCT co-efficients are sent. Depending on each scan, we can get more compressed image. This mode is a hierarchical mode, which is used for an 7 image at multi resolution. Images with resolution like 1024X1024 and 2048X2048, are stored as a difference with next small size images. There were many extensions introduced to JPEG. Quantization is one of them. This method is most popular these days for image compression. It is easy to separate most important and less important parts of the image with this method. To code them, it is necessary to pay high attention to important part and less attention to less important parts. [5] 2.3.2 Introduction to image standard JPEG 2000 JPEG 2000 is a result of extended study performed on JPEG standard for improvements. Although studies are being done since 1996, the first paper on JPEG 2000 was published in December 2000. The Committee’s initial aim was to introduce these concepts of high bit rate and better quality. Later scalability and Region of interest concept were introduced. This makes it even more powerful. It can compress data with low bit rate but without losing and the data image can be recovered. That is the reason it is called the lossless compression [6]. Following are the steps involved in JPEG 2000: Better efficiency in compression of data can be achieved. There are more chances of lossless compression. Different output with different resolution can be decoded. Desired bit rate with this method can be achieved. Division of image in to different steps so that we can take use of all of them. Region of interest extraction. 8 Very high noise resilience improvement. We can achieve access to any bit rate to get access of that particular image. File format is more flexible. This standard enables reuse of image created once in many other applications. The biggest advantage is that one does not need to recompress it. It has the same stream of bits. If a server leaves some data for a use to its consumers, then they can customize same image differently [7]. 2.4 Two algorithms DCT and Wavelets used in JPEG and JPEG 2000 respectively 2.4.1 Wavelet based image processing Wavelet is a lossless algorithm, implemented on JPEG 2000 standard, which analyzes images in a recursive style. Users can get a series of images and with improvement at every level. It is almost similar to DCT, except we get a better resolution at the end. The first step in this process is DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform). After that, the steps performed are quantization and encoding. Decompression is done by doing all this steps in reverse order. 9 Figure 2.4.1(a) Steps involved in Wavelet based compression [8] Another advantage of this type of image processing is that we can view image at different resolution level. Figure 2.4.1(b) DWT on each tile in an image With the help of DWT, low-resolution coefficient can be calculated. This calculation is known as a tree structure. We can calculate that by equation given below: ……………[9] 10 Where aj,k is discrete wavelet transform of f(t). Scaling of the image depends on variable k and shape of the wavelet is dependent of variable j. Figure 2.4.1(c) Wavelet transform on an image at different level [10] The purpose of wavelet transform is to get maximum number of zero or near to zero pixel values. As shown in above figure (a), the original image on which wavelet transform needs to be performed is given. Now, if the threshold value is high, we get a low-resolution image. This will convert all the pixel values to zero, whose magnitude level is less. Image (c) is a reconstructed image given with inverse wavelet transform. To find the error between two images, we mainly use two parameters. They are MSE (Mean square error) and PSNR (Peak signal to noise ratio) .They both are given by the equations below. MSE = PSNR = 10 …………………………[10] …………………………………[10] 11 Then Mean Square error (MSE) is one of the different ways to find the value of difference between two things with estimation. So, in general MSE of an estimator A’ with respect to the estimated parameter A is defined as MSE (A’) = E ((A’-A) 2)……………………………[8] In addition, PSNR (Pick Signal to Noise Ratio) is a ratio between maximum power of a signal and power of corrupted noise. These signals generally have a very long range, hence a logarithmic scale is used. It is widely used standard for checking image quality in image processing. 