Nominative and Genitive Cases

Nominative and Genitive Cases
I. Nominative Case
A. Subject__________________________________________________________
B. Predicate Nominative _______________________________________________
C. After verbs of electing or creating:
Caesar has been elected consul._______________________________________
Augustus is chosen emperor.__________________________________________
II. Genitive Case
A. Possession
1. Julia's house is nearest to the Forum.___________________________________
2. Flavia's hair is very pretty.____________________________________________
3. The name of the dictator is long._______________________________________
B. Description
1. The emperor is a man of great virtue.___________________________________
2. The professor was a man of great knowledge._____________________________
C. Genitive with Adjectives.
1. Hercules was skilled in fighting.________________________________________.
2. The man was desirous of money._______________________________________
3. Mary was full of grace._______________________________________________
4. The student was mindful of the laws.____________________________________
peritus, cupidus, plenus, memor, particeps, avidus, conscius
D. Genitive of the Whole/Partitive Genitive
1. There is enough water in the jar._______________________________________
2. There is no wine on the table. ________________________________________
3. We walked two miles.________________________________________________
cf. We walked a
4. They saw three thousand soldiers.______________________________________
cf. They saw a thousand soldiers.________________________________________
Reason: satis, nihil, more than one thousand
Exceptions: With cardinal numbers, ex, de, pauci, and quidam
use the ablative case instead (Ablative of Separation).
one of(from) the soldiers__________________________________________________
a few of the men ______________________________cf. a few
certain ones of the students________________________________________________
Nominative and Genitive Cases
E. Objective Genitive
1. The love of money is the root of evil._____________________________________
2. the love of your country___________
3. the love of your
F. Genitive of Definite Measurement
1. a ten-foot wall ________________________________________
2. a three-hour test________________________________________
G. Genitive of Indefinite Value
1. It is worthless.________________________________________
2. It is of such great importance._________________________
3. It is worthwhile._______________________________________
magni, tanti, parvi
H. Genitive after Verbs of Remembering and Forgetting
Reason: memini, obliviscor
1. Forget murder and fire.
2. Do you remember his name?____________________________________________
N.B. With words denoting things, the accusative case may be used instead.
To remember the past.
Praeterita meminisse.
I forgot that.
I. Genitive with Verbs of Judicial Action.
I condemn myself of inactivity and negligence.________________________________
J. Genitive with Impersonal Verb. Follow this pattern: Accusative of the person who feels
and the genitive of the person to whom the feeling is directed.
1. I pity the sailor._______________________________= It pities me of the sailor.
2. The children tire me._____________________________________
3. I am ashamed of his deed.____________________________
miseret=___________ taedet=______________, piget=___________
paenitet=__________, pudet=_______________
Nominative and Genitive Cases
1. (Italia, Italiae, Italiam) est mea patria.
2. Caesar (dictator, dictatoris, dictatorem) creatus est.
3. Mucius appellatus est (Scaevola, Scaevolae,Scaevolam)
4. Populus Fabium (dictator, dictatoris, dictatorem) creavit.
5. Nomen (mater, matris, matri) Gracchorum erat Cornelia.
6. Catilina cupidus (imperium, imperi, imperio) erat.
7. Cicero erat vir magnae (virtus, virtutis, virtute).
8. Non est satis (aqua, aquae, aquam) in flumine.
9. Ambulavimus mille (passus, passuum, passibus).
10. Cucurrimus sex milia (passus, passuum, passibus).
11. Pauci ex (viri, viris, viros) discesserunt.
12. Duo ex (amici, amicos, amicis) eum servaverunt.
13. Amor (mater, matris, matri) est fortis.
14. four-foot wall
murus quattuor (pedibus, pedes, pedum)
15. It is worthless. Est (parvum, parvi, parvo).
16. Obliviscere (timor, timorem, timoris).
17. Oblita est (multi, multa, multis).
18. Miseret me (puer, pueri, puerum)
19. Paenitet me (factum, facti, facto).
20. Croesus erat clarus (rex, regis, regi)
21. Tullia facta est (regina, reginae, reginam).
22. Nomen (dictator, dictatoris, dictatori) erat Cincinnatus.
23. Imperator erat vir (sapientia, sapientiae, sapientiam).
24. Maria erat femina plena (gratia, gratiae, gratiam).
25. Sempronia erat memor (caedis, caedi, caedem).
26. Erat nihil (loquendi, loquendo, loquendum) in classe.
27. Sallustius erat peritus (scribendi,scribendo, scribendum)
28. Unus ex (milites, militum, militibus) mortuus est.
29. Piget nos (liberi, liberorum, liberis)
30. Amor (pecunia, pecuniae, pecuniam) est malus.