The Euro-area recession and nowcasting GDP growth using statistical models Gian Luigi Mazzi (Eurostat), James Mitchell (NIESR) Gaetana Montana (Eurostat), Kostas Mouratidis (Sheffield University) & Martin Weale (NIESR) Scheveningen, 15 December 2009 National Institute of Economic and Social Research Purpose • To produce estimates of quarterly GDP growth in the Euro-area faster than Eurostat’s Flash estimate at 45 days • Produce nowcasts using statistical models – Exploit information on indicator variables • Large number of potential indicators – Quantitative (“hard”) – Qualitative (“soft”) • Soft data tend to be published ahead of hard data Focus • Assess the ability of some widely used statistical models to anticipate the recent recession in the EA, and then adapt to it • Nowcasts are produced at 0 and 15 days after the end of the quarter • Nowcasts can always be produced more quickly by exploiting less hard information, but we might expect the quality of the nowcasts to deteriorate as a result • We identify what if any indicator variables were most helpful in anticipating the recession Methodology • Use of real-time (vintage) data • Use out-of-sample simulations • Focus on models’ changing relative and absolute performance Indicator variables • Monthly and quarterly: allow for the staggered release of monthly data within the quarter • Early estimates of GDP, whenever available • Hard data: – Industrial Production; available monthly at 45 days – (Deflated retail trade data) • Soft data – DG-ECFIN’s Business and Consumer Surveys – IFO survey • Financial data: interest rates; the yield curve • National indicators can be considered too Modelling approach • Regression-based nowcasts – Estimate many models and select the preferred model automatically using the BIC – Monthly “bridge equations” used to exploit within quarter monthly information • Combination nowcasts – ‘Integrate out’ model uncertainty, rather than select the best model which may not be stable • Factor-based nowcasts – Small versus large (quarterly) information set Regression-based nowcasts p yt c i yt i i 1 p k ij xt i , j ut ; (t 1,..., T ) (1) i 0 j 1 yt is the log of the dependent variable (quarterly GDP growth in our application), xt , j is the j-th (quarterly) indicator variable (j=1,…,k) in logs where • Variables differenced until stationary • All possible combinations of variables and lags • Restrict the number of indicators and lags to 3 (parsimony) • Automatically select for each group of models (containing respectively 1,2, or 3 indicators) the best performing one using the BIC Combination nowcasts • Focus on equal weights • Weighted (BMA) variants did not do any better in this application Factor nowcasts • Extract principal components from the set of (quarterly) indicators and use these to nowcast quarterly GDP growth Benchmark nowcasts • Ability to beat the benchmark, systematically over time, suggests that the model is of “use” • Consider an AR(1) and a random walk – Both use no within-quarter information • Estimate using previous, as well as the most recent, vintage of GDP data – Data revisions may not be mean zero and maybe predictable Out-of-sample simulations • • • • Use Eurostat’s real-time database Compute nowcasts at t+0 and t+15 days Compute recursively from 2003q2-2009q2 Compare accuracy against Eurostat’s Flash GDP estimate (t+45) and the “final” GDP growth estimates (as of 13 Aug 2009) • Distinguish accuracy (RMSE) of nowcasts over different evaluation windows – Important as models’ absolute and relative performance varies Pre-recession performance (RMSE): 2003q2-2007q4 Post-recession performance (RMSE): 2003q2-2009q2 Accuracy of the nowcasts • The recession has led to a doubling of models’ RMSE statistics • But some models adjusted more quickly than others to the dramatic decline in GDP growth which began in 2008q2 – The relative performance of models changed substantially with the recession Euro-area GDP growth nowcasts Changing performance • Pre-recession an AR is “hard to beat” – With regression, factor and combination models performing similarly – Slightly better nowcasts are produced at t+15, with two months of within-quarter IP data known – But this regression model is not selected by the BIC • Post-recession an AR is easier to beat – Within quarter information more clearly helps – Selection better than combination – Preferred indicator(s) change over time Soft data became more informative • Prior to the recession it paid to wait for the release of two months of within quarter industrial production data • Over the recessionary period it was best to ignore this statistical evidence and construct nowcasts zero-weighting the IP data – Focus on soft data alone; thanks to their forwardlooking nature they detected the recession more quickly • Means nowcasts more accurate at 0 than 15 days • Factor methods are more robust to consideration of IP data at t+15 and perform well at both t+0 and t+15 Instability: relative performance of indicator-based nowcasts against an AR(1) The lines represent the squared forecast error of the nowcast of interest against the squared forecast error from an AR(1) computed at 15 days Conclusions • Models’ performance changes over time, in both absolute and relative terms • The utility of constructing GDP nowcasts using indicator variables increased over the recessionary period • The relative informational content of soft (forward-looking) data also increased in the recession. But this appears to be a temporary change Future work: in progress • Focused on the point nowcasts – or the ‘central’ (conditional mean) predictions from the statistical models • But at times of uncertainty it is important to move beyond ‘central’ forecasts • We should assess the ability of these models to predict the probability of a recession and more generally examine their density nowcasts