Agency on Statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan MAIN AREAS FOR IMPROVING MACROECONOMIC STATISTICS IN COMPLIANCE WITH SNA 2008 FOR 2012-2015 14-17 of Oktober, 2012. Statistical Centre of Iran, Tehran Possibilities of implementing the System of National Accounts 2008 Implementation of 2008 SNA depends on the following factors: the current state of implementation of the SNA 1993; building strategies for implementing the SNA 2008; harmonizing the National Accounts statistics with other macroeconomic statistics and accounting; building plans based on international standards for improving the statistical systems; government use of SNA indicators to build economic policies. 2 CURRENT STATE OF IMPLEMENTATION OF SNA 1993 (SNA 93) Integrated Economic Accounts I. Production accounts II. Accounts on income allocation and use II.1. Accounts of primary distribution of income created II.1.1. Accounts of income Generation created II.1.2. Accounts of Primary income Allocation created II.2. Accounts of secondary distribution of income created II.3. Accounts of income redistribution created II.4. Accounts of income Use III. Savings accounts III.1. Equity transaction accounts III.2. Financial accounts III.3. Accounts of other changes in assets III.3.1. Accounts of other changes in volume of assets III.3.2. Revaluation accounts created created created experimental calculations experimental calculations 3 CURRENT STATE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SNA 1993 (SNA 93) The balance of assets and liabilities experimental calculations Supply and use table Tables of "resources-use" Tables "input - output" Three-dimensional analysis Tables of financial transactions and financial assets and liabilities Full balance and accounts of asset and liabilities Function analysis Auxiliary tourism accounts Auxiliary environmental and economic accounts Auxiliary health accounts created created not created not created created not created experimental calculations Tables of population and employment Matrix of accounts for the analysis of social not created processes 4 ACTIVITIES FOR IMPLEMENTING SNA 2008 FOR 2012-2015 Action Developing new methodologies Central bank methodology for output accounts Methodology on output accounts in the areas of insurance services and pension funds Methodology on output accounts of FISIM Methodology on expenditures accounts in R & D and military areas Methodology of assessing illegal activities and informal sector Developing new and updating existing classifications Classifier of financial (CFA) and non-financial assets (KPA) Classifier of functions of the government (COFOG) and non-profit institutions serving households (COPNI) Classifier of economic sectors (CSE) and main funds (COF) Experimental calculations Account of other volume changes of assets and revaluation accounts Balance of assets and liabilities Assessment of illegal activities Support for environmental-economic and public health accounts 5 ACTIVITIES FOR IMPLEMENTING SNA 2008 FOR 2012-2015 Actions Analysis by institutional sector Compensation of employees by activity sector Income from property Disposable income Indicators of the financial account Monetary Survey of the National Bank, the banking system Clarification of information sources Calculation of income from property as a result of ownership, financial or tangible non-produced assets Calculation of social insurance contributions and other current transfers Refinement of existing methodologies Financial account building "resources-use" and "input-output“ tables building Implementation of macro-economic modeling System of leading indicators Aggregated macroeconomic model of Kazakhstan 6 HARMONISING SNA WITH MONETARY AND FINANCIAL STATISTICS, BALANCE OF PAYMENTS ARKS’s President order №. 92, on March 28, 2011 "On creation of the Working Group dealing with methodological issues on social statistics of national accounts and the financial sector " ARKS’s President order № 176, on June 30, 2011 "Amendments to the Order № 92 from March 28, 2011" Composition of the Working Group: ARKS, NBK, NBK KFN, MF RK, RK, the AFC, ABC Areas of work of the Working Group: 1. Consideration and approval of the methodological approaches for output accounts production by the central bank, commercial banks, pension funds and insurance / reinsurance organizations, FISIM in accordance with the 2008 SNA. 2. Consideration and approval of the methodological approaches for formatting the accumulation accounts in accordance with the 2008 SNA. 7 HARMONISING SNA WITH GOVERNMENT FINANCES STATISTICS Working Group’s on Science and Innovation Meeting Methodological reflection of the costs of research activities in line? With the SNA 93 and SNA 2008 Composition of the Working Group: ARKS, KN RK, JSC "Science Fund". JSC "National Innovation Fund" IIA of the RK, Ministry of Finance of RK, JSC "Institute of Oil and Gas," NDP "Nur Otan" Issues for a Working Group’s Meeting: 1. Methodological reflection of the costs of research and development activities in accordance with the 1993 SNA and the accounting problems of the costs in the research activities within the investment compliance with the 2008 SNA methodological state. 2. Harmonization of methodological approaches with the SNA 2008 Frascati Manual to incorporate the costs of research activities. 8 PLANS BASED ON INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS TO IMPROVE STATISTICS Strengthening the National Statistical System of Kazakhstan for 2012-2016 Components of the Project The objectives of the component D.8. The formation and implementation of timeseries methods of seasonal adjustment Introduction of methods and technology for seasonal adjustment of economic statistics, harmonized with international practices and ensuring the consistency, reliability and transparency of the seasonal adjustment procedures, and comparability of indicators Improve the quality and reliability of short-term statistics for all branches of statistics D.9. Strengthening of the analytic function Improved analytical capabilities of ARKS F.1. Improving the comparability of macroeconomic statistics Complete the implementation of the 1993 SNA and create a methodological framework for the transition to the 2008 SNA. F.2. Improving the microeconomic statistics Improve structural statistics in order to reach compliance with international standards and UN Handbook requirements "Links between Business Accounting and National Accounting" 9 Use of indicators of the SNA government bodies Indicator GDP at current prices, million Tenge and million USD GDP per capita, Tenge and USD Real GDP growth, percent GDP structure, percent GNI million Tenge and million USD GNI per capita, Tenge and USD Final consumption expenditure, million Tenge Gross saving, million Tenge Gross disposable income, million Tenge Gross capital formation, million Tenge Wages, million Tenge, and the share of wages in GDP, percent 10 11