City University Property Department Form of Tender/Quotation for Work City University Department of Property and Facilities Northampton square London EC1V 0BH Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Introduction 2 1.1 Purpose of this document 2 1.2 Nature of the project 2 1.3 Works/services covered by this tender 2 1.4 Outline Contents of this document 2 1.5 About City University 2 Instructions to Tenderers 4 2.1 Return time and date 4 2.2 PAF Responsible Manager 4 2.3 Tender returns 4 2.4 Site Inspection 4 2.5 Programme 4 Scope of Work 5 3.1 Brief Description of the Works and Site Location 5 3.2 Works or Services covered by this tender document 5 3.3 Programme (for service delivery – additional detail) 5 Outline Contract Details 6 4.1 Conditions of Contract and Precedence 6 4.2 Contract Administrator 6 4.3 Project specific details 6 Health & Safety 7 5.1 General Responsibilities of tendering contractors: 7 5.2 CDM Regulations 7 5.3 City University H&S Management arrangements 7 5.4 Asbestos 7 Tender Returns and Pricing 8 6.1 Tendering conditions 8 6.2 Documents forming this tender request: 8 6.3 Tender submission - Items Required: 8 6.4 Special Instructions regarding format or methodology for tender returns: 9 Appendix A: City University Property Standard Prelims Appendix B: Specification and Scope (where applicable) Appendix C: Pre-Tender H&S Plan if applicable Appendix D: Tender Forms and Pricing Document City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 1 1 1.1 Introduction Purpose of this document City University is seeking offers to carry out the works described in this document, in accordance with both the specific terms outlined below and with City University Purchasing Regulations in general. 1.2 Nature of the project [insert a brief description of the project] 1.3 Works/services covered by this tender [insert the work or services for which we are requesting tenders] 1.4 Outline Contents of this document The document consists of the following sections: Instructions to Tenderers – which must be followed to achieve compliance Scope of Work – setting out the work or services to be priced Outline Contract Details – project specific terms only, and cross reference to CU std prelims Health & Safety – application of CDM and reference to other documentation Tender Returns and Pricing – Requirements for tender information 1.5 About City University City University was founded in 1894 as the Northampton Institute and awarded full University status in 1966. Today the University aims to be the body of choice for business and the professions, and actively promotes research activity across all schools and institutes, including substantial interdisciplinary work. It strives to contribute significantly to the capital's academic, cultural and business life. The University now has almost 10,000 students, with 50 per cent postgraduates. It comprises the School of Arts, Cass Business School, the School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, the School of Allied Health Science, St Bartholomew School of Nursery and Midwifery, the School of Informatics, the Institute of Law, and the School of Social Sciences. The responsibilities of Property and Facilities (PAF) department include all aspects of the City University physical environment. City University site map is given overleaf: site specific details are given at section 3. City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 2 City University – site locations: click on coloured panels for detailed area map Northampton Square site Bath Street: Optometry Clinic The City: Cass Business School, Executive Development Centre West Smithfield: St Barts School of Nursing & Midwifery, Department of Radiography Holborn: Inns of Court School of Law Whitechapel: St Barts School of Nursing & Midwifery Please visit for more detailed information City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 3 2 2.1 Instructions to Tenderers Return time and date The return time and date for pricing the scope of works is 12:00 Friday 13th Jan 06. 2.2 PAF Responsible Manager The PAF Responsible Manager for this project is: [name, contact number] 2.3 Tender returns Tenderers are to price and extend for the enclosed scope of work in black ink, enclosing 2 original, identical and signed copies of the completed tender return. Detailed requirements for the tender return are given at Section 6 and must be complied with. Return tender envelopes/packages should not be marked in any way that could identify the originator and should be clearly marked with the following: Property Department Tender Return – [job title/reference] – DO NOT OPEN UNTIL DIRECTED” The address to which the tenders are to be returned is: Department of Property and Facilities (E420) City University Northampton Square London EC1V 0BH Tenderers are requested to ensure that the return section of the tender is received by the Department of Property and Facilities (PAF) and not left at the Security front desk. A receipt will be issued by PAF on request only. These documents will form part of the Contract. No alteration or qualification of any kind shall be made by Tenderers to the text of the tender documents without the written authority of the PAF Responsible Manager. 2.4 Site Inspection The site(s) may be visited by appointment only, giving a minimum of 48 hours notice, between the hours of 11.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday and by arrangement with the P&F Responsible Manager. 2.5 Programme Tender documents issued Thursday 11th Jan 06 Tender return date Friday 3rd Feb 06 Notification of decision Monday 20th Feb 06 Start date Monday 6th Mar 06 Completion date Friday 19ith May 06 City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 4 3 3.1 Scope of Work Brief Description of the Works and Site Location [Insert brief description here] Detailed documentation relating to scope and specification is scheduled in Appendix 3.2 . Works or Services covered by this tender document [Describe scope of the project and/or services] 3.3 Programme (for service delivery – additional detail) City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 5 4 4.1 Outline Contract Details Conditions of Contract and Precedence The following Form of Contract will apply to this work or service: Works forming part of this project but not covered by this tender will be: a) subject to the following Form of Contract: , OR b) subject to a Form yet to be decided. [DELETE ONE OPTION] The Contract Documents shall consist of: o The Contract Conditions including Memorandum/Articles of Agreement; o This document (City University Property Prelims); o The Contract drawings, schedules and specifications as listed herein. The University's Policy for Health Safety and Welfare at Work is available for inspection in the Room E420. If applicable the Pre Tender Health & Safety Plan for this project has been included in Appendix C. 4.2 Contract Administrator The Contract Administrator shall be City University. This includes all consultant appointments and works contracts. 