Goal INCREASE COMMUNITY ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE LOCALLY-PRODUCED HEALTHY FOOD Objective Increase healthy food availability/awareness in schools Strategies to Implement 1. Research feasibility of utilizing Veggie U for 4th grades in 1 or more school districts. Steps Required to Complete Strategies -Explore Veggie U website for more info re: cost, content & class size availability. -Check w/schools re: how receptive to program & if appropriate 2. Explore food service contracts of school districts re: % they can possibly spend on locally grown food & date when contracts are negotiated Contact local school districts re: using local foods 3. Work with schools on wellness policies Attend wellness councils for county school districtsTasting @ school lunch time w/local grown foods Tasting “Pilot” @ Immanuel Elem Materials, Resources and Personnel -Donna Oetting will research Veggie U –use other Grow Kit resources for less costHLI pilot funding Time Frame Expected Outcome Evaluation Method -Will have info by next committee meeting 1-12-09. - Participation of 4th grade students in growing and tasting vegetables. Evaluating by # of students participating, use program evaluation provided in curriculum. -Will have info before next meeting -Determine school districts’ status re: purchasing local food. Make contacts for future networking & policy ground work. # of school districts interested in local foods Report/Comments Explore funding by grants or community underwriters Check with Laf Co C-1 re: new science curriculum Carolyn will call superintendents re: food service contracts. Carolyn to contact Bill McElvey, Univ Ext Ag Spec for insight & support Contact Alma Hopkins SW policy consult Univ Ext Annette Kappelman Carolyn Boland Contact Mr. Gesch Contact Bill McElvey Re: Harvest of the Month Tasting during School lunch period 1 #students participatingschool lunch options for using local grown foods April-May 2009 w/available local produce Goal INCREASE COMMUNITY ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE LOCALLY-PRODUCED HEALTHY FOOD Objective Increase community awareness of healthy food options Strategies to Implement 1. Develop healthy food recipe tastings and demonstrations Steps Required to Complete Strategies Materials, Resources and Personnel Time Frame Expected Outcome Evaluation Method -FACS/FCCLA Courtney Bergsieker School year -Increase palate diversity -Improve ability to cook different foods Student response to healthy choices -Farmer’s Markets FNP & Market vendors Vista worker Market seasonMay – Sept ‘09 Increased consumption of local foods Set up four cooking demonstrations as the minimum standard 2 Report/Comments 2. Increase availability of healthy food options at community events -Contact: -Concession Stands -Meet the Huskers Parent U & 4-H Clubs 3. Healthy recipe feature in paper – connect to seasonal foods -Coordinate with concession stand coordinators – Courtney Bergsieker Marsha Corbin Contact Booster Club re: healthy option -Meet and gain support of booster/concession coordinator -Contact Paulette Augustine; Vista local chefs -Contact local newspaper -Contact growers to establish seasonal foods for seasonal recipes -Lynda Johnson/Marsha Corbin Lafayette Co. Cattlemen to help sponsor 90% Lean Beef Stick @ concessions to determine demand -Enhance palate diversity Healthy meal options/demos Susan Gooch Kathy Smith -Taste of Higginsville -Establishment of healthy foods at local events # of families participating -Fall 2009-local foods feature for local restaurants Monthly Increased awareness of local food options @local restaurants Increased sales for local food features Increased community awareness of HLI goals & activities Monthly HLI articles including healthy choice recipes Increased # of participants in local HLI efforts 3 Courtney Bergsieker & FACs class to prepare healthy recipes & share student favorites. Farmers Market update & recipes. FNP afterschool recipes feature 4. Kids in the Kitchen – after school settings Contact local school officials for scheduling Kathy Smith Lynda Johnson Pam Gladbach School year & summer school Continued program @ Laf Co C-1; expansion of program in additional school districts # of students participating # of school districts participating 5. Get info from Rachelle McGinnis & Bill McElvey Contact Principal MacLaughlin & Michelle Roush Lynda Johnson Marsha Corbin Melissa Beal Vaughn Owens Jan-February Plans to develop learning garden established Commitment by school to developing garden project Develop learning garden @ Leslie Bell Elementary 4 Expand current space funded by Lowe’s grant-- Goal INCREASE COMMUNITY ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE LOCALLY-PRODUCED HEALTHY FOOD Objective Increase access to locally grown healthy food Strategies to Implement 1. Establish partnership among community members/growers & mentors 2. Develop garden project 3. Offer WIC/EBT at Farmers Market 4. Expand Farmers Market Steps Required to Complete Strategies -Contact Master Gardeners Establish areas of interest for involvement Contact Lex R-V Schools/Margaret Gray Center Contact Mo Dept of Ag re: machine & Farmers Mkt to establish system to redeem Establish bylaws & organizational structure Develop promotion & marketing programs Apply for Spec Crop grant $$ Materials, Resources and Personnel Time Frame Expected Outcome Evaluation Method Master Gardener Volunteers Extension Associate Melissa Beal Marsha Corbin -2009 Growing season Provide resource to locally grown food effortsgardening demos; overseeing gardening projects # of Master Gardeners participating in # of activities Master Gardeners Michelle Roush Senior Volunteers Mo Dept of Agriculture Vista worker Farmers Market board 2009 Growing Season Develop a raised bed garden @ Early Childhood site Increased consumption of local foods by benefit recipients; increased sales at Farmers Mkt Establishment of garden site Crystal