Student Placement Approval/Review Enhancement of the Practice Learning Environment (NHS and Independent sector) Introductory Statement Name of Trust / Organisation: The purpose of this student placement approval (NMC education audit) is to monitor and enhance the quality of the practice learning environment, student support and the assessment of practice. This includes learning environments which support students on pre-registration nursing and midwifery programmes as well as CPPD courses which have a formal assessment component. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) Code for Nurses and Midwives (NMC 2008) outlines the duty that all nurses and midwives must facilitate students and others to develop their competence. This document reflects the Nursing and Midwifery Council requirements i.e. NMC Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice 2008 and the NMC UK wide Quality Assurance Framework (2009) as well as NHS standards (Core Placement Indicators- appendix 2) Name of Placement: This document has been revised and updated as part of a project involving a number of Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) in association with their placement providers. This work is based on the original tool developed by the Practice Learning Collaboration Group (PLCG). Date of last Approval of Placement: There is an expectation that all areas can support all levels of students unless there is a clear rationale agreed between the organisation and HEI/s that indicates otherwise. The approval process leads to the production of a specific action plan, where needed, for the practice placement area. The purpose of this action plan is to ensure that the learning environment continues to meet required standards or is supported in enhancing quality where necessary. Manager's Name: Address: Post Code: Telephone Number: Email Address: Persons Completing the Approval: Date of Approval: Main Focus / Speciality of Placement: Practice Development Manager/Clinical Placement Facilitator Name: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Guidance for Use At City University London this placement approval tool is to be completed on a two year cycle. In year one the full placement approval needs to be completed, in year two a Review of the placement approval is completed and changes to the Practice Profile are noted. Please return this form electronically (via email) when completed to Organisation Lead for Education Name: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 1 Please indicate Student Placement Review of Student Approval Year 1 Placement Year 2 Please indicate if this document relates to the Student Placement Approval in year one, or is the Review of student placement in year two. Date Completed: Date of Audit: Date of Review: Section 1. Further Placement Details The following Universities use this Placement for Student Learning: City University Middlesex Greenwich Other Please state: London South Bank King’s College University of West London Kingston Buckinghamshire Hertfordshire Link Lecturer Details HEI: Name: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: HEI: Name: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: HEI: Name: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: Shift pattern students may follow: 5 day a week 7 day a week Weekend working Early Start: Finish: Late Start: Finish: 12 hours shift Start: Finish: Night Duty Start: Finish: 7.5 hours shift OTHER (please state): The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 2 Maximum number of students that are being facilitated in the practice area at time of audit*. Please indicate level & field: Pre Registration: CPPD: *. This number might not reflect the total maximum number of students that could be facilitated within the area as this is dependant on the availability of mentors as well as appropriate learning opportunities. Any discussion regarding a change in the current number must be held with the Clinical Placement Manager/Organisation Lead for Education in liaison with the HEI and not agreed during the audit. Do you agree to immediately Yes notify the University of any service provision changes that might affect the student’s ability to meet the specified learning outcomes? (Core Placement Indicator 1.7) Please give details of any anticipated changes: No Staff understand the procedures for alerting the university and acting upon any serious untoward incidents, which involve students, within 2 working days (Core Placement Indicator 1.5) Yes No Please indicate which members of the multidisciplinary team the Students will have opportunities to gain experience with: Nurses Doctors Midwives Physiotherapists Occupational Therapists Health Visitors Operating Department Dieticians Psychologists Practitioners Chiropodists District Nurses Healthcare Assistants Speech and Language Social Workers Podiatrists Therapists Others The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 3 List of learning opportunities (including inter-professional learning) available in the practice setting. If there are any Specialist Nurses / Nursing Consultants / Midwife Consultants, please specify: Please state any CPPD courses where a formal assessment component in practice is required: The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 4 Mentor details: All mentors/sign off mentors meet the requirements of the NMC standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice (NMC 2008), in particular attending annual updates and completing Triennial Review. No Yes Actions need to be identified against statement no.10 (3b) All mentor details are kept up to date on the Trust mentor database (NHS only). For all non-NHS organisations the HEI has responsibility for maintaining the mentor database (see below). Yes No This will need to be confirmed by the Clinical Placement Facilitator/Manager/Education Lead Name of CPF/Educational Lead: MENTOR LIST for PRIVATE/INDEPENDENT ORGANISATIONS ONLY (NON NHS) Name Course completed & date Date of last update Date of Triennial review Sign-off