Publications for Marco Duranti Publications for Marco Duranti 2013 Duranti, M. (2013). Conservatives and the European Convention on Human Rights. In Norbert Frei, Annette Weinke (Eds.), Toward a New Moral World Order Menschenrechtspolitik und Volkerrecht seit 1945, (pp. 82-93). Weimar: Wallstein Verlag. Duranti, M. (2013). Holocaust Memory and the Silences of the Human Rights Revolution. In Aleida Assmann, Jan Assmann (Eds.), Schweigen: Archaologie der literarischen Kommunikation XI (Silence: Archeology of literary communication, vol. 11), (pp. 89-100). Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. 2012 Duranti, M. (2012). "A Blessed Act of Oblivion": Human Rights, European Unity and Postwar Reconciliation. In B Schwelling (Eds.), Reconciliation, Civil Society, and the Politics of Memory: Transnational Initiatives in the 20th and 21st Century, (pp. 115-139). Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag. Duranti, M. (2012). Curbing Labour's Totalitarian Temptation: European Human Rights Law and British Postwar Politics. Humanity: An International Journal of Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and Development, 3(3), 361-383. <a href="" >[More Information]</a> Duranti, M. (2012). The Holocaust, the legacy of 1789 and the birth of international human rights law: revisiting the foundation myth. Journal of Genocide Research, 14(2), 159-186. <a href=" 677760">[More Information]</a> 2006 Duranti, M. (2006). Utopia, Nostalgia and World War at the 1939–40 New York World's Fair. Journal of Contemporary History, 41(4), 663-683. <a href=" 749">[More Information]</a>