STAT 200 Elementary Statistics Section 202 June 26, 2013 – August 07, 2013 Lecture: 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM Class: Lab: 12:45 PM – 2:00 PM MWF 215 Thomas TR 064 Willard Instructor: Han Hao TA: Zhanxiong Xu Office 316 Thomas Office 301 Thomas Office Hours 2:00pm-3:30pm MWF or by appointment Office Hours TBD Email Course Material: Textbook: Mind on Statistics, 2nd Edition by Utts and Heckard Calculator: Basic Web Page: -- VERY IMPORTANT All class materials will be posted on ANGEL. You are responsible for reading the appropriate sections of the book prior to lecture (I will talk about this in class). Course Objectives: Appropriately summarize data numerically and graphically Identify the relevant population characteristics in a problem Distinguish between population characteristics and sample information Apply techniques to make statistical inference about a population characteristic Identify the assumptions required for the validity of statistical inferences Recognize the strengths and limitations of sampling methods and study designs Use computer software to generate statistical information Prerequisites: Completion of two years of high school algebra Logic skills Topics: Overview of Statistics: Populations and Samples Types of Data and Study Designs Binomial Distributions, Normal Distributions & Sampling Distributions Descriptive And Inferential Methods for: 1. One Quantitative Variable (One, Two, and More Than Two Samples) 2. One Categorical Variable (One, Two, and More Than Two Samples) 3. Two Different Quantitative Variables & Two Different Categorical Variables 1 Evaluation: Percent Midterm (July 17) 30% Final (August 9) 40% Homeworks (drop lowest) 20% Lab Activity Quizzes 10% Total 100% Both the midterm and final exams are closed-book and in class, but you can bring one 8.5x11 (letter size) single-sided formula sheet. The final exam will be comprehensive. Homework will be assigned after each lecture and will be collected at the beginning of class period on the assigned due date. The lab activity quizzes will primarily be designed to “grade” your solutions to the lab activities. Course Policy: Attendance to each class meeting is required and beneficial. Students are responsible for all announcements and supplements given within each lecture and/or via course email. Homework will not be accepted past the time it is due. If you have a University-approved conflict with any of the exams, you must let me know at least two days before the exam. Otherwise you will receive a zero for the missed exam. A conflict exam will be scheduled to take place just before or just after the regularly scheduled exam. If you are ill on a day that homework is due or an exam is scheduled, make sure you let me know via email prior to that class period. Grading Scale: 93% 90% 87% 83% 80% 77% 70% 60% Below 60% A AB+ B BC+ C D F Academic Integrity: All Penn State and Eberly College of Science policies regarding academic integrity apply to this course. See for details. Disability Policy: Penn State does not discriminate against qualified students with documented disabilities in its educational programs. If you have a disability-related need for modifications in the course, contact both the instructor and the Office for Disability Services (116 Boucke) at the beginning of the semester. Time allocated for homework’s and lab activity quizzes have already been adjusted to accommodate those who need additional time. 2