Publications for Daniel Anlezark 2015

Publications for Daniel Anlezark
Publications for Daniel Anlezark
Anlezark, D. (2015). From Elegy to Lyric:
Changing Emotion in Early English Poetry. In
Michael Champion, Andrew Lynch (Eds.),
Understanding Emotions in Early Europe, (pp.
73-98). Turnhout: Brepols Publishers. <a
5223">[More Information]</a>
Anlezark, D. (2015). Old English Exodus 487
'werbeamas'. Notes and Queries: for readers and
writers, collectors and librarians, 62(4),
497-508. <a
More Information]</a>
Anlezark, D. (2014). Cyril of Alexandria's
Reputation in the Early Medieval West: From
Bede to Alcuin. Phronema, 29(2), 67-88.
Anlezark, D. (2014). Lay Reading, Patronage,
and Power in Bodleian Library, Junius II. In
Giles E. M. Gasper, John McKinnell (Eds.),
Ambition and Anxiety: Courts and Courtly
Discourse c. 700-1600, (pp. 76-97). Durham,
UK: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies.
Anlezark, D. (2013). Shapeshifting in Old
English Literature and Early Irish Influence. In
Pamela ONeill (Eds.), The Land beneath the Sea:
Essays in Honour of Anders Ahlqvists
Contribution to Celtic Studies in Australia, (pp.
9-31). Sydney, Australia: The Celtic Studies
Foundation, University of Sydney.
Anlezark, D. (2013). The Anglo-Saxon world
view. In Malcolm Godden, Michael Lapidge
(Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Old
English Literature (2nd Ed.), (pp. 66-81).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. <a
781139042987A017">[More Information]</a>
Marvellous Swimming. In Daniel Anlezark
(Eds.), Myths, Legends, and Heroes: Essays on
Old Norse and Old English Literature in Honour
of John McKinnell, (pp. 225-241). Toronto:
University of Toronto Press.
Anlezark, D. (2011). Old Testament Narratives.
United States: Harvard University Press.
Anlezark, D. (2011). The stray ending in the
Solomonic anthology in
Cambridge, Corpus Christi College, MS 422.
Medium Aevum, 80 (LXXX)(2), 201-216.
Anlezark, D. (2010). Book Review: Catholic
Collecting, Catholic Reflection 1538-1850:
Objects as a Measure of Reflection on a Catholic
Past and the Construction of a Recusant Identity
in England and America, ed. V.C. Raguin.
Journal of Religious History, 34, 75-76.
Anlezark, D. (2010). Old English biblical and
devotional poetry. In Saunders, Corrinne (Eds.),
A Companion to Medieval Poetry, (pp. 101-124).
West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Anlezark, D. (2010). Old English epic poetry:
Beowulf. In Saunders, Corrinne (Eds.), A
Companion to Medieval Poetry, (pp. 141-160).
West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Anlezark, D. (2010). Understanding numbers in
London, British Library, Harley 3271.
Anglo-Saxon England, 38, 137-155. <a
007X">[More Information]</a>
Anlezark, D. (2009). Part II Medieval:
Introduction. In Rebecca Lemon, Emma
Mason, Jonathan Roberts, Christopher Rowland
(Eds.), The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in
English Literature, (pp. 41-60). West Sussex,
United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Anlezark, D. (2009). The Old English Dialogues
of Solomon and Saturn. United Kindom: D.S.
Anlezark, D. (2012). Gregory the Great: Reader,
Writer and Read. In Peter Clarke and Charlotte
Methuen (Eds.), The Church and Literature, (pp.
12-34). Suffolk, UK: Boydell Press.
Anlezark, D. (2008). Review of "Literary
landscapes and the idea of England, 700–1400".
The Review of English Studies: a quarterly
journal of English literature and the English
language, 58(236), 554-555.
Anlezark, D. (2012). Monstrous Birds and
Marvellous Mountains: Vasa mortis and Early
Irish Influence in the Old English Dialogues of
Solomon and Saturn. Australian Celtic Journal,
10, 29-56.
Anlezark, D. (2008). Review of "Old English
poetics: the aesthetics of the familiar in
Anglo-Saxon England" by Elizabeth M. Tyler.
Early Medieval Europe, 16(2), 247-248.
Anlezark, D. (2008). Review of "Ritual and the
Rood: liturgical images and the Old English
poems of 'The Dream of the Rood' tradition" by
Anlezark, D. (2011). All at Sea: Beowulf's
Publications for Daniel Anlezark
Eamonn O Carragain. Medium Aevum, 77(1),
Anlezark, D. (2008). Review of "Ælfric and the
cult of saints in late Anglo-Saxon England" by
Mechthild Gretsch. Medium Aevum, 77(1),
Anlezark, D. (2007). Charters of Malmesbury
Abbey. Medium Aevum, 76(2), 378-379.
Anlezark, D. (2007). King Alfred’s Old English
Translation of Pope Gregory the Great’s Regula
pastoralis and its Cultural Context: A Study and
Partial Edition According to All Surviving
Manuscripts Based on Cambridge, Corpus
Christi College 12. Medium Aevum, 76(2),
Anlezark, D. (2007). Poisoned places: the
Avernian tradition in Old
English poetry. Anglo-Saxon England, 36,
Anlezark, D. (2007). Ruling Women: Queenship
and Gender in Anglo-Saxon Literature. Medium
Aevum, 76(2), 339-349.
Anlezark, D. (2007). The Anglo-Saxon Library.
Medium Aevum, 76(2), 315-315.
Anlezark, D. (2006). A Companion to Beowulf
(Book Review). Medium Aevum, 75(2), 324-325.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Coedmon’s Hymn: A
Multi-media Study, Edition and Archive (Book
Review). Medium Aevum, 75(2), 356-357.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Framing the Middle Ages
(Book Review). Medium Aevum, 75(2), 379-379.