4.3 Project specific details [insert project specific contract alterations, insertions or deletions] City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 6 5 5.1 Health & Safety General Responsibilities of tendering contractors: o Complying with the requirements of the tender and contract documentation. o Restricting site access to authorised people and ensuring they in turn observe CU and site rules. o Co-operating with the University's corporate policy and site wide arrangements for securing health, safety and welfare of employees and other persons who might be affected by the work. o TO COMPLY WITH CITY UNIVERSITY PROPERTY STANDARDS CURRENTLY IN FORCE – as published to the following web address: 5.2 CDM Regulations [Delete as appropriate] This project is notifiable under CDM Regulations. The Planning Supervisor is [insert name] This project is not notifiable under CDM Regulations. In either case all other relevant H&S legislation continues to apply and contractors will be required to demonstrate competence to carry out the works and/or services. 5.3 City University H&S Management arrangements Full details of the City University Safety Management System can be found at the following location: Any questions or queries relating to any aspect of H&S on this project should be directed in the first instance to the PAF Responsible Manager. Procedures specific to construction, engineering and maintenance operations are set out in the current version of the City University Property Standard Prelims document given at Appendix A and updated as 5.1. 5.4 Asbestos PAF maintains an "Asbestos Register" for the estate and leased premises within the University's control. The register is to be consulted at the planning stage of before any including investigative work commences. While every effort is made to inform contractors of the location and type of asbestos, the Contractor is to exercise diligence, stop work and inform the P&F Responsible Manager if they suspect asbestos has or may be revealed. Tenderers should consult information contained on the PAF web site as above for general information on asbestos and advice on the procedures to be followed by persons on the University premises. City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 7 6 6.1 Tender Returns and Pricing Tendering conditions In addition to priced and signed original paper copies of pricing schedules, Tenderers must submit a true and fair copy of the signed paper versions in electronic format, in a template to be provided by CU or its advisers. The electronic tender must in no way alter the functionality of the template as issued to tenderers, or in any other way ‘hard wire’ the calculations. The purpose of this is to assist tender evaluation and in any event the signed paper tender will take precedence. The Tenderer shall notify the P&F Responsible Manager if any pages are missing or duplicated or if any writing, text or figures are indistinct. No subsequent claim for loss consequent upon the Contractor’s failure to comply with this Clause will be entertained. All work, including sizes and description of material contained in these Documents where not shown or described in the Contract drawings or subsequent drawings or details should be checked on site or agreed by the P&F Responsible Manager before ordering or embodying in the works. The Tenderer is requested to price the document such that, at the discretion of City University, a portion of the scope can be removed and the allocated costs to that portion of scope can be easily removed from the overall cost. A fixed and final price is requested, no additional compensation will be made to a Contractor where it is found that works obvious at the time of tendering were not accounted for in the pricing of the work. A simple activity programme is to accompany all submissions. The programme need not be in ‘gantt chart’ format, but is required to show key activities with start and completion dates. In the event of inconsistencies becoming apparent, the provisions of this document (City University Property Prelims) shall take precedence over the Contract drawings, schedules and specifications. The Contract Conditions shall take overall precedence. 6.2 Documents forming this tender request: The following documents are to be read in conjunction with this tender document and fully accounted for in the price submitted: [list information to be priced, if not included in this document] 6.3 Tender submission - Items Required: Please see Appendix D for relevant pro formas 6.3.1 A completed Vendor Information Form if your company is not a current vendor 6.3.2 A completed Tender Summary Form 6.3.3 A completed certificate of Non-Collusion 6.3.4 Evidence of required Insurance cover (Public, Employer, Professional Indemnity etc) 6.3.5 A copy of your company’s Health & Safety Policy City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 8 6.3.6 An outline of your QA system 6.3.7 A copy of your Equal Opportunities Policy 6.3.8 A statement on your company’s approach to sustainability 6.3.9 Qualitative response to cover the following points: Experience of similar projects Experience of working with Universities Project Execution Methodology etc etc 6.3.10 Resource Information: o Organisation and personnel; o Proposed team and their CVs; o Experience and qualifications of your proposed team; o Further resources available to support proposed team; 6.3.11 Pricing Information The Pricing Schedule given at Appendix D MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL and signed. Failure to complete as required may invalidate your tender. 6.3.12 Confirmation of acceptance or comments on draft form of contract/appointment 6.3.13 Statement on Qualifications or Exclusions to the Tender Offer 6.3.14 Any other information Include any other information that is felt to be relevant for evaluation. 