2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 4/12/2020
• Background: Community Development lacks a full-time program leader in USDA-NIFA since the retirement of
Sally Maggard. This means less coordination / communication about programming and funding opportunities. Currently being served part-time by a 5person committee.
• Committee Involved: Community Development
• Action Requested: Request ASRED and AEA pursue a dedicated full-time Community Development National
Program Leader. Letter to Dr. Ramaswamy and request a response.
• Timeline: 2013
2012 PLN C
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• Background: National survey of Extension Directors and
Administrators regarding Community Development staffing and funding revealed the Southern Region lags behind other three regions in terms of staffing / funding with 10 of 15 states reporting less than 5% funding to CD being in the South
• Committees Involved: Community Development, Middle
• Action Requested: Approve and support the creation of a task force (made up of representatives from MM, ANR, 4H,
CRD, and FCS from 1862 and 1890 institutions) that will identify strategies to enhance visibility and impact of Community
Development programs to meet the changing needs of
Extension clientele. Each committee appoint its reps. MM and
CRD develop a plan and submit to ASRED and AEA
3 4/12/2020
• Timeline: August 2013
• Background: NIFA ’ s Institute of Youth, Family and
Community does not have AFRI funding and thus limits our ability to compete for funding that will enhance the science and its application in the FCS, CRD and 4-H programs in our states.
• Committees Involved: Family & Consumer Science, 4-H, and Community Development
• Action Requested: ASRED and AEA to send formal communication to the new NIFA director requesting that funding from AFRI be allocated to our institute and its division.
• Time Line: ASAP but ideally before the start of the next federal fiscal year (October 2012)
2012 PLN C
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• Background: Southern region led an effort to create multistate core competencies modules for training our educators/agents through CECP which transitioned to eXtension. Little has been accomplished in terms of module development, completion and uploading.
• Committees Involved: all
• Action Requested: AEA and ASRED to request eXtension’s assistance in helping bring this project to completion by convening a meeting with program chairs, module development chairs, ECOP program subcommittee and eXtension.
• Time Line: ASAP
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 5 4/12/2020
• Background: Current planning model is ineffective and inefficient in garnering attendance and delivery.
• Committee Involved: 4-H Youth Development
• Action Requested: Approval to propose a restructured Southern Region Volunteer Forum to a sustainable model with individual states who wish to participate using the Southern Region Teen Leadership
• Time Line: 2013
2012 PLN C
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• Background: Current model is cumbersome and negatively effects participation.
• Committee Involved: 4-H Youth Development
• Action Requested: Uphold the 4-H Committee’s decision to not support the proposal of the National and
Multi-State events process as written until further discussion can take place to resolve concerns. We support best practices outlined in the model but do not support the proposed regulations and additional paperwork being required. Southern 4H Committee will make recommendations back to National 4H and shared with
• Time Line: December 31, 2012
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 7 4/12/2020
• Background: An administratively appointed action team from the PLN membership is needed to address urban
• Committees Involved: Middle Management and multiple committees
• Action Requested: Request the formation of an action team to develop goals, and identify and/or develop resources in the Southern Region for urban Extension. This team would also give support to a national urban conference in 2015. One person per institution
• Timeline: August 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 8 4/12/2020
• Background – Full participation is needed by all southern region institutions in the Excellence in
Extension database in order to allow for benchmarking and telling the full story of the southern region institutions. Partial and incomplete data diminishes the usefulness of the database.
• Committee Involved: Program & Staff Development
• Action Requested: AEA & ASRED strongly endorse full participation in the Excellence in Extension
• Time Line: Annually
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 9 4/12/2020
• Background: Sharing appropriate information among committee members is inhibited by the inability to search impact statements in the USDA-NIFA Plan of Work and
Accomplishment Reports.
• Committee Involved: Program & Staff Development
• Action Requested: AEA and ASRED request that the
Office of Planning and Accountability at USDA-NIFA make the Plan of Work and Accomplishment Report database searchable across all states, territories, and institutions.
• Time Line: 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 10 4/12/2020
• Background: Institutions across the country have invested valuable resources into the development of eXtension for the professional development. Yet, it is uncertain as to how effective the current eXtension Collaboration Site is meeting this need.
• Committee Involved: All Committees
• Action Requested: Appoint a cross-committee review team to join the group being convened for this purpose
(represented by 2 members of each Program Committee) to evaluate the effectiveness of the eXtension Collaboration
Site in meeting the needs of Southern Region Extension personnel.
• Time Line: November 1, 2012
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 11 4/12/2020
• Background: More in-depth regional evaluation resulting in comprehensive, more meaningful, and valuebased outcomes (e.g., behavior change, knowledge gained, economic impact) is needed.
• Committees Involved: All Committees
• Action Requested: AEA and ASRED foster the development of issue &/or program-based regional teams for more in-depth, comprehensive program evaluation studies, assessments, tools, and projects. Identify areas on which to focus.
• Time Line: Spring 2013
2012 PLN C
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2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 4/12/2020
• Background: Social Media opportunities are expanding rapidly. Extension needs a repository of best practices and success stories to help guide the work.
