Global SNA Implementation Strategy GULAB SINGH United Nations Statistics Division

Global SNA Implementation Strategy
Training Workshop on 2008 SNA for ECO Member States
14-17 October 2012, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
United Nations Statistics Division
Outline of presentation
 Introduction.
 2008 SNA Implementation
Global SNA Implementation Strategy
Global Statistical Initiative
Stages of implementation
Short-term Economic Indicators and SNA
SNA Implementation tools
Monitoring the SNA implementation
 Lessons from 1993 SNA Implementation
• FOC Group
• Barriers to the implementation of 1993 SNA
 UNSC endorsed the 2008 SNA at its 39th session in
2008 and requested the ISWGNA to formulate
implementation strategy.
 ISWGNA formulated the 2008 SNA implementation
strategy based on principles of (i) Strategic planning,
(ii) Coordination, monitoring and reporting; and (iii)
Improving statistical systems.
 UNSC at its 40th session supported the
implementation strategy and encouraged countries
to develop their own implementation programmes.
Global SNA Implementation Strategy
 Diagnosis of current situation – Assessment of the
national statistical system to support the national
accounts compilation (self assessment diagnostic tool)
 Statement of strategy – Development of strategy for an
economic statistics programme with the required scope
and detail of the national accounts and short term
statistics to meet user demand.
 Development of implementation programme for
statistical and institutional requirements scheduled on
agreed priorities .
SNA Implementation - Global Initiative
 The Implementation Programme for the 2008 SNA
and supporting economic statistics represents a
global statistical initiative.
• Synergies with other programmes like ICP, FAO’s
programme on improvement of agricultural statistics
 UNSD conduct series of seminars with RCs to align
regional and global implementation programmes.
 Country visits the next phase – to help countries
develop strategic vision and implementation
Objective of Global Statistical Initiative
 To assist countries in developing the
statistical and institutional capacity to:
Make the conceptual change over to the 2008
Improve the scope, detail and quality of the
national accounts and supporting economic
Operationlising Implementation Strategy
 Use of National Strategies for the Development of Statistics
(NSDS) as the strategic planning framework
 The programme information structure built around the statistical
production process, scope and compliance for the national
accounts and supporting economic statistics
 The modalities of statistical capacity building through training and
technical cooperation, publication of manuals and handbooks,
research and advocacy
 The stages of implementation leading to the change over to the
2008 SNA.
Operationlising Implementation Strategy
Strategic Planning Framework
 Strategic planning is a key principle in mobilizing political and
financial support for investment in statistics
 The NSDS is the most widely used strategic planning framework to
connect national development objectives with a programme of work
for statistical capacity-building
Why a strategic approach?
 To align the 2008 SNA country programme with national policy
priorities and regional requirements
 Consultative process is system wide
 Resources are limited
 Piece meal approach is not cost effective
 Donor coordination is critical
Operationlising Implementation Strategy
Coordination, monitoring and reporting
 To facilitate the coordination, monitoring and reporting on
the SNA implementation in the multi-stakeholder
 Frameworks
• Minimum Required Data Set (MRDS) based on UN-NAQ
Report on the
• statistical process
• data quality
Operationlising Implementation Strategy
Improving statistical systems
Structure for organizing the information base based on a stylized
statistical production model
Institutional Setting
Information, Communication Technology (ICT)
Management and internal policy
Institutional arrangements
Implementation stages
 Three stages
o Stage I: Review of strategic framework and detailing
of national and regional implementation programmes
• Statement of strategy – Development of an economic
statistics programme for compiling the required scope and
detail of the National Accounts to inform policy makers
• Diagnosis of current situation – Assessment of the national
statistical system to support the national accounts
compilation (self assessment diagnostic tool)
• Development of strategic vision for national accounts and
supporting statistics shared among stakeholders
• Develop implementation plan based on agreed priorities with
a minimum set of core indicators
Implementation stages
 Stage II: Adaptation of classification frameworks,
business registers and frames, surveys, administrative
data sources and information technology infrastructure.
 Stage III: Application of adapted frameworks and
source data, backcasting and changeover to 2008
 Each country will determine the duration of the various
• It is expected that from 2014 onwards, many Member States
will change over to the 2008 SNA following a gradual two or
three year transition for each stage.
Short-term Economic Indicators and SNA
 A series on meetings at the end of 2008 and beginning
of 2009 in reaction to economic and financial crisis
 2008 SNA the overarching framework for economic
statistics, able to incorporates measurement issues
arising from the financial crises
 The availability of structural and annual data tells us
about the past
 Policy makers need information about the present to
facilitate more timely policy responses
Short-term Economic Indicators and SNA
 Need to improve the availability, periodicity and
timeliness of short term indicators in accessible and
analytically useful formats
 Data collection practices need to be adapted to
facilitate the dissemination of short term indicators
 Short term indicators are also relevant for expanding
the scope and detail of the national accounts
Short-term Economic Indicators and SNA
 UNSC at its 42nd session considered an international
programme of work on short-term economic statistics as
part of a coordinated statistical response to the
economic and financial crisis.
 The Commission, amongst other things, approved
preparation of handbooks that provides guidance, best
practices and harmonized principles to help countries
compile and report internationally comparable short-term
Rapid Estimates
Business Cycle Composite Indicators
Tendency Surveys
Data Template and Analytical Indicators
SNA Implementation Tools
 UNSD and other ISWGNA members have developed a number of
tools to facilitate the SNA implementation
 Website: To facilitate sharing of information UNSD developed a website
with information supporting the implementation of the 2008 SNA and
supporting economic statistics.
 Handbooks: Prepared by the ISWGNA member organizations
providing compilation guidance.
 Knowledge Base: a centralized repository of information on all aspects
of methodology and best country practices for the collection, analysis
and dissemination of all areas of economic statistics and
macroeconomic standards.
 Self Assessment Diagnostic tool: To help countries self assess the
status of their statistical system supporting compilation of economic
 Status of the NA: Outline provides information on each of the economic
indicators, together with the international recommendation for compiling
the indicators.
SNA Implementation - Monitoring
 For 1993 SNA implementation - A set of six milestones to
assess the scope of accounts compiled by countries; plus
 Three data sets
• Minimum data set that need to be compiled - The minimum requirement
data set (MRDS) - milestones 1 and 2
• Recommended data set - importance in assessing developments of
an economy, and
• Desired data set - comprises useful data that should be compiled if
 To assess the compliance with major 1993 SNA concepts a set of
 The IMF quality assessment framework to assess the quality of
the national accounts
2008 SNA Implementation - Monitoring
 For the purpose of 2008 SNA implementation monitoring
MRDS now include:
• Quarterly accounts: (i) nominal and volume measure of
GDP by industry or by expenditure, and (ii) integrated accounts
until net lending for the total economy and the rest of the world.
• Annual institutional sector accounts until net lending: corporations,
general government, households and NPISHs
 Recommended set include the annual compilation: sectoral
financial accounts and balance sheets and other changes in assets
 Desired set include the quarterly compilation: sectoral
financial accounts and balance sheets and other changes in assets
2008 SNA implementation - process
Setting of goals
Decide on scope and
detail of national
accounts compilation
Where we want to be
Action Plan
Actions to reach
Assessment of the
NSS to support
national accounts
Where are we now
How to get there
Statistical capacity
How to stay there
Thank You