Office of Graduate Studies Strategic Plan 2010-15 1 Writing Group: Jeffrey A. Potteiger, Dean of Graduate Studies John R. Stevenson, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies David Cannon, Seidman College of Business Mark Staves, College of Liberal Arts and Science Special thanks to the following groups for reviewing this document: Graduate Council Graduate Program Directors Academic Deans Center for Scholarly and Creative Excellence Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Office of Graduate Studies Graduate and Professional Student Association Officers Provost’s Office (University Assessment Officer) 2 Mission To define and support excellence in graduate education and the scholarly and research activities associated with it. To articulate a vision of excellence in our actions and policies that affect students, faculty, and curriculum. To advocate for graduate education and graduate students within the university in terms of resources, services, and other activities that support graduate student endeavors and goals. Vision The Office of Graduate Studies will provide exemplary leadership and continuous support for the development and provision of distinctive and exemplary graduate education programs that prepare GVSU graduates to be effective leaders in their field, to be engaged lifelong learners, to succeed in attaining desired employment or admission to further graduate or professional study, and to excel in a global environment. By focusing on the promotion of distinctive and exemplary graduate education programs GVSU will become the university of choice for graduate students seeking a strong education in a Carnegie classification “Master’s Large” institution of higher education that is grounded in a liberal arts tradition. Value Statements As the primary advocate for distinctive and exemplary graduate education - for graduate students, faculty, and degree programs - our core values include: 1. Effective Teaching – Graduate faculty are excellent teachers and mentors at the graduate level, active in scholarly, research, or creative activity appropriate for the discipline, and active in service to graduate education. 2. Liberal Education – Graduate programs build on the liberal ideals of critical thinking, lifelong learning, academic inquiry and reflection, growth in self-knowledge, professionalism, and ethical decision-making in both a local and global context. 3. Scholarship – Active scholarship by faculty members and graduate students informs effective teaching, contributes to new knowledge, advances discipline-specific practices, and is an essential component of quality graduate education. 4. Service – Graduate education provides expertise, collaboration, and resources to professional organizations, lifelong learning and opportunity for partnerships with communities, and service learning and volunteer opportunities both local and global. 5. Inclusiveness – Graduate education emphasizes exposure to diversity of opinion and voices to further develop critical, reflective thinking. Engagement with a wider variety of backgrounds and experiences broadens graduate student and faculty perspectives in their discipline and world at large. 3 6. Community – Graduate education builds academic, professional, and social communities which value competence, integrity, and diversity. 7. Sustainability – Graduate education creates a sustainable future for the local community, state, and region by providing competent graduates who contribute to the efficient and effective use of resources for education, health care, business, government, the environment, and communities. 4 Strategic Positioning 2010-2015 Grand Valley State University (GVSU) Goals and the Office of Graduate Studies (OGS) Aligned Goals GVSU Goal 1. Grand Valley is a comprehensive university grounded in the tradition of liberal education with well-integrated undergraduate and graduate programs appropriate to its Carnegie Classification as a “Master’s Large” institution through which students earn accredited degrees. Aligned OGS goal: To enhance GVSU’s capacity to provide excellent graduate education experiences, by raising the voice, visibility, status, and quality of graduate education within the university and community. GVSU Goal 2. Grand Valley provides a rich, inclusive learning and working environment that attracts, retains, and supports a diverse community. Aligned OGS goal: The OGS will promote inclusiveness and diversity among our students, staff, faculty, and programs. GVSU Goal 3. Grand Valley provides a student-centered liberal education experience that fosters academic success and prepares students for careers through degree programs at the graduate and undergraduate level that have clearly defined learning outcomes and a rigorous level of academic challenge. Aligned OGS goal: To ensure that GVSU graduate programs build on a liberal education and provide opportunities for professional success. GVSU Goal 4. Regular and rigorous assessment results inform decision-making at Grand Valley. Aligned OGS goal: The OGS conducts regular, reflective and rigorous assessment of its activities and uses the results to guide decisionmaking. GVSU Goal 5. Grand Valley has the human resources and the physical and pedagogical infrastructures it needs to promote effective learning and teaching in all disciplines at all levels. 5 Aligned OGS goal: The OGS supports the development of human resources, and physical and pedagogical support to promote effective learning and teaching at the graduate level in strategic disciplines. GVSU Goal 6. Grand Valley educates well-prepared and well-rounded graduates who positively contribute to West Michigan, the state, the nation, and the world. Aligned OGS goal: Graduate Programs educate well-prepared and well-rounded graduates of GVSU who positively contribute to West Michigan, the state, the nation, and the world. GVSU Goal 7. Grand Valley’s stakeholders are aware of and supportive of the university’s financial decisions. Aligned OGS goal: The OGS contributes to the awareness of and support for the university’s financial decisions by GS stakeholders; and GS makes its financial decisions with transparency on grounds aligned with strategic goals. GVSU Goal 8. Grand Valley has extensive relationships with current and new constituencies that lead to these constituencies’ involvement with, participation in, support of, and contribution of resources to the university community. Aligned OGS goal: The OGS supports the development and maintainance of relationships with current and new constituencies which are involved with, participate in, supportive of, and contributing resources to the university graduate community. 