Country Case Studies: Monitoring social development International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues and Challenges Beijing, China, 27-29 September, 2011 México Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape Contents The international scene The national scene Planning for development The new national statistical system Catalog of National Indicators Linking statistics with planning and public policies Example: MDG indicators Summing up… The international scene The UNSD, EUROSTAT, OECD, IMF have been working on new and more timely economic indicators. The OECD has recently put forward a set of indicators to monitor the Green Growth Initiative. In the framework of the G-20, Principal Global Indicators. Indicators for the Millennium Development Goals. The national scene Planning for development Planning for development Mexico´s National Planning System comprises a six year National Development Plan; sectoral and special programs, as well as six year plans for each state administration. Detailed progress reports are presented annually to the Congress; public access. But not all indicators in those reports had the required quality to assess progress. However, things have changed with the new law… Statistics and Geographic Information Law Statistics and Geographic Information Law Mexican Government National Institute of Statistics and Geography, INEGI AUTONOMY The new statistical (and geographic information) system NATIONAL COUNCIL SUBSYSTEM Socio Demographic Information SUBSYSTEM Specialized Technical Committee Working groups UE UE UE Specialized Technical Committee Working groups UE UE Goverment, Public Security and Justice Information Specialized Technical Committees Working gropus Catalog of National Indicators Society UE UE National Information Programs INEGI SUBSYSTEM Geographic and Enviromental Information Economic Information UE SUBSYSTEM Specialied Technical Committees UE UE Working gropus Norms UE UE Coordination Data dissemination State Programs of the National Information System The System´s Strategic Program, 2010-2034 • It is the System´s main programming instrument, with a 24 years time frame. Takes into account the activities proposed by members of the System, as well as the points of view of social and private institutions. The National Program of Statistics and Geography (medium-term) • Defines activities and projects to be executed during a six year term and guides both the production of information and the development of the System. It is compulsory for all state units depending on available budgetary resources. The Annual Program of Statistics and Geography (short-term) • Aligned with the Strategic and the National Programs of Statistics and Geography, determines the specific activities to be conducted for a given year. Its execution is subject to the availability of budgetary resources. The National Catalog of Indicators The law mandates INEGI to establish, in coordination with government producing agencies (so called “state units”), a National Catalog of Indicators, to cover, but not restricted, to the following subjects: demography, health, housing, education, employment, income distribution and poverty, public security, government, justice; national accounts, science and technology, finances, prices; water, soil, flora, fauna, toxic residuals and solid residuals, among others. The indicators will be obtained from data produced by national censuses, surveys, administrative records and the system of national accounts. The National Catalog of Indicators Criteria: • Linked to the National Development Plan • Produced on a regular basis in accordance to the best national and international practices • Relevant for the design, monitoring and evaluation of public policies • To meet international data obligations • Satisfying the quality standards established by INEGI Sectoral, regional and local programs D e m a n d s Institutional programs S o c i e t y ´ s National Development Plan Indicators: monitoring national development Strategic Objectives Sectoral, regional and local objectives Operative objectives Indicadores • Key clave Indicators •Metas • Targets • Specific indicators •Targets • Performance indicators • Targets P u b l i c P o l i c i e s Who develops the strategic indicators? Government producing agencies with the support form INEGI at Technical Committees the Specialized Specialized Technical Committees Tasks Elaborate manuals and rules of procedure to identify, propose and produce the indicators Review technical norms: classifications; definitions, etc. Assess consistency and integrity of data bases Conduct training Write down metadata Agree on a public calendar for updating the indicators MDG Indicators A Specialized Technical Committee was set up in February 2010 to coordinate the integration of the Millennium Development Goals Indicators. 1. End poverty and hunger 2. Universal education 3. Gender equality 8 Objectives 4. Child health 5. Maternal health 6. Combat VIH/AIDS 7. Environmental sustainability 8. Global partnership México: 22 targets and 80 indicators for assessment Summing up… In synthesis: Legal framework Strategic indicators Linked to planning An interdisciplinary committee for producing indicators Indicators should meet criteria Widely available and accessible to users Fundamental Elements of the National Catalog of Indicators Country Case Studies: Monitoring social development International Forum on Monitoring National Development: Issues and Challenges Beijing, China, 27-29 September, 2011 México Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape