National Seminar on Developing a Program Supporting Statistics in Turkey

National Seminar on Developing a Program
for the Implementation of the 2008 SNA and
Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013
Ankara - Turkey
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Household Budget Survey
Turkish Statistical Institute
September 10-13, 2013
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
• To get data on the determination of the commodities and
weights for the consumer price indices,
• To monitor the changes of households’ consumption
• Determination of number and level of poor people,
• To obtain required data for analysis on households’ living
standards, feeding problems, calculations on minimum
wage and other social indicators,
• Data for the estimates of private final consumption
expenditure in national accounts
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
• First survey in 1954
• 1987 and 1994 Household Income and
Consumption Expenditures Surveys
• Annual regular surveys since 2002
(Household Budget Survey)
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Sample size
• 2002 HBS monthly 800, annualy 9600 households
• 2003 HBS monthly 2160, annualy 25920 households
• 2004-2008 HBS monthly 720, annualy 8640
• Since 2009 HBS monthly 1104, annualy 13248
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Estimation level
• 2002
whole Turkey at urban and rural
• 2003
whole Turkey at urban and rural
- NUTS level 1 (12 regions)
- NUTS level 2 (26 regions)
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Estimation level
• Since 2004
- Turkey at urban/rural
breakdown (using each year’s survey data )
-Distribuiton of expenditures at
NUTS level-1 and level-2
Non-response rate:
For 2011 Household Budget Survey, the nonresponse rate was 24.5% in rural areas, 25.4% in
urban areas, and 25.1% for overall Turkey.
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Data Resorces and Data Collection Methodology:
Household Budget Survey was carried out yearly by
following different sample households alternately
each month.
Timing of recording transactions is the month when
households are surveyed.
A letter and a brochure have been sent to sample
households before the survey.
HBS is applied to households by Regional Offices by
using laptops and face-to-face interview, and
keeping diaries by households.
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Data Resorces and Data Collection Methodology:
•Interviewers visit about 6 households about 8 times, along
a month,
•Diaries for recording consumption expenditures have
been given to the households at the beginning of the
survey. Data on income status, economic activity,
occupation, employment status and income are asked at
the last visit.
•The survey has been implemented by using CAPI
(computer assisted personel interview) system,
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Data Resorces and Data Collection Methodology :
•SAS has been used in analyzing & controlling of data.
• After data entry, the first stage control and analysis
are done by Regional Offices. All cleaned data sets are
sent to the Center.
•Data sets are combined and analysed in detail by the
Center. After weighting, final tables are prepared.
•Quality control studies (telephone calls) has been
done at HBS since May 2008.
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Reference periods:
General situation of households, consumption
current situation
Durable goods and services
last 12 months
including survey month
Consumption expenditures
survey month
The questions about employment
the last
week of the survey month
Disposable income
last 12 months including
survey month
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
3 basic groups of variables have been obtained from
the survey:
1. Variables of socio-economic status of the
households: type of dwelling, status of property,
heating system, dwelling facilities, durables and
vehicles owned etc.
2. Variables of consumption expenditures: definition,
style of possession, amount, market unit price, total
value, purchase place of the consumer goods and
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
3 basic groups of variables have been obtained from
the survey:
3. Variables of household composition, employment
and income status: variables related to individuals’ age,
gender, educational status, marital status, employment
status (occupation, economic activity, employment
status, social security), activity and non-activity
incomes in the survey month and during last year
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Publish and Timeliness:
Press Release
Dynamic database
on internet
Micro Data CD Format
• Last press release is published at first week of
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Classifications Used
• COICOP (Classification of Individual Consumption by
Purpose): This is a classification system used during
recording all good and service expenditures of the
households in survey month into mechanical
environment. COICOP/HBS has been used.
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Classifications Used:
• NACE Rev 2: This is used classify economic activities
of the workplace (business) of household member
who actively carry out an economic activity.
• ISCO-08: This is used to classify occupations and
profession groups of the household individuals who
actively carry out an economic activity.
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
HBS at Eurostat’s side
Data are collected on the basis of a gentlemen's
agreement approximately every five years. Data are
available in Eurobase.
The most recent information is relating to the 2005 wave
which was published in 2010.
Combined micro data sets of household budget surveys
for years 2008, 2009 and 2010 and its report were
transmitted to Eurostat in 2013.
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
We Discuss;
Changing frequency of HBS for estimation at
NUTS1 or NUTS2 level.
Constructing a “conversion factors table”
convert local units into metric units (kg, lt)
More appropriate method for imputed rents,
Revising poverty methodology based on HBS.
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
What We Want To Do In Future…
• We are have in view ;
 To increase HBS’s sample size,
To increase compensation rate,
(Private Final Consumption Expenditure of
national accounts has been compared with HBS.)
National Seminar on Developing A Program
for the Implementation of the
2008 SNA and Supporting Statistics in Turkey
10 September 2013 / Ankara - Turkey
Thank you for your attention…