6 Goal 1. Grand Valley is a comprehensive university grounded in the tradition of liberal education with well-integrated undergraduate and graduate programs appropriate to its Carnegie Classification as a “Master’s Large” institution through which students earn accredited degrees. Aligned OGS goal: To enhance GVSU’s capacity to provide excellent graduate education experiences, by raising the voice, visibility, status, and quality of graduate education within the university and community. University University Objective(s) Goal(s) 1 1.1. By the end of September 2010, all colleges and divisions have current strategic plans aligned with and supportive of the university’s strategic plan. 1.2 By the end of September 2010, all academic and nonacademic colleges and divisions will begin implementation of their inclusion plans. 1.2.1: By 2012, all academic and nonacademic units have fully integrated their college’s and division’s inclusion implementation and strategic plans and processes. 1.3 By 2012, the faculty, administration, and Board of Trustees will refine and reaffirm principles of shared governance. GS objective(s) Metric Strategy(ies) Action(s) 1.1 Align OGS Checklist – Yes or Update and revise OGS strategic plan with No strategic plan and set University goals/objectives as strategic plan. appropriate. Responsible Timeline Resources Person/Group Dean, September to Associate December, 2010 Dean, OGS Staff Status as of 12/20/10 Complete 1.2 Checklist – Yes or Support faculty and staff Implementation of No participation in inclusion the OGS Inclusion program. plan. Dean Ongoing OGS inclusion plan complete July 2010; Updated December 2010 1.2.1 Metrics contained Implementation of in OGS inclusion the OGS Inclusion plan plan. Continue to encourage and Dean support faculty and staff participation in inclusion program. Ongoing In progress 1.3 OGS will refine Checklist – Yes or and reaffirm No principles of shared governance through support of Graduate Council, Graduate Program Directors (GPD), Improve communication, Dean, Ongoing to 2015 transparency, and decision Associate Dean making between OGS, University Academic Senate (UAS), Graduate Council, Graduate Program Directors (GPD), Graduate Faculty, Deans Council, and Graduate and Professional 7 In progress with continued posting of OGS governance information on OGS web page. Graduate Faculty, Deans Council, and the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA) 1.4 By 2012, policies 1.4 Coordinate the Checklist – Yes or governing all graduate alignment of all No when polices and undergraduate policies governing are compared degrees, programs, graduate courses, across academic and courses are programs, and units aligned and integrated degrees across all institution-wide. academic units. 1.4.1: By 2012, 1.4.1 Provide Checklist – Yes or appropriate oversight leadership to the No and infrastructure university and support for graduate academic units in programs and graduate developing students are well oversight and established. infrastructure for graduate programs and graduate students. 1.4.2: By 2012, policies 1.4.2 Provide Checklist – Yes or for hiring and leadership to the No determining workload academic units for for graduate and developing a undergraduate faculty differentiated are differentiated. workload for graduate education Student Association (GAPSA). Posting of OGS governance information on website. Assemble and post on the Dean, Ongoing-2012 website a compendium of Associate Dean policies and procedures for graduate education. In progress Review and align relevant Dean, Ongoing-2012 OGS policies and Associate Dean procedures with university and individual academic unit policies. In progress Work with Graduate Council, Dean, Ongoing-2012 GPD, Graduate Faculty, and Associate Dean Deans Council to identify and adopt best practices from peer-matched and aspirant institutions in developing policy, procedures, and program review that are appropriate for GVSU. 1.4.3: By 2012, policies 1.4.3 Provide Checklist – Yes or Work with Graduate Council, Dean, Ongoing-2012 for hiring, guidance and No GPD, Graduate Faculty, and Associate Dean compensating, support to Deans Council to identify promoting, and earning academic units for and adopt best practices tenure for graduate and developing best from peer-matched undergraduate faculty practices for institutions in developing a are based on best hiring, differentiated workload for practices and compensating, graduate education. monitored. promoting, and In progress 8 In progress 1.4.4: By 2011, an institution-wide system for calculating and balancing the workloads of graduate and undergraduate faculty at all ranks is in place. 1.5 By 2015, secure re-accreditation for 12 currently accredited discipline-specific graduate and 23 discipline-specific undergraduate degree programs. 1.6 Through 2015, as a result of thoughtful, comprehensive analysis of both the benefits and costs to the unit and university community, seek accreditation for all current unaccredited graduate and undergraduate programs as determined appropriate. 1.7 By 2010, determine the university’s strategic intent with respect to online education. earning tenure for graduate faculty. 1.4.4 Assist and Checklist – Yes or support the efforts No of academic units in developing an institution-wide system for calculating and balancing the workloads of graduate faculty 1.5 Assist GPDs Checklist – Yes or and academic unit No heads in securing re-accreditation for any currently accredited discipline-specific graduate degree programs. 1.6 Assist GDPs, Checklist – Yes or unit heads, and No program faculty in securing accreditation for all currently unaccredited graduate programs, as appropriate. 1.7 Support Checklist – Yes or university efforts to No determine strategic intent with respect to online education. Work with Graduate Council, Dean, Ongoing-2012 GPD, Graduate Faculty, and Associate Dean Deans Council to identify and adopt best practices from peer-matched institutions in developing a hiring, compensating, promoting, and earning tenure for graduate faculty. In progress Meet with GPD to identify key issues by which the OGS can support reaccreditation efforts of programs. Dean, Associate Dean, GPD, academic unit heads 2015 In progress Inquire of units if additional accreditation options exist. Dean, academic unit heads 2015 In progress Meet with GPD to identify key issues by which the OGS can support accreditation efforts of programs. Participate in university Dean, 2012 discussions related to online Associate Dean education. Assist Graduate Council in review of online graduate courses with respect to 9 In progress 1.8 By 2011, the university develops a health strategy and plans for necessary infrastructure to engage internal and external constituents to promote interprofessional health education, scholarship, and service programs for the 21st century. 