Anlezark, D. (2006). From Roman Provinces to
Medieval Kingdoms, Rewriting Histories.
Medium Aevum, 75(2), 379-379.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Grendel and the Book of
Wisdom. Notes and Queries: for readers and
writers, collectors and librarians, 53(2),
Anlezark, D. (2006). Medieval English Language
Scholarship: Autobiographies by Representative
Scholars in our Discipline (Book Review).
Medium Aevum, 75(2), 373-373.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Reading 'The Story of
Joseph' in MS Cambridge, Corpus Christi
College 201. In Jonathan Wilcox, Hugh
Magennis (Eds.), The Power of Words:
Anglo-Saxon Studies Presented to Donald G.
Scragg on his Seventieth Birthday, (pp. 61-94).
Morgantown, WV, USA: West Virginia
University Press.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Scripture and Pluralism:
Reading the Bible in the Religiously Plural
Worlds of the Middle Ages and Renaissance,
Studies in the History of Christian Traditions
CXXIII (Book Review). Medium Aevum, 75,
Anlezark, D. (2006). Sex and Sexuality in
Anglo-Saxon England: Essays in Memory of
Daniel Gillmore Calder (Book Review). Medium
Aevum, 75(2), 363-363.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Susan Irvine, The
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Collaborative
Edition, Vol. VII: MS. E (review). Medium
Aevum, 75(2), 357-357.
Anlezark, D. (2006). The Blickling Homilies:
Edition and Translation (Book Review). Medium
Aevum, 75(1), 173-173.
Anlezark, D. (2006). The Cambridge Old
English Reader (Book Review). Medium Aevum,
75, 324-324.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Victoria Thompson, Dying
and Death in Later Anglo-Saxon England.
Medium Aevum, 75(1), 143-143.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Water and Fire: The Myth
of the Flood in Anglo-Saxon England.
Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press.
Anlezark, D. (2006). Writing the Oral Tradition:
Oral Poetics and Literate Culture in Medieval
England (Book Review). Medium Aevum, 75(1),
Anlezark, D. (2005). Connecting the Patriarchs:
Noah and Abraham in the Old English Exodus.
Journal of English and Germanic Philology,
104(2), 171-188.
Anlezark, D. (2005). King Harold II and the
Bayeux Tapestry. Publications for the Centre for
Anglo-Saxon Studies 3 (Book Review). Medium
Aevum, 74(2), 377-377.
Anlezark, D. (2005). Rome and the North: The
Early Reception of Gregory the Great in
Germanic Europe, Mediaevalia Groningana, NS
4 (Book Review). Medium Aevum, 74(1),
Anlezark, D. (2005). Textual and Material
Culture in Anglo-Saxon England: Thomas
Northcote Toller and the Toller Memorial
Lectures (Book Review). Medium Aevum, 74,
Anlezark, D. (2005). The Christian Tradition in
Anglo-Saxon England: Approaches to Current
Scholarship and Teaching, Christianity and
Culture: Issues in Teaching and Research (Book
Review). Medium Aevum, 74(1), 181-181.
Anlezark, D. (2005). Verbal Encounters:
Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse Studies for Roberta
Publications for Daniel Anlezark
Frank.(Further short notices)(Brief Article)(Book
Review). Medium Aevum, 74(2), 370-371.
Anlezark, D. (2005). Wulfstan, Archbishop of
York: The Proceedings of the Second Alcuin
Conference (Book Review). Medium Aevum,
74(2), 377-378.
Anlezark, D. (2004). Anglo-Saxon England
(Book Review). Notes and Queries: for readers
and writers, collectors and librarians, 51(1),
Anlezark, D. (2004). Brian Murdoch, The
Medieval Popular Bible: Expansions of Genesis
in the Middle Ages (Book Review). Medium
Aevum, 73(2), 324-325.
Anlezark, D. (2004). Elizabeth Coatsworth and
Michael Pinder, The Art of the Anglo-Saxon
Goldsmith. Medium Aevum, 73(2), 377-377.
Anlezark, D. (2004). Three Notes on the Old
English Meters of Boethius. Notes and Queries:
for readers and writers, collectors and
librarians, 51(1), 10-15.
Anlezark, D. (2004). Unlocking the Wordhord:
Anglo-Saxon Studies in Memory of Edward B.
Irving, Jr (Book Review). Medium Aevum, 73(2),
Anlezark, D. (2003). "Beowulf and the Critics"
by J.R.R. Tolkien (Review). Medium Aevum,
72(2), 319-320.
Anlezark, D. (2003). Andy Orchard, "A critical
companion to 'Beowulf'". Medium Aevum, 72(2),
Anlezark, D. (2003). The Fall of the Angels in
Solomon and Saturn II. In Kathryn Powell and
Donald Scragg (Eds.), Apocryphal Texts and
Traditions in Anglo-Saxon England, (pp.
121-133). Boydell & Brewer Ltd.
Anlezark, D. (2002). Sceaf, Japheth and the
Origins of the Anglo-Saxons. Anglo-Saxon
England, 31, 13-46.
Anlezark, D. (2002), The Sources of the Old
English Meters of Boethius (Cameron A.6).
Anlezark, D. (2001), The Sources of Exodus
(Cameron A.1.2).
Anlezark, D. (2001), The Sources of Pharaoh
(Cameron A.3.28).
Anlezark, D. (2001), The Sources of The Order
of the World (Cameron A.3.14).
Anlezark, D. (2000). An Ideal Marriage:
Abraham and Sarah in Old English Literature.
Medium Aevum, 69(2), 187-210.