Taking the Course for Credit – Course 1 Community Development Academy

Taking the Course for Credit
Community Development Academy – Course 1
Rural Sociology 4341 or 7341
Building Communities from the Grassroots
March 28-April 1, 2016
You may enroll for three hours of graduate or undergraduate college credit from the University
of Missouri-Columbia. If you desire graduate or undergraduate credit notify Stephen Jeanetta by
noon on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 573-884-3018 or via email at jeanettas@missouri.edu
Fees are $1007.10 for undergraduate credit (3 semester hours) and $1687.80 for undergraduate nonMissouri resident credit (3 semester hours). Fees are $1227.00 for graduate credit (3 semester hours)
and $1837.50 for graduate non-Missouri resident credit (3 semester hours).
For those employed by the University of Missouri the educational assistance policy applies.
Required Textbooks
The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhood, John McKnight &
Peter Block, 2012, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, ISBN-10: 1609940814
Community Building: What Makes It Work: A Review of Factors Influencing Successful Community
Building, Paul Mattessich, and Barbara Monsey, 1997. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. ISBN-10:
Practicing Community Development, Donald W. Littrell and Doris P. Littrell, 2006. Columbia, MO:
University of Missouri Extension. ISBN: 0-933842-30-9. To order, visit:
Walk Out, Walk On, Margaret Wheatley, Deborah Frieze, 2011, Berrett-Koehler Publishers,
ISBN-10: 1605097314
These books may be purchased by special order from the University Bookstore by emailing
textbooks@missouri.edu or calling 1-800-862-5866; from www.amazon.com, or from your preferred
 Fully participate in the course. Keep in mind how you might apply the content to your work.
 Read course texts, papers, and handouts. Keep in mind how you might apply the content to your
work. You will find it helpful to participate in the discussion group for those taking the course for
credit and to keep a written reflective journal on community development practice as related and
begun in the course and connected to course readings and texts.
1. Write a paper that addresses how you plan to implement what you have learned and the skills
you have acquired through participating in the on-site course to enhance the ability of people in
your community to create, build, and sustain their community. The paper should include
sections that indicate at least the following:
Setting: your role in your organization and the “community” or communities in which you will strive
to implement what you have learned.
Building Communities from the Grassroots—Community Development Academy
Capacity: how you will provide leadership in local development (local defined by your role
responsibility) to empower and sustain communities for the future
Organization: how you will enhance the capability of the community to develop and use its own
appropriate information and how will you engage people in forming viable community
organization to sustain the efforts
Partnering: how you will assist people in the community to collaborate and develop new
Inclusivity: how you will deal with issues of discrimination
Please give careful attention to both content and teaching methods as they relate to your expected
outcomes. The purpose of this is to generate thinking from a learning/teaching point of view and to
enhance one’s capacity as a teacher of community development. An educational process might
take many forms, but is not limited to: setting up a mentoring process with one or more people;
developing a set of materials for people to use; organizing and teaching one or more classes in
community development; starting a new community leadership development class (e.g. EXCEL) or
community dialogue series (e.g. Study Circle or Issues Forums).
2. Write a paper analyzing the four textbooks and their indications for application in your local
community or present position.
Final paper is due Friday, May 6, 2016. Papers submitted after that time will follow
incomplete grade procedure (see below.)
All assignments are to be submitted to Stephen Jeanetta by mail or email.
See contact information below.
NOTE: We can adapt the dates for submitting assignments to meet a student’s need to
complete the course within the current semester. We have successfully accommodated
students with this need in the past. We do, however, need to know prior to the start of the
course that this is a need of the student. Contact Stephen Jeanetta 573-884-3018 or via
email at jeanettas@missouri.edu
Grading for the course will be based on the following:
25% of grade will be based upon active participation in the course
35% on paper integrating on-site course and notebook content into practice
40% on the paper analyzing the four textbooks and indications for application
Incomplete (I) Grade—effective Fall Semester 2003
When a student cannot be assigned a grade at the end of a course in which he/she has been enrolled
because his/her work is incomplete, the instructor will postpone the grade of the student, reporting to
the Registrar the fact that such student’s grade is I. An I grade may be assigned only when (1) the
completed portion of the student’s work in the course is passing quality, and (2) there is such evidence
of hardship as to make it unjust to hold the student to the time limits previously fixed for the completion
of his/her work. The time allowed for the removal of an “I” grade is one calendar year from the date of
its recording.
If not altered, a grade of F will be assigned automatically. This does not apply to courses taken for
graduate credit. This began with courses taken during the fall, 2003 term. When the incomplete work is
Building Communities from the Grassroots—Community Development Academy
accomplished, proper notification of the grade to be assigned will be provided to the university registrar
and the student.
Grade or Transcript
You can request a grade card for the class either by mail or fax. The request must have your
signature on it. Grades will be mailed or faxed at no charge. Be sure to give the name of the class,
class #, date you took it. Include your name either student number or Social Security number, birth date
and the address or fax number to which it should be sent. If you are requesting by mail, the address is
University Registrar, University of Missouri, 130 Jesse Hall, Columbia, Missouri, 65211. If you are
faxing, the number is 573-884-4530. Don't forget your signature.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic integrity is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. All members of the
academic community must be confident that each person’s work has been responsibly and honorably
acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is
dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic community regards breaches of the
academic integrity rules as extremely serious matters. Sanctions for such a breach may include
academic sanctions from the instructor, including failing the course for any violation, to disciplinary
sanctions ranging from probation to expulsion. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting,
collaboration or any other form of cheating, consult the course instructor.
Students with Disabilities
If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, if you have emergency
medical information to share with me, or if you need to make arrangements in case the building must
be evacuated, please let me know as soon as possible.
If disability related accommodations are needed (example: a note taker, extended time on
exams, captioning), please register with the Disability Center at
http://disabilitycenter.missouri.edu ,S5 Memorial Union, 573-882-4696, and notify me, Stephen
Jeanetta (573-884-3018, jeanettas@missouri.edu), of your eligibility for reasonable
accommodations. For other MU resources for persons with disabilities, enter "Disability
Resources" on the MU homepage.
Student Complaints
If a student has a complaint about the course and is unable to resolve it with the instructor(s), s/he is
encouraged to bring the issue to the attention of the Department of Applied Social Sciences Director —
Jill Findeis, 215 Gentry Hall, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211, 573-882-7740.
Contact Information
Stephen Jeanetta, 229 Gentry Hall, 573-884-3018, jeanettas@missouri.edu
Building Communities from the Grassroots—Community Development Academy