Publications for Sujatha Fernandes 2017 2013

Publications for Sujatha Fernandes
Publications for Sujatha Fernandes
Fernandes, S. (2017). Curated Stories: How
Storytelling is Hindering Social Change. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2016). Building Child-Centered
Social Movements. Contexts, 15(1), 54-59. <a
839">[More Information]</a>
Fernandes, S. (2016). Cultural Politics of the
Chávez Government. In Robin Derby (Eds.),
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Latin
American History. Oxford: Oxford University
Fernandes, S. (2016). Out of the home, Into the
House: Narratives and Strategies in Domestic
Worker Legislative Campaigns. Social Text.
Fernandes, S. (2016). Stories and Statecraft:
Afghan Women's Narratives and the
Construction of Western Freedoms. Signs.
Frantz, C., Fernandes, S. (2016). Whose
Movement Is It? Strategic Funding, Worker
Centers, and Foundation Influence. Critical
Fernandes, S. (2015). 'Obama Nation': Hip Hop
and Global Protest. In Travis L. Gosa and Erik
Nielson (Eds.), The Hip Hop & Obama Reader,
(pp. 88-93). Oxford: Oxford University Press. <a
c=au&lang=en&">[More Information]</a>
Fernandes, S. (2015). Cuban hip hop. In Justin
Williams (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to
Hip Hop, (pp. 263-270). Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2015). Island Paradise,
Revolutionary Utopia or Hustler's Haven?
Consumerism and Socialism in Contemporary
Cuban Rap. Journal of Latin American Cultural
Studies, 12(3), 359-375.
Fernandes, S. (2015). Urban Social Movements
in Venezuela. In Paul Almeida and Allen
Cordero Ulate (Eds.), Handbook of Social
Movements Across Latin America, (pp. 195-204).
Fernandes, S. (2014). Informal Cities and
Community-Based Organizing: The Case of the
Teatro Alameda. In Brodwyn Fischer, Bryan
McCann, Javier Auyero (Eds.), Cities From
Scratch: Poverty and Informality in Urban Latin
America, (pp. 185-207). United States: Duke
University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2013). Culture and Neoliberal
Rationalities in Post-Neoliberal Venezuela. In
Nancy Postero and Mark Goodale (Eds.),
Neoliberalism, Interrupted: Social Change and
Contested Governance in Contemporary Latin
America, (pp. 53-72). United States: Stanford
University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2012). Culture and/or
Postmodernism. In Deborah Yasher (Eds.),
Handbook of Latin American Politics, (pp.
407-418). United Kingdom: Routledge.
Fernandes, S. (2012). Los experimentos de
Venezuela en la democracia popular: es possible
democratizar un gobierno capitalista?�? In
Jorge Valero (Eds.), Democracias Nuevas o
Restauradas: El Caso Venezuela, (pp. 69-79).
Venezuela: Fundacion Editorial el Perro y la
Fernandes, S. (2012). Malandreo Negro: Gangsta
Rap and the Politics of Exclusion in Venezuela.
In Kwame Dixon and John Burdick (Eds.),
Comparative Perspectives on Afro-Latin
American, (pp. 72-92). United States: University
Press of Florida.
Fernandes, S. (2011). Close to the Edge: In
Search of the Global Hip Hop Generation. New
York: Verso.
Fernandes, S. (2011). Everyday Wars of
Position: Social Movements and the Caracas
Barrios in a Chavez Era. Colombia
Internacional, 73((special issue on Latin
American cities)), 71-90.
Fernandes, S. (2011). Gender, Popular
Participation, and the State in Chávez’s
Venezuela. In Karen Kampwirth (Eds.), Gender
and Populism in Latin America: Passionate
Politics, (pp. 202-220). United States: Penn State
University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2011). Made in Havana City: Rap
Music, Space, and Racial Politics. In Anke
Birkenmaier and Esther Whitfield (Eds.),
Havana Beyond the Ruins: Cultural Mappings
after 1989, (pp. 173-186). United States: Duke
University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2011). Radio Bemba in an Age of
Electronic Media. In David Smilde and Daniel
Hellinger (Eds.), Politics and Culture in
Venezuela's Bolivarian Democracy, (pp.
131-156). United States: Duke University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2011). Translating Hybrid
Publications for Sujatha Fernandes
Cultures: Quandries of an Indian-Australian
Doing Ethnography in Cuba. In Ben Talton and
Quincy Mills (Eds.), Black Subjects: Race and
Research in Africa and the Atlantic World, (pp.
45-54). United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fernandes, S. (2010). Revolutionary Praxis in a
Post-Neoliberal Era: Media Associations and the
New Coalitional Politics in Venezuela.
Interventions: International Journal of
Postcolonial Studies, 12(1), 88-99. <a
3351">[More Information]</a>
Fernandes, S. (2003). Fear of a Black Nation:
Local Rappers, Transnational Crossings and
State Power in Contemporary Cuba.
Anthropological Quarterly, 76(4), 575-608.
Fernandes, S. (2010). Who Can Stop the Drums?
Urban Social Movements in Chávez's Venezuela.
Durham: Duke University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2009). Urbanizing the San Juan
Fiesta: Civil Society and Cultural Identity in the
Barrios of Caracas. In Carol Greenhouse (Eds.),
Ethnographies of Neoliberalism, (pp. 96-111).
United States: Penn Press.
Fernandes, S. (2008). Ethnicity, Civil Society
and the Church: The Politics of Evangelical
Christianity in Northeast India. In David
Lumsdaine (Eds.), Evangelical Christianity and
Democracy in Asia, (pp. 131-154). United States:
New York: Oxford University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2007). Barrio Women and
Popular Politics in Chávez's Venezuela. Latin
American Politics and Society, 49(3), 97-127.
Fernandes, S. (2007). Hip Hop and Black Public
Spheres in Venezuela, Cuba and Brazil. In
Darien Davis (Eds.), Beyond Slavery: The
Multi-Layered Legacy of Africans in Latin
America, (pp. 199-222). United States: Rowman
and Littlefield Publishers.
Fernandes, S. (2007). Proven Presence: The
Emergence of a Feminist Politics in Cuban
Hip-Hop. In Gwendolyn Pough (Eds.), Home
Girls, Make Some Noise!: Hip Hop Feminism
Anthology, (pp. 5-18). United States: Parker
Fernandes, S. (2006). Cuba Represent! Cuban
Arts, State Power, and the Making of New
Revolutionary Cultures. Durham: Duke
University Press.
Fernandes, S. (2006). Recasting Ideology,
Recreating Hegemony: Critical Debates about
Film in Contemporary Cuba. Ethnography, 7(3),
Fernandes, S. (2005). Transnationalism and
Feminist Activism in Cuba: The Case of Magin.
Politics and Gender, 1(3), 431-452.