Health Cluster Guide: a practical guide for countrylevel implementation of the health cluster The health cluster guide is meant to be a living document and the global health cluster members hope to get feedback from the people who have used the guide, particularly in the field, at national and sub national levels. Please send comments and suggestions for improvements to the Global Health Cluster Secretariat at indicating “Feedback on health cluster guide”. You can just write an e-mail with your comments or use the below Feedback Form. Thank you for your feedback. Feedback Form Name (optional) Organization and job title In what ways has the health cluster guide assisted you in your work? How can the format of the guide be improved or made more user friendly? Have you found anything that should be corrected? Which aspects of the guide content are most useful and why? Which aspects are least useful and why? Have you mostly used the hard copy or the CD or both? Please list any additional information or key resources which you feel should be included: