ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY, PSY 352 Fall 2009; MWF 11 a.m.; NOA 1.126

Fall 2009; MWF 11 a.m.; NOA 1.126
PROFESSOR: Dr. K. Fromme
Office, phone, and email: 3.242 Seay Bldg.; 471-0039; fromme@psy.utexas.edu (please note that it is against UT
regulations to discuss grades via phone or email)
Office hours: MWF 10 - 10:50 a.m.
Office and email: 2.318 Seay Bldg; rachel.berman@mail.utexas.edu
Office hours: Tuesdays 2-5 pm
TEXT: Durand, V.M. & Barlow, D.H. (2005). Essentials of Abnormal Psychology. 5th Edition. Thompson
[NOTE: This text differs from Barlow & Durand, Abnormal Psychology].
PREREQUISITES: The Psychology Dept. will drop students who do not meet the following prerequisites: (1) PSY 301
and PSY 418 (or equivalent listed in course schedule) with a C or better, and (2) upper division standing (60 hours
completed). Dropped students will be notified by the 12th class day.
EXAMS: A total of three (3) exams will be given during the regular semester and an optional, cumulative final exam
will be offered during the final exam period. Each exam will be worth 100 points and will consist of multiple choice,
matching, or true/false questions. Each of the 3 regular exams will cover all of the readings assigned and all the lecture
and film materials presented since the previous exam. The optional final exam will include material that is covered
throughout the semester. Approximately half of all exam questions will be taken from lecture and films and half from the
text. Exams will not be returned, but you may review your exam during the TA or Professor’s office hours. Please notify
the TA in advance, so we can locate your exam.
No makeup exams will be given. Absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS will be made under any circumstances (really!). The
optional final exam can be substituted for one missed regular exam or used to replace your lowest regular exam grade.
See additional information about the final exam in the last paragraph on the back of this syllabus.
GRADING: Your overall grade will be based on three exam scores. Exams I and III will each count 30% of your overall
grade and Exam II will count 40%. Questions about the grading of an exam must be raised during office hours in the
week immediately following receipt of that grade. UT has switched to the plus/minus system: Scores of 93-100 = A+, 9092 = A-; 87-89 = B+; 83-86 = B; 80-82 = B-; 77-79 = C+; 73-76 = C; 70-72 = C-; 67-69 = D+; 63-66 = D; 60-62 = D-;
Less than 60 = F. Under no circumstances will additional points be given (e.g., if you are just below a cut-off point).
DROPPING: Any time before taking the first midterm you may drop the course with a Q grade. After that time you
may drop with a Q only if your performance up to that time is C or better; otherwise you drop with a grade of F.
DISABILITIES: Upon request, UT Austin provides appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with
disabilities (contact: Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259; 471-4641 TTY). If special accommodations are needed
for exams, the student must notify the TA at least two weeks before the exam and provide documentation from the Dean
of Students’ Office.
a) Keep up with the readings - not all exam material will be covered during lecture.
b) Come to class - some exam material will only be covered in class.
c) If you need help, don't wait until exam time - use office hours!
August 26 & 28
What is abnormal behavior?
An historical context
Chapter 1
Aug. 31 - Sept. 4
Current approaches & Intro to assessment
Chapter 2
Sept. 7
Sept. 9& 11
Labor Day Holiday
Clinical assessment and diagnosis
Chapter 3, pages 71-92
Sept. 14-18
Treatment effectiveness and research
Chapter 3, pages 92-113
Chapter 14, pages 576-579
Sept. 21 & 23
Sept. 25
Physical disorders and health psychology
Exam I
Chapter 7
Sept. 28 – Oct. 2
Anxiety disorders
Chapter 4
Oct. 5-9
Substance-related and impulse-control disorders
Chapter 10
Oct. 12-16
Sexual and gender identity disorders
Chapter 9
Oct. 19-23
Mood disorders
Chapter 6
Developmental and cognitive disorders
Chapter 13
Nov. 2
Nov 4 & 6
Exam II
Eating and sleep disorders
Chapter 8
Nov. 9-13
Personality disorders
Chapter 11
Nov. 16- 20
Somatoform & dissociative disorders
Chapter 5
Nov. 23 & 25
Nov. 27
Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
Thanksgiving Holiday
Chapter 12
Dec. 30 & Dec. 5
Dec. 4
Legal and ethical issues
Exam III
Chapter 14
OPTIONAL FINAL EXAM: This cumulative final exam will be held on Wednesday, December 9th at 7 pm.
No early final exams will be given and late exams will be given only in cases of medical, psychiatric, or
family emergencies (documented in writing in advance of the final exam make up).