McCormack Megan has agreed to step-in as the child care chair... departure from MU Extension.

MOCAN Child Care Work Group Meeting
December 2, 2013
Attendees: Deborah Markenson, Lynn Cole, Nola, Barbara Keene, Megan Klenke, Cindy DeBlauw, Ann
Megan has agreed to step-in as the child care chair of the work group due to Robin Gammon’s
departure from MU Extension.
 Review state child care standards (physical activity, screen time, food, beverages, & infant feeding)
A review of other state and national standards was part of the work plan. Sarah Gabel and Megan
Klenke’s have been reviewing other state standards. Sara anticipates the review will be completed by
first of 2014. The review will identify gaps and if any changes need to be made in existing MO
standards/rules. This activity should be completed in 2014. Let’s Move Childcare has completed a
review of other states standards that will compared to MO licensing rules. MO rules do not include
anything on breastfeeding. Ann would be very interested in developing some breastfeeding standards.
Pat Simmons has mentioned that a breastfeeding friendly child care pilot was being considered.
Strategy to establish a statewide standard could include a voluntary standard that leads to state statute.
Review of other state’s strategies could also be included in the review.
Work plan—revisit worksite wellness proposed action
This action is worksite wellness for child care employees. I am Moving I am Learning has resulted in
improved staff wellness for child care providers. Ann is interested in this action. If additional
funding is available or work planned through CDC grant could create movement in this area. Pat
Simmons would likely be interested in this area too. Pat will be invited to join our group to discuss
this concept. The Nemours project includes a staff wellness component but it could be enhanced.
The group could develop a resource list for providers in worksite wellness. Providers could be
surveyed on perceptions of worksite wellness, activities implemented and resource needs. At the
January MOCAN meeting a review of existing resources will be conducted and plans for next steps
will be identified.
Status of infographics
Schools/child care infograph information has been forwarded to the MU Extension
Barbara and Ann have submitted a $200,000 1 year MFH proposal to provide technical
assistance to child care providers on Move Smart in addition to Eat Smart Guidelines. The
centers must be in the areas identified by MFH which are primarily rural. Up to $7,500 would be
available to child care centers depending on their needs.
With Team Nutrition funding Eat Smart/ IMIL training will be provided through MU Extension to
implement the Eat Smart/IMIL components’. The project will be piloted in Macon and Jefferson
Child Care Consultation program is wrapping up 2014. The program has received inquiries on
when Move Smart will be ready. The new billing system is getting off the ground. Some worksite
wellness activities are being promoted.
Move Smart Guidelines is rolling out. All of the materials need to go through approvals. The
work book has been sent forward for approval. January 2nd is target release date and an
announcement will be made. A training outline has been developed and will be ready by
February 1.
Breastfeeding support training for child care providers has been updated. The training is
provided by Child Care Health Consultants.
Child care- online modules for families and providers with children with special needs will be
released. The modules are titled Special Needs 411.
Child Care Aware Missouri
The second set of learning sessions have been completed in the 3 target regions (Mid-MO, St.
Louis, Springfield). The most recent training was conducted in October. Between trainings
centers are asked to work on activities learned during training at their work place. Support
training is provided to centers to bring the training and action planning back to the individual
centers – which permits center staff opportunities to participate in the collaborative. In
February a third set of learning sessions will be held. A total of 71 centers are participating in the