Name of County Council University of Missouri Extension Street Address City, State. Zip 123-456-7890 123-456-7890 E-MAIL WEB: PHONE FAX NOMINEES SELECTED FOR UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI EXTENSION COUNCIL MEMBERS ___________________________County Citizens of voting age in County, pursuant to the provisions of Sec. 262-577, R.S. Mo. 1969, will have an opportunity to vote and elect members to the University of Missouri Extension Council in January. The elected and appointed members of the extension council will guide and direct extension work within the county. Two people have been nominated for each of the elective positions in their respective districts. The nominees and their districts are as follows: (Here list the names of the nominees, the length of term to serve, the name and number of the district in which they live.) Name 1 Name 2… Additional nominations may be made by petition of 25 or more qualified voters residing within the district, filed with the council within 20 days after the publication of this notice of election. Forms for nominations are available in your county extension office located at: (Office address and phone number) The University Extension Council , Chair University of Missouri, Lincoln University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Local Extension Councils Cooperating EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/ADA INSTITUTIONS