2.4.2 DCT based image processing This technique is widely used in image processing. Even though it is lossy it provides very high compression rate. It uses the ideas from Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The main idea behind this algorithm is to convert the signal in to frequency domain. DCT in two dimensions is given by equation given below Figure 2.4.2(a): Equation to calculate DCT in 2D Here 1 D row transform is performed on rows and then on columns. This makes 2 Dimension transform separable. IDCT is a same process but in reverse order. Typical 8x8 image block has two 64 2 D functions. In which are generated by multiplying 8 bits of 1 12 D array to another. Each sets represent, horizontal and vertical frequencies respectively. From both of the dimensions, coefficient with frequency value zero is called DC coefficient. Others are known as AC coefficient. It is needed to make the value of the coefficients of lower frequency near DC component. They can be removed, as they are not important as high frequency values. The human eye is less sensitive to high frequency value [4]. Quantization in DCT It always requires more space to store an original image that is uncompressed. If the image on which DCT needs to be performed is of 8 bit. The output can be of 11 bits range can vary from [-1024, 1023]. The main advantage with quantization is, division to DCT matrix is done and it stores only integer values. These values are very small. The higher the value of quantization, the more data one lose. Technically, it is a method to reduce the number of bits to store an image . Q= Figure2.4.2.1(a) Quantization matrix for DCT [12] 13 This matrix is designed in such a way that it has corresponding value for each element of the image matrix. One should encrypt the essential data with low value of step size and less important value with big step size. Zigzag scanning After quantization, encoding of that information is necessary and zigzag scan is the method for that. In this method, low frequency elements are scanned first,followed by high frequency elements. Figure Path followed in zigzag scan When compression on an image is performed, one tries to make most of the bits either zero or near to zero. To encode the bits we have to put all the information, which is similar to each other, together. This scan follows the scan path as shown in the diagram. The scan selectsthe value with highest value and then lowest value. To get all the zero values together, RLE method is done. 14 Chapter 3 MATLAB MODEL OF DCT AND WAVELET IMAGE PROCESSING 3.1 Matlab representation of DCT based signal processing The main aim of this project was to show the difference between DCT based image processing and Wavelet based image processing. The first thing I did was implement DCT based image compression and decompression on an image. I took same image to do the wavelet transform too. Figure 3.1.1: Original test image of sunview I used inbuilt functions of matlab to implement this algorithm. First, I converted that image into Ycbcr format. That was the first step of the compression. The next step was to extract the Y component of that image. Results are shown below in figure. 