 Does the proposal exhibit conceptual soundness within the... program’s discipline? Department Curriculum Committee Checklist

Department Curriculum Committee Checklist
For Reviewing Proposals
 Does the proposal exhibit conceptual soundness within the context of the
program’s discipline?
 Does the proposal exhibit conceptual soundness within the context of the
program’s unit strategic plan?
 Is there congruence between the proposed curriculum and the unit’s strategic
 Is the proposed curriculum element current in the discipline?
 Has every change/new element been noted, explained, and justified?
 Does the proposal include documentation of communication effort with other
units or Colleges that may/will be affected by the proposal?
 Are all appropriate forms attached?
 Are all questions answered completely and correctly?
 Is the proposal correctly formatted?
 Does the proposal use correct grammar and spelling?
 Have all questions been answered completely?
 Do the letters/words have the correct count where limited?
 If the proposal concerns a course, is it designated at the correct level? ie. 100,
200, etc.
 Does the new catalog copy properly reflect the new provisions of this
 Does the new catalog copy properly preserve the provisions of the program as
previously defined except for the changes made with this new proposal?
 Should a DCC representative communicate with the unit faculty, the Unit
Head or the College Curriculum Committee Representatives regarding this
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