6.4 Special Instructions regarding format or methodology for tender returns: [insert relevant details] City University Property Dept – Commercial in confidence 9 APPENDIX A City University Standard Prelims APPENDIX B Specification and Scope (where applicable) APPENDIX C Pre-Tender H&S Plan (where applicable) APPENDIX D Tender Forms and Pricing Document Declaration of Non-Collusion [TO BE COMPLETED BY TENDERING COMPANY AND RETURNED ATTACHED TO THE FORM OF TENDER] Tender for: The essence of Selective Tendering is that the client shall receive bona fide competitive tenders from all those tendering. In recognition of this principal, 1. WE CERTIFY that this is a bona fide tender, intended to be competitive, and that we have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender by or under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. WE ALSO CERTIFY that we have not done and we undertake that we will not do at any time before the hour and date specified for the return of this tender any of the following acts: a) communicating to a person other than the person calling for those tenders the amount or approximate amount of the proposed tender, except where the disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the tender was necessary to obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the tender; b) Entering into any agreement or arrangement with any other person that (s) he shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted; c) Offering or paying or giving or agreeing to pay or give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other tender or proposed tender for the said work any act or thing of the sort described above. 2. WE FURTHER CERTIFY that the principles described above have been or will be brought to the attention of all sub-contractors, suppliers and associated companies providing services or materials connected with the tender and any contract entered into with such sub-contractors, suppliers or associated companies will be made on the basis of compliance with the above principles by all parties. 3. In this certificate, the word “person” includes any persons and any body or association, corporate or incorporate; and “any agreement or arrangement” includes any such transaction, formal or informal, and whether legally binding or not. 4. WE CONFIRM that we accept that any breach of the conditions of the Declaration of Non-Collusion will inevitably lead to the rescission of any contract with City University. Signed: Name in Capital Letters: On behalf of: Date: COMPLETION OF THIS PAGE IS MANDATORY: FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY INVALIDATE THE TENDER Form of Tender Tender for: I/We, having read the Conditions of Contract, Specification and other Tender Documentation sent to me/us, do hereby offer to execute and complete the works involved in the Contract for the sum shown in words and figures below in accordance with all the Tender Documentation and to the complete satisfaction of City University. I/We confirm that my/our Tender is a fixed Price Tender and that for a minimum of THREE months after the Tender Return Date the prices shown below will be held firm for acceptance. TENDER SUM excluding VAT (in words) pounds (£………………………………….) pence (excluding VAT) Dated: Day of 2005 Signed: In the capacity of Being a person duly authorised to sign tenders on behalf of : Company Stamp Tendering Company's Name: Postal Address COMPLETION OF THE FORM OF TENDER PAGE IS MANDATORY: FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY INVALIDATE THE TENDER VENDOR INFORMATION SHEET This section for internal City University use only Req By Kevin Gibbons PG 005 STD / X ONE T: x8043 E: N: SAP?: Date/By: July 05 When complete, send this form (ideally electronically) to the person that asked you to complete it Ref General Data Vendor Name: Address: Tel: Contact e-Mail: Postcode Fax: Website: www. Payment Details – All payments from City are made under City University standard payment terms via the BACS system, please therefore complete the following in order to ensure timely payment of invoices. Please ensure that your first invoice has these details included on the invoice for verification purposes. Bank Address Sort Code Sterling Account Number Note: if you do not trade in sterling, please provide alternative banking arrangements Corporate Social Responsibility & the Promotion of Equality It is the policy of City University to promote Equality throughout all its functions, it is also now law that as a body who receives & spends public funds, we are required to satisfy our obligations in law to promote equality throughout all our functions, this includes activities related to vendor selection – a vendor’s performance and behaviours in the area of Equality can now (under section 71 of the Race Relations Act) impact on their ability to obtain business from publicly funded organisations. We also desire and indeed are required to ensure that we purchase from sources that do not achieve the realisation of benefit in any way from criminal activity. To comply both with our policies and our obligations in legislation therefore, please complete your answers to the following questions. Has your company, in the last 3 years, been found to be in breach of the Race Relations Act or any other UK equality legislation (covering discrimination on the grounds of Disability, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Religion or Belief) by any court, tribunal or hearing or had a notice under such legislation served on you by the Commission for Racial Equality OR if your business operates outside the UK, equivalent legislation in another country ? Has your business in the last 3 years, been convicted of breaching any other areas of UK legislation or undertaken activities in another country that could place you in breach of UK law ? If the answer is yes to either of the questions above, you need to complete City University’s full Vendor Questionnaire which is available from Data - Accuracy In the last 5 years, has your company traded as or been registered under any other name(s) from those contained above ? (this allows us to ensure our vendor details are kept up to date and that you do not receive duplicate communications) If Yes, Please provide details here I confirm that I have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information provided is correct and that I am authorised to provide this information on behalf of my organisation Name & Position: Signature (unless provided electronically)