Regional Seminar on Developing a Program Supporting Statistics

Regional Seminar on Developing a Program
for the Implementation of the 2008 SNA and
Supporting Statistics
Ebru ŞEN
11-13 September 2013
Ankara - Turkey
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Retail Sales Volume Index
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Retail Sales Volume Index
Retail Sales Volume Index is an index that measures sales of retail enterprises
of different types and sizes on a monthly basis.
In addition to measuring the development of Retail Trade sector the index is
also considered as an indicator of consumer confidence and household
Retail Sales Volume Index is accepted as one of the most important indicators
to monitor the economic condition.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Retail Sales Volume Index
Unit: Statistical unit of the survey is enterprise.
Classifications: The indices are calculated according to the NACE Rev. 2
economic activity classification. The activities covered are as follows.
Retail trade
Food, drinks and tobacco
Non-food (except automotive fuel)
Computers, peripheral units and software, books, telecommunications equipment, etc.
Audio and video equipment, hardware, paints and glass, electrical household appliances,
furniture, etc.
Textiles, clothing and footwear
Pharmaceutical goods, medical and orthopaedic goods, cosmetic and toilet articles
Via mail orders and internet
Automotive fuel
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Retail Sales Volume Index
Geographical coverage: Turkey
Economic activity coverage: The index covers the “Division 47 - Retail Trade
(Except Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles)” of NACE Rev.2 activity
Data sources: Turkish Statistical Institute, “Monthly Retail Trade Survey” and
“Consumer Price Index”
Method of weighting: Weights are obtained from the turnover of the
enterprises classified in retail trade sector covered by Annual Industry and
Services Statistics.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Retail Sales Volume Index
Sampling and full enumeration: The all enterprises with number employees
of 50 or more were taken into account. The enterprises with employees 0-4
and 5-49 were selected by sampling.
Frequency and reference period: Monthly, calendar month
Index formula: Fixed base Laspeyres Index
Seasonal adjustment: Seasonal and calendar adjustment for Retail Sales
Volume Index is made by indirect method.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Calculation of Retail Sales Volume Index
Indices measuring retail sales are produced as both value (current prices) and
volume (constant prices) terms. As volume measurement is adjusted from
price effects, evaluated as Retail Sales Volume Index.
In calculation of Retail Sales Volume Index, Turnover Indices at current prices
are deflated by price relatives. For this purpose, CPI results produced at
"Classification of Individual Consumption by Purpose (COICOP)“
level are calculated according to NACE Rev.2 level. "Household Budget
Survey" data is used for this transition.
As a result of deflating current price Turnover Index by price relatives at
appropriate levels, Retail Sales Volume Index with constant prices is reached.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Trade and Services
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Trade and Services Indices
Indices calculated in Trade and Services Sectors
hours worked
gross wages and salaries
Unit: Statistical unit of the survey is enterprise
Geographical coverage: Turkey
Classifications: The indices are calculated according to the NACE Rev. 2
economic activity classification
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
The activities covered are as follows:
NACE Rev.2 Code/Description
45 Wholesale and retail trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
46 Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
47 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles
49 Land transport and transport via pipelines
50 Water transport
51 Air transport
52 Warehousing and support activities for transportation
53 Postal and courier activities
55 Accommodation
56 Food and beverage service activities
58 Publishing activities
59 Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities
60 Programming and broadcasting activities
61 Telecommunications
62 Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
63 Information service activities
69+702 Legal, accounting and management consultancy activities
71 Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
73 Advertising and market research
74 Other professional, scientific and technical activities
78 Employment activities
79 Travel agency, tour operator reservation service and related activities
80 Security and investigation activities
812 Cleaning activities
82 Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Trade and Services Indices
Data sources: Turkish Statistical Institute, “Quarterly Trade and Services Survey” and
“Monthly Retail Trade Survey”
Method of weighting: Weights are obtained from the turnover, employment, hours
worked and gross wages-salaries data of the enterprises classified in trade and services
sectors covered by Annual Industry and Services Statistics.
Sampling and full enumeration: The all enterprises with number employees of 50 or
more were taken into account. The enterprises with employees 0-4 and 5-49 were
selected by sampling.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Trade and Services Indices
Reference period and periodicity: The reference period for the first quarter is 1
January – 31 March, for the second quarter 1 April – 30 June, for the third quarter
1 July – 30 September and for the fourth quarter 1 October – 31 December.
Index formula: Fixed base Laspeyres Index
Seasonal Adjustment: The indices are seasonally and calendar adjusted at Trade
and Services total, letter and two digits level of NACE Rev.2 classification.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Construction Indices
Indices calculated in Construction Sector
hours worked
gross wages and salaries
Unit: Statistical unit of the survey is enterprise
Geographical coverage: Turkey
Classifications: The indices are calculated according to the NACE Rev. 2
economic activity classification and Classification of Types of Construction (CC)
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Construction Indices
The activities covered are as follows:
NACE Rev.2 Code/Description
Construction of buildings
Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
Civil engineering
Construction of roads and railways
Construction of utility projects
Construction of other civil engineering projects
Specialised construction activities
Demolition and site preparation
Electrical, plumbing and other construction installation activities
Building completion and finishing
Other specialised construction activities
CC Code/Description
Civil Engineering
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Construction Indices
Data sources: Turkish Statistical Institute, “Short Term Business Statistics Quarterly
Construction Sector Questionaire”
Method of weighting: Weights are obtained from the turnover, employment, hours
worked and gross wages-salaries data of the enterprises classified in construction
sector covered by Annual Industry and Services Statistics and weights of production
index are obtained from production data of construction sector gross domestic
Selection of Enterprises: Enterprises the main activity of those is construction and
those have 20 and more employees are taken into account.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Construction Indices
Reference period and periodicity: The reference period for the first quarter is 1
January – 31 March, for the second quarter 1 April – 30 June, for the third quarter
1 July – 30 September and for the fourth quarter 1 October – 31 December.
Type of Index: The fixed base year weighted Laspeyres Formula and Pairwise
Method is used in calculation of the indices. Quarterly productivity corrected
hours worked approach is used in production index calculation.
Seasonal Adjustment: The indices are seasonally and calendar adjusted at total
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Building Permit Statistics
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Building Permit Statistics
Data pertaining to building permit statistics are obtained from “Construction
Permit”, “Occupancy Permit” forms compiled over National Address Data Base
(NAD) by municipalities of provinces, districts, sub-districts and villages, Special
provincal administrations out of municipalities, Industrial Zone district offices in
the boundaries of industrial zones.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Building Permit Statistics
The data is entered by the authorized administrations on a web based computer
software using NAD. With a regulation released by Ministry of Interior, it is
forbidden to prepare forms without NAD system since 1 July 2007. At the
beginning, TurkStat was responsible for preparation of the forms but at the end of
2009, the system is passed on Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Civil
Registration and Nationality. After then TurkStat became a user of the system.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Building Permit Statistics
Construction permit: Construction Permit is a certificate which must be given by
municipalities to be constructed in boundaries of municipalities, by industrial zone
district offices in boundries of industrial zones, free trade zone offices in
boundries of free trade zones and it must be given by governorships (Directories
of Public Works and Settlement) if the construction is out of boundaries of
municipalities before beginning to a construction according to Article 21 of
Construction Law No.3194.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Building Permit Statistics
Occupancy permit: Occupancy Permit is a certificate which must be given by
municipalities to be constructed in boundaries of municipalities, by industrial zone
district offices in boundries of industrial zones, free trade zone offices in
boundries of free trade zones and it must be given by governorships (Directories
of Public Works and Settlement) if the construction is out of boundaries of
municipalities before beginning to a construction according to Article 30 of
Construction Law No.3194.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Building Permit Statistics
Classification of Types of Constructions (CC)
CC classification is used for Building Permit Statistics. In CC, constructions are
divided into two categories which are buildings and civil engineering works.
Information collected in the scope of building permits include only buildings. Civil
engineering works are not covered.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Building Permit Statistics
Data are taken monthly from General Directorate of Civil Registration and
Nationality which has the responsibility of NAD and published quarterly as a Press
Release and a Database.
Data is available in NUTS III level.
Regional Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics
11-13 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Sevices Statistics
Future Plans
It is planned to publish Building Permits monthly and as an index.
For construction production index, new methods are investigated and it is planned
to publish monthly in the future.