BPS-STATISTICS INDONESIA MONITORING SOCIAL DEVELOPMENTS IN INDONESIA INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON MONITORING NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ISSUES AND CHALLENGES, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, 27 to 29 September, 2011 KECUK SUHARIYANTO Director of Statistical Analysis and Development BPS-STATISTICS INDONESIA email: kecuk@bps.go.id INDONESIA PROFILE KEY STATISTICS Administrative Area 33 provinces, 497 districts Population 2010 (millions) 237,6 Population Growth Rate 2000-2010 (%) 1,49 Economic Growth Semester 1 2011 (%) 6,5 GDP per capita 2010 (US$) 3005 Unemployment Rate Feb 2011 (%) 6,80 Poverty Rate March 2011 (%) 12,49 Income Inequality (Gini Ratio) 2010 0,38 HDI (new method) 0,60 (ranked 108) DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY IN INDONESIA STRATEGY TYPE OF DATA PROGROWTH PRO-JOB GDP PERIODICIT TIME LAG Y Quarterly 35 days Business and Consumer Confidence Indices (BCCI) Quarterly 35 days Inflation Monthly 1st day of the following month. Foreign Trade (ExportImport) Manufacturing Production Index Unemployment rate Monthly One month Quarterly 30 days Semester Three months UNEMPLOYMENT DATA: Source of Data: National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas), conducted every Feb and August, number of sampel 68,000 HH Unemployment Rate and Development Target 2004-2014 MTDP: Medium Term Development Plan PROBLEMS: Unemployment Rate: 6,80% 66% work in informal sector 49,5% elementary school 30,7% under employed Unemployment Rate 2010 Scatter Plot between RGDP and Unemplyment Rate (UR) by Districts 2010 RGDP per capita 2010 INDICATION: High RGDP, high UR High RGDP, low UR Low RGDP, high UR Low RGDP, low UR POVERTY DATA MACRO POVERTY DATA (since 1976, released 1July) MICRO POVERTY DATA (2005, 2008, 2011) 1. Methodology: 1. Methodology: Concept: Basic Needs Qualitatitve Approach Approach (characteristics of poor Food Poverty Line (2100 hoouseholds) kkal per cap per day) + Non Food Pov Line 2. Data Source: National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas), 68,000 HH 2. Data Source: Census 3. The data show ESTIMATION of 3. The data show number of number and percentage of targetting HOUSEHOLD POOR PEOPLE (national, (POOR + NEAR POOR) - by province, districts) name by address MACRO POVERTY DATA: Source of Data: National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas), conducted every March, number of sampel 68,000 HH Poverty Rate and Development Target 2004-2014 PROBLEMS: 58% of the poor work in agriculture Poverty disparities across region Many households are clustered 63% of the poor live in rural area around poverty line EXAMPLE OF POVERTY MAP .. Many people easily move out from poverty and move in to poverty (TRANSIENT POVERTY) Year 2009 Year 2008 Poor Near Poor Not Poor Total Poor 46.71 20.28 33.01 100 Near Poor 22.32 21.53 56.15 100 86.98 100 Not 7.65 5.37 Poor Between 2008 and 2009: 53,29% poor people move out from poverty. On the other hand, 27,69% move in to poverty. MICRO POVERTY DATA: Source of Data: Census (2005, 2008, 2011) 2005 (PSE 05) 10 2008 (PPLS 2008) Targetting Household (HH) 000 HH % 000 HH % Very Poor 3.894,3 20,4 2.989,9 17,1 Poor 8.237,0 43,1 6.828,8 39,1 NEAR POOR 6.969,6 36,5 7.665,3 43,8 TOTAL 19.100,9 100,0 17.484,0 100,0 Poverty Alleviation Program in Indonesia Poverty decreases but income inequality tends to increase .... Poor People (%) Gini Ratio TREND OF POVERTY AND GINI RATIO 2004-2011 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (HDI) DATA: • • Source of Data: National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) and Regional GDP, calculated annualy, districts level The usage of HDI: one of the General Allocation Fund allocators HDI Indonesia, 1996-2010 Life Expectancy By Province, 2009 SCATTER PLOT BETWEEN RGDP AND HDI BY DISTRICTS 2010 Human Development Index II I III IV Regional GDP PLANS AND PRIORITIES FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT (1) ISSUES SOURCE OF DATA/SURVEY PREVIOUS FURTHER DEVELOPMENT 1. POVERTY a. Macro Data: National Socioeconomi c Survey (Susenas) Before 2011: Annual Survey, number of sample 68,000 HH280,000 HH Start 2011: quarterly (75,000 HH per quarter). Methodology improvement b. Micro Data: Poverty Census Methodology: scoring, proxi means test (PMT) Methodology: Povtar (Poverty Targetting) → Pop Census & Susenas Before 2011: conducted every Feb and August, number of sample 68,000 HH Start 2011: quarterly (75,000 HH per quarter) 2. UNEMNational Labor PLOYMENT Force Survey (Sakernas) PLANS AND PRIORITIES FOR FURTHER DEVELOPMENT (2) ISSUES SOURCE OF DATA/NAME OF SURVEY PREVIOUS FURTHER DEVELOPMENT 3. HDI NEW METHOD National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) & GDP Methodology: Old Method (Life expectancy at birth, Adult literacy rate, MYS, Consumption per capita, Arithmetic Mean) Methodology: New Method (Life expectancy at birth, Expected years of schooling, MYS, Consumption per capita, Geometric Mean) 4. SOCIAL PROTECTIO N INDEX Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) Social Insurance Programs Included: Pensions, health insurance, insurance claimed Social Assistance Programs Included: Unconditional cash Pilot survey to include more variables CHALLANGES 1. Poverty and HDI: a. The results obtained from new methodology will not be comparable with the previous results need to do back-casting b. The results using new method may change significantly compared to the results obtained from current methodology. It may create long debate need to socialize intensively the new poverty and HDI methods to data users. 2. Social Protection Index: a. The term of social protection is very broad. It is difficult to obtain the data because there is no centralized source for the required information. The information available from published reports is limited. b. Need socialization of the concept and definition of SP → all stakeholders have to have the same perception of SP. THANK YOU Terima Kasih