Chapter 7 Data sources and compilation strategies 1

IRES - Annotated outline chapter 7
Chapter 7 Data sources and compilation strategies
This chapter is intended for general recommendations on data sources and data compilation
in energy statistics. More detailed guidance on the technical matters and good country practices is to
be provided in Energy Statistics Compilers Manual. The Oslo Group is invited to comment on the
outline of the chapter given below. The content of Chapter 7 will depend on the decisions taken with
respect to the topics covered in the previous chapters such as boundary of energy sector and the
reference list of data items.
Draft outline of the Chapter structure
A. Data sources and data compilation methods
1. Statistical data sources
(a) Energy data reporters (energy supply industries [energy sector], other energy
producers (including units of informal sector), energy users.
(b) An overview of energy data collection using statistical surveys (use of economic
census data, role of sample surveys etc)
(c) Collection of energy data as a part of regular programmes of
enterprise/establishment surveys
(d) Business register as a frame for statistical energy surveys; administrative
business register and statistical business register and their role in energy data collection
(e) Household surveys and mixed household-enterprise surveys and their roles in
energy statistics
(f) Specially designed energy statistics surveys
(g) An overview of data compilation methods (validation and editing, data imputation
and estimation and their specificity in energy statistics; dealing with non-response;
grossing –up procedures etc)
(h) Scope and coverage of energy statistics surveys; reference period
Annual surveys
Infra-annual surveys
Infrequent surveys
IRES - Annotated outline chapter 7
2. Administrative data sources
(a) An overview of administrative data for use in energy statistics
(b) Advantages and disadvantages of administrative data
(c) Legal and institutional constraints with respect to confidentiality
B. Data compilation strategies
(a) Legal framework of energy statistics; highlights of good practices
(b) National systems of energy statistics: a comparison and recommendations for
(c) Principles guiding effective institutional arrangements between various agencies
involved in energy data compilation; possible elements of inter-agency
memorandum of understanding on compilation of energy statistics
(d) Integrated approach to energy statistics compilation (use of data compiled as a
part of regular enterprise/establishment surveys; use of data compiled in other
fields of statistics (e.g., international merchandise trade statistics
[imports/exports of energy products])
(e) Dealing with various kinds of enterprises including branches of foreign
companies; data collection from the units of informal sector, profiling of large
energy enterprises
(f) Merging data from administrative sources and statistical surveys – institutional
and technical issues
(g) Data compilation strategies and quality assurance