• Committees Involved: Communications, Information
Technology, and Program & Staff Development
• Committee Action: Assess, support, develop and implement Social Media Best Management Practices and success stories for the Southern Region. Post guidelines on PLN website and explore other methods of distribution. This website will be hosted at MSU.
• Time Line: August 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 14 4/12/2020
• Committee Involved: Communications
• Committee Action: Review and finalize a position paper on the value and impact of integrated strategic communications. Submit for publishing and explore other methods of distribution.
• Timeline: Feb. 20, 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 15 4/12/2020
• Background: Communications Committee needs a way to communicate rapidly on timely issues or questions.
• Committee Involved: Communications
• Committee Action: Develop a Communications
Facebook closed group page
• Timeline: September 2012
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 16 4/12/2020
• Committee Involved: Communications
• Committee Action: Initiate research for a white paper on the strategic communications role of Extension educators
• Timeline: August 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 17 4/12/2020
• Background: Southern Region Community
Development committee is participating in a national effort to build a common core of metrics associated with community development work.
• Committee Involved: Community Development
• Committee Action: Begin gathering a test sample of data. May need administrative support to gather data.
• Timeline: August 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 18 4/12/2020
• Background: Lost leadership for the Caregiving conference.
• Committee Involved: Family & Consumer
• Committee Action: Propose having a caregiving track at national conferences (Priester,
• Time Line: Beginning September 2012
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 19 4/12/2020
• Background: Each state is implementing
Youth/Client Protection differently. We need succinct guidelines to follow for youth protection that allow committee members to align with our respective state laws.
• Committee Involved: 4-H Youth Development
• Committee Action: Develop guidelines for youth/client protection.
• Time Line: August 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 20 4/12/2020
• Background: The Middle Managers have continued to provide leadership for a bi-annual conference.
• Committee Involved: Middle Management
• Committee Action: Middle Management
Conference will offer professional development growth for all middle managers in the southern region.
• Timeline: April 9-12, 2013 - Lexington, KY
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 21 4/12/2020
• Background: A cross committee discussion about current county needs and recent NACO comments was held yesterday.
• Committees Involved: Middle Managers and
Community Development
• Committee Action: Formation of a cross committee work team to generate a plan to develop training opportunities and advance program implementation relevant to county needs specifically those identified by NACO.
• Timeline: August 2013
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 22 4/12/2020
• Background: New data analytic options are currently being added to the database. These analytics will allow for greater use of the data. New options will be introduced in the ECOP Monday Minute e-newsletter over the next several months.
• Committee Involved: Program & Staff Development
• Time Line: Ongoing
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 23 4/12/2020
• Background: Agents/Educators are routinely hired with limited skills in effective teaching. In addition, training resources are spread over the Region. More consistent and effective training of agents in this area is needed.
• Committee Involved: Program & Staff Development
• Committee Action: A series of online trainings on effective teaching is being planned. These trainings will be offered once a month for a 9-10 month period. Each regional institution will present or serve on a presentation team.
• Time Line: 2012-2013
2012 PLN C
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2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 4/12/2020
• Conducted survey of Extension professionals’ perceptions of climate change (2589 respondents. )
Dr. Martha Monroe presented results.
• Dr. Clyde Fraisse provided an update on the Agro-
Climate tools for Managing Risks for Agricultural
Production, a multi-state ANR project
2012 PLN C
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• Completed position paper draft on the value and impact of integrated strategic communications.
• Collected source material for social media best management practices.
2012 PLN C
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• E-commerce expansion efforts: Community
Development held a national training workshop with 60+ attendees from across the nation.
• SET (Stronger Economies Together) o Current Southern Region participants have garnered over $4M in grants / contracts related to
SET o Phase III: 5 of 7 states selected were part of
Southern Region
2012 PLN C
ONFERENCE 28 4/12/2020
Multi-state projects on:
• Obesity: Working on an online resource for nutrition curricula, with plans to put it online by end of winter.
• Military families: Worked on a health literacy program through an
Extension-military partnership, exceeding target audience goals by 185%.
• Childhood Obesity: Completed a multistate proposal to address childhood obesity using Cook Smart, Eat Smart Curriculum. Seeking funds from private industry.
• Food Safety Survey: Southern survey completed now working with
NIFA (Beverly Samuel) on a national survey on food preservation.
Southern survey may be updated to collect information on Extension work done beyond Serv-safe.
11 states have adopted the FCS branding icon
• Contributed to the Youth Obesity resource list developed by the Obesity Cross Committee.
• Worked together to address the 4-H Tax and IRS issues.
2012 PLN C
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• Continued communicating and promoting eXtension activities and professional development opportunities to their state staff and clientele.
• Explored effective ways to capture metrics on institutional electronic presence, program delivery, and increased accountability.
• Recruited more than five new members, four of which attended the conference for the first time.
2012 PLN C
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• Conducted Urban Pre-Conference on Water
Quality with 42 participants.
• Developed publication on Best Management
Practices for Middle Managers. Will finalize and publish in 2012.
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2012 PLN C
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2012 PLN C
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