15 Figure 3.1.2 YCbCr image result Figure 3.1.3 Y componant extraction of an image 16 Now we want to verify on the receiver side, that are we getting the same reconstructed image, back on receiver side back to check that we perform the IDCT (Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform). The logic was implemented again in matlab and results are as below. Figure 3.1.4 Quantized Y componant of an image 17 Figure 3.1.5 Reconstructed YCbCr image Figure 3.1.6 Reconstructed RGB image 18 If we see this image from our eye we may not see the difference between original image and reconstructed image. If you see the difference image given above you can clearly see the amount of data we are loosing. This is the main advantage of the compression using this meathod we are loosing some amount of data here, but we can achieve high compression ratio. Figure 3.1.7 Error image 19 3.2 Wavelet based signal processing Now, the next step was to implement wavelet-based image processing. From the results, it is seen that the difference between PSNR and image quality between two methods is noticeable. Initially, the region of interest is accessed from where we want to do the compression. After that, the method of wavelet should be selected. Here, in this case it is DWT. Then RLE should be performed, this can significantly reduce the number of bits. Figure 3.2.1 Input image for wavelet based image compression Figure 3.2.2 Processed image 20 Figure 3.2.3 Reconstructed image In wavelet based image compression, the predefined matrix is used to do the multiplication with rows and columns. Here the average and difference, between two adjacent pixels are calculated. These will give us most of the pixel values close to zero and that is the main purpose. It has been seen that pixels next to each other do not have much difference in values so the final matrix we get always has very small number value. W1=(1/1.41) Figure 3.2.4 Matrix for wavelet based image compression [14] 21 The concept of averaging and differencing explains the concept of filter. When we do averaging that means we are doing filtering of high frequency data. It acts as a low pass filter when it is used to smoothen the data [14]. In the same way, differencing represents high pass filter that stops low frequency signals. It can be best method to find noise from the signal because the noise is a high frequency signal [14]. Combining both, we call it filter bank. Different features of signals as background, noise, edges correspond to different frequencies. This is the main idea behind the wavelet based image-processing concept. 22 Chapter 4 WAVELET IMPLEMENTATION USING C LANGUAGE Figure 4.1.1 TI DAVINCI signal processing board I was working with Professor Dr. Jing Pang ion Texas Instrument’s TMS320DM6437 DVDP platform for different signal processing application. It comes with the software Code Composer Studio. Some sample code that explains use of this platform came with the software. The thing here is that this software supports only C language and some related languages. Our main idea behind this project is to write the code for wavelet based image compression using C family language. Therefore, I designed a code using C and C# to follow the same algorithm that can be used on this platform. This platform is proven a high performance processor TMS320C64x family for signal processing. This processor consumes less power and cost wise it is affordable compared to other processors with same functions. 23 4.1 Components on hardware and interface This is the best platform to work with especially when someone is looking for a platform, which is best suited for both image, and video application. Also, some of the best features of this kit is TMS320C64x TM DSP core are operating frequency of 600 MHz, 128 KB L2 cache and 32 KB L1 cache. This is the block diagram of the platform shown in diagram. Figure 4.1.2 Block diagram for TI DAVINCI signal processing board In the project, we captured one image from a sample video preview program, which was transmitting video from camera to television. We tried to extract Y component from that image. 