Publications for David Ubilava 2016

Publications for David Ubilava
Publications for David Ubilava
Hastings, J., Ubilava, D., Wang, Y. (2016).
Shocks and North Korean Commodity Prices.
International Studies Association Annual
Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
Tack, J., Ubilava, D. (2015). Climate and
agricultural risk: measuring the effect of ENSO
on U.S. crop insurance. Agricultural Economics,
46(2), 245-257. <a
ore Information]</a>
Ubilava, D. (2015). Rises and Falls in Primary
Commodity Prices: Blame it on ENSO or Leave
Them Kids Alone? New Zealand Econometrics
Study Group Meeting, Brisbane: New Zealand
Econometrics Study Group.
Ubilava, D. (2014). El Niño Southern Oscillation
and the fishmeal-soya bean meal price ratio:
regime-dependent dynamics revisited. European
Review of Agricultural Economics, 41(4),
583-604. <a
ore Information]</a>
Ubilava, D. (2014). On the Relationship between
Financial Instability and Economic Performance:
Stressing the Business of Nonlinear Modelling.
International Symposium on Forecasting,
Santander, Spain: International Symposium on
Ubilava, D. (2014). The ENSO Impact on World
Wheat Market Dynamics: Smooth Transitions in
Asymmetric Price Transmission. Agricultural
and Applied Economics Association Meeting,
Minneapolis: The ENSO Effect on Wheat Price
Ubilava, D., Holt, M. (2013). El Niño southern
oscillation and its effects on world vegetable oil
prices: Assessing asymmetries using smooth
transition models. Australian Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics, 57(2),
273-297. <a
2.00616.x">[More Information]</a>
Ubilava, D., Helmers, C. (2013). Forecasting
ENSO with a smooth transition autoregressive
model. Environmental Modelling and Software,
40(February 2013), 181-190. <a
9.008">[More Information]</a>
Tack, J., Ubilava, D. (2013). The effect of El
Nino Southern Oscillation on U.S. corn
production and downside risk. Climatic Change,
121(4), 689-700. <a
8-x">[More Information]</a>
Ubilava, D. (2012). El Nino, La Nina, and World
Coffee Price Dynamics. Agricultural Economics,
43(1), 17-26. <a
1.00562.x">[More Information]</a>
Coble, K., Ubilava, D., Dismukes, R., Barnett, B.
(2012). Evaluating the Risk Reduction of
'Shallow Loss' versus Wrapped Farm Policy.
2012 Annual Meeting of the SCC-76 "Economics
and Management of Risk in Agriculture and
Natural Resources" Group, Pensacola Beach:
Southern Association of Agricultural Experiment
Station Directors.
Ubilava, D. (2012). Modeling Nonlinearities in
the U.S. Soybean-to-Corn Price Ratio: A Smooth
Transition Autoregression Approach.
Agribusiness (New York): an international
journal, 28(1), 29-41. <a
re Information]</a>
Dismukes, R., Coble, K., Arriola, C., Ubilava, D.
(2012). Switching the Payment Trigger for an
Area-Based Revenue Program Could Increase
Participation. Amber Waves: the economics of
food, farming, natural resources and rural
America, 10(1), 1-6.
Tack, J., Ubilava, D. (2012). The Effect of the El
Nino Southern Oscillation on U.S. Corn
Production and Downside Risk. Southern
Agricultural Economics Association 2012
Annual Meeting, Birmingham: Southern
Agricultural Economics Association.
Dismukes, R., Coble, K., Ubilava, D., Cooper, J.,
Arriola, C. (2011). Alternatives to a State-Based
ACRE Program: Expected Payments Under a
National, Crop District, or County Base,
ERR-126, (pp. iii - 36). Washington, D.C.,
United States of America: U.S. Department of
Agriculture Economic Research Service.
Ubilava, D., Foster, K., Lusk, J., NILSSON, T.
(2011). Differences in Consumer Preferences
When Facing Branded vs. Non-Branded Choices.
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 10(2), 61-70.
Ubilava, D., Helmers, C. (2011). The ENSO
Impact on Predicting World Cocoa Prices.
Agricultural & Applied Economics Association's
Publications for David Ubilava
2011 AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Agricultural and
Applied Economics Association.
Ubilava, D., Barnett, B., Coble, K., Harri, A.
(2011). The SURE Program and Its Interaction
with Other Federal Farm Programs. Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics, 36(3),
Ubilava, D., Foster, K., Lusk, J., Nilsson, T.
(2010). Effects of income and social awareness
on consumer WTP for social product attributes.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change,
77(4), 587-593. <a
2.002">[More Information]</a>
Ubilava, D., Holt, M. (2009). Nonlinearities in
the World Vegetable Oil Price System: El Nino
Effects. 2009 AAEA & ACCI Joint Annual
Ubilava, D., Foster, K. (2009). Quality
certification vs. product traceability: Consumer
preferences for informational attributes of pork
in Georgia. Food Policy, 34(3), 305-310. <a
2.002">[More Information]</a>
Ubilava, D. (2008). Analysis of the
Soybean-to-Corn Price Ratio and Its Impact on
Farmers’ Planting Decision-Making in Indiana.
Southern Agricultural Economics Association
2008 Annual Meeting.
Ubilava, D., Foster, K., Lusk, J., Nilsson, T.
(2008). Differences in U.S. Consumer
Preferences for Certified Pork Chops When
Facing Branded vs. Non-branded Choices. 2008
AAEA & ACCI Joint Annual Meeting,
Milwaukee: American Agricultural Economics
Ubilava, D., Foster, K., Lusk, J., Nilsson, T.
(2008). Effects of income and social awareness
on consumer WTP for social product attributes.
2008 WAEA Annual Meeting.
Kuethe, T., Delbecq, B., Ubilava, D., Foster, K.
(2008). Evaluating Changes in Voter Preference
Using Prediction Market Prices: The Case of the
2008 US Democratic Presidential Nomination.
The Seventh Workshop on e-Business (WeB
Ubilava, D., Akridge, J. (2008). Management of
Agribusiness Services: Precision Service
Offerings and Profitability of Retail Crop Input
Dealers. International Food and Agribusiness
Management Association 18th Annual World
Forum & Symposium.