1.9 By 2012, develop a strategy which integrates the Office of Charter School’s activities within the broader university. 1.10 By fall 2010, all community engagement efforts on campus are well documented and coordinated. 1.8 Support Checklist – Yes or university efforts to No promote interprofessional health education, scholarship, and service in graduate education programs as appropriate. 1.9 Support Checklist – Yes or university efforts to No integrate Office of Charter School's activities within the broader university. 1.10 All Checklist – Yes or community No engagement efforts on campus involving graduate education are well documented and coordinated. 1.12 By 2011, faculty 1.12 Support Checklist – Yes or service to the unit, university efforts to No college, university, and ensure that faculty professional service is communities will be recognized recognized through through systematic systematic processes processes based based on best practice on best practice. standards. 1.13 By 2011, staff 1.13 Assist the ePDP performance review supervisors of staff criteria are examined to involved in include best practice graduate standards. education to include best online degree programs. Engage internal and external constituents in discussions of ways to deliver high quality inter-professional health education, scholarship, and service programs for the 21st century. Assist graduate faculty in COE in preparing teachers and administrators for improvement of Charter Schools. 2011 Implement in parallel with university efforts Dean, 2012 Associate Dean Implement in parallel with university efforts Document and coordinate community engagement through strategic planning. In progress Highlight community service activities in OGS Newsletter. Assist academic unit heads Dean, 2011 and deans by providing data Associate Dean regarding faculty recipients of graduate education honors. Utilize the new online ePDP process. 10 2011 ePDP In progress practice standards. 1.14 By 2015, the 1.14 OGS to Checklist – Yes or university has a well- model sustainable No established reputation practices and as a leader in support university sustainability efforts efforts to promote and sustainable model for best practices. practices by establishing a process to evaluate campus sustainability efforts and establishing aggressive goals to promote social responsibility, encourage environmental stewardship, and create efficiencies and value for the work we perform. [Baseline will be established in 2010.] Lower paper use. Make documents available on the web site. Recycle. OGS to continue to print, on FSC and Green Seal Certified paper. Promote sustainable practices and green research in PR activities. Promote links between faculty researching and teaching in fields relevant to sustainability. Showcase sustainability activities that units have been engaged in terms of graduate teaching, service, and scholarship. 11 Dean, Ongoing Associate Dean In progress Goal 2. Grand Valley provides a rich, inclusive learning and working environment that attracts, retains, and supports a diverse community. Aligned GS goal: The OGS will promote inclusiveness and diversity among our students, staff, faculty, and programs. University University Objective(s) GS objective(s) Goal(s) 2 2.1. By 2012, undergraduate students will have the opportunity for achieving intercultural competence training that is officially certified. 2.2 By 2015, 100% of 2.2. 100% of OGS faculty and staff will staff will have had have had the the opportunity to opportunity to participate in participate in graduated levels of graduated levels of intercultural intercultural competence competence training. training. 2.3 By 2015, expand 2.3. Expand the the diversity of faculty diversity of OGS and staff as staff, whenever demonstrated by the possible, with new workforce utilization hires analysis. [Baseline as indicated by the annual Workforce Utilization Analysis; Affirmative Action Plan.] 2.4 By January 2010, 2.4. Assist EDPAC the Enrollment in meeting its’ Development Planning goals. Assessment Committee (EDPAC 2008-2015) Plan will be fully implemented Metric Strategy(ies) Action(s) Responsible Timeline Person/Group 100% Participation Encourage and support staff Dean participation in intercultural competence training. 2010-2015 Resources Status as of 10/30/10 Inclusion training workshops In progress PACES program Expand diversity of staff from current levels. Promote best hiring practices for staff positions. Dean 2015 GS Inclusion Plan In progress PACES Program Exceed by 3% each year the application, admission, and graduation rates for graduate degree programs. OGS will advise and counsel Dean, 2010 the Graduate Enrollment Associate Dean Management (GEM) Committee and the GPDs to achieve the enrollment and retention goals for graduate education. 12 Office of In progress Admissions, Registrar, Institutional Analysis, GPD and monitored on an annual basis. To support efforts of GDP in the recruitment of degree seeking students. Coordinate efforts of Admissions Office, GPD, and support staff for advising entering students. Promote smooth and timely progression from admission to graduation. 2.5 Annually, the 2.5. OGS will Expand the Implement GS Inclusion Dean, ongoing university will increase increase its diversity of the of Plan. Associate Dean its outreach efforts in outreach efforts, as graduate student order to enhance the well as support body compared to Assist the Padnos diversity of its those of degree 2010 levels. International Center and student body. programs, in order Office of Admission in to enhance the identifying and recruiting a diversity of its diverse graduate student student body. body. OGS Inclusion In progress Plan PACES GEM Committee Pursue international exchange opportunities. Promote faculty-led programs abroad, internationalization of courses, and study abroad opportunities. 2.6 By 2015, the sixyear graduation rate for undergraduates will be 65%. [Baseline 2008, 52% six-year graduate rate as computed for IPEDS.] 