4.2 Wavelet based image processing using C and C# The algorithm was implemented using same theory we did in matlab but the problem was to show the result to verify it. C does not have anything with which one can display the image and see the processed result. Therefore, for that we took help of one of 24 my friend who is in computer science department he knows C#. He help us developed some forms to open an image. We implement that algorithm on image and saw the result using C# to verify that. The implementation was so perfect we achieved the very good ratio using that algorithm. We also have included the functions like how many level of compression we want and what should be the threshold level entered by user. That gave this code good flexibility and range I can show to others. We calculated SNR same way we have calculated in Matlab. Figure 4.2.1 Image used to do wavelet processing using C# 25 I took this beautiful image to implement my algorithm using C and C#. It is the same algorithm I implemented using matlab but the reason behind this is that Dr. Pang wants to implement these processing steps on TI DSP platform I explained earlier and this is going to be a huge benefit in that area. In this algorithm there is a for loop which can be run multiple times depending on user. One can run that loop same number of times we want to achieve the level. Here are some image results I have included to show the 2 level compression and 3 level compression. Figure 4.2.2 Wavelet based image processing 2 level 26 Figure 4.2.3 Wavelet based image compression 3 level From both the images and results it is been seen that threshold is inversely proportional to image quality. As we increase the threshold value, we can see the value of SNR is reduced. SNR as discussed measure of quality of image compare to noise in signal. The main function used here in design is function DWT(). In this function I have used a wavelet matrix. The beauty of this matrix is that if one does a multiplication of that matrix with our image matrix then it is automatically taking an average and a difference of adjacent pixels. Therefore, after the matrix multiplication as shown in above example, compressed image can be achieved. In this case, both original and compressed images are shown the result was displayed on Television. 27 Figure 4.2.4 Input image for wavelet transform on TI’s DSP board Figure 4.2.5 Output image after first level of wavelet based image compression on TV 28 From the output result, the first level of wavelet compression was achieved on TI’s board and output can clearly see with the edges in the result image. The edge detection is an essential part of a wavelet based image compression and it is been proved by the results shown here. 29 Chapter 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK The major idea behind this project was to show a difference between the DCT based image compression and a wavelet based image compression. The concept was implemented in software language C/C++, so that the logic can be implemented on a Texas Instrument’s DSP board. I have successfully implemented, both DCT based and wavelet-based algorithm in MATLAB. By viewing the SNR for both the DCT and wavelet based image compression, a clear quality difference between them can be noticed. It can be observed that wavelet can give better SNR as high as 20% in comparison to DCT. In addition, wavelet based image compression is best for edge detection and due to level based compression, it is also flexible. We can use any level to do the processing. Reliability has helped the Police department to use this algorithm for a finger print reader. In hospitals to check images this algorithm is been used. At both these places accuracy and quality is very essential. PSNR achieved by DCT based compression is 34. Code can be found below in appendix to verify the result. PSNR calculated by wavelet based processing method is 64. Hence, from the results it can be inferred that quality in received image after wavelet based processing is higher than DCT. A logic based on above concept was developed using C language and C#. This can be very useful for future reference. Dr. Pang is working on a TI’s DSP board TMS320DM6437 that only supports C and C++ language. In addition, with this algorithm one can achieve a higher level of compression. 