Fisheries accounts, a summary of current work in New Zealand and Australia Paper for 12th Meeting of the London group on Environmental Accounting Rome, 17-19 December 2007 Jane Harkness and David Bain Presentation Jane Harkness – Statistics New Zealand Peter Comisari – Australian Bureau of Statistics Fish Monetary Stock Account New Zealand Jane Harkness Overview • Background – Fish Monetary Stock Account – Quota Management System QMS • Data and Methods – Issues • Results • Questions Overview • Asset value of New Zealand’s commercial fish resource Exclusions • • • • Recreational catch Customary fishing Aquaculture Non QMS species The Quota Management System • Began in 1986 – In 1986 the QMS managed 27 species – In 2006 the QMS managed 94 species • Theoretical benefits of the system – Sustainable use of resources – Economic efficiency The Fisheries Management Areas • Species are managed in Quota Management Areas • 10 Fisheries Management Areas FMAs hoki HOK has one QMA cardinal fish CDL has 10 Quota Management Areas Snapper QMA TACC SNA1 4500 SNA2 315 SNA3 32 SNA7 200 SNA8 1300 Total 6347 Management Mechanisms • Quota representing shares for a species in a Quota Management Area • Total Allowable Commercial Catch TACC is set annually • The Quota holding generates an Annual Catch Entitlement ACE (after 2001) Quota shares, TACC and ACE JMA7 has 100 million quota shares. ▼ J Fisher owns 10,000 quota shares or 0.01 percent of the JMA7 fish stock. ▼ On 1 October, J Fisher’s shares generate ACE. ▼ The TACC for JMA7 is set at 32,000 tonnes, therefore 1 share = 0.32kg. ▼ J Fisher’s 10,000 quota shares generate 3,200kg of ACE. ▼ J Fisher can catch, or sell the right to harvest, 3.2 tonnes of JMA7 in that year. Data & Methods Data components – Quota – ACE – Annual Catch Entitlement – TACC – Total Allowable Commercial Catch – Catch statistics Data & Methods • Ministry of Fisheries administer the QMS and assist in interpretation of data • Data supply – Supplied by FishServe – Trades of Quota and ACE must be registered – TACC also supplied Initial Methodology: Fish Monetary Stock Account 1996-2003 • Asset value = Quota x TACC • Missing values could be modelled • Modelled values < 5% of valuation Declining number of Quota trades Quota and Ace values for Snapper 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Quota 99558 102927 72211 66771 80783 96198 105222 117954 113293 102243 82207 SNA1 ACE NA NA NA NA NA NA 7941 7603 7088 5533 7203 SNA2 Quota 86423 47214 59025 70148 66309 50241 ACE NA NA NA NA NA NA SNA3 Quota ACE - 3742 2300 5980 2999 2300 NA NA NA NA NA NA - 89517 5924 - 82800 - 8011 7453 5423 5884 - 2848 - 221 - - 2055 2446 2395 643 19 SNA7 Quota 90707 16118 19060 35691 12022 41400 40595 47265 ACE NA NA NA NA NA NA 1489 839 SNA8 Quota 90569 67970 64294 66505 47546 78839 100004 77648 ACE NA NA NA NA NA NA 4493 5497 Note: values are for demonstration only 6535 - 96034 6042 6150 Change in Methodology: Fish Monetary Stock Account 1996-2006 • Previously Quota x TACC • Decreasing Quota trades → Increase in modelling • Now ACE trades used as approximation of resource rent RR • Quota x TACC + NPV • Assumptions Net Present Value p tQ t Vt r • Where – – – – Vt value of the asset at time t pt unit rent price of fish at time t Qt quantity of fish catch during time t r the discount rate Illustration of results Species Quota m anagem ent area Year Valuation Quota ACE derived Source of transfer transfer from Discount final value per value per TACC discounted rate valuation tonne tonne ACE values figures (NZ$) (NZ$) (NZ$ m illions) Final valuation (NZ$ m illions) Hoki HOK1 1996 2674 .. 240000 quota values 642 Hoki HOK1 1997 2224 .. 250000 quota values 556 Hoki HOK1 1998 1590 .. 250000 quota values 398 Hoki HOK1 1999 2321 .. 250000 quota values 580 Hoki HOK1 2000 2047 .. 250000 quota values 512 Hoki HOK1 2001 3891 .. 250000 quota values 973 Hoki HOK1 2002 3499 331 0.09 200000 735 quota values 700 Hoki HOK1 2003 4076 337 0.09 200000 749 quota values 815 Hoki HOK1 2004 .. 348 0.09 180000 695 ACE values 695 Hoki HOK1 2005 .. 