2.7 By 2012, 2.7. OGS will Checklist – Yes or increase services increase services No designed to support designed to non-traditional support nonstudents, including traditional students, New Graduate Student Orientation. Dean, 2010-2015 Associate Dean PACES GradClub Offer more opportunities for students to participate in 13 GAPSA In progress veterans, students older than average, and other adults in transition. [Baseline will be established in 2010.] including veterans, students older than average, and other adults in transition. Grad Club. Student Affairs Enhance PACES program offerings to support diversity initiatives. Promote GAPSA to the graduate student population. Provide online resources for graduate students. 2.8 By December 2.8. OGS will 2010, the Office of support Office of Inclusion and Equity Inclusion and will conduct a rigorous Equity climate climate study study. of faculty, staff, and student experiences to identify a current baseline of perceptions in areas of inclusion and equity. Support the veterans’ initiative whenever possible. Checklist – Yes or Promote and participate in Dean No. GVSU climate study. 14 December 2010 In progress Goal 3. Grand Valley provides a student-centered liberal education experience that fosters academic success and prepares students for careers through degree programs at the graduate and undergraduate level that have clearly defined learning outcomes and a rigorous level of academic challenge. Aligned GS goal: To ensure that GVSU graduate programs build on a liberal education and provide opportunities for professional success. University University Objective(s) GS objective(s) Goal(s) 3 3.1 By 2012, at least 3.1 To create a bi45% of former annual survey for students completing assessing degree the university’s biprogram quality for annual Survey of graduate students. Graduates rate the quality of instruction as excellent. [Baseline from 2008 Grand Valley Survey of Graduates, 41% rate quality of instruction as excellent.] 3.2 By 2013, at least 53% of freshmen and 58% of seniors completing the biannual National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) rate the university’s level of academic challenge as “high.” [Baseline: In the 2007 NSSE, 50.8% of freshmen at Grand Valley and 55.9% of seniors rated the university’s level of academic challenge as “high.” At Grand Valley’s peer Metric Results from the survey will meet university expectations Strategy(ies) Action(s) Collaborate with institutional analysis on the development, administration and implementation of the survey. 15 Responsible Timeline Person/Group Dean, 2011-2012 Associate Dean, Phillip Batty Resources Status as of 10/30/10 Not yet started universities, 50.8% of freshmen and 54.5% of seniors’ rate those institutions’ level of academic challenge as “high.”] 3.3 By 2012, at least 3.3 At least 60% of % reported by 50% of the university’s graduate students Michigan Postundergraduate and earning a degree Higher Education graduate students report they Survey. who have earned a are “very well degree prepared” for and complete the further graduate Michigan Post-Higher school or current Education Survey employment. report they are “very well prepared” for entry into their current position. [Baseline from 2008 Michigan Post-Higher Ed Survey: Currently employed Grand Valley bachelor’s degree graduates reporting they are “very well prepared” for position = 44%; currently employed Grand Valley master’s degree graduates reporting they are “very well prepared” for position = 49%.] Use existing resources such Dean, as PACES, GAPSA, and Associate Grad Club to facilitate the Dean, GPDs professionalization of graduate students. Assist graduate program directors with the development of High Impact Practices (HIP). 16 2012 Support for surveys In progress 3.4. By 2015, service 3.4. To assist GPD Checklist – Yes learning, co-curricular in developing HIP or No activities, and other for specific experiential learning programs. opportunities are fully developed and supported by administrators, faculty, and students at Grand Valley as a pedagogy that links community service to academic coursework [Baseline from HLC’s 2008 Assurance Section: Report of a Comprehensive Evaluation Visit, p.6: “ is unfortunate that service learning as a pedagogy which links community service to academic coursework does not appear to be as fully developed and supported in comparison to other universities that share a commitment to community engagement.”] 3.5 By 2012, the 3.5 To assist GPD Checklist – Yes or institution will in developing an No inventory opportunities inventory for HIP for students to for specific participate in high programs impact experiences (internships, co-ops, domestic and global service learning, study Encourage HIP in graduate Dean, 2010-2015 curricula through the Associate Dean curricular review process of Graduate Council. Graduate Council Curriculum subcommittee Assist GPDs in creating a repository of HIP. 17 Dean, 2011-2012 Associate Dean GS Staff In progress Graduate council In progress abroad, scholarship with faculty, learning communities, etc.) across the university and implement programs that provide students with the opportunity for at least two such experiences in general education or in majors and minors. 3.6 By 2015, 3.6. Promote students will have the graduate student opportunity to take participation in course work or internships and participate in domestic and internships and global service domestic and global learning service learning experiences that experiences that focus focus on best on best practices in practices in sustainability. sustainability Inventory of opportunities for graduate student participation in internships and domestic and global service learning experiences that focus on best practices in sustainability. Support current sustainability learning experiences. Dean, 2010-2015 Associate Dean Padnos Encourage incorporation of International Center sustainibility into existing courses as appropriate. 18 On going Goal 4. Regular and rigorous assessment results inform decision-making at Grand Valley. Aligned GS goal: OGS conducts regular, reflective, and rigorous assessment of its activities and uses the results to guide decision-making. University University Objective(s) GS objective(s) Goal(s) 4 4.1. By 2015, 90% of 4.1. By 2015, 90% administrators, faculty, of OGS staff, and students administrators, engage in rigorous faculty, staff, and assessment of all graduate students institutional processes engage in rigorous and outcomes. assessment of all [Baseline will be OGS processes established in 2010.] and outcomes. 4.2. By 2012, all 4.2. By 2012, all courses identify graduate course student learning syllabi will include outcomes linked to student learning appropriate outcomes linked to pedagogies. appropriate pedagogies. 4.3. By 2012, the university has completed an evaluation of the outcomes and students' satisfaction with the university's new student advising approach and structures. Metric Assessment reports based on UAC cycle. Assessment reports based on UAC cycle. 