30 APPENDIX A Matlab model for DCT based processing clc; clear all; close all; %Part (a) RGB=imread('flower.jpg'); Ycbcr=rgb2ycbcr(RGB); figure(1); imshow(RGB); title('Original Image'); %To get 4:2:0 format of YCbCr for cols =(1:2:800) for rows =(1:2:600) YCbCr(rows + 1 , cols + 1 , 2) = 0; end end for cols =(1:2:800) for rows =(1:2:600) YCbCr(rows + 1, cols + 1 , 3) = 0; end end figure(2); imshow(Ycbcr); title('YCbCr Image'); y1=Ycbcr(:,:,1); cb=Ycbcr(:,:,2); cr=Ycbcr(:,:,3); pDCTy=@dct2; pDCTcb=@dct2; pDCTcr=@dct2; DCTy = blkproc ( y1, [8 8], pDCTy); DCTcb = blkproc ( cb, [8 8], pDCTcb); DCTcr = blkproc ( cr, [8 8], pDCTcr); DCTy = fix(DCTy); DCTcb = fix(DCTcb); DCTcr = fix(DCTcr); figure(3); //read image name flower.jpg //extract y component from image //display the color image //we took 800x600 pixel example 31 imshow(DCTy); title('Y Component Image'); %Part (b) %Quantize the DCT image by using the JPEG luminance and chrominance I=imread('flower.jpg'); y=rgb2ycbcr(I); y1=y(:,:,1); %Quantizer Matrix Y_quantizer=[16 11 10 16 24 40 51 61; 12 12 14 19 26 58 60 55; 14 13 16 24 40 57 69 56; 14 17 22 29 51 87 80 62; 18 22 37 56 68 109 103 77; 24 35 55 64 81 104 113 92; 49 64 78 87 103 121 120 101; 72 92 95 98 112 100 103 99]; Cbr_quantizer=[17 18 24 47 99 99 99 99; 18 21 26 66 99 99 99 99; 24 26 56 99 99 99 99 99; 47 66 99 99 99 99 99 99; 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99; 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99; 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99; 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99]; pDCTy = @dct2; pDCTcb=@dct2; pDCTcr=@dct2; y1=y(:,:,1); cb=y(:,:,2); cr=y(:,:,3); DCTy = blkproc ( y1, [8 8], pDCTy); DCTcb = blkproc ( cb, [8 8], pDCTcb); DCTcr = blkproc ( cr, [8 8], pDCTcr); DCTy = fix(DCTy); DCTy_temp1=DCTy(17:24,1:8); DCTy_temp2=DCTy(17:24,9:16); %Quantization of DCT image. quantized_Y = blkproc(DCTy,[8 8],'x./P1',Y_quantizer); quantized_cb=blkproc(DCTcb,[8,8],'x./P1',Cbr_quantizer); 32 quantized_cr=blkproc(DCTcr,[8,8],'x./P1',Cbr_quantizer); %Rounding the values. quantized_Y=round(quantized_Y); quantized_Y1=round(quantized_Y); quantized_cb=round(quantized_cb); quantized_cr=round(quantized_cr); quantized_Y_temp=quantized_Y1(17:24,1:16); %Display 1st two blocks of 3rd Row quantized_Y_temp1=quantized_Y1(17:24,1:8) quantized_Y_temp2=quantized_Y1(17:24,9:16) figure(4); imshow(quantized_Y1); title('Quantized Y Component'); figure(5); subplot(1,2,1), subimage(quantized_Y_temp1); title('1st Block of the 3rd Row'); subplot(1,2,2), subimage(quantized_Y_temp2); title('2nd Block of the 3rd Row'); dcy=[]; for i=1:8:600 for j=1:8:800 dcy=[dcy quantized_Y(i,j)]; end; end; fun3=zigzac(quantized_Y_temp) ; fun2=fun3(1:63) % zigzac function call. figure(6); imshow(fun2); %Inverse quantisation y_invq = blkproc(quantized_Y,[8 8],'x.*P1',Y_quantizer); cb_invq = blkproc(quantized_cb,[8 8],'x.*P1',Cbr_quantizer); cr_invq = blkproc(quantized_cr,[8 8],'x.*P1',Cbr_quantizer); y_invq_temp=y_invq(17:24,1:16); % Inverse DCT transform idc=@idct2; Invdct_y=blkproc(y_invq,[8,8],idc); 33 Invdct_cb=blkproc(cb_invq,[8,8],idc); Invdct_cr=blkproc(cr_invq,[8,8],idc); % Create structure of unsigned integer datatype Invdct_y=uint8(Invdct_y); Invdct_cb=uint8(Invdct_cb); Invdct_cr=uint8(Invdct_cr); Invdct_y_temp=Invdct_y(17:24,1:16); Reycbcr(:,:,1)=Invdct_y; Reycbcr(:,:,2)=Invdct_cb; Reycbcr(:,:,3)=Invdct_cr; figure(7); imshow(Reycbcr) title('Reconstructed YCbCr image'); %To find the error image ReRGB=ycbcr2rgb(Reycbcr); figure(8); imshow(ReRGB); title('Reconstructed RGB image'); error=RGB-ReRGB; figure(9); imshow(error); title('The Error image'); error error_temp=error(17:24,1:16); %To find the PSNR for the luminance component rergb=ReRGB(:,:,1); rgb=RGB(:,:,1); mean=sum(sum((rergb-rgb).