We are staying the course of our current instructional standards rather than reverting solely to the state’s pre-2010 standards….basically the P. A. S. S. Since the early 1990s our district curriculum alignment process has always emphasized and used national standards as the framework for instruction. The JPS Continua (our standards document) is based on the work of national organizations….the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the National Science Foundation, the Common Core State Standards development consortium, to name just a few. Framing “what” we teach from these perspectives provides a thoroughness and complexity that prepares our students for college and career opportunities. A key part of the JPS Continua document is the integration of the state objectives (the P. A. S. S., Oklahoma Academic Standards). The district committee uses the framework of the national standards to thoughtfully place and align the state’s standards, so students experience instruction that is systematic, with a pace and alignment that build in depth and rigor from year to year….pre-kindergarten-12th grade. Through the integration of P.A.S.S./Oklahoma Academic Standards and the national standards, we are well within in the guidelines of HB3399. The Title I program at Jenks East Elementary is a School-wide Program. Teachers use a wide variety of researchbased instructional strategies and models, flexible groupings, and differentiated instruction to address the needs of all students. The students may be served through pullout labs and/or by the specialist going into the classroom. Coordination between regular classroom instruction and the reading and/or math specialist gives the students the support needed for success throughout the day. Student text level: below, on, and above Knows basic sight words Uses a variety of strategies to identify unknown words, phonics, knowledge, context clues, pictures, word structure Comprehends what is read Reads familiar material fluently Reads familiar material with expression 2. 3. 4. Reads independently Uses research skills Use the strategies of the writing process in various forms of writing Opinion Narratives Informative/Explanatory Poetry Uses correct punctuation, capitalization, and grammar Participates in collaborative conversations Uses appropriate vocabulary in speaking and in writing 1. Writes legibly and clearly in daily work Daily Five-What is it? › › › › › Read to Self Work on Writing Read to Someone Word Work Work with Teacher One to One Conferencing Small Group: At one rotation there are two other teachers in the room working on reading! Whole Group CAFÉ-look on wall Turning and Talking frequently! Monitor Comprehension Activate and Connect Ask Questions Infer and Visualize Determine Importance Summarize and Synthesize Target Benchmark Levels (Independent Reading by Students) Based on Fountas and Pinnell and the Lexile System Kindergarten Range of Levels Semester Target End of Year Target Lexile Range A ,B, C B C N/A* First Grade Range of Levels Semester Target End of Year Target Lexile Range C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J G J 190-530* Second Grade Range of Levels Semester Target End of Year Target Lexile Range I, J, K, L, M, N K N 420-650* STAR GE 0-1.0 0.5 1 STAR GE 1.0-2.0 1.5 2 STAR GE 1.8-3.0 2.3 3 Writers write about: › › › › › › › › › Memories/Experience Dreams/Wonderings Emotions A Moment in Time Opinions Explanatory/Informative Narratives Research Poetry Reads, counts, writes, numerals 0 through 1,000 Fluently solves addition facts to 20 Fluently solves subtraction facts to 20 Understands place value concepts of hundreds, tens, and ones Demonstrates skills in problem solving Adds two and three digit numbers without regrouping Subtracts two and three digit numbers without regrouping Adds two-digit numbers with regrouping Subtracts two-digit numbers with regrouping Understands the concept of equal grouping Tells and writes the time to the nearest 5 minutes Solves word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies using $ and the cents sign appropriately Collects, organizes and constructs graphs; interprets data from graphs by solving put together, take-apart and compare problems Understands fractional parts: halves, thirds, fourths Measures objects with precision; uses additions and subtraction within 100 to solve word problems involving lengths that are given in the same units Recognizes, draws, and compares geometric shapes Math by myself Writing about math Math with someone Math technology Math with teacher Understands and uses scientific processes Communicates understanding of concepts and content › Solids and Liquids Unit › Soils Unit › Butterfly Unit › Mini-Units incorporated in the literacy program Demonstrates knowledge of community, citizenship, and economics Demonstrates knowledge of historical people Demonstrates knowledge of geography Locates and interprets information using a variety of resources Social Studies is incorporated in our literacy program. Uses various technologies to find, evaluate, organize and present information Art- Mrs. Krenz-Building D Music-Mrs. Herbert-Building D P.E. – Mrs. Riggins & Ms. Payne-Building G Recess is at 11:15-11:40 Lunch is at 11:45-12:05 Cost of Lunch is $1.85 Breakfast