4.3 Provide support University to the university evaluation of evaluation of the outcomes and outcomes and students' students' satisfaction with satisfaction with the the university's university's new new student student advising advising approach approach and and stuctures. structures. Strategy(ies) Action(s) UAC self-assessment processes. Responsible Timeline Person/Group Dean 2015 Support training for all Dean, Associate 2012 faculty on syllabi Dean preparation and creation of appropriate student learning GPD outcomes. FTLC Promote syllabi of record being made available to all faculty members within the university. Where appropriate, support academic unit review of all syllabi and report compliance with objective. Assist GDP with alignment of graduate advising approaches and structures with university's new student advising approach and structures. 19 2012 Resources FTLC FTLC workshops Status as of 10/30/10 In progress Ongoing In progress 4.4. By 2015, all units under the direction of the provost have completed one selfstudy and at least two full cycles of student learning outcome assessment critiques by the University Assessment Committee. 4.5. By 2012, the General Education Program has fully implemented its 2006 Assessment Plan and made the assessment results available to the university community. 4.6. Through 2015, maintain or expand all current assessment data management systems of the university. 4.7. Through 2015, 4.7. Monitor and continue to monitor assess the state and assess the state and regional needs and regional needs for for new or revised new or revised graduate programs undergraduate and/or and degrees. graduate programs and degrees. 4.7.1. Through 2015, 4.7.1 Through as the need for new or 2015, OGS works revised undergraduate with appropriate and/or graduate academic units to programs and initiate the degrees is processes required established, initate the to add new processes required to curricular offerings add these curricular based on identified offerings to the needs. University and Provide representation to OGS assessment university monitoring and reports. assessment activities. Review university assessment reports for impact on graduate programs and degress. Number of degree Provide leadership and and certificate assist academic units to programs, develop new or revised successfully graduate programs and implemented. certificates. 20 Dean, Associate Ongoing Dean In progress Dean,Unit heads, GPDs In progress Ongoing university and secure accreditation for these, as appropriate. 4.7.2. Through 2015, as the need for discontinuance of undergraduate and/or graduate programs and degrees is determined, initiate the processes required to discontinue these curricular offerings. 4.8. Through 2015, provide an annual Grand Valley State University Accountability Report to university constituent groups. 4.9. Through 2015, provide an annual Dashboard Report to internal university consituent groups. 4.7.2 Through Number of 2015, OGS works identified with academic units programs to initiate the successfully processes required discontinued. to discontinue curricular offerings based on identified needs. Provide leadership among academic units to identify graduate programs that should be discontinued. 4.8. Provide OGS Checklist – Yes or support as required No for annual GVSU Accountability Report. Provide OGS representation Dean to annual GVSU Accountability Report process. 4.9. Provide OGS Checklist – Yes or Provide representation to support as required No annual Dashboard report for annual process. Dashboard report. 21 Dean,Unit heads, GPD Dean Ongoing Enrollment management information In progress Ongoing GVSU Accountability Report Beginning Fall 2010 Ongoing Dashboard Report In progress Goal 5. Grand Valley has the human resources and the physical and pedagogical infrastructures it needs to promote effective learning and teaching in all disciplines at all levels. Aligned GS goal: OGS supports the development of human resources, and physical and pedagogical support to promote effective learning and teaching at the graduate level in all disciplines. University University Objective(s) GS objective(s) Metric Strategy(ies) Goal(s) Action(s) 5 5.1, The university will 5.1 Fully support Checklist – Yes or Seek representation from fully implement the academic units and No the OGS on appropriate 2009 Human resource the university in the committees. planning and 2010 implement the planning task force 2009 Human report. resource planning and 2010 planning task force report. 5.1.1. Increase the 5.1.1 Support % of student credit Survey the GPD and unit number of student academic units in hours taught by heads regarding the # of credit hours taught by increasing the full TT, associate graduate SCH taught by TT TT faculty to 65% by number of TT, and adjunct faculty. means of additional graduate student faculty and the faculty positions and credit hours taught number of TT curriculum delivery by TT faculty to at faculty teaching Participation in tenure track efficiencies [Baseline: least 10% higher graduate searches Fall 2008, 54%]. than the value education SCH. received in the OGS strategy identified in 5.1.1. Participation in Assist the tenure track academic deans searches with search strategies for tenure track faculty positions. 5.1.2 Increase number of staff by enrollment growth of 6% [Baseline: approximately 1% per 22 Responsible Timeline Person/Group Dean, Associate 2010 Dean Dean, Associate 2011 Dean, OGS Resources Status as of 10/30/10 In progress In progress year enrollment growth]. 5.2 Construct an 5.2 Assist % increase of Cooperate in development of Dean, Associate Ongoing additional 500,000 to university in academic space the Master Plan. Dean 750,000 square feet of seeking additional academic space based academic space in on master plan order to support priorities and enhance graduate education programs 5.3 By 2013, training is 5.3 Graduate List of student Assist graduate programs in Dean, Associate Ongoing provided to faculty to faculty are trained learning outcomes identifying student learning Dean, GPD, use new and current and equipped to that are aligned outcomes. FTLC, CSCE, pedagogical best use new and with identified graduate faculty practices and current pedagogical best Assist graduate programs in technologies to pedagogical best practices and identifying pedagogical best achieve student practices and technologies and practices and technologies learning outcomes in technologies in with corresponding suitable for achieving all academic support of student training programs. identifying student learning programs. learning outcomes outcomes 5.3.1 By 2015, 50% teaching and learning spaces are enhanced to support new pedagogies 5.3.1 OGS 10% increase in participates in the enhanced development of teaching and enhanced teaching learning spaces and learning spaces to support new pedagogies. 