mentor Yes/No The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 5 Section 2. Health and Safety Placement Health and Safety Lead (where applicable): Name: E-mail Address: Telephone Number: Trust / Organisation Health and Safety Manager: Name: E-mail Address: Telephone Number: Will the organisations insurance cover any liability incurred by the student as a result of his her duties? (TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL INDEPENDENT/PRIVATE SECTOR PLACEMENTS (NON NHS) Do you have Employer Liability Insurance? Expiry date: Yes No Do you have Public Liability Insurance? Expiry date: Yes No Are the following policy/guidance available in the practice area and are staff aware of them (please tick which are appropriate) Required: YES NO Health and Safety Confidentiality Policy Equal Opportunities Manual Handling Violence And Aggression Infection Prevention Control Adult/Child Protection Code of Conduct for Nurses & Midwives (NMC 2008) Guidance on Professional Conduct for Nursing & Midwifery Students (NMC 2009) Fire OTHER (please name): The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 6 Accidents and incidents: YES NO Are you aware of a formal procedure for reporting and recording accidents and incidents? Have you procedures to be followed in the event of serious or imminent danger to people at work? Are risk assessments kept under regular review? Yes No Yes No Are the results of risk assessment implemented? Are there particular hazards in line with ‘The Management and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’ that could affect the health and safety of new and expectant mothers that work? It will be agreed between the relevant University and Trust, following risk assessment, whether this remains a suitable learning environment for students who may be either a new mother or pregnant. Date of most recent CQC Report: The most recent CQC Report demonstrates that all reviewed standards have been met. If any concerns have been highlighted regarding any of the standards the HEI has been informed and a risk assessment has been undertaken to evaluate any impact on the student learning experience. Yes Yes No No N/A The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 7 Section 3a. ORGANISATION AND MANAGEMENT OF CARE Statement Please indicate Yes No Examples of Evidence Action If required RD/KP (Review Date & Key Person) 1. The organisation and delivery of individualised patient centred care is evident and students are made aware of the importance of consent, privacy, dignity and confidentiality. 2 Practice reflects local, professional and national developments and care provision is based on relevant evidence based findings where available. 3 The placement has an infrastructure to support continuing professional development of staff and individuals have access to relevant opportunities. 4 Communications between the University and placement area, and vice versa, regarding student allocation, sickness or performance issues are effective. 5 There is a clear procedure for raising and escalating concerns about the practice area. This is available for both practice staff and students. * A cross in the box indicates that this is achieved See appendix 2 for Core National Placement Indicators for Contract Monitoring The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 8 Section 3b. SUPPORTING LEARNING IN PRACTICE Statement Please Indicate Yes No Examples of Evidence Action If required RD/KP (Review Date & Key Person) 6 Students have an appropriate induction and orientation, including local policies and procedures relevant to the practice area. (Core Placement Indicator 1.11) 7 Every student has a named mentor for each period of practice learning and a structured support system is in place when the allocated mentor is not available (e.g. co-mentor) 8 Whilst giving direct care in the practice setting at least 40% of the student’s time must be spent being supervised (directly or indirectly) by a mentor/practice teacher. 9 Mentors who are supporting and assessing students in practice can show that they have met the NMC requirements for SLAiP annual updates and Triennial Review. 10 The mentor should have access to relevant resources to support them in fulfilling their mentoring responsibilities. This may include the clinical placement facilitator, link lecturer support or other Trust educational roles. 11 Roles and relationships of the link lecturer are understood and the link supports practitioners in facilitating student learning and assessment in practice. The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 9 Statement Please Indicate Examples of Evidence 12 Mentors are familiar with the students programme and have the ability to select and support a range of appropriate learning opportunities commensurate with the students needs. Action If required RD/KP (Review Date & Key Person) (Core Placement Indicator 1.4) 13 There are a range of inter-professional learning opportunities made available to the student that facilitates their understanding of the benefits of a team approach to care. 14 Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN) students must be allocated to and assessed by a Practice Teacher. 