is $1.25 If you are sending money, please send in an envelope with your child’s name, ID #, and the amount. Library check-out days are on Fridays at 1:45-2:10 in building F 8:30-8:50 8:50-9:00 9:00-9:25 9:25-9:40 9:40-9:45 9:45-10:25 10:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11:00-11:15 11:15-12:05 12:05-12:10 12:10-12:25 12:25-12:40 12:40-12:50 12:50-1:30 1:30-1:35 1:35-1:55 1:55-2:15 2:15-2:35 2:35-2:40 2:40-3:00 3:00-3:30 Students follow morning brew on chart Morning announcements: flag salute, Moment of Silence, and question of the day Math Lesson-whole group 1st Rotation of Daily 5 in Math Restroom Break before Specials Specials 2nd Rotation of Daily 5 in Math 3rd Rotation of Daily 5 in Math 4th Rotation of Daily 5 in Math Recess/Lunch Restroom Break 5th Rotation of Daily 5 in Math Math: grade and closing Mini-Lesson over Literacy Push-in Reading-1st Rotation of Daily 5 in Literacy Restroom Break 2nd Rotation of Daily 5 in Literacy 3rd Rotation of Daily 5 in Literacy 4th Rotation of Daily 5 in Literacy Restroom Break 5th Rotation of Daily 5 in Literacy Science/Social Studies/Catch-Up 8:50 a.m.-begins 3:30 p.m.-ends Students cannot enter their hallway until 8:20 cathy.sheehan@jenksps.org Number: 918-299-4415 x. 5045 Urgent-call Linda Sherwin, our building D secretary at x. 5550 Please e-mail me Or leave me a voice message at x. 5045 If you e-mail me or leave me a message I will give that information to the secretary Make-up Work: If your child is out for a day, then he/she will have two days to make up the work. Jenks policy • • • • • Late Start for Students K-4th grade students will begin school at 10:40 Car riders will be allowed to drop off at approximately 10:20. Buses will run approx. 1 hour and 50 minutes late. Please be out at your bus stop 1 hour and 45 minutes later than normal on these dates. No breakfast is served on collaboration days. DATES: Sept. 25th Dec.4th Feb. 26th Oct. 30th Jan. 29th April 2nd Please make sure that you have signed up for the fall conference. Progress reports will be sent home after the first four weeks of school. After that time, only as needed. 3: Consistently successful (85%-100%) 2: Progressing (84%-70%) 1: Area of Concern (69% and below) Math homework is Monday –Thursday Reading is every night for 20 minutes for on or above grade level. This is a total of 140 minutes a week. If below grade level, then the needed amount is 40 minutes daily. This is a total of 280 minutes a week. (This can include you reading/listening to tapes, website.) Students will record homework in agendas. Listen carefully to what I say, please. Target Benchmark Levels (Independent Reading by Students) Based on Fountas and Pinnell and the Lexile System Kindergarten STAR GE Range of Levels A ,B, C 0-1.0 Semester Target B 0.5 End of Year Target C 1 Lexile Range N/A* First Grade Range of Levels Semester Target End of Year Target Lexile Range 190-530* Second Grade Range of Levels Semester Target End of Year Target Lexile Range 420-650* STAR GE C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J G J 2 I, J, K, L, M, N K N STAR GE I can’t stress this enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1.0-2.0 1.5 1.8-3.0 2.3 3 Monthly homework projects are from September through April. Monthly homework projects are strongly encouraged, but not required. 3 ideas to chose from with the fourth one is free choice. If your child wants to show something, then that would be covered until option 4, but must have something written. Daily 5 Literacy allows for differentiation. Daily 5 Math allows for differentiation. Multiple spelling lists allows for differentiation. Writer’s Workshop offers differentiation. My teaching style is not a one size fits all strategy. Our Promise Respecting ourselves and others Trying our best everyday Green=3 Yellow=2 Red=1 Redirections after red=0 Last day of every month (usually), we will add our behavior points to have a celebration/Fun Friday. An average of 2 will be needed to earn Fun Friday. Tickets will be cashed in for healthy, yummy snacks. Popcorn, slushies, and fruit snacks are served. I will need a parent to help w/this! Healthy snacks-no candy or juices. Have your child pack their own snack for responsibility. Of course, talk about what snack is acceptable beforehand. Only water is allowed in the classroom during the day. If your child does not act responsibly with his/her water bottle, that privilege will be taken away. Birthdays will be celebrated at the end of every month that there is a birthday. If your child has a September birthday, and you want to supply a small birthday treat, please let me know. Drop them off at the office or my classroom in the morning. We will celebrate some time during the day. Store-bought items only. Mr. Glaze-Site Principal Mrs. McKnight-1st &2nd grade principal Mrs. Smith-Reading specialist Mrs. Goodrich-English Lang. teacher Mrs. Patty Johnson-Counselor Mrs. Morrow-Special teacher Mrs. Mahaptra-Special teacher Mrs. Carle-Special teacher Mrs. Diamone-Special teacher Mrs. Huges-Media Specialist in bld. F I am here for you. Please contact me for any questions and concerns. We are a team. Cindi Robertson-homeroom mother Natalie Renfrow and Natalie Scott-asst. homeroom mothers Thank you Homeroom Moms! Here they are!!