10th MEETING OF OSLO GROUP OF ENERGY STATISTICS at Aguascalientes, Mexico 10th – 13TH MAY, 2016 The use of Administrative Sources in Energy Data Collection in Ghana by Salifu Addo Energy Commission, Ghana 7/23/2016 1 Presentation Outline Introduction Legal Framework Data Collection Framework Overview of Ghana Energy Statistics Administrative Data Sources Benefits of Administrative Data Challenges Conclusion 7/23/2016 2 Introduction Reliable and detailed data are critical for informed policy decision making and effective regulation. Statistics plays a very important role in the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies at both national and international level. 7/23/2016 3 Legal Framework Legal framework for energy data collection was enshrined in the Energy Commission Act (Act 541) which was passed by the Parliament of Ghana in 1997 Act mandates the Commission to collect energy data to; 7/23/2016 Perform its regulatory and policy advisory functions Serve as a repository of energy data for research by establishing an energy database 4 Data Collection Framework ELECTRICITY Generation – VRA, IPPs; Transmission, Import/Export – GRIDCo Distribution – ECG, NEDCo, ENCLAVE Consumption/Sales – ECG, NEDCo, ENCLAVE WOODFUELS PETROLEUM Charcoal Export - GCNet ENERGY COMMISSION OTHERS Demographic & Macroeconomic data GSS ENERGY PRICES Electricity – PURC Petroleum - NPA 7/23/2016 Crude oil Reserve/Prod – GNPC, PC Refined Products – TOR Import/Export – TOR, NPA Consumption – NPA, SURVEYS Sectoral Energy Consumption by fuel type etc 5 7/23/2016 6 Total Primary Energy Supply 7/23/2016 7 Final Energy Consumption by Fuels Increased from 3,299 ktoe in 1980 to 7,237 ktoe in 2015 7/23/2016 8 Installed Electricity Generation Capacity Source Hydro Thermal Renewable (solar) Total 2000 MW Share (%) 1,072 70 470 30 0 0 1,542 100 2010 MW Share (%) 1,180 55 985 45 0 0 2,165 100 2015 MW Share (%) 1,580 43 2,053 56 23 1 3,656 100 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2000 2010 Solar 7/23/2016 Thermal 2015 Hydro 9 Electricity Generation 14,000 Solar 12,000 Thermal Hydro GWh 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Thermal 9% Solar 0% Solar 0% Thermal 49% Hydro 51% Hydro 91% 7/23/2016 Total in 2000: 7,223 GWh Total in 2015: 11,492 GWh 10 Energy Balance 2014, ktoe SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION Crude Oil Natural Gas Petroleum Products Wood Charcoal Hydro Solar Electricity Total 5,435.0 52.6 - 3,628.7 - 721.3 0.3 - 9,837.8 Imports 707.1 568.0 3,512.1 - - - - 4.4 4,791.6 Exports -5,446.5 - - 0.0 -0.4 - - -44.9 -5,491.7 International Marine Bunkers - - -11.0 - - - - - -11.0 International Aviation Bunkers - - -105.6 - - - - - -105.6 Stock Changes 149.9 - -64.7 - - - - - 85.2 Total Energy Supply 845.4 620.6 3,330.8 3,628.7 -0.4 721.3 0.3 -40.5 9,106.3 Electricity Plants -599.7 -595.6 -1.5 - - -721.3 -0.3 1,114.8 -803.6 Oil Refinery -177.3 - 131.2 - - - - - -46.1 - - - -2,049.0 1,212.4 - - - -836.6 Own use -12.1 - - - - - - -5.0 -17.1 Losses -51.2 - - - - - - -150.4 -201.6 Final Energy Consumption - - 3,271.9 1,579.7 1,212.0 - - 919.8 6,983.4 Residential Sector - - 185.0 1,304.8 1,101.7 - - 