State of Water Statistics in Jamaica Regional Workshop on Water Accounting 16–18 July 2007 Santo Domingo 'Land of Wood and Water' • The Tainos, who inhabited Jamaica before the Spanish and the English, called the island 'Xaymaca' which means the 'Land of Wood and Water'. Legislation • The Water Resources Act of 1995 stated that 'It shall be the duty of the Water Resources Authority (WRA) to regulate, allocate, conserve and otherwise manage the water resources of Jamaica.' • The Jamaica Water Sector Policy 2004 states the responsibilities of the different agencies which provide water services. Legislation (cont’d) • NWC Act 1963 amended 2004 • Flood Control Act Linkages to other policies and Acts such as • the National Forest Management and Conservation Plan • the National Watershed Policy • the Office of Utilities Regulation Act 1995 • the National Irrigation Development Plan • the Ministry of Water and Housing Strategic Framework • the National Land Policy • the National Industrial Policy Water Resources Authority • Since April 1996, the Water Resources Authority (WRA) has had responsibility for the regulation, control and management of the nation’s water resources. • It is the sole water management agency in Jamaica. • Has responsibility for the allocation of water resources and oversees the withdrawal of ground water from over 640 wells across the island. Other Agencies • National Water Commission is responsible for the urban water supply throughout the island. It is also the largest provider of sewerage services. • National Irrigation Corporation is currently responsible for the operation of irrigation systems. • National Environment & Planning Agency is the environmental management agency and is responsible for monitoring water quality under its Watershed Branch. • The ministry responsible for water establishes the water policy along with the other water agencies. Simplified Water Resources Cycle Source: Caribbean Natural Resources Institute Water Issues • • • • • • • • • Competition for water sources Protection of surface water from pollution sources Groundwater contamination Unreliable and insufficient water supplies during the dry season Poor water quality at source High treatment costs Lack of convenient access to potable water by rural households Reliance on untreated water from streams and rivers by significant proportion of poor Resistance to increasing the price paid for water Environment Statistics 2005 and Water Some information in this publication: Watersheds Water balance Sources of water Freshwater consumption Water pollution Conservation measures Water standards Also includes other statistics relating to the environment. Water Balance Average Annual Water Balance, 1990 and 2005, million m3/year 1990 Rainfall Evapotranspiration Surface water runoff Groundwater discharge 2005 21,212 11,945 21,080 10,051 5,576 3,691 6,530 4,499 Exploitable Water Resources Reliable surface water yield Safe groundwater yield Total Water Demand Non-agricultural sector Agricultural sector Environmental flows Total Source: Water Resources Authority 666 3419 4085 1,490 3,725 5,215 231 363 682 – 913 439 510 1,312 Annual Water Production and Revenue by the NIC (2003/04–2005/06) Irrigation Location Water Produced(m 3 ) 2003/04 2004/05 Water Invoiced(m 3 ) 2005/06 2004/05 2005/06 Eastern Region Pumped 8,265,401 12,407,624 9,133,870 7,512,084 5,675,376 Canal flow 59,396,261 71,429,771 69,975,322 46,671,248 43,709,850 Total East Region 67,661,662 83,837,395 79,109,192 54,183,332 49,385,226 22,320,702 20,273,224 12,536,720 11,902,917 15,932,860 22,320,702 32,176,141 28,469,580 23,515,514 15,103,946 2,975,997 3,459,491 3,248,503 2,940,458 2,586,234 Pumped 33,562,101 36,140,340 24,919,093 23,365,556 River/Gravity Flow 59,396,261 83,332,688 85,908,182 43,709,850 Grand Total 92,958,362 119,473,028 110,827,275 Middle Region Pumped River Total Mid Region Western Region Pumped … 15,103,946 Overall Revenue