^2)); mse_Y=((1./(600.*800)).*mean) % Peak value of teh RGB image is 255 Peak=255; X=255./mse_Y; PSNR=10*log(X) 34 APPENDIX B C model for wavelet based image compression on hardware /* * ======== video_preview.c ======== * */ /* runtime include files */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> /* BIOS include files */ #include <std.h> #include <gio.h> #include <tsk.h> #include <trc.h> /* PSP include files */ #include <psp_i2c.h> #include <psp_vpfe.h> #include <psp_vpbe.h> #include <fvid.h> #include <psp_tvp5146_extVidDecoder.h> /* CSL include files */ #include <soc.h> #include <cslr_sysctl.h> /* BSL include files */ #include <evmdm6437.h> #include <evmdm6437_dip.h> /* Video Params Defaults */ #include <vid_params_default.h> // IMAGE PROCESSING HEADER FILES //#include "img_sobel.h" //#include "img_yc_demux_le16.h" 35 /* This example supports either PAL or NTSC depending on position of JP1 */ #define STANDARD_PAL 0 #define STANDARD_NTSC 1 #define FRAME_BUFF_CNT 6 static int read_JP1(void); static CSL_SysctlRegsOvly sysModuleRegs = (CSL_SysctlRegsOvly )CSL_SYS_0_REGS; // User Defined Function void display (void * currentFrame); void haar (void * currentFrame); void dwt(); //float y[720 * 480]; //float z[720 * 480]; //float my_image[480][720]; float I_temp[480][720]; float O_temp[480][720]; //float a[720]; float w[480][480]; float wa[480][480]; float wt[480][480]; /* * ======== main ======== */ void main() { printf("Video Preview Application\n"); fflush(stdout); /* Initialize BSL library to read jumper switches: */ EVMDM6437_DIP_init(); /* VPSS PinMuxing */ /* CI10SEL - No CI[1:0] /* CI32SEL - No CI[3:2] */ */ 36 /* CI54SEL - No CI[5:4] */ /* CI76SEL - No CI[7:6] */ /* CFLDSEL - No C_FIELD */ /* CWENSEL - No C_WEN */ /* HDVSEL - CCDC HD and VD enabled */ /* CCDCSEL - CCDC PCLK, YI[7:0] enabled */ /* AEAW - EMIFA full address mode */ /* VPBECKEN - VPBECLK enabled */ /* RGBSEL - No digital outputs */ /* CS3SEL - LCD_OE/EM_CS3 disabled */ /* CS4SEL - CS4/VSYNC enabled */ /* CS5SEL - CS5/HSYNC enabled */ /* VENCSEL - VCLK,YOUT[7:0],COUT[7:0] enabled */ /* AEM - 8bEMIF + 8bCCDC + 8 to 16bVENC */ sysModuleRegs -> PINMUX0 &= (0x005482A3u); sysModuleRegs -> PINMUX0 |= (0x005482A3u); /* PCIEN = 0: PINMUX1 - Bit 0 */ sysModuleRegs -> PINMUX1 &= (0xFFFFFFFEu); sysModuleRegs -> VPSSCLKCTL = (0x18u); return; } /* * ======== video_preview ======== */ void video_preview(void) { FVID_Frame *frameBuffTable[FRAME_BUFF_CNT]; FVID_Frame *frameBuffPtr; GIO_Handle hGioVpfeCcdc; GIO_Handle hGioVpbeVid0; GIO_Handle hGioVpbeVenc; int status = 0; int result; int i; int standard; int width; int height; /* Set video display/capture driver params to defaults */ PSP_VPFE_TVP5146_ConfigParams tvp5146Params = 37 VID_PARAMS_TVP5146_DEFAULT; PSP_VPFECcdcConfigParams vpfeCcdcConfigParams = VID_PARAMS_CCDC_DEFAULT_D1; PSP_VPBEOsdConfigParams vpbeOsdConfigParams = VID_PARAMS_OSD_DEFAULT_D1; PSP_VPBEVencConfigParams vpbeVencConfigParams; standard = read_JP1(); /* Update display/capture params based on video standard (PAL/NTSC) */ if (standard == STANDARD_PAL) { width = 720; height = 576; vpbeVencConfigParams.displayStandard = PSP_VPBE_DISPLAY_PAL_INTERLACED_COMPOSITE; } else { width = 720; height = 480; vpbeVencConfigParams.displayStandard = PSP_VPBE_DISPLAY_NTSC_INTERLACED_COMPOSITE; } vpfeCcdcConfigParams.height = vpbeOsdConfigParams.height = height; vpfeCcdcConfigParams.width = vpbeOsdConfigParams.width = width; vpfeCcdcConfigParams.pitch = vpbeOsdConfigParams.pitch = width * 2; /* init the frame buffer table */ for (i=0; i<FRAME_BUFF_CNT; i++) { frameBuffTable[i] = NULL; } /* create