CARICOM CARICOM REGIONAL SEMINAR ON DEVELOPING A PROGRAMME for the IMPLEMENTATION of the SYSTEM OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS 2008 (2008 SNA) and SUPPORTING STATISTICS in the CARICOM REGION January 30- February 1, 2013 Kingston, Jamaica OVERVIEW CARICOM Item II Developing a Programme for the Implementation of the 2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics 3 CARICOM OVERVIEW Background and Context; Elements of 2008 SNA Implementation Strategy: Master plan; Phase A- Aims and Objectives; Phase B- Organisation; Phase C- Compilation Phase D - Dissemination 4 Background & Context CARICOM Seminar for Heads of Statistical Offices and National Accountants in Belize, Oct 31-Nov 4 2011; Conducted by the CARICOM Secretariat with funds from the European Union, Ninth EDF; In collaboration with Eurostat which provided the facilitator for the workshop; 5 Background & Context CARICOM Context was the inability for most of the SIDS/LDCs to fulfill the requirements of the MRDS; Basic principles based on strategic planning, coordination; monitoring and reporting and statistical system improvements; Modalities included: training, technical cooperation, research and advocacy 6 Background & Context CARICOM ISWGNA Action Plan contained a focus on the processes pre-integration of the data into the national accounts such as collection of the basic source data and the institutional context; Handbook produced by Eurostat - Essential SNA – Building the Basics, follows the strategy proposed by ISWGNA & is intended to be a significant contributor to the efforts in developing country; The implementing strategy derived by CARICOM countries essentially used this handbook as a tool in its derivation. 7 Objective: To facilitate the implementation of the 2008 SNA through the drafting of a national strategy adapted to suit country specific situations; SNA is integrated and data dependent throughout the NSS: ◦ Business Establishment Surveys; ◦ Other areas of Economic Statistics; ◦ Household Surveys; ◦ Other specialised surveys ◦ Updated classification systems; ◦ Administrative Sources within the NSS. 8 Location of SNA 2008 Implementation Strategy within NSDS/Strategic Planning framework; Identify Improvements required; Capacity constraints that exist across statistical agencies Establish priorities for addressing data deficiencies and institutional issues; It is not the intention for the 2008 SNA implementation to await the implementation of the Master plan. 9 Elements of Master plan identified were: Launch – low & decreasing budgets and increasing demand for statistics require efficiency in management of NSOs and productivity; Assessments - data availability, quality, enable stakeholders’ awareness of data requirements and , commitments; user needs, relevance of data; Identify weaknesses and strengths - impact on statistics compilation; 10 Elements of Master plan identified were: Identify weaknesses and strengths - impact on statistics compilation; Develop vision, mission – what is feasible in the short, medium and long term; Establish the desired results and Priorities- for addressing data deficiencies and institutional issues such as the Legal Framework, capacity. Finance, M&E - to implement changes required and monitor the achievement of results. 11 Aims and Objectives CARICOM Phase A- Implementation of 2008 SNA ◦ Detailed focus on the National Accounts Division in terms of its capacity; ◦ Review Data Sources such as Household and Business Surveys and Administrative Sources; ◦ Review Statistical Outputs and the needs of international and national users; ◦ Determine milestones relative to the outputs/National Accounts tables. 12 Organisation CARICOM Phase B: ◦ Strengthening of the Legal Framework – reviewing the Statistics Act to enable a more integrated statistical system and to empower the NSO and the Chief Statistician relative to official statistics; ◦ Institutional Context and the NAD- determine which organisation will implement the 2008 SNA; ◦ Organise the NAD to implement 2008 SNA: Engage in capacity building- staffing, attachments; SBR updating & Interdepartmental coordination; 13 Compilation CARICOM Phase C: ◦ Data Collection– Establishing formal relationships with data providers: Inter-agency collaboration; Develop MOUs; Creating networks (IT) to access databases; ◦ Data Sources Meet with data providers to discuss data and adjustments required; Relative to the MOUs determine the actual data to be delivered, formats, frequency; Create data storage and automated systems of compiling NA. 14 CARICOM Compilation Phase C (continued): ◦ Transformation of Admin Data – Create of bridge tables- to highlight differences relative to SNA boundaries and convert to SNA 2008; Search for other quantitative and qualitative information ◦ Data Validation – Check coverage, consistency and plausibility; Undertake first run of preliminary estimates and apply balancing and reconciliation; Produce preliminary estimates; ◦ Data Revisions: Undertake revisions including benchmarking, methodological etc; 15 Dissemination CARICOM Phase D: ◦ Users –Determine users/frequency; ◦ Methods of Dissemination –Electronic, Websites, Seminars etc; ◦ Advanced Release Calendars: Develop the calendar, the target groups, details required by users etc.; 16 Feedback Obtained CARICOM Master-plans ◦ Some countries had already strategic plans for the NSOs, a few countries took steps to wards looking at the NSS- launching NSDS with the support of PARIS21; Phase B - Organisation: Developing SBR updating with ISIC Rev 4 classifications and suggested fields from SBR Manual; Coordination/inter-agency meetings with data providers; Discussions of adjustments required in the data; Attachment was facilitated between two countries to help with the SBR; Phase C- Compilation ◦ One country reported a semi-automated system in MS Access Other Reports: ◦ 3 countries Unable to implement/staffing issues . 17 Grant Agreement has recently been signed by the CSS with the EU under the Tenth EDF; Support would be provided to Member States in the area of National Accounts focusing on improving the data sources for SNA 2008 implementation – Statistical and Administrative; In-country technical assistance, attachments and regional workshop (s); Continue to have discussions with other IDPs for sustainable improvement in the national statistical systems; Continue to collaborate with UNSD, CARTAC, ECCB, ECLAC, Eurostat etc. 18 CARICOM THE END 19