SYLLABUS – STAT 502: Analysis of Variance Summer Semester 2013 :

SYLLABUS – STAT 502: Analysis of Variance
Summer Semester 2013
· INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Durland Shumway
Office: 319 Thomas Bldg. (814) 865-3541
· CLASSROOM MEETING: MTWRF, 9:30-10:50AM, 115 Keller Building
· OFFICE HOURS: By appointment.
· COURSE DESCRIPTION: Analysis of Variance and Design of Experiments (3)
Analysis of variance and design concepts; factorial, nested, and unbalanced data;
ANCOVA; blocked, Latin square, split-plot, repeated measures designs.
· PREREQUISITE: STAT 462 or 501. Many of you do not have this prerequisite, which
has been all right in past. More important is that you have had a basic stat course (like
STAT 500) fairly recently.
· TEXT: Our textbook is a custom printing, Stat 502, ISBN 9781121669376
published by McGraw-Hill. It is the second half (beginning with Chapter 16) of Applied
Linear Statistical Models, 5th Ed. By Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter, and Li. (2005).
· SOFTWARE: The course will use the Statistical Software program SAS and when
possible, Minitab and SPSS. Many of you already have some experience with SAS
PROC GLM. However this program is sometimes incorrect. We will encourage using
SAS Proc Mixed or GLIMMIX for this course. We'll talk about this in the class.
· HOMEWORK: Weekly homework assignments will be assigned though the course.
· TESTS: Three mid-semester exams, combining in-class and take-home components.
· PROJECT: Each student will find an interesting ANOVA or ANCOVA data set from
his or her own area of application, analyze it and write a report on it. It must have a full
discussion of interpretations (including graphs), not just a statement of results.
· GRADING: 20% HW; 60% Exams; 20% Final Project
· INTEGRITY: Tests and projects are to be individual work. Violations of this policy
will be dealt with according to the procedures laid out on the ECOS web page.