Treatment of cultivated biological resources in SEEA-MFA 13th Meeting of the London Group on Environmental Accounting 29 September - 3 October 2008, Brussels, Belgium Karl Schoer, consultant UNSD Objective of this paper (a) to introduce a solution of the issue of “cultivated crops and trees” for the SEEA-MFA by following the principal line of the London Group conclusions; (b) to provide an improved presentation of the alternatives for dealing with cultivated crops and trees in MFA accounting; (c) and to present the implications of the proposed approach for other MFA modules. EW-MFA as a fully integrated sub-module of SEEA-MFA Category of material Inputs Flows within and from the economy to the economy from the environment and the ROW economy Outputs from the economy to the environment and the ROW economy Agricultural, fishery and related products Products Wood and wood produts EW-MFA Fosssil fuel and related products EW-MFA Metals and related product "Resource accounts" Non-metallic minerals and related products Water Other products EW-MFA EW-MFA Specific substances Natural inputs EW-MFA Water EW-MFA Air emissions Residuals EW-MFA Solid waste EW-MFA Water emissions Water Dissipative emissions Balancing items output side Covered by EW-MFA Covered by other modules Not covered by any module Not applicable EW-MFA "Emission accounts" Approaches for recording cultivation of biological resources Ecosystem approach Harvest approach Extended harvest "standard" approach Non-cultivated biological resources Non-cultivated biological resources Environmental input Environmental input Environmental input to the economy to the economy to the economy Cultivated biological resources Cultivated crops, plants and trees Intra-economy flow Environmental input Environmental input to the economy to the economy Ecosystem inputs for crops, plants and trees Environmental input to the economy Intra- environment flow Animal and aquatic resources Intra-economy flow Intra-economy flow Environmental input to the economy Ecosystem inputs for animal and aquatic resources Environmental input Environmental input to the economy to the economy Intra- environment flow Intra- environment flow Material flows of extraction of non-cultivated biological resources Other economy Extraction of non-cultivated biological resources Technical metabolism Environment Biological metabolism Fuels and other produced inputs Oxygen, etc. Raw materials Natural resources Waste, waste water, etc. Air emissions, waste, etc. By-catch of fishing etc. 12.0 Products Natural inputs Residuals Internal flows Material flows of plant cultivation: “ecosystem approach” Cultivation of plants Other economy Environment Technical metabolism Fuels and other produced inputs Biological metabolism 3.0 9.0 Oxygen and other natural inputs Carbon dioxide, water vapor Seed, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation water 11.2 Seed, fertilizers etc. 11.2 552.3 195.1 Used biomass increase 12.0 195.1 Carbon dioxide, natural water, soil minerals Used biomass increase Seed, fertilizers, pesticides, irrig. water (not incorporated) 7.0 Unused biomass increase Oxygen, water vapor Products Natural inputs Residuals Internal flows 160.0 201.4 Material flows of plant cultivation: “harvest approach” Cultivation of plants Other economy Environment Technical metabolism Fuels and other produced inputs Biological metabolism 3.0 9.0 Oxygen and other natural inputs Carbon dioxide, water vapor Seed, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation water 11.2 Seed, fertilizers etc. 11.2 552.3 195.1 Used biomass increase 12.0 195.1 Carbon dioxide, natural water, soil minerals Used biomass increase Seed, fertilizers, pesticides, irrig. water (not incorporated) 7.0 Unused biomass increase Oxygen, water vapor Products Natural inputs Residuals Internal flows 160.0 201.4 Approaches for recording material flows of plant cultication "Ecosystem approach" mn tons Inputs Outputs Product flows 14.2 11.2 3.0 Products Seed, fertilizers, pesticides etc. Other products Products Biomass increase (used) 195.1 195.1 Non-product flows Natural inputs Carbon dioxide, natural water, oil minerals biological metabolism Oxygen etc. to technical metabolism Total Inputs 561.3 552.3 Output to the environment Oxygen, water vapor from biolological metabolism Seed, fertilizers etc. from biological metabolism (not incorporated) Unused biomass increase from biological metabolism 9.0 Carbon dioxide, water vapor from technical metabolism 575.5 Total 380.4 201.4 7.0 160.0 12.0 575.5 "Harvest approach" Outputs Product flows Products Seed, fertilizers, pesticides etc. Other products 14.2 11.2 3.0 Products Biomass increase 195.1 195.1 Non-product flows Natural inputs Biomass increase ( used) from biological metabolism Oxygen etc. to technical metabolism Total Output to the environment Seed, fertilizers etc.(incorporated and not incorporated) from biological metabolism 9.0 Carbon dioxide, water vapor from technical metabolism 218.3 Total 195.1 195.1 23.2 11.2 12.0 218.3 Why Harvest approach as the standard? (a) Dominance of the biological metabolism for cultivation of crops, plants and trees (b) Harmonisation with EW-MFA (c) Analytical usefulness: ecosystem inputs are a much less meaningful indicator compared to crops and trees (d) Data availability Implications of using the “harvest approach” approach EW-MFA: Change in inventories in standing crops and timber have to be introduced to the current Eurostat reporting system (but indicators will exclude change in inventories of standing timber) Other SEEA-MFA modules: General: Only non-product flows related to biological metabolisms are affected, flows related technical metabolisms remain unchanged Module on agriculture: Focus on product flows and specific residual flows, but no complete mass balancing Module on forestry: Focus on product flows and specific residual flows, but no complete mass balancing Module on water: Direct take up of natural water by cultivated plants, crops and trees is not regarded Module on waste: Unused crop residues are not regarded as waste Questions to the London Group 1. Do you agree that EW-MFA should be designed as a fully integrated sub-module of SEEA-MFA (harmonization)? 2. Do you agree to use the “harvest approach” as the standard concept of SEEA-MFA for reporting the material flows of cultivation of biological resources? 3. Do you agree to use the “ecosystem approach” and the “extended harvest approach” as additional concepts of SEEA-MFA in order to meet specific circumstances or specific analytical requirements?