UGANDA BUREAU OF STATISTICS Integrating Gender Perspective into Statistics, 4 -7

Integrating Gender Perspective into Statistics,
4th-7th December, 2012
Grand Imperial Hotel, Kampala, Uganda
Nassolo Stella, Gender Statistician, UBOS
Tuesday, 4th December, 2012
1. Introduction
• UBOS mandate, objectives, strategic direction
• Gender Statistics development
• Institutional arrangement for gender
mainstreaming-roles of Gender Statistics Unit
•Coordination mechanisms
2. Progress on Gender Statistics
• Initiatives on gender statistics development
3. Challenges & constraints in gender
mainstreaming statistics
• Operational
• Technical
UBOS Mandate
The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) is a semiautonomous body established by an Act of Parliament
(1998) to promote the production of reliable official
statistics & ensure the development & maintenance of
the National Statistical System (NSS).
The NSS includes various actors namely;producers,
suppliers, users of data.
Production of quality statistics requires the;
•Collection, analysis & dissemination of integrated
gender responsive data.
•Establishment and strengthening of mechanisms for
the coordination, monitoring & supervision of gender
statistics activities in NSS.
Strategic Direction
UBOS developed a five- year Plan for National
Statistical Development (PNSD)-NSDS as a
comprehensive strategy for strengthening and
improving development of a responsive National
Statistical System.
The PNSD-NSDS underlines the need to engender
Gender Statistics Development in
the NSS
In order to main stream gender in statistics
development, UBOS has among other things;
•Embraced the global agenda of increasing
availability & use of Gender Statistics;
•Strategically highlighted gender statistics as a key
output in statistics production – under the Plan for
National Statistical Development (PNSD) framework.
•Established & recruited staff for the Gender
Statistics Unit -Responsible for supporting gender
mainstreaming in statistics.
Roles of the Gender Statistics Unit
To support efforts on gender mainstreaming (GMS) in statistics
production & development by;
• Supporting statistical programmes and activities to generate
& disseminate demand-driven gender responsive statistics.
•Providing support to engender the data throughout the
statistics value chain. i. e. survey/census planning - data
collection – analysis-reporting – dissemination-utilization and
•Promoting dialogue & collaboration between statistics actors
(producers, suppliers, users, Research and training
Institutions) to establish data user needs.
•Developing & strengthening capacity for production of gender
responsive statistics.
Coordination mechanisms (1)
Under the PNSD implementation framework UBOS constituted the
Inter Agency Committee (IAC) with representation from
implementing Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).
• Gender Statistics Sub Committees was established and
operationalised under the IAC.
•A UBOS Gender Statistics Committee was constituted with
representation from all Directorates/Divisions.
(Both committees promote gender mainstreaming in statistics
production and use).
Coordination mechanisms (2)
Gender Statistics Sub Committee
•Co-chaired by the Ministry of Gender, Labour and
Social development (MGLSD) and UBOS and
comprises of MDAs, Civil Society Organizations,
development partners.
•Operates under clear Terms of References (TORs).
•Current membership is of 25 member Institutions
engaged in gender & statistics related activities.
Initiatives on gender statistics
development (1)
•Development of a gender statistics strategy and
operational plan;
•Conducting training for gender statistics stakeholders;
•Conducting seminars to create awareness amongst
UBOS staff on gender statistics;
•Gender profiling (under progress) to develop an
inventory for gender statistics for users;
•Design and integration of gender and time use variables
into the UNHS V and labour survey modules.
Gender Statistics Activities (1)
• Production of gender specific reports-initial efforts have
been on Sex Disaggregated Data.
•Hold regular Sub Committee meetings to share
progress and facilitate in depth GDD analysis. (e.g. Time
Used Data Analysis of the existing survey data).
•Conducted a Participatory Gender Audit (PGA) to
establish existing efforts in gender mainstreaming and
suggest ways on how best GMS in statistics production.
Gender statistics Activities (2)
•Engendering survey processes for example;
survey/census instruments / questionnaires namely;
•Uganda National Household Survey (UNHS),
•Uganda Demographic Health Survey (UDHS),
•The Population and Housing Census (UPHC),
•The Uganda Census of Agriculture (UCA).
Challenges & constraints in gender
mainstreaming statistics (1)
•Poor attitude and lack of support for Gender Statistics,
•Potential data users do not know what they need
•No effective demand for GDD.
•Inadequate funding for gender statistics ,
•Reaching out to all the actors is currently not possible,
•Inappropriate prioritization for gender statistics
production needs, thus overwhelming GDD needs.
Challenges & Constraints in gender
mainstreaming statistics (2)
•No specific reference document on gender statistics
•Lack of harmonised & standard concepts,
terminologies & definitions.
•The scope of gender statistics is not clearly defined.
•There are methodological limitations to guide indepth
analysis for GDD, due to;
•Change in phrasing and concepts used,
•Limited information on existing data for GDD analysis
•Data capture- tools are not engendered.
Thank you for your attention