5.4 The university has 5.4 Graduate 3% per year established and faculty, staff, and increase in rates maintained programs students are of applications for to incentivize faculty equipped and and allocations of members’, staff encouraged to both internal and members’ and student make contributions external grants, contributions to the to the knowledge professional knowledge base, base and are development including the recognized and funds, and other development of new rewarded for support for means to recognize outstanding scholarship and and reward intellectual and creative practice outstanding intellectual creative products. by graduate and creative products. faculty and students. Participate in the development of enhanced teaching and learning spaces that support pedagogical best practices and technologies. Dean, Associate Ongoing Dean, GPD, FTLC, CSCE, graduate faculty Assist university groups (e.g. Dean, Associate 2011 CSCE, FTLC, GPDs) to Dean, GPD , survey and identify existing Unit heads disincentives and barriers to seeking internal and external support, recognition, and rewards for contributions to the knowledge base. Within PACES and GPSA increase discussion of importance of scholarly and 23 In progress PD funds for pedagogy enhancement In progress Physical space, In progress computer resources and other teaching equipment (e.g. laboratory equipment) Increase In progress Presidential research grants, travel funds, graduate assistant positions 5.4.1. By 2011, the university has developed a comprehensive support structure for faculty, staff, and student scholarship and creative products. 5.4.1. To assist CSCE in developing a comprehensive support structure for faculty, staff, and student scholarship and creative products. 5.4.2 By 2012, the university has established specific incentives to improve intellectual productivity, including grants; enhanced professional development funds, increased financial compensation, and support for scholarshop and creative practice. 5.4.2. To partner with the CSCE to increase the number of graduate assistantships supported through external funding. creative activity. 3% per year increase in numbers of scholarly and creative outcomes by graduate faculty and students. 3% per year Develop a close relationship Dean and 2011 increase in with the CSCE to promote Associate Dean numbers of research, scholarship, and research, scholarly creative activities among and creative graduate faculty and outcomes by students. graduate faculty and students. An increase to 30 total graduate assistantships supported through external funding To work with the CSCE to Dean, Associate 2011 enhance the number of Dean, Director of graduate assistantship CSCE positions available in support of external funding opportunities. 1 Award Add an Outstanding Dissertation Award to the list Dean and of Graduate Dean Citations Associate Dean for outstanding scholarship and creative activity. Increase the Submit a budget request to Dean and allocation of increase the total amount of Associate Dean support to $30,000 support for the Presidential Research Grants to $30,000. 24 In progress Increased tuition In progress waivers Increased research funds In progress Goal 6. Grand Valley educates well-prepared and well-rounded graduates who positively contribute to West Michigan, the state, the nation, and the world. Aligned GS goal: Graduate Programs educate well-prepared and well-rounded graduates of GVSU who positively contribute to West Michigan, the state, the nation, and the world. University University GS objective(s) Metric Strategy(ies) Responsible Timeline Goal(s) Objective(s) Action(s) Person/Group 6 6.1 The proportion of 6.1 Graduate Percentage of Assist graduate programs in Dean and 2010-15 graduates who pass students and students who pass identifying existing curricular Associate Dean state or federal programs are state or federal and extracurricular examinations required provided the examinations resources that prepare for practicing in their resources to required for students for the exams and professions will prepare students to practicing in their fill gaps in available exceed the national pass state or professions. resources. standard. federal examinations required for practicing in their professions. 6.2 The proportion of 6.2 Graduate Accountability Use PACES Program to Dean and 2015 graduates who secure students and report; assist graduate students Associate Dean employment programs are Alumni surveys; and programs with OGS, Career appropriate to their provided the Career Services development of essential Services, Alumni discipline or resources to surveys skills for success in Relations profession or enter prepare students to employment or further graduate school enter further graduate study. exceeds 85%. graduate study or secure employment that benefits from the skills and values of liberal education. 6.3 The proportion of 6.3 Graduate Accountability Use PACES Program to Dean and 2015 graduates who secure students and report; alumni assist graduate students Associate Dean employment in any programs are surveys; Career and programs with OGS, Career discipline or provided the Services surveys development of essential Services, Alumni profession or enter resources to skills for success in Relations graduate school prepare students to employment or further exceeds 95% secure employment graduate study. in any discipline or 25 Resources PACES Status as of 10/30/10 In progress Survey In progress development and data collection Survey In progress development and data gathering/assimila tion profession or enter graduate school. 6.4 Graduates 6.4 Graduate continue to seek and students and hold positions of programs are business, nonprofit, provided the political, and civic resources to leadership and prepare students to rsponsibility in West obtain leadership Michigan, Michigan, positions regionally, nation and world nationally, and globally. Accountability report; alumni surveys; Career Services surveys Support efforts of Office of Dean, Associate 2015 Fellowships to prepare Dean, and OGS students to be competitive for national and international scholarship and fellowship opportunities. Support efforts of academic units, Career Services, GV in DC, Hauenstein Center, Peter Cook Leadership Academy, and PIC in providing students with internship, leadership, study abroad, training, and interviewing opportunities. 