Statistical Capacity Building for National Accounts – Some Experiences “Implementation of the 2008 SNA in Africa” Seminar Addis Abeba 11 – 15 April 2011 23.07.2016 Seite 1 The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Established on 1 January 2011, GIZ brings together under one roof the long-standing expertise of DED, GTZ und InWEnt. Our registered offices are in Bonn and Eschborn. As a 100% federally owned, public-benefit enterprise, we support the German Government in achieving its development policy goals. 23.07.2016 Seite 2 Page GIZ worldwide • GIZ operates in more than 130 countries worldwide. • In Germany we maintain a presence in nearly all the federal states. • GIZ employs approximately 17,000 staff members worldwide, more than 60% of whom are local personnel. In addition there are: - 1,135 technical advisors - 750 integrated and 324 returning experts - 700 local experts in partner organisations - 850 weltwärts volunteers 23.07.2016 Seite 3 Page GIZ worldwide 23.07.2016 Seite 4 Page GIZ Statistics • Founded 1973 as CDG Munich Centre in particular to support the EU-ACP cooperation, later InWEnt Centre • For more than 35 years a brand name for Statistical Capacity Building in particular in Sub-Saharan Africa 23.07.2016 Seite 5 Page GIZ Statistics • Cooperation with regional Organizations like ECOWAS • Cooperation with regional Statistical Training Institutions to improve the Capacity Building • Capacity Building to strengthen the “National Strategies for the Development of Statistics”(NSDS) jointly with national, bilateral and international Partners • Large network of Alumni, Experts and international Partners 23.07.2016 Seite 6 Page Statistical Capacity Building Even if statistical capacity building in Sub-Saharan Africa has a long history, the impact on the quality of the national statistical system seems sometimes low Improving the supply side of statisticians trained is not necessarily sufficient to improve the National Statistical System or the use of National Accounts in particular. Statistical training should not focus 'heavily on training only instead of comprehensive capacity building and quality management in statistical systems … [to avoid] adverse effect[s] on sustainability.' 23.07.2016 Seite 7 Page Statistical Training in Africa Applied statistics training is provided in Africa at several levels by several types of institutions: Initial Training: Specialised Statistical Training Centres (some of them university institutes such as ISAE Makere University) – most regional but some national (linked to the NSI) sometimes in scientific collaboration with regional ones In-house training or on-the-job training: organised in most of African NSIs in a more or less systematic or structured, permanent or ad-hoc way Advanced short term training programmes:in different formats developed and provided by international or bi-lateral cooperation partners but also African STCs. 23.07.2016 Seite 8 Page DP's Goal: Improving Evidence Based Policy Making On-time delivery of economic analysis for respective users Which institution is responsible for economic analysis? Central Bank? Ministry of Finance? Ministry of Economics? National Statistical Office? How is analysis linked with data collection? Are international consultants involved in the production of NA? What is their contribution to training and sustainability of NA production? Who should be trained in which field? 23.07.2016 Seite 9 Page The decisions are not up to me.[…] It’s the higher ranks who make decisions. […] I need more support than I have to bring about bigger changes.” Why learning cannot be implemented “Most […] training was found to result in individual participant learning, but only about half resulted in substantial changes to workplace behaviour or enhanced development capacity”. Unfortunately I could not apply my new knowledge in my practical works. It is not easy to persuade other people to behave and work differently. The positive aspect is that people speak about this issue. The negative aspect is there are no resources to carry out the job. 23.07.2016 Seite 10 Page Training Success Selection of participants: Producers and users of statistics, regional selection of participants to facilitate peer-learning processes and sharing of good practices Reflection of NSDS and other national, regional and institutional frameworks Training content targeted, orientation on practical key work functions Addressing the organisational and institutional context, increasing commitment to training goals Appropriate and professional didactic design with focus on active participation Networking to follow-up with participants, experts and organisations 23.07.2016 Seite 11 Page E-Learning in Statistical Capacity Building – GIZ's experience Blended learning courses – combining e-learning with classroom trainings or workshops Modular e-learning content adopted to target group needs E-Learning case studies / work group exercises Most classroom sessions organised in collaboration with partner institutions in the respective countries – NSIs & STCs Courses are conceived in a way to allow final use by partner institutions Design of courses allows multiplication through „train the trainers“ modules 23.07.2016 Seite 12 Page Blended Learning Concept – System of National Accounts System of National Accounts for users and producers in Sub-Saharan Africa SNA: 6 weeks GIZ GlobalCampus E-Workload: 8h/week About 30 participants from Statistical Offices, Ministries, Planning Institutions E-Learning Modules SNA 1 week Case Studies E-Collaboration Synchronous Communication Joint Classroom Workshop GIZ Workshop (regional) E-Assessment Alumni / Expert Networking on GIZ GlobalCampus 23.07.2016 Seite 13 Page GlobalCampus21 – GIZ E-Learning Platform 23.07.2016 Seite 14 Page Sub-Groups for E-Collaboration 23.07.2016 Seite 15 Page E-Learning Modules 23.07.2016 Seite 16 Page E-Learning Modules 23.07.2016 Seite 17 Page E-Learning Modules 23.07.2016 Seite 18 Page E-Learning Modules 23.07.2016 Seite 19 Page Synchronous Communication: Chat 23.07.2016 Seite 20 Page E-Assessment 23.07.2016 Seite 21 Page Joint Classroom Workshops 23.07.2016 Seite 22 Page Conclusion Blended Learning Concepts are useful to maintain a high quality standard of training without long absence from workplace Costs for the development are high and require standardisation and duplication Modularisation and additional elements as e-collaboration are necessary to maintain a target group oriented training Plus: lower costs on demand side; fast delivery of up-to-date material, multilateral trainings, collaboration with experts of development partners and experts throughout the region, a modular curriculum, sharing of best-practice examples, and, probably most important, a sustainable network of statisticians Institutional commitment is a key factor for success for all trainings and in particular for e-learning tools Since rapid and qualified communication during the training is a crucial factor, a skilled e-trainer is an essential for the success of the e-learning Flexibility during a e-learning requires careful planning of the learning scenario and a clear definition of target group and learning objectives Ideally, the training is combined with other methods of capacity building 23.07.2016 Seite 23 Page 23.07.2016 Seite 24 Page Thank you for your attention! 23.07.2016 Seite 25 Page