Publications for Bing Ling 2016

Publications for Bing Ling
Publications for Bing Ling
Ling, B. (2016). Contract Law in China (2nd
Edition) (Forthcoming). Hong Kong: Sweet &
Maxwell Asia.
Ling, B. (2015). Book Review: Introduction to
the Hong Kong Basic Law. DANNY
GITTINGS. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University
Press, 2013 413 pp. \$40.00 ISBN
978-988-8139-49-1. China Quarterly, 221,
258-259. <a
0144">[More Information]</a>
Ling, B. (2014). China's Changing Attitude to
International Law: The Case of the South China
Sea Disputes. Annual Workshop on Chinese Law
2014, Camperdown, NSW: Presentation.
Ling, B. (2014). Procedural Issues Relating to
China's Non-Appearance in the South China Sea
Arbitration. International Symposium on the
Philippines V. China Arbitration Case 2014,
Beijing, China: Presentation.
Ling, B. (2014). Rule of Law in Foreign
Policy-making: China's Non-Appearance in the
South China Sea Arbitration. 9th Annual
Conference of the European China Law Studies
Association (ECLS) 2014: Making, Enforcing
and Accessing the Law, Hong Kong:
Ling, B. (2014). The Development of Rule of
Law in China under the Xi Jinping
Administration (2012-14).
Ling, B. (2014). The Limit of Cosmopolitanism:
The Role of Comparative Contract Law in
China's Reform of Contract Law. Cambridge
Journal of International and Comparative Law
Third Annual Conference 2014 - Stepping away
from the State: Universality and
Cosmopolitanism in International and
Comparative Law, Cambridge, England:
on International Law 2013, Beijing, China:
Ling, B. (2013). The 'confused topic' of act of
state under the Hong Kong Basic Law. The
Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 1(1),
84-111. <a
ore Information]</a>
Ling, B. (2013). The Bo Xilai Trial Bolsters
Judicial Reform [Chinese]. Ta Kung Pao.
Ling, B. (2013). The Philippines v. China
Arbitration Case and the Judicial Settlement of
Disputes in the South China Sea. 20th
Conference on Maritime Police, Taoyuan,
Taiwan: Presentation.
Ling, B. (2013). Will Snowden's Extradition
Trigger a US-China Dispute? [Chinese]. Ta
Kung Pao.
Ling, B. (2012). Civil Codification in China.
2012 Thematic Congress of International
Academy of Comparative Law, Taipei: National
Taiwan University.
Ling, B. (2011). America's Real Intent in Its
Involvement in the South China Sea. Shanghai
Morning Post.
Ling, B. (2011). CFA's Referral of Interpretation
Tests Rule of Law at NPC. Ming Pao Daily.
Ling, B. (2011). Contract Law and the Treatment
of Non-Performing Loans in China. Law and
Development in China - The Legal Dimension of
China’s Development Model (Research
Symposium), Singapore: National University of
Ling, B. (2011). Phone Tapping Scandal and the
Limits of Press Rights in the West. Shanghai
Morning Post.
Ling, B. (2011). State Immunity and the 'High
Degree of Autonomy' of Hong Kong. 2011
International Law Association Asia-Pacific
Regional Conference, Taiwan: International Law
Ling, B. (2013). A Tale of Two Jurisdictions:
China's State Secret Law and Disclosure Rules
on Cross-border Financial Information. Shanghai
Forum 2013, Shanghai, China: Presentation.
Ling, B. (2010). Communal Interest and the
Security of Private Contract in China. A Case
Study. 5th International Conference on
Interdisciplinary Social Sciences.
Ling, B. (2013). China's Non-Appearance in the
Philippines v. China UNCLOS Arbitration Case.
National Institute for South China Studies 2013,
Haikou, China: Presentation.
Ling, B. (2010). One Country Two Systems and
Sovereign Immunity. Second Cross- Strait
Symposium on International Law.
Ling, B. (2013). Jurisdictional Conflicts: New
Problems for China. Fourth Cross-Strait Forum
Ling, B. (2009). China's Response to the
Publications for Bing Ling
Memorandum: Introduction and Critical
Assessment. Roundtable on Regional Autonomy
and Central-Local Relations in China, Hong
Kong, China.