26 Survey In progress development and data gathering/assimila tion Goal 7. Grand Valley’s stakeholders are aware of and supportive of the university’s financial decisions. Aligned GS goal: OGS contributes to the awareness of and support for the university’s financial decisions by GS stakeholders; and GS makes its financial decisions with transparency on grounds aligned with strategic goals. University University GS objective(s) Metric Goal(s) Objective(s) 7 7.1 Annually, the university maintains and monitors its practices to reduce its overall exposure to business and catastrophic risks at acceptable levels 7.2 The university 7.2 OGS Dean's Budget regularly and communicates effectively regularly with GPD Reports to faculty, communicates its and unit staff and students strategic budgeting heads about priorities to student, budgeting priorities. faculty, staff and other stakeholders 7.3 By 2010, at least 7.3 Support Checklist – Yes or 75% of faculty are university efforts to No familiar with the inform at least 75% university's’s strategic of faculty with budgeting priorities budgeting priorities. and the financial consequences of institution’s decisions such as change in the general fund budget, pay equity, salary compression, and tuition ADD INFO 7.6 Rate of increase 7.6 Increase Report from in financial aid funding of Financial Aid, awarded to students scholarships by GS broken down by meets or exceeds alumni and academic college. Strategy(ies) Action(s) Resources Status as of 10/30/10 Annual Budget reports In progress Articulate and Dean’s Office disseminate GS budgeting priorities and financial consequences of decisions to Graduate Faculty, GPD, and unit heads via electronic communication and posting of information on the OGS website. Annual Annual reports costs In progress Distribute Financial Aid Units and information for graduate Dean’s Office students through the graduate student guidebook Office of Annually Disseminate OGS Annual Report. Responsible Timeline Person/Group Dean Provide GPD and unit heads, and GAPSA with strategic budgeting priorities. 27 Infrastructure In progress university’s costs applications for scholarships by graduate students. 7.7 Through 2015, 7.7 Increase Total financial graduate financial internal support in support, including but and external stipends, tuition not limited to, financial support of waivers, and stipends, tuition graduate students support for waivers, and support within GVSU scholarship and for scholarship and graduate programs. creative practice. creative practice remains equal to or greater than the financial support provided to graduate students by other Michigan institutions with identical or similar graduate degree programs. [Baseline: HLC’s 2008 Assurance Section: Report of a Comprehensive Evaluation Visit, p.16: “Graduate stipends, tuition, waivers, and research support will need to stay and the GS website. Fellowships Leverage the support of the Office of Development, GVSU alumni and along with graduate programs to expand scholarships for graduate students within the university. Encourage GPD and graduate faculty to promote scholarship applications among their majors by working with Office of Fellowships and linking to that website. Work with academic administration to increase internal support for graduate students. Dean, Associate Annually Dean, OGS, units with graduate programs Work with CSCE to increase external funding CSCE submissions that contain graduate student support. Office of Development Work with Office of Development to increase funding for graduate student support. Periodically monitor other Michigan Universities for Graduate stipends, tuition, waivers, and research support offered by other graduate programs in the state, particularly for those areas not unique to GVSU. 28 Graduate Deans at Michigan Colleges and Universities Internal stipends In progress and tuition waivers competitive with those offered by other graduate programs in the state, particularly for those areas not unique to GVSU.”] 7.8 By 2012, at least 7.8 Support efforts Survey results of Support university wide and Dean and 2012 35% of faculty report of GVSU to ensure full, associate, and academic unit efforts in Associate Dean that the university that at least 35% of adjunct graduate achieving this objective. rewards them for faculty report being faculty. good teaching. rewarded for good Work with GAPSA to identify [Baseline: 2004 HERI teaching. outstanding faculty mentors 31.1% of Grand in graduate education and Valley faculty reported have those faculty they were rewarded nominated for appropriate for good faculty awards teaching; nationwide at four-year public institutions, 17.1% of faculty report they are rewarded for good teaching.] 29 In progress Goal 8. Grand Valley has extensive relationships with current and new constituencies that lead to these constituencies’ involvement with, participation in, support of, and contribution of resources to the university community. Aligned GS goal: OGS supports the development and maintainance of relationships with current and new constituencies which are involved with, participate in, supportive of, and contributing resources to the university graduate community. University University Objective(s) GS objective(s) Goal(s) 8 8.1 By 2015, GVSU 8.1. Graduate has a state- and faculty, staff, and nation-wide reputation students will be a for academic visible presence at excellence in graduate state, regional and and undergraduate national programs. professional events. 8.1.1. By 2012, Grand 8.1.1. Graduate Valley has improved faculty, staff, and by .5 pts its overall students will reputation and steadily increase familiarity in West presentations, Michigan and metro participation in Detroit among conferences, prospective students. performances, and [Baseline: 2009 other activities at Institutional Image West Michigan and Research Survey, 7 metro Detroit high pts. ordinal scale; schools. Reputation W.MI 5.7 pts., Familiarity W.MI 5.4 pits.' Reputation Metro Detroit 5.1 pts., Familiarity Metro Detroit, 4.1 pts.] 8.1.2. By 2012, Grand 8.1.2. Graduate Valley has improved faculty, staff, and by .2 pts its overall students will reputation and steadily increase familiarity in West public Michigan and metro presentations in Metric Strategy(ies) Responsible Timeline Action(s) Person/Group Record and report Highlight available support Dean and in the OGS for faculty and staff to Associate Dean, Newsletter present at national and state OGS graduate faculty, professional events. staff and student activities. Resources Status as of 10/30/10 Professional In progress development funds, Internal funding for presentations Number of events Develop/support graduate Dean, Associate in which graduate program outreach events in Dean, OGS, Unit faculty, staff, and West Michigan. Heads, Faculty students present or participate. Record, report, and track number of events in which graduate faculty, staff, and students present or Highlight available support OGS, Unit for faculty members to make Heads, Faculty presentations at public/professional meetings and conferences. 