STAFF SURVEY NARRATIVE 1 Staff Survey Narrative of

Staff Survey Narrative of
Jefferson County Public Library System
Submitted Student Work
IS 590: Rural Librarianship
Instructor: K.C. Williams
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
This paper provides an analysis of results from a Staff Survey regarding employee satisfaction in
the Jefferson County Public Library System. Each of the ten questions will be examined and the
implications for the library system discussed.
Staff Survey of the Jefferson County Public Library System (JCPLS)
All eight of the full and part time equivalents employees and the two substitutes
participated in the Jefferson County Public Library Employee Satisfaction Survey. The survey
consisted of ten statement, with the response choices of: Strongly Disagree, Disagree,
Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, Agree, Strongly Agree. The statements were chosen to
expose perceptions in enjoyment of work, communication at all levels, staff development and
understanding of purpose for goals set both personally and at the organizational level. The aim
of the survey to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses within the organizational culture.
The first statement, I get excited about going to work, received the following responses:
10% Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, 50% Agree, 40% Strongly Agree. This demonstrates
that 90% of employees are excited about or by the work they do. JCPLS needs to have a look at
what the employees are focusing on and how their time is being spent so that a clearer
understanding of what is ‘exciting’ them.
The second statement, I am satisfied with the job-related training my organization
offers, 20% Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, 50% Agree, 30% Strongly Agree.
This is not a
surprising response as two of the ten survey responses are substitutes so their availability to
training is much more difficult as they are only called in when leaves of some sort are taken.
The third statement, I am satisfied that I have the opportunities to apply my talents
and expertise, 10% Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, 60% Agree, 30% Strongly Agree. This
is great information to share with directors so the value of allowing all staff to apply talents and
know-how to work increases satisfaction.
The fourth statement, I am able to make decisions affecting my work, 20%
Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, 50% Agree, 30% Strongly Agree. Again, if this is the
substitutes, this makes more sense, as their work experience can vary from one day every other
month to one week and then nothing for months. Directors can explore ways to allow more
decision making opportunities for employees and or clarify areas where decision making would
be acceptable and where they may not be.
The fifth statement, I am inspired to meet my goals at work, 10% Neutral/Neither
agree nor disagree, 50% Agree, 40% Strongly Agree. Directors can maintain and improve these
levels by making goal setting part of the annual performance evaluation.
The sixth statement, Employees proactively identify future challenges and
opportunities, 20% Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, 50% Agree, 30% Strongly Agree.
Directors can encourage and reward employees that identify areas of improvement and exploring
The seventh statement, Employees in my organization take the initiative to help other
employees when the need arises, 33.33% Agree, 66.67% Strongly Agree. Only nine responses
were recorded for this statement. It may have been simply an error. This seems like a strength
within the organization. Staff seem to recognize that supporting each other makes the workplace
a more enjoyable place. One where it is ok to make mistakes and to learn from them.
The eighth statement, My supervisor and I have a good working relationship, 20%
Agree, 80% Strongly Agree. This statement was used for understanding how accessible and
responsive the directors are to their staff.
The ninth statement, My coworkers and I have a good working relationship, 30%
Agree, 70% Strongly Agree. This statement was used for clarifying working relationships for
the Jefferson City Public Library and the relationships between the libraries in general.
The final statement, I understand how my work impacts the organization's business
goals, 10% Disagree, 40% Neutral/Neither agree nor disagree, 50% Agree, 30% Strongly Agree.
This indicates that better communication of what the organizational goals are and how the
employees see their part in those goals. We are working on setting up Google apps for the
system so that communication can be streamlined and reaching out to others within the system is
considerably easier.
Jefferson County Public Library Employee Satisfaction Survey
Response choices:
Strongly Disagree/ Disagree/ Neutral/Neither Agree nor Disagree/ Agree/ Strongly Agree
I get excited about going to work.
I am satisfied with the job-related training my organization offers.
I am satisfied that I have the opportunities to apply my talents and expertise.
I am able to make decisions affecting my work.
I am inspired to meet my goals at work.
Employees proactively identify future challenges and opportunities.
Employees in my organization take the initiative to help other employees when the
need arises.
8. My supervisor and I have a good working relationship.
9. My coworkers and I have a good working relationship.
10. I understand how my work impacts the organization's business goals.