Rao (Eds.), The Basic Law and Sustainable
Development in the Macau SAR, (pp. 123-129).
Macau: Association for the Promotion of the
Macau Basic Law.
Ling, B. (2009). International Legal Effects of
the Sino - Japanese Principled Consensus on East
China Sea. 16th Academic Conference on
Maritime Conference.
Ling, B. (2009). Liu Xiaobo Case and Freedom
of Speech [Chinese]. Ming Pao Daily.
Ling, B. (2006). Can Lai Changxing Be
Extradited Back: Legal Issues in the Pursuit of
Escaped Criminal Suspects [Chinese]. Bauhinia,
7, 60-61.
Ling, B. (2009). Recent Developments in
American International Law Theories. 2009
Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of
International Law.
Ling, B. (2008). Constitutionalism and Acess to
Social Justice in China: The Case of 'Nail
Household'. Harvard Project for Asian and
International Relations (HPAIR) Academic
Ling, B. (2008). Is One Country Two Systems
Model Internationally Applicable? Conference
on "One Country Two Systems: Comparative
Ling, B. (2008). Kosovo Independence and he
Cross-Strait Relationship [Chinese]. Ming Pao
Ling, B. (2007). Does Beijing Have
Uncontrained Symposium on 'Hong Kong Ten
Years After'. International Symposium on 'Hong
Kong Ten Years After'.
Ling, B. (2007). Introduction to Chinese contract
law since the statute of 15 March 1999.
Colloquium on Contract Law in China and
Europe Conference.
Ling, B. (2007). Legal Education in Hong Kong:
Ten Years after the Handover [English &
Chinese]. China Law, 3, 57; 153-59; 156.
Ling, B. (2007). One Country Two Systems and
the Limits to the Power of the NPCSC to
Interpret the Basic Law. Conference on the
Retrospects and Prospects of the Basic Law.
Ling, B. (2007). Subject Matter Limitation on the
NPCSC's Power to Interpret the Basic Law.
Hong Kong Law Journal, 37, 619-649.
Ling, B. (2006). Anti-Secession Law in Dilemma
[Chinese]. Ming Pao Daily.
Ling, B. (2006). Contribution of Judge Ni
Zhengyu to the work of The International Court
of Justice. Symposium in memory of Judges Ni
Zhengyu and Li Haopei on Their 100th birthday,
Ling, B. (2006). The United Nations Convention
on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their
Property and China's Position. Conference on the
New Developments and Trends in International
Law, Tongli.
Ling, B. (2005). A Case for Extraterritorialty.
In Fu Hualing, Carole J. Petersen and Simon
N.M. Young (Eds.), National Security and
Fundamental Freedoms: Hong Kong's Article 23
Under Scrutiny, (pp. 399-426). Hong Kong:
Hong Kong University Press.
Ling, B. (2005). Henkin's International Legal
Theory and the Recent Development in
American Scholarship on International Law.
2005 Symposium of International Law Scholars
in East China.
Ling, B. (2005). Sovereignty as Responsibility to
Protect: A Preliminary Analysis. 2005 Annual
Meeting of the Chinese Society of International
Ling, B. (2004). Anti-Secession Law Not
Conducive to Peaceful Reunification. Ming Pao
Ling, B. (2004). Excessive Claims of Jurisdiction
and Transnational Economic Regulation.
Conference on China's Peaceful Development
and International Law, Beijing.
Ling, B. (2007). The Case of Guo Bihau and
Rendition of Criminal Fugitives between Macau
and Mainland China. Conference on "The Basic
Law and the Sustainable Development of Macau
SAR", Macau.
Ling, B. (2004). Extraterritorial Legislative
Power of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region [Chinese]. In G.Rao (Eds.), High Like
Mountains and Long Like Rivers: Collected
Essays in Honour of Professor Wang Tieya, (pp.
273-285). China: Peking University Press.
Ling, B. (2007). The Guo Bihua Case and
Rendition of Fugitive Offenders between the
Mainland and Macau [Chinese]. In Y Yang, G
Ling, B. (2004). Fragmentation of the
Contemporary International Legal System. 2004
Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of
Publications for Bing Ling
International Law on China's Road to Peaceful
Ling, B. (2001). International Legal Analysis of
the Aerial Collision Incident. Ming Pao Daily.