Weber, Marsha Corbin & Market Vendors Jan-Feb 2009 Bylaws & organization structure established prior to ’09 Market season Increased vendor participation at market 2009 Market Season Advertising & special events held to increase market attendance Increased attendance & increased vendor sales Market Vendors, Marsha Corbin & Vista worker Specialty Crop grant $$ To be operational for 2010 market season 5 $$ of EBT sales at Market Report/Comments Goal INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAFE AND ACCESSIBLE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Objective Increase number of miles of developed trails Strategies to Implement 1. Develop trail from 15th Street to Junction 20/213 Confederate Park 2. Develop bike lanes and sidewalks Steps Required to Complete Strategies -Create Trails Committee Pursue grant funds Develop project plan -Downtown to highway -Park to school Reapply for grant funds 1. Materials, Resources and Personnel Time Frame Expected Outcome Evaluation Method -Director of Economic Development Donna Brown Marsha CorbinWalmart grant -5-7 years -1 and a half miles of new walking trails -Count trail usage Development fund established; preliminary plan presented -Donna Brown-City & Laf Co C-1 officials Bids for DTN to Walmart walk by March 1 -1 mile walk/bike trail -Count sidewalk usage -Sidewalks completed Grant match from HLI School access sidewalks Trail Committee Members 2. Research Others to Involve: Legal Issues (City attorney) Grant Writing City/municipal officials Landowners of adjacent land Railroad Right-of-way Tax parcels Other issues Trail map highlighting sites/map of old railroad Larry & Vivian Apprill Kent Emison Jim Padley John & Valerie Frerking Toniann Richard Dennis Stewart Park Board Members (Lorna Warren) Health Coalition MODOT Ellen Hare/Melissa Grass Paulette Augustine – Husker Hydro Club 3. 4. 5. 6. Land Transfer City Agreements Grant Writing Trail Construction 6 Report/Comments Establish local citizens committee Goal INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAFE AND ACCESSIBLE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Objective Increase community access to existing facilities Strategies to Implement 1. Review Parks & Rec Programs & Equipment Steps Required to Complete Strategies Look at: Availability & accessability Create list of all PA programs Materials, Resources and Personnel Time Frame Expected Outcome Evaluation Method Brian Welborn Report/Comments Committee developing brochure for community information re: Hours, resources available, etc. High School students to do layout & setup-Pictures from Aquatic Center & Dance class. Park Board (Lorna)& committee Possibility of grant co-op for equipment purchases for Higg Parks & Lex. Schools 2.Review School Policies Open gym at Community Center Brian Welborn Kathy Rehmsmeyer Parents as Teachers PA Promotion-Policyexpand PA during meetings & activities Deb Jones/Janet Jones Active & Healthy Schools program @Lex School Lynda Johnson & Susan Gooch Gayle Frerking 2009-2010 School year Increase physical activity of K-4th grade students 7 Establish Active learning centers in gym Establish Zoned playground Grant application to fund Active & Healthy School Program Goal INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAFE AND ACCESSIBLE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Objective Increase participation in physical activity programs Strategies to Implement 1. Expand Existing Programs Steps Required to Complete Strategies Expand Husker Kid Power to other grades (Middle School Expand hours of Walking clubs for adults Expand Church programs (Stay Strong, Stay Healthy) Expand worksite program 2. Expand Walking School Bus Establish @ Laf Co. C1 schools Lexington –change route to increase# of students participatng Materials, Resources and Personnel Melissa Grass “Missouri on the Move” Lynda Johnson Time Frame Expected Outcome Evaluation Method 6 months Increase the number of participants Survey of physical activity level 12 months Increase the number of daily steps Pre/Post Blood Pressure Increase the level of physical activity Quality of life Report/Comments MEETING 10/27 for updates from committee Kathy Rehmsmeyer Lynda Johnson Decrease blood pressure Toniann Richard Carolyn Boland Deb Jones/Melissa Grass Brad MacLaughlin Susan Gooch May 2009 & Fall 2009 Planned in Higginsville May 6, ‘09 Spring & Fall 2009 Increased # of participants 8 Include bus students by changing start location Events for Physical Activity Wii Tournament Bike Rodeo 4H on the Move Create a list of all PA programs for youth in community. Parents as Teachers PA Promotion – Policy-Expand PA during meetings & activities Committee Brian Welborn & Tina Myrick Offer events at 4th of July/Country Fair Brochure completed & distributed @ schools, chamber, Drs.offices, City Hall,Hab Center etc Feb. 2009 Deb Jones/Janet Jones 9 Community awareness of opportunities & increased participation HLI to purchase ink cartridge/City will process-committee to distribute Goal INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAFE AND ACCESSIBLE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Objective Worksites developing wellness programs to reduce chronic disease among employees Strategies to Implement 1. Develop Worksite wellness programs Steps Required to Complete Strategies Contact businesses Materials, Resources and Personnel Healthcare Coalition; LCHD &University Extension Time Frame Expected Outcome ongoing Evaluation Method Increased interest in Worksite Wellness opportunities Santa Fe Schools as professional development tool # of businesses that participate 2. Explore supports for worksite wellness Consult HCC & Healthy Lifestyles committee re: working with businesses on worksite wellness plans. Stan will forward info on newly developed worksite wellness kits January –February Distribute to businesses interested in beginning a worksite wellness program 10 Report/Comments