September Birthdays 5th Jay th 16 Lila 24th Owen Wish List: 2nd Grade Spanish Dual Language -Treasure Box Items -(30) 2 Gallon Ziplock bags -(50) Qt size Ziplock Bags -2 pkgs baby wipes Mrs. Smith & Ms. Rodriguez Reading: Our focus this month will be practicing (in whole group and while reading to self) how to respond to our thinking or inner conversation by making connections. We will be using fiction and non-fiction text to practice this strategy. Parents, please take the opportunity to visit the public library to check out Spanish books once a week. Also keep in mind that YOU are eligible to check out library books from our Media Centers if your child needs books to read at home. Spelling: (English): Our spelling pattern focus will begin the week of Sept. 10th. We will have a pattern that we focus on in word work for the week. These spelling patterns should be practiced at home. I will send home activity suggestions that may be used to help your child learn the spelling pattern. I will have each child write the spelling pattern in their agenda on Monday (or Tuesday) along with examples of words to assist in identifying and working with the spelling pattern. This list is based on a preassessment given the first week of school. Writing: In Writer’s Workshop, we have begun “Launching the Writer’s Workshop” Unit where we are beginning to feel like REAL WRITERS! Remember…any good story your children want to share with you can be inspiration for a good book! Remind your kids to write down any story/book ideas they might have. The revising/editing process of our FIRST book will begin soon. Both English AND Spanish Writer’s Workshop folders with “heart” and decorations to inspire our stories are due. If you have not completed them, please do so ASAP. We will be using our folders every day. Important Dates: 3rd No School th th 5 -7 CogAT Testing 5th-7th BEAR Testing 7th Donuts with Dads th 7 PTA Fundraiser Kickoff th 8 Dual Language Breakfast 8:3010:00 th 11 2nd Grade Reading Night, Bldg. F,Science/Social 6:30-7:30 Studies We will begin our Science unit on Magnets this month. Our Social Studies focus this month will be building community in our classroom, including obeying our Community Laws and how they translate outside of the classroom. Our character trait this month is Respect. Other topics we will cover this month are the Constitution and map skills. Important Information: Please remember to send a snack with your child every day. We hope to see you at the Dual Language Breakfast! If you have any questions, please contact us at 299-4415, ext.5057 (Smith) or ext. 5056 (Rodriguez) Thank you, Mrs. Smith & Ms. Rodriguez