MU Form: Non-Managerial Staff Performance Appraisal

MU Form: Non-Managerial Staff Performance Appraisal
Name of employee
Empl ID
Job title
Appraisal Period
Date completed
This performance review instrument is used to identify the level of performance achieved by non-managerial staff (i.e.
administrative support, para-professionals, and other staff who are not primarily responsible for leading people or
programs.). Please review the Performance Review System Guidelines for the policies and implementation steps.
Rating Scale
Is a role model in the job. Exhibits mastery in all facets of a job. Puts the customer at the center of every activity. Steps outside of
existing responsibilities to add value to the University. Identifies break through concepts. Is sought out by colleagues for advice on
issues. Models the values of the University on a daily basis. Is in sync with the strategic direction of the University. Is universally
regarded by others as a knowledgeable resource and true asset. Acts as a mentor, guide and teacher. Seeks new and improved ways to
perform the job. Openly shares information and resources. Actively promotes cooperation, understanding and teambuilding.
Exceeds expectations
Performance consistently exceeds developmental goals and specific job accountabilities. Sets and meets challenging professional
goals and shows initiative in meeting them. Assumes extra responsibilities and participates in projects often. Proactive in planning,
problem solving and initiating solutions within work group. An exceptional contributor to the success of the work group and
Performance consistently achieves performance goals and essential job functions. Requires minimal supervision and complies with
work rules and regulatory requirements. Performance consistently meets the demands placed upon the position. Reliably completes
routine assignments in an accurate and timely fashion. Assumes additional responsibilities when requested or assists in extra project
work. Meets the University’s high performance standards. Contributes positively to the success of the work group and organization.
Improvement expected
Performance does not consistently meet performance goals, essential job functions or success factors. Fails to proactively maintain
several requirements for position. Performance requires occasional supervisory intervention. Does not consistently complete job
assignments in some areas in an accurate and timely fashion. Performance or behavior causes occasional problems for students,
customers, department/unit and/or co-workers. Immediate improvement is expected in the deficient performance areas.
Overall performance does not meet performance goals, essential job functions or success factors. Fails to proactively maintain
requirements for position. Often requires supervision, redirection and/or re-instruction. Does not consistently complete job
Success Factors
assignments in an accurate and timely fashion. Performance or behavior causes problems for students, customers, department/unit
and/or coworkers.
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Success Factors
1. Accountability
Maintains an acceptable attendance record and
is punctual; Takes ownership of tasks and
assignments; Follows through on
commitments; Reliably produces results with
little need for oversight.
2. Collaboration
Demonstrates willingness to work
harmoniously and effectively with colleagues
at various levels to solve problems, improve
work processes, or accomplish specific tasks;
Earns respect, builds trust and collaborates
effectively with coworkers; Demonstrates
willingness to assist, encourage, and support
others; Contributes to goals, objectives, and
morale of work group; Values and contributes
to a professional and inclusive environment.
3. Communication
Express ideas clearly and accurately, both
verbally and in writing; Listens actively and
patiently; Balances both listening and talking;
Conveys information effectively in an
informative manner; Encourages an open
exchange of ideas and opinions; Maintains
channels of communication throughout the
organization; Is receptive to feedback.
4. Customer focus
Makes a concerted effort to serve the needs of
internal and external customers; Anticipates
the needs of internal and external customers
and acts accordingly; Fosters cooperative
relations; Exercises tact and diplomacy in
dealing with others; Is courteous, considerate,
patient and respectful.
5. Judgment
Complies with University rules and policies;
Follows established safety procedures; pays
attention to personal safety and the safety of
others; Relies on experience and institutional
knowledge; Obtains, evaluates, organizes, and
synthesizes pertinent information to reach
logical conclusions; Makes timely, sound
decisions even under conditions of risk and
uncertainty; Handles ambiguous situations
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Success Factors
6. Quality
Demonstrates competence, accuracy,
thoroughness, reliability and timeliness;
Maintains high quality work relative to
established standards; Pursues better ways to
get things done; Positively supports change; Is
willing to learn; Handles confidential
information appropriately.
7. Time management
Efficiently accomplishes all tasks; Manages
time wisely; Is able to set priorities and handle
multiple priorities at once; Work is completed
on time; Level of output meets requirements;
Demonstrates flexibility and adapts to
changing work demands, priorities, and
8. Essential job function: Connecting
Youth to Campus
Consistently connects youth participants and
volunteers to regional, state and campus
educational opportunities; Regularly
coordinates safe travel to regional, state and
campus events and attends events as deemed
appropriate with supervisor.
9. Essential job function: Positive Youth
Work with youth specialist and local councils
(4-H and county extension) to grow the
number of youth participating in the 4-H
program; Seek opportunities to reach out to
underserved youth.
10. Essential job function: Volunteer
Work with youth specialist and local councils
(4-H and county extension) to increase the
number of recognized volunteers to work with
youth in the 4-H program; Provide
opportunities and resources to equip the
volunteer to succeed in their role(s).
11. Essential job function: Reporting
and Communicating Impact
Provides information and reports on a timely
basis that describes the impact of their work,
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Success Factors
Effectively communicates the impact of the
programs to stakeholders or other target
audiences; Informs constituents about the
purpose and role of MU Extension, and the
impact of its programs.
12. Essential job function: Compliance
Understands federal policies and procedures to
protect the 4-H name and emblem and laws
and procedures to keep our programs open to
all youth; Works with local groups to comply
with federal policies, procedures and laws.
Overall Rating
# Ratings
Overall Summary
Areas of strength:
Areas for improvement (required for all criterion rated less than successful):
Performance goals and professional development plans for next appraisal period:
Employee’s Comments
A formal performance review session was held on
Evaluator Signature
*Send copy to your director or final review/approval
Director Signature
Employee Signature
*Signature acknowledges you have received a copy of the evaluation.
Effective 2/2015
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