UT-Austin PROPOSAL 2011-2012

Student Green Fee
Project Name _____________________________ Primary Contact ___________________________
Date____________________________ Email Address___________________________________________
Description of Change
Describe the proposed changes and the justification for the change(s) to your project (500 words or less).Changes must
adhere to the guidelines in the original Green Fee proposal application.
Do the changes described above include a readjustment of your project timeline? If so, attach a new timeline to this
Do the changes described above require a redirection, increase, or decrease of funds required for the project? If so, submit
the budget form with the original funds as approved in the first column, and the proposed changes in the second column.
____ I/We propose change(s) in the funding amount and/or recipients of funds, and have attached a budget form.
____ I/We do not propose change(s) in the funding amount or recipients of funds.
Submit your completed request to greenfee@austin.utexas.edu.