396.0 2,987.6 Commerce & Services Sector - - 15.0 31.6 106.7 - - 208.3 361.6 Industry - - 357.6 243.3 3.6 - - 314.9 919.4 Agriculture & Fisheries Sector - - 104.5 - - - - 0.2 104.7 Transport - - 2,609.8 - - - - 0.5 2,610.3 5.1 25.0 -82.9 - - - - -0.9 -53.7 Indigenous Production Other Transformation Statistical Difference 7/23/2016 11 Energy Balance 2015, ktoe SUPPLY AND CONSUMPTION Crude Oil Natural Gas Petroleum Products Wood Charcoal Hydro Solar Electricity Total 5,669.7 662.4 - 3,738.7 - 502.7 0.3 - 10,573.8 Imports 316.7 519.8 3,897.9 - - - - 19.2 4,753.6 Exports -5,312.7 - - 0.0 -0.7 - - -50.5 -5,363.9 International Marine Bunkers - - -10.8 - - - - - -10.8 International Aviation Bunkers - - -108.1 - - - - - -108.1 Stock Changes -71.4 - - - - - - - -71.4 Total Energy Supply 602.3 1,182.2 3,779.0 3,738.7 -0.7 502.7 0.3 -31.3 9,773.2 Electricity Plants -235.5 -1,059.9 -1.0 - - -502.7 -0.3 988.3 -811.1 Oil Refinery -105.9 - 94.5 - - - - - -11.4 - - - -2,143.2 1,269.7 - - - -873.6 0.0 - - - - - - -2.7 -2.7 -48.8 - - - - - - -120.0 -168.7 Final Energy Consumption - - 3,543.8 1,595.2 1,269.0 - - 829.0 7,237.0 Residential Sector - - 200.4 1,317.6 1,153.5 - - 402.9 3,074.4 Commerce & Services Sector - - 16.2 31.9 111.7 - - 175.4 335.2 Industry - - 387.3 245.7 3.8 - - 250.1 886.9 Agriculture & Fisheries Sector - - 113.2 - - - - 0.2 113.3 Transport - - 2,826.7 - - - - 0.3 2,827.0 212.1 122.3 140.8 - - - - 5.4 480.5 Indigenous Production Other Transformation Own use Losses Statistical Difference 7/23/2016 12 Administrative Data Source Electricity Data Electricity Generation Data Daily report from Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA); Generation Import & Export Peak load etc Quarterly performance report from electricity generators; Annual data; 7/23/2016 13 Administrative Data Source cont’d Electricity Distribution and Sales Quarterly performance statistics from DISCOs to meet regulatory requirement; Annual data from DISCOs; Data include; 7/23/2016 Electricity purchased from GENCOs; Electricity sale to customers (in quantity (GWh) and revenue generated (GHS)); Distribution losses (Technical & Commercial losses); Street & Public lighting consumption; 14 Administrative Data Source cont’d Petroleum Crude Oil and Natural Gas production Daily production report : from GNPC Crude Oil production Natural gas production; flared, re-injected Export Monthly & annual data for reconciliation; 7/23/2016 15 Administrative Data Source cont’d Refinery Production Quarterly production data received from refinery Data include Crude oil imported for refinery Total crude intake Consumption & losses Petroleum product produced Annual data collected for quality checks and reconciliation 7/23/2016 TEMA OIL REFINERY MONITORING & CONTROL DEPT. METRIC TONNES JAN. CRUDE OIL IMPORTS 6,169 CRUDE OIL EXPORTS(VRA REPLACEMENT) 0 CRUDE OIL INTAKE 23,827 IMPORTED FEED TO RFCC 0 GRANDTOTAL FEED 23,151 THROUGHPUT 88,383 GASOLINES(PUSH INTO CRUDE OIL) 0 KEROSENE(PUSH INTO CRUDE OIL) 0 GASOIL(PUSH INTO CRUDE OIL) 0 FUEL OILS/SLOP (PUSH INTO CRUDE OIL) 0 SHUTDOWN CONS. & LOSSES (1) 9,201 ON-STREAM CONS. & LOSSES (2) 534 TOTAL CONS & LOSS 9,735 TOTAL