MOCAN Healthcare Group Meeting Minutes 1/26/12 Attendees:

MOCAN Healthcare Group Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Rudy Bremen, Sarah Hampl, Mary Heet, Kris Kummerfeld, Neha Rajkanan,
Rita Reeder, Glenn Studebaker, Steve Wenger
Update from Glenn
35 Child/Adolescent toolkits left
1286 of 7000 adult toolkits left
Note: Send ads and put on website
Healthcare Professional/Pre-professional Award
Send nominations to Annette Campbell for pre-professional award and to Mary Heet for
professional award—thank you ladies!
Deadline April 2nd for both awards
Ideas for awards- gift cards, especially for the pre-professional award
Mary- will send contact for family physicians
Division of Professional Registration would be potential resource for pre-professional
We will set up a conference call for our working group for sometime in April to review
the applicants for these awards and choose recipients
 Rudy- will develop ad for new healthcare workgroup webpage (once developed)
that can be sent to state healthcare professional organizations. Thanks, Rudy!
 Listserv List needs to be updated- replace members if they have left, or ask them
for alternative person.
 Cindy’s idea- Electronic screen in physician’s office flipping through healthy
messages. In newsletter and conferences, we need to give information about
MOCAN website and our webpage (to be developed).
 Steve Wenger- Community Needs Assessment: MOCAN is good leverage for
MO hospitals to be more involved in community and state advocacy for obesity
prevention and treatment. Steve will email article on this which appeared in the
MO Hospital Assn newsletter.
 Healthy Community Movement Summit Conference on April 12th and 13thDonna can sponsor few members from each team. We need to give nominations
from our team if anyone is interested in going.
Our team’s answers to MOCAN questions
1. What do you want to get out of MOCAN membership?
 Direction
 Strategies to engage healthcare professionals
 Share ideas
2. What do you want to get out of MOCAN meetings?
 Sharing information
3. What is the optimal number of MOCAN meetings?
 ½ day or depends on content
4. What activities you need funded?
 Colored flyer about webpage
 Recognition award
 Training for school nurses
 State conferences exhibit hall fees
5. What new members you can invite to MOCAN?
 Adult physicians
 MO osteopathic association members
 Pre-professionals and students
Our collaboration with Built Environment Working Group
 Promote physicians to give “Park Prescriptions” (From Institute of Golden Gate),
a way to promote patients to get free exercise at their local parks.
 (Sarah): Put English/Spanish simple prescription pads and 5210 Let’s Move on
MOCAN website
 (Glenn): Park prescriptions should be integrated in EMR so it’s easier for
physician to give.
 (Jan): Most local parks departments have websites listing all their parks and
recreation options- you can provide this list to your patients
 (Sarah): National Environmental Education Foundation has a nice outdoor
activity prescription in English and Spanish. NEEF is looking to train pediatric
healthcare professionals in Southern MO near the Shawnee National Forest. It
looks like Cape Girardeau may be closest community. In addition to MOAAP,
MAFP and MONA, group suggested contacting Chamber of Commerce in Cape
Girardeau to see if they would pass announcement on to pediatric healthcare
professionals in that area. Sarah will ask Johanna to forward the information to
these contacts.
 (Steve) Active Living by Design has good examples of how healthcare
professionals have promoted active living, and resources
Our collaboration with Schools and Childcare Group
 Discussion on the book “What to do for Heavy Kids”: The word “heavy” may be
offensive, but the book is still a good tool. Use the term “excess weight” instead
of “heavy”. (Marge): We need to give training on how to use the book. (Sarah
W): We may need to do focus groups of school nurses in a pilot area of MO to see
what they want and what is feasible for them, and then design a training based on
this. Group decided that a small pilot would be best approach and Marge asked
for volunteers for a subcommittee.
 Meanwhile, plans for a general childhood obesity/parental communication on
childhood obesity training conference can be explored: give incentive (maybe
travel discount) if schools come in teams of nurse, physical educator, and
counselor. Still deciding on location- perhaps large school district or KC-area
school nurse conference in early August. Topics to address: patient-centered
approach, what words to use, and what are concrete educational materials nurses
can give.