15 There is a process in place for placement evaluation & student feedback which then contributes to the ongoing enhancement of the learning environment. (Core Placement Indicator 1.10) * A cross in the box indicates that this is achieved See appendix 2 for Core National Placement Indicators for Contract Monitoring The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 10 Section 3c. ASSESSING LEARNING IN PRACTICE Statement Please Indicate Yes No Examples of Evidence Action If required RD/KP (Review Date & Key Person) 16 Students receive an initial, mid-point and final interview during the placement. These interviews facilitate achievement of learning outcomes in order to achieve progression. (Core Placement Indicator 1.8 & 1.9) 17 Students receive regular and timely feedback on their performance and mentors take appropriate and prompt action if a student is not performing at the required level. (Core Placement Indicator 1.8) 18 Mentors keep sufficient records to support and justify decisions regarding a students performance and contact the link lecturer or senior practitioner for advice and support. (Core Placement Indicator 1.9) 19 Sign off mentors who have met the NMC additional criteria are responsible and accountable for the final sign-off in practice for all pre-registration nursing students. All midwifery mentors meet the criteria for sign-off mentor. (Core Placement Indicator 1.4) * A cross in the box indicates that this is achieved See appendix 2 for Core National Placement Indicators for Contract Monitoring The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 11 SUMMARY OF EDUCATIONAL QUALITY AUDIT & ACTION PLAN Area Name: Trust/Organisation: Date of Audit: OVERALL STRENGTHS TO INCLUDE E.G’s OF EFFECTIVE/INNOVATIVE PRACTICE: AREAS FOR ONGOING MONITORING AND DEVELOPMENT: (to be reflected in the actions below) Actions to be undertaken Review Date Key Person Progress 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. PRESENT DURING AUDIT Print Name Signature PRACTITIONER: AUDITER: LINK LECTURER (IF PRESENT): OBSERVER (IF PRESENT): * A copy of the completed document will be sent to all of those present including the area manager. If this document is completed online then only printed names are required (not signatures). The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 12 Appendix 1 Suggested Sources of Evidence SUGGESTED SOURCES OF EVIDENCE Please tick (adapted to specific Learning Environment depending upon Health Care Provider) Examples of documentation that may be available in the area: 1. Practice area philosophy or mission statement 2. Orientation/induction programme for students 3. Professional development opportunities identified for all nursing practitioners/staff 4. Nursing/midwifery/practice audit findings 5. National, local & professional reports & guidance e.g. Trust, DOH, NMC, QAA, CQC 6. Up-to-date list of student mentors for this area 7. Placement evaluations by students 8. Clinical/midwifery supervision strategy/record sheets 9. Current research/evidence-based practice initiatives 10. Service user feedback/patient satisfaction surveys 11. Assessment of student’s practice documents (examples/samples) 12. List of learning opportunities for students 13. Care Programme Approach (CPA) Policy ( Mental Health areas only) 14. Mentor evidence to support NMC standards. 15. Practice learning outcomes for the required range of Pre & Post Reg. programmes 16. Placement evaluations by staff 17. University placement guidelines 18. Others please specify: The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 13 Appendix 2 Core National Placement Indicators for Contract Monitoring The Authority expects the Institution to audit and monitor the quality of Practice Placements using a sub-set of Placement Providers, as agreed through the Contract Performance Management processes in line with the standards set out below, in conjunction with monitoring required to meet professional Regulatory Body standards. 1. The Institution shall procure that each Placement Provider shall: 1.1 Ensure that it makes appropriate senior staff (of a level of seniority to be agreed between the Institution and each Placement Provider from time to time) to be available to be involved annually in: a) Reviewing the Institution‟s recruitment and selection policies and criteria; b) Reviewing the education programmes set by the Institution; c) Reviewing the Disclosure and Banning Service (DBS), formally Criminal Records Bureau, and occupational health clearance processes that the Institution has in place to screen Students before they are admitted on a Practice Placement; and d) Reviewing the Dataset information to confirm that the information submitted contains no material inaccuracies in order to carry out the Annual Review process; 1.2 Ensure that it makes appropriate senior staff of the Placement Provider available annually for involvement in developing the Contract Performance Action Plans; 1.3 Ensure that all relevant clinical staff working in the placement area has clinical education responsibilities included in their job descriptions and competencies defined in their job specifications. 1.4 Ensure that all staff employed by the Placement Provider are either competent to support Student learning and assessment or are required to commence a programme of continuing professional development immediately on recruitment to achieve these competencies; 1.5 Immediately notify the Institution of any serious untoward incidents where involvement of any Student calls into question their fitness for training and report such incidents to the Institution within a timescale appropriate to the seriousness of the situation and in any case within two (2) working days; 1.6 Accept as valid the DBS and occupational health checks carried out by the Institution; 1.7 Immediately notify the Institution of any service provision changes that might affect the Students‟ ability to meet the specified learning outcomes set by the Institution; 1.8 Ensure that Students receive feedback on their performance in a time frame appropriate to the activity performed as agreed between the Institution and Placement Provider; 1.9 Ensure that Student assessment is appropriately moderated as agreed between the Institution and each Placement Provider; 1.10 Collect and collate feedback from all Students and regularly agree action plans with the Institution to address the issues raised; and 1.11 Ensure that Students receive an appropriate induction and orientation including local policies and procedures relevant to each their Practice Placement. The following HEI’s were involved in this development: Buckinghamshire New University, City University London, Kings College London, Kingston University London, London South Bank University, Middlesex University, University of Greenwich, University of Hertfordshire, University of West London. Revised tool April 2013 14