CONS. 1,169 TOTAL LOSS 8,565 % C&L (2) ON GRANDTOTAL FEED 2.31 % TOTAL C&L ON THROUGHPUT 11.01 % TOTAL CONS. ON THROUGHPUT 1.32 % TOTAL LOSS ON THROUGHPUT 9.69 SERVICE FACTOR ( % ) 25.63 CAPACITY UTILIIZATION ( % ) 51.83 OPERATING RATE 13.29 PRODUCTION 0 L. P. G. 306 GASOLINES 8,300 KEROSENE 672 A. T. K. 2,257 GASOIL 5,075 RESIDUAL FUEL OIL 0 T O T A L :16,609 FEB. 0 0 41,567 0 41,390 117,821 0 0 0 0 13,627 16,003 29,630 2,740 11,398 38.66 25.15 2.33 9.67 46.62 52.43 24.44 0 334 8,468 335 4,177 9,126 0 22,441 MAR. 0 6 18,016 6,598 24,614 78,344 0 0 0 0 5,643 7,365 13,007 2,680 9,207 29.92 16.60 3.42 11.75 15.87 59.97 9.52 2,500 15,944 452 2,396 5,622 8,031 34,945 16 Administrative Data Source cont’d Crude oil and Petroleum Product Import Monthly Summary 2015 Months Product Crude Fuel Oil Jan Gasoil $0.00 $45,192,062.27 LPG 20,658.647 $10,709,637.95 ATK 12,422.972 $8,724,383.43 608,608.840 $351,817,503.81 34,083.862 $0.00 Gasoil LPG ATK TOTAL Crude Fuel Oil 7/23/2016 - 71,207.671 Gasoline $0.00 Gasoline Fuel Oil TOTAL 61,133.130 $287,191,420.16 Crude Mar Total Value of Cargo (USD) 443,186.420 TOTAL Feb Outturn (MT) - $0.00 87,351.832 $51,147,012.84 102,975.175 $61,468,380.51 17,708.096 $9,052,680.73 - $0.00 242,118.965 $121,668,074.08 40,013.620 $0.00 - $0.00 Gasoil 111,717.090 $75,616,362.36 Gasoline 124,118.820 $88,140,961.46 LPG 13,484.091 $8,297,959.78 ATK 5,924.423 $4,164,211.39 295,258.044 $176,219,494.99 Quarterly data collected from NPA – petroleum downstream regulator 17 Administrative Data Source cont’d Petroleum Product Consumption data Monthly & Quarterly data from NPA Annual data collected for reconciliation and validation NATIONAL CONSUMPTION, 2015 IN METRIC TONS (MT) Gasoil (Mines) Jan-15 1,539 124,992 17,649 Feb-15 1,358 134,895 19,000 Mar-15 595 147,265 20,577 2015 Fuel oil Gas oil 7/23/2016 Gasoil ( Rigs) 3,888 965 1,697 MGO MGO Kerosene L.P G Premium Premix Local Foreign 2,485 228 1,025 22,176 93,614 5,160 2,924 423 283 21,992 95,338 3,510 2,200 1,108 813 21,216 103,320 4,999 ATK (Lts) 8,197 6,904 6,423 18 Administrative Data Sources - Benefits Minimizes cost o Reducing cost of undertaking surveys Reduces data collection errors o Data collected covers all entities engaged in that activity Source of information for planning surveys o Useful source of information to be used as sampling frames for undertaking surveys More efficient 7/23/2016 Uses data already in existence thus avoiding duplication of work 19 Challenges Legal barriers and obligations o Public institutions/regulators hence not obliged to provide data Timeliness o Data not provided on a timely basis to meet publication deadlines Increased workload o More work added to the officer in charge Data quality o data collected to serve a particular purpose not necessarily for energy statistics o Regulatory requirement; manipulation of data 7/23/2016 20 Conclusion Administrative data will continue to be an important source of information for energy statisticians; Reduces respondents burden, cost and increased output Continuous dialogue and cooperation with institutions/officers, and always ensuring a win - win situation 7/23/2016 21 7/23/2016 22