Ling, B. (2004). State Responsibility for
Violation of International Humanitarian Law.
Symposium on Weapons and International
Humanitarian Law.
Ling, B. (2001). Rule of Law in the Mainland
Loses out in the Spy Cases. Ming Pao Daily.
Ling, B. (2004). The Book Gifts from Professor
Wang [Chinese]. In G.Rao (Eds.), High Like
Mountains and Long Like Rivers: Collected
Essays in Honour of Professor Wang Tieya, (pp.
355-358). China: Peking University Press.
Ling, B. (2004). The Development of
Comparative Law Scholarship and Its Impact on
the Legal Reform in Mainland China. East Asian
Conference on Comparative Law.
Ling, B. (2003). International Legal Status of
HKSAR and Its Relevance to the Cross-Strait
Legal Relationship. WTO and New Trends in
International Law in the 21st Century
Ling, B. (2003). Recent Developments in
International Legal Theory and China's
Response. International Law Workshop of the
Chinese Society of International Law.
Ling, B. (2003). The Basic Law of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region and the
Limits of the Legislative Power of the National
People's Congress. Fazhi Luncong [Forum on
Rule of Law], 1, 9-18.
Ling, B. (2003). The Basic Law of the Hong
Kong Special Administrative Region and the
Limits of the Legislative Power of the National
People's Congress [in Chinese]. Fazhi Luncong
[Forum on Rule of Law], 1, 9-18.
Ling, B. (2002). Contract Law in China. Hong
Kong: Sweet & Maxwell Asia.
Wolff, L., Ling, B. (2002). The Risk of Mixed
Laws: The Example of Indirect Agency under
Chinese Contract Law. Columbia Journal of
Asian Law, 15, 173-192.
Ling, B. (2002). WTO as a Non-Self-Executing
Treaty: An Analysis of the UK and US Practice.
Annual Meeting of the Chinese society of
International Law.
Ling, B. (2001). Can the Central Government
Remove the Chief Executive Without Cause?
Ming Pao Daily.
Ling, B. (2001). Globalisation and Rethinking
the Notion of State Sovereignty. Annual
Conference of Chinese Society of International
Ling, B. (2001). The Effect of WTO Rules in
Chinese Law. Conference on the Study of
Certain Legal Issues after China's WTO's
Ling, B. (2001). WTO Accession Procedure May
Be Unconstitutional. Ming Pao Daily.
Ling, B. (2000). Contract and the Third Party: A
Criticism of Articles 64 and 65 of the Chinese
Contract Law. Conference on the Current
Situation of Civil and Commerical Law in the
Asia-Pacific Region and Prospects for the
Coming Century.
Ling, B. (2000). One Country Two Systems:
Policy and Practice. Rethinking the Cross-Strait
Ling, B. (2000). The Proper Law for the Conflict
between the Basic Law and Other Legislative
Acts of the National People's Congress. In H. L.
Fu, Yash P. Ghai, Yash Ghai (Eds.), Hong
Kong's Constitutional Debate: Conflict Over
Interpretation, (pp. 151-170). Hong Kong: Hong
Kong University Press.
Ling, B. (2000). Universality of Human Rights:
The Chinese Perspective. Symposium on
Fundamental Causes for Gross Violations of
Human Rights.
Ling, B. (1999). Applicability of the PRC
Crimimal Law in Hong Kong and the Prospect of
a Rendition agreement between Hong Kong and
the Mainland. Hong Kong Law Journal, 29(393),
Ling, B. (1999). Can Hong Kong Courts Review
and Nullify Acts of the National People's
Congress. Hong Kong Law Journal, 29, 8-16.
Ling, B. (1999). Chinese Contract Law [in
Chinese]. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (HK) Co.
Ling, B. (1995). Criminal Jury Trial Materials:
A Comparative Law Study. China: Northwest
Ling, B. (1992). Developing Countries and
Ozone Layer Protection: Issues, Principles and
Implications. Tulane Environmental Law
Journal, 6, 91-126.