video input channel */ if (status == 0) { PSP_VPFEChannelParams vpfeChannelParams; vpfeChannelParams.id = PSP_VPFE_CCDC; vpfeChannelParams.params = (PSP_VPFECcdcConfigParams*)&vpfeCcdcConfigParams; hGioVpfeCcdc = FVID_create("/VPFE0",IOM_INOUT,NULL,&vpfeChannelParams,NULL); status = (hGioVpfeCcdc == NULL ? -1 : 0); } /* create video output channel, plane 0 */ 38 if (status == 0) { PSP_VPBEChannelParams vpbeChannelParams; vpbeChannelParams.id = PSP_VPBE_VIDEO_0; vpbeChannelParams.params = (PSP_VPBEOsdConfigParams*)&vpbeOsdConfigParams; hGioVpbeVid0 = FVID_create("/VPBE0",IOM_INOUT,NULL,&vpbeChannelParams,NULL); status = (hGioVpbeVid0 == NULL ? -1 : 0); } /* create video output channel, venc */ if (status == 0) { PSP_VPBEChannelParams vpbeChannelParams; vpbeChannelParams.id = PSP_VPBE_VENC; vpbeChannelParams.params = (PSP_VPBEVencConfigParams *)&vpbeVencConfigParams; hGioVpbeVenc = FVID_create("/VPBE0",IOM_INOUT,NULL,&vpbeChannelParams,NULL); status = (hGioVpbeVenc == NULL ? -1 : 0); } /* configure the TVP5146 video decoder */ if (status == 0) { result = FVID_control(hGioVpfeCcdc, VPFE_ExtVD_BASE+PSP_VPSS_EXT_VIDEO_DECODER_CONFIG, &tvp5146Params); status = (result == IOM_COMPLETED ? 0 : -1); } /* allocate some frame buffers */ if (status == 0) { for (i=0; i<FRAME_BUFF_CNT && status == 0; i++) { result = FVID_allocBuffer(hGioVpfeCcdc, &frameBuffTable[i]); status = (result == IOM_COMPLETED && frameBuffTable[i] != NULL ? 0 : -1); } } /* prime up the video capture channel */ if (status == 0) { FVID_queue(hGioVpfeCcdc, frameBuffTable[0]); FVID_queue(hGioVpfeCcdc, frameBuffTable[1]); FVID_queue(hGioVpfeCcdc, frameBuffTable[2]); } 39 /* prime up the video display channel */ if (status == 0) { FVID_queue(hGioVpbeVid0, frameBuffTable[3]); FVID_queue(hGioVpbeVid0, frameBuffTable[4]); FVID_queue(hGioVpbeVid0, frameBuffTable[5]); } /* grab first buffer from input queue */ if (status == 0) { FVID_dequeue(hGioVpfeCcdc, &frameBuffPtr); } /* loop forever performing video capture and display */ while (status == 0 ) { /* grab a fresh video input frame */ FVID_exchange(hGioVpfeCcdc, &frameBuffPtr); haar ((frameBuffPtr->frame.frameBufferPtr)); dwt(); display((frameBuffPtr->frame.frameBufferPtr)); /* display the video frame */ FVID_exchange(hGioVpbeVid0, &frameBuffPtr); } } void haar (void * currentFrame) { int r,c; int offset; offset = 1; for(r = 0; r < 480; r++) { for(c = 0; c < 720; c++) { I_temp[r][c] = * (((unsigned char * )currentFrame + offset) ); offset = offset + 2; } 40 } } void dwt () { int i,j,k; for (i=0;i<480;i++) { for (j=0;j<240;j++) { if (j==(i+1)*2 -1 || j==(i+1)*2) w[i][j]=0.5; else w[i][j]=0; } for(j=240;j<480;j++) { if (j==((i+1)-240)*2 -1) w[i][j]=-(0.5); else if (j==((i+1)-240)*2) w[i][j]=0.5; else w[i][j]=0; } /* for(j=0;j<480;j++) wt[j][i]=w[i][j];*/ } for (i=0;i<480;i++) { for(j=0;j<480;j++) { wa[i][j]=0; for(k=0;k<480;k++) wa[i][j]+=1.41*w[i][k]*w[k][j]; } } } /* for (i=0;i<480;i++) { 41 for(j=0;j<480;j++) { I_temp[i][j]=0; for(k=0;k<480;k++) I_temp[i][j]+=2*wa[i][k]*wt[k][j]; } }*/ //********************************************************************** void display (void * currentFrame) { int r,c; int offset; offset = 1; for(r = 0; r < 480; r++) { for(c = 0; c < 480; c++) { * (((unsigned char * )currentFrame + offset) ) = wa[r][c]; offset = offset + 2; * (((unsigned char * )currentFrame)+ offset) = 0x80; offset = offset + 2; } } for(r = 0; r < 480; r++) { for(c = 480; c < 720; c++) { * (((unsigned char * )currentFrame + offset) ) = 0; offset = offset + 2; * (((unsigned char * )currentFrame)+ offset) = 0x80; offset = offset + 2;; } } } /* * ======== read_JP1 ======== * Read the PAL/NTSC jumper. * * Retry, as I2C sometimes fails: */ 42 static int read_JP1(void) { int jp1 = -1; while (jp1 == -1) { jp1 = EVMDM6437_DIP_get(JP1_JUMPER); TSK_sleep(1); } return(jp1); } 43 REFERENCES [1]. 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