No. 82 Form rule 241] [See

Form No. 82
[See rule 241]
[Heading as in form no 16]
LLP Petition No……… of 20……..
Advertisement as to declaration of distributable sum
Notice is hereby given that a *…………. distributable sum of…… (in rupees) has been
declared and that the same will be payable on the ……. day of……20……. and on the
subsequent working days upto the ….. day of…..20….. at the office of the Liquidator.
Every person entitled to participate in this distributable sum will receive a notice to that
effect and no payment will be made except upon production of such notice.
*Insert here ‘first’ or ‘second’ or ‘final’ as the case may be.
Note: This notice of declaration of distributable sum by way of advertisement should be
given atleast one month prior to the date fixed for the payment thereof.