J$m Source: National Irrigation Commission 80,639,304 67,075,406 128.3 110.6 Annual Water Demand by Sector, 2004 Irrigation 32.9% Environment 38.9% Industrial 7.0% Hotels 0.3% Source: Water Resources Authority Domestic 21.0% Data on Domestic Water 2004–2006 2004 Water Produced (megalitres) 2005 2006 280,308.0 296,454.1 294,384.0 94,729.0 94,415.7 95,318.0 400,102 410,286 418,347 Revenue ($M) 7,293.2 8,436.2 9,297.4 Non-revenue water 185,579 202,038 199,066 66.2 68.2 67.6 Consumption (megalitres) No. of Connections % Source: National Water Commission Wastewater • The NWC collects wastewater and sewage from over 600,000 customers across the island. • Wastewater is treated and used for irrigation and to cool electricity generating plants. • This data is not currently being collected. Water Use by Sector Estimated Economic Contribution and Water Use by Sector, 2005 Sector Unit Manufacturing Irrigated Agriculture Tourism Mining and Processing Other Services Residential Environment Total Direct Annual contribution Water Use to GDP 106 J$ billion m3/year 125 16 31 439 106 4 60 60 120 10 – 274 – 510 442 1,313 Source: Water Resources Authority Environment Protection Expenditure Objective of the EPE Survey • The aim of the EPE survey is to determine the annual cost of protecting the environment which is incurred by enterprises in selected sectors. In this survey, the environmental protection activities were classified into four domains as follows: • • • • Protection of surrounding air Wastewater management Solid waste management Protection of soil, ground water or surface water Expenditure on EPE, 2004 Percentage of Total Current Expenditure Spent Sector Environmental Domain Chemicals Food and Beverage Hotels All Sectors Protection of surrounding air 0.05 – – 0.02 Wastewater management 0.18 0.14 1.54 0.62 Solid waste management 0.24 0.26 0.37 0.29 – 0.01 – – Protection of soil, ground water & surface water Percentage of Total Capital Expenditure Spent Sector Environmental Domain Chemicals Food and Beverage Hotels All Sectors 0.34 1.56 – 0.63 Wastewater management – 0.70 1.62 0.77 Solid waste management – 0.10 0.46 0.19 0.34 – – 0.11 Protection of surrounding air Protection of soil, ground water & surface water National Accounts • National accounts are prepared in the central statistics office – the Statistical Institute of Jamaica. • The national accounts calculations are derived from volume of water produced & consumed and sales and revenue from the NWC. Data from private water suppliers are not now being included. • Sales of water for agriculture are included under agricultural services. • Jamaica is in the process of implementing the 1993 SNA and is preparing a supply/use table based on 2000 data. • There are no plans to implement environmental accounting. Gross Domestic Product by Industry in Producers' Values 2004–2006 Industry by Sub-sectors Current Prices 2004 2005 2006 p Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing 27,706.5 31,814.0 35,520.6 Mining and Quarrying 22,716.9 23,837.6 24,660.3 Manufacturing 68,489.7 76,158.7 84,030.4 18,584.4 24,084.2 28,096.3 14,320.6 18,873.5 n.a. 4,263.8 5,210.7 n.a. 53,289.2 61,078.4 65,984.8 105,139.4 120,279.4 133,822.9 T ransport, Storage and Communication 62,054.4 67,917.0 78,196.0 Financing and Insurance Services 34,671.0 38,217.5 42,498.9 Real Estate and Business Services 31,293.5 35,862.9 40,719.8 Producers of Government Services 61,611.9 64,968.0 74,732.5 Miscellaneous Services 35,732.4 39,129.9 45,167.5 2,554.9 3,031.0 3,380.6 24,431.0 26,848.0 30,772.2 499,413.2 559,530.6 626,038.4 41,395.4 45,499.8 n.a. 540,808.6 605,030.4 n.a. Elect ricit y and Wat er Electricity Light & Pow er W ater & Sanitation Services Construction and Installation Distributive T rade Household and Private Non-profit Institutions Less imputed bank service charges Tot al GDP at Current Prices Plus Value Added T ax Tot al GDP at Purchasers' Price Thank you.