487 0.09 100000 541 ACE values 541 Hoki HOK1 2006 6268 525 0.09 100000 583 quota values 627 Sym bol: .. not available Issues • Choice of discount rate • Reliability of price information • Comparability of alternate methods for estimating resource rent Results Total Asset Value of New Zealand’s Commercial Fish Resource 1996 – 2006 September Years 4,500 $million Tonnes 900,000 4,000 800,000 3,500 700,000 3,000 600,000 2,500 500,000 2,000 400,000 1,500 300,000 1,000 200,000 500 100,000 0 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Total asset value 2002 2003 Total TACC 2004 2005 2006 Results by species New Zealand’s Commercial Fish Resource 1996-2006 September years (NZ$ million) Species 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Hoki 642 556 398 580 512 973 700 815 695 541 627 Rock lobster 368 376 407 374 465 447 591 689 644 585 612 Paua 143 195 208 193 255 245 260 328 355 379 366 Arrow squid 167 140 76 136 132 81 52 103 240 138 298 Orange roughy 233 262 194 208 197 157 237 225 324 300 277 All other species 1188 1197 1002 1109 1081 1195 1346 1441 1607 1788 1646 Total 2740 2726 2285 2600 2641 3097 3185 3601 3866 3730 3825 Future developments • Account will be produced regularly • Feasibility of publication at QMA rather than species level • Data consistency Fish Accounts Peter Comisari London Group Meeting, December 2007 Fish Accounts: relevant standards • 1993 SNA • SEEA - SEEAF 1993 SNA • SNA Fish resources fall into 2 categories: – non-financial produced assets (aquaculture) – non-financial, non-produced, tangible assets (wild fish stocks) SNA Fish resources • Aquaculture – fish treated as inventories (for harvest) or produced assets (for breeding) – value of natural growth treated as an addition to economic output, as it occurs • growth may occur over a number of accounting periods SNA Fish resources • Wild fish stocks – only includes fish stock where ownership rights established/enforced – ownership of certain straddling or migratory fish stocks not enforced • excluded from SNA assets – fish must be capable of bringing economic benefits SNA Fish resources • Range of potential production uses: – commercial wild-fish catch – commercial aquaculture – ornamental fish collection – recreational fishing – traditional/customary fishing – ‘ecotourism’ • In practice, measure only production and stocks of aquaculture and wild-fish catch Draft SNA93rev.1 Fish resources • Extends scope to fish stocks on the high sea subject to international agreement on how much individual countries can catch – include only those stocks currently exploited, or likely to be exploited in near future SEEA • Takes a broader view of measuring fish than SNA – ‘all measureable environmental entities of interest’ – no need to be ‘economic’ or owned – in practice, tends to cover same stocks as SNA SEEA - fish • Fish are ‘aquatic resources’, part of ‘biological resources’ • Aquatic resources – Cultivated (SNA ‘produced’) • for harvest • for breeding – Non-cultivated (SNA ‘non-produced’) SEEA – costs of depletion etc. • SEEA allows costs of depletion and degradation to be incorporated into measures of production and income • SNA measures these effects in the Other changes in volume of assets account Valuing fish depletion Depletion of a renewable resource? Propose: value of net natural growth is output stock value decline due to harvest is depletion (CONC) adjusted measures of output, income etc. Aim: to better indicate sustainability of income stream derived from fishing Valuing fish depletion using SNA accounts as a template ƒ value of net natural growth recorded as 'other non-market output' in the Production account ƒ value of harvest recorded as 'consumption of natural capital‘ (depletion) in Production account ƒ 'excess' position represents an addition to (or subtraction from) value added ƒ operating surplus & saving change by 'excess' amount in income accounts ƒ additions and ‘disposals’ of non-produced nonfinancial assets recorded in Capital account ƒ net lending is unchanged