QBASE Quality Improvement Strategy for Management Team Engineering Overview Six Sigma is a management philosophy that is sweeping the world by storm and it is getting a strong foothold in Malaysian businesses. Created first by Motorola in the 1980’s to improve the capability of its manufacturing processes to meet the ever increasing customer requirements and expectations, Six Sigma was then later popularized by Allied Signal and General Electric (GE). These two companies have successfully implemented six sigma and demonstrated that six sigma not only improves the quality of their products and services, but totally transformed the organization culture in their effort for greater customer satisfaction, profitability and competitiveness. Six Sigma has evolved from merely an index to measure the amount of variation from desired target to become a comprehensive and flexible system for planning, achieving, sustaining and maximizing organizations’ business success. It is uniquely driven by close understanding of facts, data and statistical analysis and diligent attention to management, improving and reinventing business processes in a continuous quest to achieve people and process excellence in the organization. It is a business system for improved business leadership and performance. It is a “system” that has shown successes in diverse and growing types of industries, and in a broad array of business processes and challenges within the organization, starting from strategic planning, supply chain, to operations and customer service, and at every step helps to maximize the impact of the efforts. The benefits of six sigma will be accessible whether it involves the entire organization, department or just tackling specific problems. There has been much discussion in many organizations about Six Sigma, the concepts, the goals and targets, but the misconceptions and misunderstanding about the subject is still prevalent. This one day awareness training is intended to provide an overview of the concepts of Six Sigma; where, how and why it originated, the meaning, it’s relationship with the processes, the hurdles, pitfalls, the world class leaders, the losers , the success stories, lessons learned, and the necessary steps and roles of each individual employee to achieve this excellence Target Audience •All Employees and potential SixSigma project team members •All Management Team members •QM / ISO Coordinators / Champions •Process Owners •All Technical Staff •CEO & Presidents © QBASE Engineering Sdn Bhd SIXSIGMA AWARENESS QBASE Quality Improvement Strategy for Management Team Engineering Course Objectives At the conclusion of this training the participants will have the knowledge to be able: •Explain the statistical techniques relevant to the Six Sigma concept; •Understand the Six Sigma concept, the origin, the why’s and the how’s; •Understand the SixSigma performance measures metrics and indices. •Explain the differences between various SixSigma strategies (six sigma vs. Lean Sigma), and the five steps and roadmaps towards Six Sigma transformation; •Show examples of world-class companies practicing six sigma breakthrough strategies ; •Six Sigma project selection and DMAIC tools and roadmaps for each project; and •Promote SixSigma within their organization. At the conclusion of this training the participants will have the skills to be able: •Asses the readiness for SixSigma implementation; •Perform cost/benefit analysis of Six sigma implementation; •Select potential sixsigma project, select project team and team members, charter a project and become the SixSigma project champion. •Charter a SixSigma implementation roadmap and milestones •Develop resource planning for overall six sigma implementation, ROI, performance meassures, selection matrix, expectation, target and goals; •Champion overall six sigma implementation and transformation in their organization Training Methods •Management Briefing •Group Workshops •Case studies and Lesson Learned Training Duration • 1.0 day ( 8 hours) © QBASE Engineering Sdn Bhd SIXSIGMA AWARENESS QBASE Quality Improvement Strategy for Management Team Engineering Course Outlines Introduction •History of Six Sigma •Why Six Sigma is Important •Lessons Learned from Six Sigma Leaders (General Electric) Six Sigma Definition and Basic Statistical Primer •Descriptive Statistics • Process Variation ( σ ) •Normal Distribution •Process Capability, Cp and Cpk , PPM •Sigma Levels vs. Process Capability •Area Under Normal Curve Overview of:•6 σ as Performance Measure •PPM •Variation (Sigma) •DPMO •Cp / Cpk •Yield •Six Sigma as a Breakthrough • Improvement Strategy and • Roadmap •5 Steps to Six Sigma Transformation •DMAIC Improvement Process •Implementing Six Sigma at your organization •Piloting Six Sigma at your orgnization •Implementation Milestones •Identify Potential Project •Six Sigma Project Selection Workshop •Selection Process •Selection Criteria •Workshop •Summary and Next Step •Wrap up © QBASE Engineering Sdn Bhd SIXSIGMA AWARENESS