30 In progress Digital Measures In progress Detroit among the conferences, participate. general public. performances, and [Baseline: 2009 other activities in Institutional Image appropriate venues Research Survey, 7 in West Michigan pts. ordinal scale; and the metro Reputation W.MI 5.7 Detroit area. pts., Familiarity W.MI 5.2 pts. Reputation Metro Detroit 4.7 pts., Familiarity Metro Detroit, 3.4 pts.] 8.1.3. By 2015, the 8.1.3 Graduate Record and report university increases its faculty, staff, and data on number of name recognition and students are applications. public image among provided the potential faculty, staff, resources to and students prepare and nationally. [Baseline compete for will be established in national 2010.] scholarships, fellowships, grants, awards and honors. 8.2 The university has 8.2. OGS will Record the formal and informal support academic number and type partnerships that unit efforts to of community contribute to meeting increase high interactions. community generated impact goals opportunities for students in research, internships, and other experiential learning opportunities. 8.2.1. West Michigan 8.2.1 OGS will Checklist – Yes or community support academic No partnership activities unit efforts to will increase increase experiential learning experiential opportunities for learning students. opportunities for students. Develop outreach opportunities in West Michigan and metro Detroit. Increase use of web-based video of presentations and performances. Assist whenever possible faculty, staff, and students with preparation and processing of application materials for national scholarships, fellowships, grants, awards and honors. OGS, Office of 2015 Fellowships, Career Services, CSCE Funding for software tutorials In progressenhanced efforts to support students have begun in collaboration with Office of Fellowships and enhanced CAAC pre-professional programming In progress Establish and maintain Dean, Associate 2015 connections with community Dean, OGS organizations that provide experiential learning opportunities. Unit self reports Collaborate with Career OGS, academic 2015 Services and academic units units to expand the existing internship and fieldwork opportunities for graduate students in West Michigan. Infrastructure In progress to support academic unit efforts 31 8.4 By 2015, increase the ownership of Grand Valley by alumni as evidenced by a 15% increase in participation over 2009 levels and an increase in donor participation to 10% 8.5. By 2015, the university will have increased the active donor base which includes alumni, faculty/staff., retirees, students, partners, friends, corporations, and foundations who contribute annually to the institution by 20% over fiscal year 08-09 number of 21, 086 (VSE Donor Count) 8.4. Collaborate Track percentage with university of alumni efforts to grow the population alumni participation reached with at a rate that publications and parallels the electronic media. university goal of 15% participation and increased 10% donor participation. 8.5. Increase Report activities visibility of with GVSU university graduate students development to university campaign to development. graduate alumni, faculty, staff, and students. 8.6. By 2015, the university will increase our VSE comparable reported cash gifts to $13,000,000 annually in private gifts from alumni, faculty/staff, retirees, students, parents, friends, corporations, foundation relations, and major gifts. 8.7. By 2015, the 8.7 Support efforts university will increase related to the endowment gifts to endowment gifts to the university, the university, including scholarships, including Expand newsletter that highlights faculty, student, and alumni activity. OGS, Academic 2015 units. Alumni survey’s In progress Increase prominence of university development campaign on OGS web page. Dean, Associate 2015 Dean In progress OGS In progress Highlight university development campaign at graduate faculty and staff functions. Increase prominence of university development campaign on GS brochures, programs, and other printed materials. Record and report the number of contacts with external constituents that Work with Office of Development to identify potential supporters of graduate education and graduate programs. 32 2015 from our current scholarships and show interest in average of $2 million assistantships for contributing to to $5 million a year graduate students. GVSU. (including present value). 8.8 By 2015, the 8.8. Increase Record and report Highlight activities and university will have visibility of and activities related to support in OGS publications completed, stewarded, provide support for university and website. and received pledges university development and commitments of development campaign. over $50,000,000 on campaign to the current alumni, faculty, comprehensive staff, and students. campaign (Shaping our Future) and will be prepared to launch the next comprehensive campaign in 2017. 8.9. Steadily increase 8.9. Support the Reports from Support efforts of academic each fiscal year the steadily increase CSCE. units to obtain externally number and total each fiscal year the sponsored agreements that award amounts of number and total support scholarship and externally sponsored award amounts of creative practices. agreements externally supporting scholarship sponsored and creative practices agreements. [Steadily = even performance] 8.10. Steadily 8.10. Steadily Reports from Support efforts of academic increase each fiscal increase each year CSCE. units to obtain externally year the number of the number of sponsored agreements that faculty and staff faculty and staff support scholarship and conducting internally conducting creative practices. and/or externally externally sponsored scholarship sponsored and creative scholarship and practices. [Steadily = creative practices. even performance] 33 OGS, Development Office 2015 Development In progress Office Dean and Annual reports Associate Dean CSCE In progress Dean and Annual reports Associate Dean CSCE In progress